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The perception of continuously repeating auditory patterns by European starlings was explored in seven experiments. In Experiment 1, 4 starlings learned to discriminate between two continuously repeating, eight-element, auditory patterns. Each eight-element pattern was constructed from different temporal organizations of two elements differing in timbre. In Experiments 2–7, the repeating patterns were transformed in ways designed to identify the starlings’ perceptual organization of the patterns. In Experiment 2, the starlings identified patterns beginning with novel starting points. In Experiment 3, discrimination performance was adversely affected by reorganizing the elements in the patterns. In Experiments 4 and 5, the pattern elements were altered. In Experiment 4, the patterns were constructed from two novel elements. In Experiment 5, the temporal location of the two pattern elements was reversed. The transformations of the patterns in Experiments 4 and 5 affected discrimination performance for some, but not all, of the starlings. In Experiments 6 and 7, replacing either of the two elements with silent intervals had no effect on discrimination performance. The results of these experiments identify basic grouping principles that starlings use when they perceive auditory patterns.  相似文献   

In a study of perceptual synchronization with an isochronic sequence, subjects were given the following task: They heard an isochronic sequence of tones in which the last interval was either correct or too long. Their task was to detect irregularity. The independent variables were the number of tones heard and the time interval between them. The dependent variable was the difference limen (DL) for the detectability of the irregularity. Two experiments were performed in this study, differing in the way in which the trials were blocked: In Experiment 1, stimuli with the same period were presented in blocks, whereas in Experiment 2, the period of the stimulus was randomized. The results show that in Experiment 1 the number of tones in the stimulus did not affect the detectability of the anisochrony. In Experiment 2, the number of the DL was a decreasing function of the number of tones heard. Moreover, the decrease of the DL was larger than one would expect from a simple model of information integration, which assumes that subjects improve their performance by averaging their percepts of the first intervals in the sequence. The difference between this task and experiments on the discrimination of temporal intervals is discussed.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in the study of spatial perception concerns whether and how vision might acquire information about the metric structure of surfaces in three-dimensional space from motion and from stereopsis. Theoretical analyses have indicated that stereoscopic perceptions of metric relations in depth require additional information about egocentric viewing distance; and recent experiments by James Todd and his colleagues have indicated that vision acquires only affine but not metric structure from motion--that is, spatial relations ambiguous with regard to scale in depth. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the metric shape of planar stereoscopic forms might be perceived from congruence under planar rotation. In Experiment 1, observers discriminated between similar planar shapes (ellipses) rotating in a plane with varying slant from the frontal-parallel plane. Experimental conditions varied the presence versus absence of binocular disparities, magnification of the disparity scale, and moving versus stationary patterns. Shape discriminations were accurate in all conditions with moving patterns and were near chance in conditions with stationary patterns; neither the presence nor the magnification of binocular disparities had any reliable effect. In Experiment 2, accuracy decreased as the range of rotation decreased from 80 degrees to 10 degrees. In Experiment 3, small deviations from planarity of the motion produced large decrements in accuracy. In contrast with the critical role of motion in shape discrimination, motion hindered discriminations of the binocular disparity scale in Experiment 4. In general, planar motion provides an intrinsic metric scale that is independent of slant in depth and of the scale of binocular disparities. Vision is sensitive to this intrinsic optical metric.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in the study of spatial perception concerns whether and how vision might acquire information about the metric structure of surfaces in three-dimensional space from motion and from stereopsis. Theoretical analyses have indicated that stereoscopic perceptions of metric relations in depth require additional information about egocentric viewing distance; and recent experiments by James Todd and his colleagues have indicated that vision acquires only affine but not metric structure from motion—that is, spatial relations ambiguous with regard to scale in depth. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the metric shape of planar stereoscopic forms might be perceived from congruence under planar rotation. In Experiment 1, observers discriminated between similar planar shapes (ellipses) rotating in a plane with varying slant from the frontal-parallel plane. Experimental conditions varied the presence versus absence of binocular disparities, magnification of the disparity scale, and moving versus stationary patterns. Shape discriminations were accurate in all conditions with moving patterns and were near chance in conditions with stationary patterns; neither the presence nor the magnification of binocular disparities had any reliable effect. In Experiment 2, accuracy decreased as the range of rotation decreased from 80° to 10°. In Experiment 3, small deviations from planarity of the motion produced large decrements in accuracy. In contrast with the critical role of motion in shape discrimination, motion hindered discriminations of the binocular disparity scale in Experiment 4. In general, planar motion provides an intrinsic metric scale that is independent of slant in depth and of the scale of binocular disparities. Vision is sensitive to this intrinsic optical metric.  相似文献   

Experiments to examine the effects of aging on the ability to identify temporal durations in an absolute identification task are reported. In Experiment 1, older adults were worse than younger adults in identifying a tone's position within a series of 6 tones of varied durations. In Experiment 2, participants were required to identify a tone's position in 9 tones of varied durations. Older adults' performance was again worse than that of younger adults; moreover, they showed a qualitatively different pattern of errors than younger adults. In Experiment 3, in which the tones varied in pitch, the performance of older adults was worse than that of younger adults, but the error patterns of the 2 groups were similar. The results suggest that older adults have distorted memory representations for durations but not for pitch.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats were trained in a symbolic delayed matching-to-sample task with a 0-s delay to discriminate sample stimuli that consisted of sequences of tone bursts. For one group, sequences varied in number with total sequence duration controlled. For the other group, total sequence duration, sum of the tone durations, and sum of the gap durations were all controlled. The former group of rats acquired the discrimination, but the latter group of rats were not able to learn the discrimination with the additional temporal cues controlled. Retention functions for the group that acquired the discrimination exhibited a choose-many bias at the 1-s delay and a choose-few bias at the 8-s delay regardless of the similarity in the intertrial interval and delay interval illumination condition. The asymmetrical retention functions appeared to be due to instructional ambiguity which resulted from the similarity of the delay interval to temporal features of the tone burst sequence, such as the gap between tone bursts and the total duration of tone. In Experiment 2, diagnostic tests provided evidence that rats discriminated the sequences of tone bursts by timing and summing the duration of individual tone bursts rather than using an event switch to count tones. Like pigeons, rats use multiple temporal features rather than number to discriminate sequences of successive events.  相似文献   

In four experiments, the predictions of an expectancy/contrast model (Jones & Boltz, 1989) for judged duration were evaluated. In Experiments 1 and 2, listeners estimated the relative durations of auditory pattern pairs that varied in contextual phrasing and temporal contrast. The results showed that when the second pattern of a pair either seems to (Experiments 1 and 2) or actually does (Experiment 2) end earlier (later)than the first, subjects judge it as being relatively shorter (longer). In Experiment 3, listeners heard single patterns in which notes immediately preceding the final one were omitted. Timing of the final (target) tone was varied such that it was one beat early, on time, or one beat late. Listeners’ ratings of target tones revealed systematic effects of phrasing and target timing. In Experiment 4, listeners temporally completed (extrapolated) sequences of Experiment 3 that were modified to exclude the target tone. The results again showed that phrase context systematically influenced expectancies about “when” sequences should end. As a set, these studies demonstrate the effects of event structure and anticipatory attending upon experienced duration and are discussed in terms of the expectancy/contrast model.  相似文献   

Subjects judged the loudness of tones (Experiment 1) and of bursts of noise (Experiment 2) that varied in intensity and duration as well as in mode of presentation (monaural vs. binaural). Both monaural and binaural loudness, for both types of signals, obeyed the bilinear-interaction prediction of the classic temporal integration model. The loudness of short tones grows as a power function of both intensity and duration with different exponents for the two factors (.2 and .3, respectively). The loudness of wide-band noises grows as a power function of duration (with an exponent of approximately .6) but not of sound pressure. For tones, binaural summation was constant but fell short of full additivity. For noises, summation changed across level and duration. Temporal summation followed the same course for monaural and binaural tonal stimuli but not for noise stimuli. Notwithstanding these differences between tone and noise, we concluded that binaural and temporal summation are independently operating integrative networks within the auditory system. The usefulness of establishing the underlying metric structure for temporal summation is emphasized.  相似文献   

Temporal integration has been cited as a major factor in temporal masking. Two experiments were designed to examine the conditions under which temporal integration may aid or hinder the perception of vibrotactile spatial patterns. In Experiment 1, the subject’s task was to discriminate between pairs of patterns. Each pattern was composed of two temporally separated pattern elements. When the task required the subjects to perceive the individual pattern elements, performance improved with temporal isolation—that is, performance improved as the temporal separation between the elements increased. In a second task, when the discrimination could be based on either the overall pattern shape or the pattern elements, temporal integration appeared to improve performance—that is, performance improved as the temporal separation decreased. In Experiment 2, an identification task was used. Several factors appeared to determine whether temporal integration aided or hindered pattern identification. When pattern elements similar to those in Experiment 1 were tested, performance improved with increasing temporal separation (isolation). A single function was fit to the discrimination (isolation) and identification (isolation) results. Whether temporal integration aids or hinders pattern perception appears to depend on pattern shape, the pattern elements, and the nature of the task.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of variations in melodic rule structure and rhythm upon the ability of musically sophisticated listeners to reproduce auditory patterns. These experiments were designed to evaluate different theoretical perspectives on auditory pattern perception and the role of rule structure in perceiving and remembering. Predictions of a coding model, which emphasizes the impact of rule recursion, were contrasted with those of an accent model, which emphasizes the relative timing of melodic and temporal accents. Effects of recursive (hierarchical) and nonrecursive (linear) rule arrangements were studied in contexts where pattern contour differences were controlled for. Rhythm was also varied. Measured pauses were inserted between certain tones to make a rhythm compatible or incompatible with melodic rule phrases. Experiment 1 showed that pattern simplicity was determined not by rule recursive codes, but by the number and timing of contour changes and melodic rule breaks. Experiment 2 examined additional effects of rhythm on listeners' response to rule recursion and melodic phrasing in melodies of equivalent contour. Although modest effects of rule recursion appeared, these effects were again outweighed by large performance differences due to the relative timing of changes in contour and melodic rule structure. Implications of the accent model for dynamic attending are discussed in the context of a new proposal involving temporal phasing of accents.  相似文献   

Both discrimination and identification tasks have been used to assess subjects' abilities to perceive vibratory spatial patterns presented to the skin. The present study examined discrimination and identification performance under comparable conditions. In Experiment 1, subjects attempted to discriminate a pair of patterns on some blocks of trials and to identify both members of a pair on other blocks. For both tasks, the time between the members of the pair was varied. Discrimination performance could be predicted accurately from identification data. Analysis of performance on identification trials indicated that subjects used discriminability information to identify pairs. In Experiment 2, discrimination and identification were compared when the temporal separation between patterns was fixed and a masking stimulus followed each pattern after a variable delay. Results suggest that temporal masking, rather than the time available for processing pattern information, is the major limitation in both discrimination and identification of sequences of tactile patterns.  相似文献   

Varying the location of a nontemporal task during a time estimation task affects temporal estimates. Previous studies have also shown that manipulating the location of a stimulus to ignore may disturb timing similarly, suggesting that the effect might be independent of the processing requirements in the nontemporal task. In Experiment 1, the location of a tone varied during a 2-sec interval production; participants were asked either to ignore the tone or to discriminate its frequency. Productions were longer when the tone was presented later, but only when it was processed. In Experiment 2, short and long tones corresponding to more or less difficult discrimination tasks were used. The location effect was stronger and remained stronger throughout the experiment when participants were tested with the short tone in the first experimental session than when they were tested with the long tone first. These results suggest that timing is influenced by relatively stable attention-sharing strategies.  相似文献   

Subjects recalled nonrandom digit sequences according to either (a) free recall or (b) a serial recall mode in a series of three studies. Sequential structure was varied with specific rules determining higher-order structure of either (a) arithmetic, (b) symmetrical, or (c) haphazard types. In Experiment I, 18 temporal patterns of 12 digits each were presented visually. Although symmetric patterns were easier than the other two pattern types, this superiority was not determined by recall mode. In Experiment II, 6 temporal patterns of 18 digits each were presented visually, with results similar to those of Experiment I. Auditory patterns equivalent to those of Experiment II were presented in Experiment III. In this study, although the free recall mode produced slightly superior recall with symmetrical sequences, this difference was not statistically significant. It was concluded that superior memory for symmetries cannot be wholly accounted for by organizational strategies made possible by a free recall mode.  相似文献   

Studies in auditory timing: 1. Simple patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Listeners' accuracy in discriminating one temporal pattern from another was measured in three psychophysical experiments. When the standard pattern consisted of equally timed (isochronic) brief tones, whose interonset intervals (IOIs) were 50, 100, or 200 msec, the accuracy in detecting an asynchrony or deviation of one tone in the sequence was about as would be predicted from older research on the discrimination of single time intervals (6%-8% at an IOI of 200 msec, 11%-12% at an IOI of 100 msec, and almost 20% at an IOI of 50 msec). In a series of 6 or 10 tones, this accuracy was independent of position of delay for IOIs of 100 and 200 msec. At 50 msec, however, accuracy depended on position, being worst in initial positions and best in final positions. When one tone in a series of six has a frequency different from the others, there is some evidence (at IOI = 200 msec) that interval discrimination is relatively poorer for the tone with the different frequency. Similarly, even if all tones have the same frequency but one interval in the series is made twice as long as the others, temporal discrimination is poorer for the tones bordering the longer interval, although this result is dependent on tempo or IOI. Results with these temporally more complex patterns may be interpreted in part by applying the relative Weber ratio to the intervals before and after the delayed tone. Alternatively, these experiments may show the influence of accent on the temporal discrimination of individual tones.  相似文献   

When a temporal gap is bounded by a light and a tone, gap detection performance as a function of gap duration is well described by a simple model which characterizes the discrimination as a purely temporal one. When the gap is bounded by two tones, performance is superior and seems to depend on the frequency difference between the tones, but is not well described by the same model. It is suggested that the light-tone performance represents the operation of a central temporal discrimination mechanism, while the tone-tone cases represent the use by Os of nontemporal cues originating in the peripheral auditory system.  相似文献   

In two experiments, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded while subjects performed a simultaneous detection and recognition task. Ten subjects listened to pure tones in noise and reported both whether a target tone had occurred (using a four-category confidence rating scale) and whether the target was one of two (Experiment 1) or four (Experiment 2) tones differing in frequency. The amplitudes of three ERP components were found to be differentially related to detection and recognition performance. The early N100 component varied with processing related only to detection, while the late P300 varied with both detection and recognition, and a later slow positive shift varied only with recognition and not with detection. While the latenciee of both N100 and P300 increased for less confident target detections, there were no differences in the latencies of these ERP components between correctly and incorrectly identiffed targets. Recognition performance was above the level expected by chance even when subjects reported that no target had been presented. The results indicate that brain potential components can be used to disclose temporal features of the processing of a stimulus by the nervous system and support the view that detection and recognition are partially independent, concurrent processes in perception.  相似文献   

H C Nothdurft 《Perception》1985,14(5):539-543
Arrays of figural elements differing in certain features ('textons') may be visually segregated to yield the impression of a global figure of different texture. This fact was used to construct texture patterns of a higher level of complexity. In microstructure, these patterns reveal regular arrays of distinguishable figural elements, the segregation of which can be predicted from previous studies of human texture sensitivity. In macrostructure, clusters of such elements form new figural elements which, when repeated over space, themselves give the impression of texture at a perceptually higher level. Discrimination of such macrostructure textures was found to place similar restrictions on the form of figural elements as those of texture discrimination at the microstructure level.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the learning of a culturally unfamiliar musical rhythm, leading to the development of temporal expectations, and it explored the potential for generalization across tempi and tasks. With that aim, we adapted the serial reaction time task to examine the learning of temporal structures by an indirect method. The temporal pattern employed was based on a complex interval ratio (2:3) and compared to one based on a simple interval ratio (1:2). In the exposure phase, non-musician participants performed a two-choice speeded discrimination task that required responding by key press to each event of the simple or complex auditory pattern. Participants were not informed about the temporal regularities; their task solely concerned the discrimination task. During exposure (Experiments 1–3), response times decreased over time for both temporal patterns, but particularly for the events following the longer interval of the more complex 2:3 pattern. Exposure further influenced performance in subsequent testing phases, notably the precision of tap timing in a production task (Experiment 2) and temporal expectations in a perception task (Experiment 3). Our findings promote the new paradigm introduced here as a method to investigate the learning of temporal structures.  相似文献   

Nosofsky (1983) reported that additional stimulus presentations within a trial increase discriminability in absolute identification, suggesting that each presentation creates an independent stimulus representation, but it remains unclear whether exposure duration or the formation of independent representations improves discrimination in such conditions. Experiment 1 replicated Nosofsky's result. Experiments 2 (masking the ISI between two-presentations) and 3 (manipulating stimulus duration without changing number of presentations or overall trial duration) ruled out an explanation in terms of extended opportunities for stimulus sampling, from either a sensory buffer during additional ISIs or increased stimulus exposure, respectively. Experiment 4 (comparing two and three-presentations, other factors controlled) provided some limited additional support for Nosofsky's original claim that additional stimulus presentations can create either independent or duplicate representations. Experiments 5 and 6 (both manipulating ISI) demonstrated that a key factor in the additional stimulus presentation effect is the overall trial duration. We discuss the results in relation to models of absolute identification, their relative emphasis on stimulus sampling versus response selection, and the mechanisms by which duplicate representations could be created.  相似文献   

The auditory perception of temporal and spectral information was studied in subjects with lesions in the temporoparietal region of the left (LH group), or right (RH group) hemisphere (n = 5 in each group) and in five normal controls. The temporal tasks included gap detection and two complex pattern perception tasks in which subjects had to identify the placement of the two closest tones (separated by the shortest interval) within a sequence of six tones. The spectral tasks involved pitch matching and frequency discrimination. The results showed a "double dissociation": (1) the LH group was impaired in their ability to perceive temporal information, but the perception of spectral information was normal, and (2) the RH group was impaired in their ability to perceive spectral information, but the perception of temporal information was normal. The findings are consistent with the notion that temporal processing is a function of left-hemisphere structures and that spectral processing is a function of right-hemisphere structures.  相似文献   

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