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Hit-and-run accidents, or those where the perpetrator leaves the crash scene without reporting the event, are a serious concern because they can delay the rescue of victims, thereby increasing the fatality rate and severity of injuries. However, only a few studies exist on the factors that influence hit-and-run behavior, particularly in developing countries. Using data collected from Guangdong Province in China, this study applies a logistic regression model to analyze factors associated with hit-and-run behavior in five categories: crash attributes and human, vehicle, road, and environmental factors. This study finds that the probability of hit-and-run behavior increases with accidents that involve pedestrians, occur in dark driving conditions, and are caused by drivers who are male, middle-aged, and without a valid driver’s license, extensive driving experience, or automobile insurance. Therefore, we recommend closer supervision and better public education for different groups of people about traffic laws and regulations.  相似文献   

Road traffic crashes and injuries are a major societal challenge around the world. However, the majority of injuries and fatalities occur disproportionately in low-income and medium-income countries. Previous studies have concluded that risky behaviours were the main contributing factor of traffic crashes. Turn signal neglect (TSN) when making a turn is one of those risky behaviours. Unfortunately, research on TSN has been very limited. This study investigates the prevalence of TSN-related crashes and factors affecting TSN among motorcyclists and car drivers. Data was obtained from self-administered questionnaires conducted in Vietnam. The findings showed that 17.54% of motorcyclists and 14.76% of car drivers have experienced at least one crash caused by their failure to turn signals in the last three years. Additionally, fewer years having a riding/driving license, longer daily travelling time, lower frequency of turn signal use, and having received a fine due to TSN were found to be positively associated with TSN-related crashes for both motorcyclists and car drivers. The findings highlight the importance of TSN for road safety and the need for authorities to develop more effective educational strategies and to increase traffic law enforcement.  相似文献   

Distraction from mobile devices increases pedestrian risks at intersections. Innovative interventions are currently installed at road and rail intersections to alert pedestrians. These interventions will be effective only if pedestrians modify their behaviour. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) posits that behaviour changes as a result of behavioural intention, which is affected by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, the link between intention and actual behaviour is often overlooked. The current study aims to investigate this link and apply this theoretical framework to interventions for distracted pedestrians. We conducted a day-time field study at three railway level crossings in New Zealand with such interventions reminding pedestrians to look for trains: in-ground flashing lights located at footpath level, an audio warning message, and in-ground flashing lights combined with the audio warning message. Participants (N = 34, Mean age 33.6, SD = 8.6 years) walked through level crossings while performing a distractor task (visual and auditory distraction) or when not distracted. Actively checking for trains from both sides of the crossing was used as a measure of actual behaviour. All three interventions were perceived as useful (5.1 ± 0.4) and easy to use (5.6 ± 0.2) and resulted in positive intention to use the technology (5.8 ± 0.3). Statistical analyses confirmed that the TAM constructs - particularly perceived usefulness - affected intention, and intentions lead to behavioural change with improved crossing behaviours. This study highlights the importance of perceived usefulness and intentions to use the interventions with reducing distracted pedestrian behaviours.  相似文献   

Motorcycle taxi services provide an important mobility option for people in developing countries. With the emergence of new transport technologies, app-based motorcycle taxi services have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, little is known about risky driving behaviours and their association with traffic crashes among app-based motorcycle taxi drivers. Through a survey of 602 app-based motorcycle taxi drivers from three cities in Vietnam, this research aimed to investigate the incidence of risky driving behaviours and their association with driver characteristics and traffic crashes. Using a mobile phone while driving was found to be the most common risky driving behaviour (52%) among app-based motorcycle taxi drivers, followed by neglecting to use turn signals (31%), encroaching car lanes (25%), exceeding the speed limit (21%), running red lights (19%) and carrying more than one passenger (17%). In addition, drivers who were students, or those who worked more than 50 h per week, were found to be more likely to engage in risky driving behaviours. Binary logistic regression modelling showed that neglecting to use turn signals, carrying more than one passenger and smoking while driving was significantly associated with self-reported active crash/fall involvement. Turn signal neglect was also associated with active injury crash/fall involvement. The incidence of risky driving behaviours and associated crash involvement was found to be lower among app-based motorcycle taxi drivers compared with regular motorcyclists, yet the findings still highlight the need for ride-hailing firms to deliver improved education and road safety training for their drivers.  相似文献   

Intraindividual variability is a fundamental behavioural characteristic of aging but has been examined to a very limited extent in driving. This study investigated intraindividual variability in driving simulator measures in healthy drivers of different ages using the coefficient of variation (COV) as a variability measure. Participants were healthy volunteers who were regular drivers, who were divided into a “young” group, a “middle-aged” group, and an “old” group. They drove in two environments (rural, 72 drivers; urban, 60 drivers), under conditions of moderate and high traffic load, without and with distraction (conversation). Significant differences in COV were observed in the rural condition for headway distance and lateral position as a function of traffic load, with high traffic (without and with distraction) resulting in increased COV of headway and decreased COV of lateral position. Significant differences in COV were observed in the urban condition for headway distance only, with high traffic (without and with distraction) resulting in increased COV of headway. No age effects were found for any of the driving conditions. The results indicate that traffic load affected headway distance and lateral position in opposite directions in all three age groups: high traffic resulted in increased variability of headway in both rural and urban conditions but in decreased variability of lateral position in the rural conditions compared to moderate traffic irrespective of distraction. The study indicates that driving conditions affect the intraindividual variability of driving measures in selective ways, which may be linked to the extent of automatization of the driving variables and to adaptive changes to traffic condition challenges.  相似文献   

Inappropriate speed is a main cause of accidents. Drivers are often unaware of potential risks due to inadequate speed. To prevent dangerous situations, we need to understand perceptual factors influencing human speed perception. Due to the prominent role of vision in driving, we examined the effect of visuo-spatial stimuli on speed based on the optic flow. While developing an adaptive infrastructure measure to reduce speed, we conducted two consecutive studies, a driving simulator study and a field test to investigate findings further. In both studies, we placed lights on two sides of a highway exit and either illuminated them statically or activated them in a way that they appeared to be moving towards the driver. We expected drivers to slow down more when seeing static light stimuli compared to a baseline without lights. We also expected drivers to decrease speed more in conditions with oncoming lights compared to a baseline, and to static lights, due to distorted speed perception. The first study in a static driving simulator revealed no difference between conditions. In the field test, both static lights and lights moving towards the driver led to a speed reduction compared to a baseline but did not differ from one another. Lights in general led to lower driving speed, potentially due to their warning character, but we found no difference between the light conditions, suggesting that the effect might not be based on the optic flow. Future research should investigate the relationship between driven and perceived speed more closely.  相似文献   

This article examines the existence of associations between the gender of the driver, their risk behavior when driving motor vehicles and their inclination to acquire automobile insurance. To conduct this investigation a random survey was carried out with 566 middle class adults in 66 Brazilian towns and cities. By using non-parametric tests and logit models, the results suggest that even when controlling for other variables, women feel a greater need to have automobile insurance to protect themselves in the event of possible accidents under rainy conditions and also to have access to driver support services. Women also tend to have more respect for speed limits in various situations, such as during the rush hour, on local roads and on highways. The results also showed that men feel safer than women driving in more precarious situations: at night, in unfamiliar areas, after drinking, or even when they are tired. These results, in addition to contributing to the theoretical development of road traffic and transportation safety, are of special relevance to the financial industry and the regulatory agency. The insurance industry may find these results particularly helpful in designing future policies and setting premiums.  相似文献   

An over-proportionally large number of car crashes is caused by novice drivers. In a field experiment, we investigated whether and how car drivers who had recently obtained their driving license reacted to app-based feedback on their safety-relevant driving behavior (speeding, phone usage, cornering, acceleration and braking). Participants went through a pre-measurement phase during which they did not receive app-based feedback but driving behavior was recorded, a treatment phase during which they received app-based feedback, and a post-measurement phase during which they did not receive app-based feedback but driving behavior was recorded. Before the start of the treatment phase, we randomly assigned participants to two possible treatment groups. In addition to receiving app-based feedback, the participants of one group received monetary incentives to improve their safety-relevant driving behavior, while the participants of the other group did not. At the beginning and at the end of experiment, each participant had to fill out a questionnaire to elicit socio-economic and attitudinal information.We conducted regression analyses to identify socio-economic, attitudinal, and driving-behavior-related variables that explain safety-relevant driving behavior during the pre-measurement phase and the self-chosen intensity of app usage during the treatment phase. For the main objective of our study, we applied regression analyses to identify those variables that explain the potential effect of providing app-based feedback during the treatment phase on safety-relevant driving behavior. Last, we applied statistical tests of differences to identify self-selection and attrition biases in our field experiment.For a sample of 130 novice Austrian drivers, we found moderate improvements in safety-relevant driving skills due to app-based feedback. The improvements were more pronounced under the treatment with monetary incentives, and for participants choosing higher feedback intensities. Moreover, drivers who drove relatively safer before receiving app-based feedback used the app more intensely and, ceteris paribus, higher app use intensity led to improvements in safety-related driving skills. Last, we provide empirical evidence for both self-selection and attrition biases.  相似文献   

To decrease the negative consequences of a road crash, even a small reduction in driving speeds can make a significant difference. We examined the possible application of the left-digit effect as a nudge to reduce road speed. In the marketing field, this effect is based on reporting price tags that are characterized by a low leftmost number and a high rightmost number (e.g., a price tag of €14.99 rather than €15.00). We applied the same strategy to improve road safety. Participants were college students (43.75% female, mean age = 24.06 years in Study 1; 50% female, mean age = 23.53 years in Study 2) who were asked to drive in a simulator on a route that had both usual unmodified road signs (e.g., 50 km/h) and the same road signs increased or decreased by one unit (e.g., 49, 51 km/h). We compared the average median speeds in road segments with unmodified road signs with those in road segments with the corresponding modified signs. The average median speeds in the presence of a sign modified by the reduction of 1 km/h were significantly lower compared with the median average speeds recorded with unmodified signs. We showed that the application of psychological insights can reduce driving speeds and therefore increase road safety.  相似文献   

This study investigated the culture of driving distractions among commercial bus drivers in Ile-Ife, Southwestern Nigeria. The aim was to identify the most prominent non-driving activity (N-DA) causing distraction to drivers. 16 independent research assistants were engaged in naturalistic recording of 128 commercial bus drivers in the study area. Among the variables selected for observation, passenger scouting (93%), fare collection (89.8%) and money counting (75%) were found to be the frequent N-DAs in their order of importance. These variables (passenger scouting, fare collection and money counting), however, have correlations with drivers having no conductor on-board. More so, relationships existed between certain N-DAs (call making, passenger scouting, fare collection sight-seeing and money counting) and loss of concentration by drivers on one hand; and between loss of concentration and the forms the loss of concentration took. It can be concluded from the findings that driving was disrupted and uncoordinated when combined with non-driving activities.  相似文献   

Cycling supports the mobility, health and independency of the ageing population. However, older cyclists have an increased injury risk. On average, the risk of older people to sustain an injury in a cycling accident is three times higher per cycling kilometre than for middle-aged people and the injury risk increases with age. In comparison with middle-aged cyclists (<65 years), the risk of hospitalization is more than four times as high for older cyclists (≥65 years). The aim of this study was to reveal characteristics of older cyclists in general and to explore which of these characteristics are associated with self-reported cycling accidents from age 59. More than eight hundred older cyclists (>65 years) filled out a questionnaire, which included questions on demographics, bicycle specifications and personal characteristics. By means of a logistic regression, the relationship between personal factors and self-reported bicycle falls were studied. The univariate models showed that age, physical and mental impairments, bicycle model, living environment, feelings of uncertainty of the cyclist and changed cycling behaviour (such as more patience, lower speed) were related to falling off a bicycle. From the multivariate model we can conclude that several factors are associated with falling off a bicycle in the older population: (1) every year the cyclists becomes one year older (from the age of 65), the chance they have fallen increases with 7.3%, (2) If cyclists have mental impairments, the chance they have fallen increases with a factor 2.5, (3) if cyclists were less than completely confident the chance they have fallen increases with factor 1.8, (4) if cyclists live in a rural environment compared to an urban environment the chance they have fallen increases with a factor 2.1. In conclusion, demographic, cycling and personal factors can be related to increased self-reported fall risk. It is advised to take these factors into account when implementing new cycling related safety measures.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at identifying subtypes of young drivers (N=2524) and evaluate how these responded to a traffic safety campaign. On basis of a cluster analysis of personality measures, six subtypes of young drivers were identified. The subtypes were found to differ on self-reported risky driving behaviour, attitudes towards traffic safety, risk perception, estimation of own driving skills, and accident involvement. Two of the subtypes were identified as high-risk groups in traffic. The first high-risk group consisted of mostly men, characterised by low levels of altruism and anxiety, and high levels of sensation-seeking, irresponsibility, and driving related aggression. The second high-risk group reported high sensation seeking, aggression, anxiety, and driving anger. The subtypes were also found to differ on how they evaluated and responded to the traffic safety campaign. The results indicated that the campaign seemed to appeal most to the low-risk subtypes. Gender differences within each subtype were also found on the different traffic related measures, as well as on response to the campaign. It is concluded that young drivers should not be treated as a homogenous group pertaining to road safety. Practical suggestions on how to promote safe driving among these subtypes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Boufous and Olivier (2015) recently found an increasing trend of police-reported cyclist deaths in single-vehicle crashes while a decreasing trend was found for fatal bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. This study sets out to conduct the same trend analyses for the Netherlands using causes of death statistics. The results show that for 1996–2014, the number of cyclist deaths in motor vehicle collisions per km cycled (i.e. the risk) has declined by 3.8% per annum (95% CI: −4.6%, −3.0%) while the risk of cyclist deaths in crashes without motor vehicles increased by 7.0% per annum (95% CI: 5.5%, 8.7%). The large majority of cyclist deaths at the beginning of the study period were due to bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. By 2014, however, the share with motor vehicles was only slightly higher than the share without motor vehicles. We also conducted trend analyses controlling for age by stratifying into nine age groups. After controlling for age, the average annual decrease of cyclist deaths in crashes with motor vehicles was 5.4% (95% CI: −6.0% to  4.7%). The average annual increase of deaths in crashes without motor vehicles was 4.4% (95% CI: 3.1–5.7%). These trends are more favourable than those without controlling for age which can be explained by more cycling among the elderly who have an elevated risk. We conclude that, similar to Australia, cyclist deaths following motor vehicle crashes in the Netherlands have decreased while deaths without motor vehicles have increased.  相似文献   

Driver distraction is one major cause of road traffic accidents. In order to avoid distraction-related accidents it is important to inhibit irrelevant stimuli and unnecessary responses to distractors and to focus on the driving task, especially when unpredictable critical events occur. Since inhibition is a cognitive function that develops until young adulthood and decreases with increasing age, young and older drivers should be more susceptible to distraction than middle-aged drivers. Using a driving simulation, the present study investigated effects of acoustic and visual distracting stimuli on responses to critical events (flashing up brake lights of a car ahead) in young, middle-aged, and older drivers. The task difficulty was varied in three conditions, in which distractors could either be ignored (perception-only), or required a simple response (detection) or a complex Go-/NoGo-response (discrimination). Response times and error rates to the critical event increased when a simultaneous reaction to the distractor was required. This distraction effect was most pronounced in the discrimination condition, in which the participants had to respond to some of the distracting stimuli and to inhibit responses to some other stimuli. Visual distractors had a stronger impact than acoustic ones. While middle-aged drivers managed distractor inhibition even in difficult tasks quite well (i.e., when responses to distracting stimuli had to be suppressed), response times of young and old drivers increased significantly, especially when distractor stimuli had to be ignored. The results demonstrate the high impact of distraction on driving performance in critical traffic situations and indicate a driving-related inhibition deficit in young and old drivers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different personality variables and pathological gambling (PG). The NEO-FFI and measures of impulsivity and sensation-seeking were administered to a sample of pathological gamblers (n = 90) and to a contrast group of non-pathological gamblers (n = 66) matched on sex and age. Gender, age, education level and the personality variables were entered into crude and adjusted logistic regression analyses with PG-status as the dependent variable. The results showed that educational level and all personality variables were significant predictors of PG in the crude analyses, however only four of the 12 significant predictor variables (Neuroticism, Openness, Impulsivity, and need for Stimulus Intensity) remained significant in the adjusted analysis. All predictor variables accounted for 71% of the variance in PG-status. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to adapt the Driver Self-image Inventory (DSII, Taubman-Ben-Ari, 2008) to Chinese drivers and examine its relationship with personality traits and driving style. Six hundred forty drivers aged 18–55 years agreed to participate in this study. Measurements included the DSII, a personality scale and a validated Chinese version of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (MDSI). The results of exploratory factor analysis (n = 302) and confirmatory factor analysis (n = 305) yielded a three-factor scale with satisfactory reliability. Significant gender differences were found on the DSII factors, with male drivers scoring higher on the impulsive driver factor and lower on the cautious driver factor than female drivers. The validity of the DSII was supported by significant associations between the DSII factors and personality traits, driving style and number of traffic violations and accidents in the previous 12 months. Moreover, drivers with traffic accidents scored significantly lower on the cautious driver factor and higher on the impulsive driver factor than those without traffic accidents. These findings indicate that the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the DSII are acceptable.  相似文献   

In pedestrian crossing situations, children are less able to make safe crossing decisions compared to adults.The aim of the present study was to analyze and compare the ocular behaviour of children and adults in the pedestrian crossing situations using the eye tracking. The study involved 22 children ranging in age from 5 years to 6 years 2 months and 22 adults. Children and adults participated in a brief eye tracking session designed to explore field of view in road crossing scenarios. They were presented with four pictures of pedestrian crossing and instructed to observe the pictures as if they were on the sidewalk getting ready to cross the road. The eye movements of the subjects looking at the pictures on the screen were collected through the eye tracker.The results showed that adults used a far more intense exploration of the useful visual field of view. They looked at all the different areas of the field of view more frequently and for a longer time. Another interesting point is that the children gazed at areas and elements that are irrelevant to a safe crossing but prove salient for various reasons. Implications for road safety training are discussed.  相似文献   

Appropriate visual behaviour is necessary for safe driving. Many previous studies have found that when performing non-visual cognitive tasks, drivers typically display an increased amount of on-path glances, along with a deteriorated visual scanning pattern towards potential hazards at locations outside their future travel path (off-path locations). This is often referred to as a gaze concentration effect. However, what has not been explored is more precisely how and when gaze concentration arises in relation to the cognitive task, and to what extent the timing of glances towards traffic-situation relevant off-path locations is affected. To investigate these specific topics, a driving simulator study was carried out. Car drivers’ visual behaviour during execution of a cognitive task (n-back) was studied during two traffic scenarios; one when driving through an intersection and one when passing a hidden exit. Aside from the expected gaze concentration effect, several novel findings that may explain this effect were observed. It was found that gaze shifts from an on-path to an off-path location were inhibited during increased cognitive load. However, gaze shifts in the other direction, that is, from an off-path to an on-path location, remained unaffected. This resulted in on-path glances increasing in duration, while off-path glances decreased in number. Furthermore, the inhibited off-path glances were typically not compensated for later. That is, off-path glances were cancelled, not delayed. This was the case both in relation to the cognitive task (near-term) and the traffic environment (far-term). There was thus a general reduction in the number of glances towards situationally relevant off-path locations, but the timing of the remaining glances was unaffected. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the mechanism behind gaze concentration and can contribute to both understanding and prediction of safety relevant effects of cognitive load in car drivers.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to adapt the Driving Cost and Benefit Scale (DCBS, Taubman-Ben- Ari, 2008) to Chinese drivers and examine its relationships with driving style and traffic violations. Nine hundred drivers aged 18 to 60 years were asked to complete the DCBS and the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory. The results of exploratory factor analysis (n = 429) and confirmatory factor analysis (n = 429) yielded a 36-item scale with satisfactory reliability. The Chinese version of the DCBS contains seven factors, including three driving cost factors (damage to self-esteem, life endangerment and distress) and four driving benefit factors (impression management, sense of control, thrill and pleasure). Significant associations between the DCBS-C factors and driving styles and traffic violations show that the discriminant validity of the scale is acceptable. Moreover, the driving cost factor of damage to self-esteem and the driving benefit factor of thrill both contributed to drivers’ traffic violations and crashes. The findings show that the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the DCBS are acceptable, and it can be used as a tool to measure driving motivation in China.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to adapt the Safe Driving Climate among Friends Scale (SDCaF) to Chinese drivers and to examine its reliability and validity. Three hundred and sixty drivers aged from 18 to 24 years old were asked to complete the SDCaF and the Risky Driving Behaviour Scale. A confirmatory factor analysis (n = 360) was conducted to examine the factorial structure of the SDCaF. The validity of the scale was then evaluated by examining the associations between the SDCaF factors, risky driving behaviours and traffic violations. The CFA results showed that the model fit of the Chinese version of the scale (SDCaF-C) was acceptable. Second, the SDCaF-C factors were weakly or moderately correlated with speeding, self-assertiveness and rule violations. Third, significant gender differences were found for the variables of friend pressure and communication, with male drivers scoring higher than female drivers. Moreover, drivers who had traffic violations in the past year scored higher on friend pressure and lower on both communication and shared commitment to safe driving compared to those who had not had traffic violations. The findings supported the psychological properties of the SDCaF-C and highlighted the importance of concerning the effects of safe diving climate among friends on young drivers’ risky driving behaviours.  相似文献   

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