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Adaptation of a commercially available timer for use as a means of operating an audio tape recorder several times during the day is described. Data on a mother's rates of commanding her children were collected via both physically present observer and recorder methods in order to compare the usefulness of the recordings with direct observation. There was a high positive relationship between observer-recorder command rates, with the observer rates being consistently higher, when data were collected via both methods simultaneously as well as at different points in time.  相似文献   

A chain of subject-initiated toileting behavior was established and maintained in three enuretic and encopretic profoundly retarded adults through the use of an automatic device which both monitored eliminations and dispensed candy reinforcers. When the device reinforced elimination, the incidence of urinations and defecations in clothing was sharply reduced in each subject, while the frequency of appropriate toileting behavior increased. With the device nonoperative (extinction), the behavior relapsed toward pretraining levels. In reconditioning, with the device again functional, post-training levels were re-established. The device was reliable and was seen to eliminate many of the difficulties inherent in toilet training.  相似文献   

The difficulty of recording rodent ultrasonic vocalizations simultaneously with other behavior patterns has been overcome by the use of the apparatus described. The electronic circuitry automatically digitally codes specified frequencies of rodent ultrasounds on a behavioral recording device. A reliability study of its performance in recording vocalizations of copulating Mongolian gerbils, during experimental tests, is also described.  相似文献   

A device for automatic recording of a mouse positional behavior within a circular corridor-like cage is described. The animal’s position is successfully monitored by capacitor detection and its time spent at each position measured; the results are punched on the paper tape as binary coded numbers, and the data are processed off-line by a general-purpose computer.  相似文献   

A system designed for use in complex operant conditioning experiments is described. Some of its key features are: (a) plugboards that permit the experimenter to change either from one program to another or from one analysis to another in less than a minute, (b) time-sharing of permanently-wired, electronic logic components, (c) recordings suitable for automatic analyses. Included are flow diagrams of the system and sample logic diagrams for programming experiments and for analyzing data.  相似文献   

The use of driving simulation for vehicle design and driver perception studies is expanding rapidly. This is largely because simulation saves engineering time and costs, and can be used for studies of road and traffic safety. How applicable driving simulation is to the real world is unclear however, because analyses of perceptual criteria carried out in driving simulation experiments are controversial. On the one hand, recent data suggest that, in driving simulators with a large field of view, longitudinal speed can be estimated correctly from visual information. On the other hand, recent psychophysical studies have revealed an unexpectedly important contribution of vestibular cues in distance perception and steering, prompting a re-evaluation of the role of visuo-vestibular interaction in driving simulation studies.  相似文献   

We describe the design and evaluation of an electronic system for the automatic recording of motor activity in rats. The device continually locates the position of a rat inside a transparent acrylic cube (50 cm/side) with infrared sensors arranged on its walls so as to correspond to the x-, y-, and z-axes. The system is governed by two microcontrollers. The raw data are saved in a text file within a secure digital memory card, and offline analyses are performed with a library of programs that automatically compute several parameters based on the sequence of coordinates and the time of occurrence of each movement. Four analyses can be made at specified time intervals: traveled distance (cm), movement speed (cm/s), time spent in vertical exploration (s), and thigmotaxis (%). In addition, three analyses are made for the total duration of the experiment: time spent at each xy coordinate pair (min), time spent on vertical exploration at each xy coordinate pair (s), and frequency distribution of vertical exploration episodes of distinct durations. User profiles of frequently analyzed parameters may be created and saved for future experimental analyses, thus obtaining a full set of analyses for a group of rats in a short time. The performance of the developed system was assessed by recording the spontaneous motor activity of six rats, while their behaviors were simultaneously videotaped for manual analysis by two trained observers. A high and significant correlation was found between the values measured by the electronic system and by the observers.  相似文献   

A package of programs demonstrating psychology experiments widely cited in perception and cognitive psychology textbooks is described. The programs are suitable for laboratory research projects and in-class demonstrations. An attractive feature of the programs is that they have provisions for changing experimental parameters to allow students to design different experiments from the original programs. Iconic memory, memory scanning (using the additive factors approach), lexical decision, target detection, speeded classification, picture recognition/picture memory, and the Phi phenomenon can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A computer system designed to control the delivery of stimuli and data acquisition during behavioral conditioning and neural recording experiments is described. This IBM-PC-compatible system is programmed in C++ and is capable of controlling stimulus presentations to four independently operating conditioning chambers while collecting one channel of analog and two channels of digital data from each of the chambers. This system is currently being used in a variety of learning and memory experiments involving rats, rabbits, and humans.  相似文献   

The photoneuromime is a simple electronic device that produces frequency-modulated pulses resembling neural spike trains in response to light modulation. It simulates the linear behavior of cat retinal ganglion X-cell receptive field centers and was designed for testing computer programs that track sensitivity to patterns generated on a raster-scan CRT. Besides providing a convenient means for testing computer programs and recording apparatus, which previously required the use of a live preparation, the neuromime is also a valuable teaching tool in sensory psychology and neuroscience.  相似文献   

Apparatus for recording manual target pointing localizations is described. The device, utilizing a position transducer and digital voltmeter, is capable of determining the position of either manual limb when localizing visual and/or auditory targets. The pointing localizations involve naturalistic limb movements made in a relatively unrestricted manner. The apparatus has the advantages of rapid accurate measurement, reliability, ease of reading, and the potential for automatic recording. When used for research involving adaptation to sensory rearrangement, there is the further advantage that the dependent measures are obtained in the same context as during exposure to the rearrangement.  相似文献   

A device for rapid recording of positioning responses is described. It utilizes an extremely simple, low-cost position transducer and two digital voltmeters or their equivalent. The device has the advantages of rapid, accurate measurement, reliability, ease of reading, and the potential for automatic recording of positional data in two dimensions.  相似文献   

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