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LaMothe  Ryan 《Pastoral Psychology》1999,47(5):373-388
This essay describes the relationship between psychological trauma, psychosocial development and faith. I delineate four phases of development, each possessing particular psychosocial needs, achievements, and capacities. In addition, each phase includes specific ways of organizing experience and relating to objects in terms of the dynamics of trust-distrust and loyalty-disloyalty. Thus, trust-distrust and loyalty-disloyalty hold different meanings and functions in each phase. Throughout these phases, primary and secondary transitional objects provide persons with safe objects to recognize and work through the meanings and affects associated with changes in beliefs about and experiences of trust-distrust and loyalty-disloyalty. I suggest that trauma impacts phase specific capacities and achievements consequently disrupting one's ability to organize and relate to objects in terms of the dynamics of faith. Pastoral Care and Counseling  相似文献   

Evolution of the relationship between counseling and spirituality since 1840 is examined in terms of the number of publications that have appeared over time that include these terms. The author retrieved the data using the American Psychological Association's PsycINFO database. A similar search was done adding the term training. The rise of behaviorism and cognitive psychology is discussed as possible explanations for the absence of a discussion of spirituality in the early psychological literature. A. H. Maslow's (1969a, 1969b; Association for Transpersonal Psychology, n.d.) work; the evolution of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling; and multiculturalism are suggested as possible influences on the growth in the number of publications on spiritual and counseling issues over the last 30 years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe how the dimension of spirituality can be added to an existing counseling theory, multimodal therapy (MMT; A. A. Lazarus, 1984), to provide counselors with a practical approach to incorporating clients' religious and spiritual beliefs in the counseling process. An explanation of MMT is given, as well as its supporting research. The context of spirituality in counseling is discussed, and the process by which it can be integrated into the MMT model is explained. Two case studies are described to demonstrate how spiritual issues can be assessed and used to strengthen the counseling process. Finally, implications for counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence points to the important role of spirituality in treating medical and psychological conditions. The authors suggest that spirituality is a 5th force in counseling and psychology. Consequently, the assessment of spirituality is a new and growing area of interest for counselors. Assessment can assist both the counselor and client in obtaining a better understanding of the role of spirituality in the issues that bring the client to counseling and in designing treatment interventions appropriate for resolution of those issues. Selected instruments currently in use are described and their psychometric properties and potential uses are examined.  相似文献   

African American culture is rich with religious and spiritual traditions and practices that largely have been ignored in traditional approaches to counseling with this population. The purpose of this article is to describe the religious and spiritual dimensions of African American culture and to offer strategies for incorporating them into counseling African American clients.  相似文献   

Rationality is very seductive. With our cognitive ability we are tempted to explore the world and reality. We hypothesize and theorize and we acquire the confidence that through this avenue we can capture reality. Nature however ignores our attempt and moves on leaving us in the despair of alienation. Jung invites us to move beyond our desire to capture reality. Jung invites us to the art of listening because nature seeks to direct. And the direction seems to point, suggests Jung, toward the path of spirituality.  相似文献   

The authors review the professional literature related to spirituality and ethics in counseling. The American Counseling Association's (1995, 2005) code of ethics was used as a basis for exploring the possibilities and limits/boundaries appropriate for discussion of spirituality in counseling. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce the content taught by the second author in a class titled “Spirituality and Counseling” and to evaluate its effectiveness in increasing students' confidence in integrating spirituality in counseling. Specific interventions taught included the focusing method, a forgiveness model, the prayer wheel, and meditation. Results of the pilot study are reported, and implications for future classes are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors present historical and current accounts of the counseling profession in Thailand. In addition to the influences of Buddhism on counselor training and practices, professional issues such as licensure, professional organizations, and the relationship between counselors and other mental health professionals are summarized. The role of counselors in recent political and natural disasters is highlighted, along with the importance of adapting Western counselor training and service practices to better meet the needs of the Thai population.  相似文献   

Although current research indicates that psychotherapeutic change both affects and is affected by spiritual concerns, relatively little is known about the degree to which spirituality is used as an intervention in counseling and how it is perceived by clients and mental health professionals. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of clients and professionals regarding the use of spirituality in counseling. The results suggest that more professionals may be using spirituality in counseling than has previously been reported.  相似文献   

Although the basic goal and components of genetic counseling appears to be the same across the globe, judged by my experiences there are significant differences in the provision of genetic counseling services in Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) and India. There is poor recognition of the professional status of a genetic counselor in India at present. This may be partly because genetic counseling itself is a relatively new discipline within the medical field in India, although some types of genetic services and research have been conducted since 1960s. In this paper, I aim to provide insight from my personal transnational experiences.  相似文献   

This article presents a limited number of findings from a larger research project that explores spiritual themes related to the experience of homelessness as reported by 16 research participants following their residence in a 90-day emergency shelter program in Los Angeles County, California. By utilizing interpretive phenomenological analysis, the study focuses solely on three spiritual themes present in the experience of homelessness. Participants noted experiencing the presence of hope and motivation while homeless, the challenges of coping with the homeless stigma, and times in which they felt (and did not feel) “human.” Implications for pastoral counselors and others offering spiritually-integrated counsel in the context of homelessness are discussed.  相似文献   

Revolution, from a sociological perspective, requires more than a full acceptance of behavioral techniques and applications by counselors. What the behaviorists have contributed is not a revolutionary stance but a newly coherent set of strategies for dealing with client problems. It is still the client who is encouraged to acquire behaviors more consistent with the immediate social milieu rather than the reverse—It is easier to fit the individual into the existing social order than to confront and change the social order. A revolution would entail taking on society as the client, and then developing and applying efficacious change strategies to social structures.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Craig S. Cashwell and J. Scott Young, Eds. (2005). Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice.  相似文献   

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