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Self‐criticism has long been associated with a variety of psychological problems and is often a key focus for intervention in psychotherapy. Recent work has suggested that self‐critics have underelaborated and underdeveloped capacities for compassionate self‐soothing and warmth. This pilot study developed a diary for monitoring self‐attacking and self‐soothing thoughts and images. It also explored the personal experiences of a group of volunteer self‐critics from the local depression support group who were given training in self‐soothing and self‐compassion. Although using small numbers, this study suggests the potential value of developing more complex methodologies for studying the capacity for self‐compassion, interventions to increase self‐compassion (including imagery techniques), and their effects on mental health.  相似文献   

Rates of family homelessness continue to reach unprecedented levels. As many as two million young children experience family homelessness each year, with an estimated one in 10 younger than one year old. Yet, despite their high prevalence, a dearth of studies have specifically investigated infants’ and toddlers’ experiences of homelessness. Overall, the available literature suggests homeless infants and toddlers experience increased risk to physical health, development, and well-being at an individual- and family-level. This presents a severely limited understanding of homeless infants’ and toddlers’ experiences, with substantial gaps remaining. This review documents the scant existing literature on infant and toddler development within the context of homelessness at both the individual and family-system levels, and proposes next steps for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

Many studies have established an association between job characteristics and anxiety and depression and noted that personality characteristics such as neuroticism likely play a role in creating or modifying these associations. Few studies, however, have explicitly tested or compared these possible alternative roles. In this study, we tested several specific hypotheses about neuroticism and its effects on job characteristics, anxiety and depression and their association in a series of structural equation models. Participants (N = 372) completed the Big Five Inventory, Job Contents Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire. We tested (a) whether neuroticism is likely to be an important confounder of the association between job characteristics and anxiety and depression and (b) whether neuroticism moderates the association between job characteristics and anxiety and depression. Results indicated large attenuations by neuroticism of the association between job characteristics and anxiety and depression but there remained significant effects of psychological demands on anxiety, and social support on depression independent of neuroticism. Evidence was also found for interaction effects between neuroticism and decision latitude, with those lower in neuroticism being at higher risk for depression under conditions of low control.  相似文献   

The present longitudinal research among 558 teachers focused on the role of upward comparisons (with others performing better), downward comparisons (with others performing worse), and coping styles in relation to burnout. Assessed were identification (recognizing oneself in the other) and contrast (seeing the other as a competitor) in upward and downward comparison. Cross‐sectionally, downward identification and upward contrast were positively related to burnout and negatively related to a direct coping style, whereas upward identification was negatively related to burnout and positively related to a direct coping style. Downward identification was positively related to a palliative coping style. Direct and palliative coping styles were independent predictors of burnout: those who reported using a direct coping style had lower levels of burnout and those who reported using a palliative coping style had higher levels of burnout. Longitudinally, the use of a direct coping style was associated with a decrease and downward identification with an increase of burnout over time.  相似文献   

As previous research has demonstrated numerous times, humans show a robust tendency for cooperation. However, part—or indeed all—of this cooperativeness may be due to socially desirable responding. To address this problem, we propose and apply a new approach for the unbiased measurement of cooperativeness in social dilemma games. Specifically, we employ an extension of the randomized‐response technique (RRT). The RRT protects the privacy of respondents by adding random noise to their responses. It thus encourages more honest responding and thereby provides less biased estimates of sensitive attributes. In a large‐scale study with 2043 respondents we maximized anonymity in a one‐shot prisoner's dilemma game through use of the RRT. Comparing the prevalence rates for cooperation obtained via the RRT with those from direct self‐report showed that traditional direct questioning formats overestimate cooperation rates, with a relative bias of 18%. This finding suggests that to a considerable extent, self‐reported cooperation is due to socially desirable responding, rather than actual cooperativeness. However, our results also demonstrate that cooperation remains substantial even under conditions of maximized anonymity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A self‐determination theory process model of change in well‐being was tested among older adults in a 16‐week randomized exercise‐trial (n = 118, M = 74.3 years, SD = 4.6, 68% females). The exercise intervention increased participants' autonomous motivation and perceived competence over the first 7 weeks. Moreover, autonomous orientation gave rise to perceived competence, while impersonal orientation was related to increased controlled motivation. Changes in motivational variables were positively related to changes in vitality over the trial, while change in controlled motivation was negatively related to changes in vitality and subjective well‐being. Bootstrapping analyses supported an indirect exercise–vitality path through autonomous motivation and perceived competence, and an indirect autonomous orientation–vitality path through perceived competence.  相似文献   

ObjectivesRecent research suggests depression as measured by self-endorsed symptoms lists is associated with poor health outcomes in chronic illness. Yet, it is probable that these lists of symptoms reflect other concepts such as general distress or negative affect when used as dimensions.MethodsTo test for this hypothesis, we explored associations of the Centre of Epidemiological Studies-Depression, Radloff ([CES-D], 1977) with disease severity in diabetes and how trait negative affect from the Profile of Mood States ([POMS]; Usala & Hertzog, 1989; adaptation by Cohen et al., 1995) impact these associations in a sample of 502 people with type 2 diabetes.ResultsWe found that the CES-D included two dimensions of negative and positive experience. Each CES-D component was independently linked to disease severity. However, controlling for trait negative affect suppressed the correlation between the CES-D negative experience component and disease severity. Item-level analyses revealed that the negative experience component of the CES-D bore an emotional tone of sadness but not anger.ConclusionsWhen using the CES-D, distinguishing positive and negative components is necessary. Self-reported depression symptoms from the CES-D have no incremental validity over negative affect.  相似文献   

Recent studies have expanded the construct of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) to the group level and demonstrated its significance in predicting group performance. In this study, we have further expanded this growing stream of research regarding group‐level OCB (GOCB), by identifying distinct group characteristics that predict GOCB. Specifically, we have isolated perceived group–organization (G–O) fit and group–task (G–T) fit as meaningful antecedents of GOCB. We further propose that the perceived G–O and G–T fit influence GOCB by shaping two intermediate psychological states of group members: cohesion and group efficacy. Our findings, which were based on multi‐source data collected from 43 organizational teams, demonstrated that cohesion completely mediated the effect of perceived G–O fit on GOCB. Group efficacy, however, proved not to be a significant mediator of the relationship between perceived G–T fit and GOCB. Instead, G–T fit had a significant direct effect on GOCB. This study highlights the significance of group‐level conceptualization of group–environment interaction as a potential driver of various group processes and outcomes.  相似文献   

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