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Overall on-road driving skill is a cumulated acquisition of driving skills learned during training period and furthered tempered with post-licensing driving exposure on the roads. Training serves to develop a person’s basic driving skills to operate safely on the roads at first, while subsequent on-road driving hones the driving skills further. Inactivity from on-road driving can result in deterioration of driving skills. Particularly for the case of inactivity immediately following licensure, which is not uncommon in Singapore, the learned skills can degrade rapidly. This research aims to examine the effect of driving inactivity on the learned driving skill, i.e. lateral positioning control, specifically for young-inexperienced drivers. A series of experiments were conducted on a driving simulator for different subject groups involving active driver, novice driver (freshly-licensed driver), inactive driver (never ever drive upon licensure), and no licence subjects. The participants drove through a stretch of expressway under free-flow conditions, and lane positioning control was monitored. It is found that without on-road driving exposure, driving skills like maintenance of lane positioning control in terms of lane wandering and lane encroachment may deteriorate after some periods of inactivity, i.e. 3 months. The deterioration varies at different rate, with faster deterioration for more complex tasks. The skills level can regress close to un-trained level for complex driving tasks. The findings also suggest that on-road driving exposure is needed to not only retain but also to improve the lane positioning control skills.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the influence of explanation-based knowledge regarding system functions and the driver’s role in conditionally automated driving (Level 3, as defined in SAE J3016). In particular, we studied how safely and successfully drivers assume control of the vehicle when encountering situations that exceed the automation parameters. This examination was conducted through a test-track experiment. Thirty-two younger drivers (mean age = 37.3 years) and 24 older drivers (mean age = 71.1 years) participated in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Adopting a between-participants design, in each experiment the participants were divided into two age- and sex-matched groups that were given differing levels of explanation-based knowledge concerning the system limitations of automated driving. The only information given to the less-informed groups was that, during automated driving, drivers may be required to occasionally assume control of the vehicle. The well-informed groups were given the same information, as well as details regarding the auditory-visual alerts produced by the human–machine interface (HMI) during requests to intervene (RtIs), and examples of situations where RtIs would be issued. Ten and nine RtI events were staged for each participant in Experiment 1 and 2, respectively; the participants performed a non-driving-related task while the automated driving system was functioning. For both experiments it was found that, for all RtI events, more participants in the well-informed groups than the less-informed groups successfully assumed control of the vehicle. These results suggest that, in addition to providing information regarding the possible occurrence of RtIs, explanations of HMI and RtI-related situations are effective for helping both younger and older drivers safely and successfully negotiate such events.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the workings of ‘humour’, a phenomenon that is often neglected in Freudian readings of literature, and also (perhaps relatedly) in the analysis of work with patients. Challenging views that the details of humour are best left uninterpreted, it explores how they can provide a mode of access to what is important. In particular, it focuses on the idea of Galgenhumor (literally ‘gallows humour’) in Northern Irish verse. The Ulster poet Paul Muldoon provides a ‘case study’ of someone using considerable humour while facing political atrocities. I aim to show that Muldoon can be viewed as a useful chronicler of ‘the Troubles’ and that a Freudian view of his humour can help readers to appreciate his significance. The method of the article is to interpret some of Muldoon’s verse by applying Freudian theory, working on the basis that poetry can sometimes achieve its effects in ways that are obscured to both the reader and the poet. I have not set out to psychoanalyze Paul Muldoon through a reading of his poems, but rather to stage a discussion of ways that humour can work, making use of Freud’s theories about the unconscious, especially his writings on humour. I examine how humour can create an outlet for affect while simultaneously assisting its repression, and also how it can leave memorable traces of traumatic experience, making it easier for the experience to become available for retrospective examination and exploration.  相似文献   

Crossing a road intersection, a driver must collect visual information from various locations. The allocation of visual attention, which allows this collection, mainly relies on top-down processes. This study focuses on three top-down factors which influence the collection of visual information: the value of visual information for the ongoing task, their bandwidth, and the familiarity with the environment. These factors are studied according to the priority rules at intersections (Give way, Stop or Priority), the expected traffic density (Lower or Higher) and the number of passages (First or Second passage). Fourteen participants were installed in an instrumented vehicle equipped with an eye-tracker. They drove during 1h45 along a 80-km long route, mainly on rural roads, which included 19 intersections. Visual attention was studied by means of the head and gaze horizontal eccentricity. Effects were found for each of the three factors, in agreement with Wickens’ theoretical framework and with previous studies, despite the important variability in the data due to the experimental situation.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of lead-driver status on the anger-experienced and aggression-expressed in traffic scenarios in which the lead drivers’ actions were determined by an event obviously beyond, or within, their control. Experiment I contrasted reactions to lead-cars bearing Learner driver markings (Low Status) or similar unmarked cars (Control), while Experiment II contrasted reactions to Ambulances (High Status) or otherwise identical generic work vans (Control). Reported anger, heart-rate and behaviour were measured while drivers drove. When the lead vehicle slowed or changed course because of the actions of another road user, drivers were reliably more angered when slowed by a learner driver than an unmarked sedan. Drivers reported less anger when slowed by an Ambulance, than by a work van, when there was no apparent cause for the lead-vehicle slowing. Driver behaviour also differed according to lead-vehicle status. Drivers allowed greater headway between themselves and a slower ambulance, but drove closer to the work-van, and followed Learner drivers at a dangerously close distance, leaving greater headway behind a similar, unmarked car. Reliable differences in subjective anger ratings and behaviour suggest that anger experienced and expressed depends not just on the actions of the perpetrator but on the perceived status of that perpetrator. Higher status vehicles appear to be forgiven their indiscretions more readily even when there are no extenuating circumstances, whilst lower status drivers are likely to be blamed more readily for circumstances beyond their control.  相似文献   

Fatigue in human drivers is a serious cause of road accidents. Hence, it is important to devise methods to detect and quantify the fatigue. This paper presents a method based on a class of entropy measures on the recorded Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of human subjects for relative quantification of fatigue during driving. These entropy values have been evaluated in the wavelet domain and have been validated using standard subjective measures. Five types of entropies i.e. Shannon’s entropy, Rényi entropy of order 2 and 3, Tsallis wavelet entropy and Generalized Escort-Tsallis entropy, have been considered as possible indicators of fatigue. These entropies along with alpha band relative energy and (α + β)/δ1 relative energy ratio have been used to develop a method for estimation of unknown fatigue level. Experiments have been designed to test the subjects under simulated driving and actual driving. The EEG signals have been recorded along with subjective assessment of their fatigue levels through standard questionnaire during these experiments. The signal analysis steps involve preprocessing, artifact removal, entropy calculation and validation against the subjective assessment. The results show definite patterns of these entropies during different stages of fatigue.  相似文献   

As in-vehicle voice agents increase in popularity, related research is extending to how voice messages can affect the driver’s cognitive and emotional states. Accordingly, we investigated how in-vehicle agent (IVA) voice dominance and driving automation can affect the driver’s situation awareness (SA), emotion regulation (ER), and trust. To this end, a lab-based experiment was conducted with a medium-fidelity driving simulator using actor-recorded voice agents. Twenty-two female and nineteen male driver-licensed participants were recruited to drive simulated vehicles with voice agents and evaluated. The results demonstrated that compared with the dominant voice, the agent with a submissive voice significantly increased ER in both manual and automated driving. Furthermore, the submissive voice significantly increased trust in automated driving compared with the dominant agent. Cross and synergistic interaction effects exist between voice dominance and driving automation in SA and ER, respectively. This study revealed that both the content of the messages of the IVAs and their voice characteristics are essential for modulating the driver’s SA, ER, and trust in driving. It is expected that larger-scale future studies with simulation or on a real road would increase the validity of this study.  相似文献   

This article represents an analysis of the sexual images of women in magazine advertisements. I examined advertisements in Black- and White-oriented, mens and womens magazines to compare the images of womens sexuality that are constructed for each specific audience. Over 600 images of women were analyzed based on seven dimensions, including function/role, relative function/authority, physical/body position, relative size/height, character traits, body view, and physical characteristics. The images of womens sexuality vary depending on the race of the intended audience and the race of the women in the advertisements. Advertisements for White audiences portray women in roles and with characteristics that suggest dependency and submissiveness, whereas advertisements for Black audiences portray women as independent and dominant. I also found that White women are objectified much more than Black women are.  相似文献   

Objectives: To measure the effects of game outcome on pleasant and unpleasant emotions and stress during elite-level competition.Design: Quasi-experimental repeated pre- and post-game measurement in a field setting.Methods: Participants were 16 members of the Japanese women’s field hockey team playing a world cup preliminary qualifying tournament in Trinidad. Players completed the Tension and Effort Stress Inventory (TESI), a measure of emotion and stress, at the seven games of the tournament (five wins, two losses).Results: The pattern of emotions after game 1 (a loss) were in sharp contrast to the results from the other six games (five wins, one loss). When compared to other games, significant increases in anxiety, humiliation and excitement pre- to post-game 1 were found, as were significantly higher scores in sullenness and lower scores in relaxation post-game 1. No significant decreases in external tension stress and somatic tension and effort stress pre- to post-game 1 were found. For the other games, athletes were significantly more relaxed and excited after games, increasing with each game in the tournament. Also, the unpleasant emotion and stress results, associated with game 1, significantly diminished as the team progressed to the tournament final. There was no evidence for a simple win/loss difference on post-game emotions and stress.Conclusions: The relationship between game outcome and emotional response is not straightforward. Other factors, such as cognition, may also play a role.  相似文献   

In many jurisdictions with Graduated Driver Licensing systems, such as those in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, parents play an important role in teaching their child how to drive and facilitating their access to formal driver education. This study explored parents’ views on these processes in a theoretically grounded manner using the Goals for Driver Education (GDE) Framework. The GDE framework groups influences on young driver behaviour into four interconnected hierarchical levels: vehicle manoeuvring (Level 1), mastery of traffic situations (Level 2), goals and contexts for driving (Level 3) and goals for life and skills for living (Level 4). Fourteen parents of novice drivers participated in five focus groups held in urban and regional locations in South East Queensland, Australia. A six-step thematic analysis was used consisting of (1) familiarisation with the data, (2) generation of initial codes, (3) searching for themes, (4) reviewing themes, (5) defining and naming themes and (6) producing the report. Parents indicated that they were more likely to outsource the teaching of skills at Levels 1 and 2 of the GDE to professional driving instructors as they were concerned that they would pass bad habits onto their child or they were unaware of the road rules that their child was required to follow. Parents believed that they were able to more effectively teach skills located on Levels 3 and 4 of the GDE framework because they had a greater knowledge of their child when compared with professional educators. The study findings can be used to develop an intervention that would support parents to more effectively supervise learner drivers.  相似文献   

A study of pure-tone intensity discrimination is presented in which amplitude changes are detected in 1000 Hz tone bursts 15–20 msec in duration. The masking function (log detectable increment vs log background intensity) is found to have a slope of 9/10 when calculations are carried out via energy measurements. This near-miss to Weber’s law is in agreement with other data reported in the literature. The masking slope proves to be essentially independent of stimulus duration between 15 msec and 1.5 sec. Our stable slope parameter is interpreted as a detectability restriction generated by “mass-flow” phenomena in the auditory channel. These phenomena are thought to be similar to the fluctuations accompanying a noisy or turbulent stream of events. Pure-tone intensity discrimination is then analyzed as a special case of energy detection.  相似文献   

During automated driving (SAE Level 3), drivers can delegate control of the vehicle and monitoring of the road to an automated system. They may then devote themselves to tasks other than driving and gradually lose situational awareness (SA). This could result in difficulty in regaining control of the vehicle when the automated system requires it. In this simulator study, the level of SA was manipulated through the time spent performing a non-driving task (NDRT), which alternated with phases where the driver could monitor the driving scene, prior to a critical takeover request (TOR). The SA at the time of TOR, the visual behaviour after TOR, and the takeover quality were analysed. The results showed that monitoring the road just before the TOR allowed the development of limited perception of the driving situation, which only partially compensated for the lack of a consolidated mental model of the situation. The quality of the recovery, assessed through the number of collisions, was consistent with the level of development of SA. The analysis of visual behaviour showed that engagement in the non-driving task at the time of TOR induced a form of perseverance in consulting the interface where the task was displayed, to the detriment of checking the mirrors. These results underline the importance of helping the driver to restore good SA well in advance of a TOR.  相似文献   

Zijiang  Ding 《Dao》2007,6(2):149-165
John Dewey and Bertrand Russell visited China at around the same time in 1920. Both profoundly influenced China during the great transition period of this country. This article will focus on the differences between the two great figures that influenced China in the 1920s. This comparison will examine the following five aspects: 1. Deweyanization vs. Russellization; 2. Dewey’s “Populism” vs. Russell’s “Aristocraticism”; 3. Dewey’s “Syntheticalism” vs. Russell’s “Analyticalism”; 4. Dewey’s “Realism” vs. Russell’s “Romanticism”; 5. Dewey’s “Conservatism” vs. Russell’s “Radicalism”. This examination will highlight that, although their visit left indelible impressions among Chinese intellecturals, for the radical Marx–Leninists, any Western philosophy and socio-political theories, including Dewey’s and Russell’s, were prejudicial, outworn, and even counterrevolutionary. Soon “Marxi–Leninization” was gradually substituted for “Deweyanization” and “Russellization.”  相似文献   

In a study to provide evidence for the assumption of self-perception theory that premanipulation attitudes are not salient to postmanipulation phenomenology, Bem and McConnell (1970) performed two forced-compliance experiments. One experiment was a typical forced-compliance experiment in which Ss indicated their postmanipulation attitudes. In the other experiment, the Ss were asked to recall their premanipulation attitude after the essay writing task. It was found that the recall ratings were essentially the same as the postmanipulation attitude ratings. The present study was a partial replication of the Bern and McConnell experiment. The results of this study indicate that premanipulation attitudes are salient to the postmanipulation phenomenology of Ss for whom these attitudes are highly relevant.  相似文献   

Traffic crashes at signalized intersections are frequently linked to driver behavior at the onset of the circular yellow (CY) indication. To better understand behavioral factors that influence a driver’s decision to stop or go at an intersection, this study analyzed the behavior of the driver of a subject vehicle at the onset of the CY indication. Driver performance data from 53 participants were collected in the Oregon State University Driving Simulator, simulating scenarios of driving through high-speed intersections under various conditions. Data included interactions where the driver stopped at the stop line (n = 644) or proceeded through the intersection (n = 628) in response to a CY indication. Data were analyzed as panel data while considering 12 indicator variables related to the driver’s stop/go decision. These indicator variables included time to stop line (TTSL), tailway time, following vehicle type, vehicle speed at the onset of the CY indication, and demographics (age, gender, driving experience, level of education, personal vehicle type, number of times driving per week, number of miles driving last year, participation in previous simulation studies. A random-parameter binary logit model was used to determine contributing factors for driver decision making at the onset of CY indication while accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. Four indicator variables were significantly related to the driver’s stop/go decision, but three factors varied across observations. Findings showed that a driver’s stop/go decision in response to a CY indication was associated with the time to the stop line (TTSL), tailway time to the following vehicle, subject vehicle speed at the onset of the CY indication, and driver’s age (20–36 years), but was not significantly associated with classification of the following vehicle. Also, the findings indicated that a shorter tailway increased a subject driver’s red-light running frequency. These findings provide insights into variables that affect driver decisions in a vehicle-following situation at the onset of the CY indication. This information can help make better decisions in smart traffic control systems such as to extend/decrease the green interval slightly to avoid decisions that are more difficult.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the extent to which participants exposed to an uncommon versus common exercise stimulus would result in more favourable affect at post-task.

Design: Experimental design. Participants (N = 120), American women aged 18–45 years, were randomly assigned to complete 30-min of either the uncommon (HOOP; n = 58) or common (WALK; n = 62) exercise stimulus.

Main outcome measures: Self-reported affect and intentions for future exercise were measured before and after the 30-min exercise bout.

Results: Analyses of covariance were run to compare post-task affect across the HOOP and WALK conditions. At post-task, participants assigned to HOOP reported more positively valenced affect, higher ratings of positive activated affect, lower ratings of negative deactivated affect, and stronger intentions for future aerobic exercise compared to participants assigned to WALK.

Conclusions: Participants who completed an uncommon bout of aerobic exercise (HOOP) reported more favourable affect post-exercise, as well as stronger intentions for future exercise, compared to participants who completed a common bout of aerobic exercise (WALK). Future work using a longitudinal design is needed to understand the relationships between familiarity with an exercise stimulus, affective responses to exercise, motivation for future exercise behaviour and exercise maintenance over time.  相似文献   

Fatigue-related motor vehicle crashes are common worldwide and have been addressed by a range of road safety campaigns. These campaigns are typically directed towards at-risk groups (e.g., heavy vehicle drivers), who may be likely to experience fatigue resulting from reduced or disrupted sleep opportunities. Another population likely to experience sleep loss and disruption is new parents. The sleep of new parents is likely to be significantly disrupted by childcare responsibilities. As such, new parents may also be likely to experience fatigue while driving. A systematic review of five databases (PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycINFO, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) was performed to identify what research is currently available on sleep, fatigue, and driving in new parents. A total of twelve documents were included in this review. A synthesis of findings suggests new parents are at risk of fatigued driving – though the amount and quality of evidence available is limited. A research agenda is proposed to address the limitations of this field of research.  相似文献   

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