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运用追踪设计检验了学前儿童执行功能特定成分和问题行为跨情境和性别的关系。选取101名学前儿童(48名男孩)为研究对象,采用实验任务测量儿童的执行功能,一年后采用母亲和教师报告分别收集儿童在家庭和学校情境的问题行为。结果发现,控制儿童年龄后:(1)在男孩中,抑制控制、认知灵活性和工作记忆负向预测一年后家庭情境的外化问题,认知灵活性负向预测一年后学校情境的外化问题,抑制控制正向预测一年后学校情境的内化问题;(2)在女孩中,执行功能三个成分均不能显著预测家庭情境的问题行为,认知灵活性正向预测一年后学校情境的外化问题。执行功能三个成分与问题行为间存在不同效应模式,且存在跨情境和性别的特异性。  相似文献   

为探讨留守学前儿童接受性语言能力与社会退缩的关系及其内部机制,采用教师评定问卷和测量法对484名留守学前儿童进行调查。结果表明:(1)接受性语言能力不仅对社会退缩具有显著负向预测作用,也能通过执行功能的中介作用负向预测社会退缩;(2)执行功能的中介作用受到师幼关系的调节,相对于高师幼关系水平的个体,间接效应在低师幼关系水平的个体中更为显著,具体而言,师幼关系调节了中介的后半路径;(3)此外,在高师幼关系水平的个体中,执行功能对社会退缩的负向预测作用以及执行功能在接受性语言能力与社会退缩之间的中介作用都不显著。研究结果有助于揭示接受性语言能力对社会退缩的影响及其内在作用机制,对留守学前儿童社会退缩的预防及干预具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究探究了学龄前留守儿童亲子依恋、祖孙依恋与执行功能之间的关系,并进一步分析了祖孙依恋的调节作用和中介作用。对155名南昌市农村地区的学龄前留守儿童及其父母亲和(外)祖父母进行研究,研究工具包括亲子依恋量表(Waters Attachment Q-sort Items)和执行功能任务组。结果表明:(1)学龄前留守儿童亲子依恋与祖孙依恋、执行功能子成分抑制控制呈显著正相关,祖孙依恋与执行功能子成分抑制控制和认知灵活性呈显著正相关;(2)祖孙依恋在亲子依恋对学龄前留守儿童执行功能子成分抑制控制的影响之间存在调节效应;(3)祖孙依恋在亲子依恋对学龄前留守儿童执行功能子成分抑制控制和认知灵活性的影响之间存在中介效应。结论是可通过改善亲子依恋和祖孙依恋的质量来促进儿童执行功能的发展。  相似文献   

以山东省济南市、莱州市的935名初二和高一学生为被试, 进行为期一年半的追踪研究, 考察了家庭社会经济地位与青少年的教育规划和职业规划之间的关系, 检验了外向性在其中的调节作用及其性别差异。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位能够显著正向地预测青少年T1和T2时的教育规划以及T1时的职业规划;(2)外向性水平越高, 青少年教育规划和职业规划水平越高, 但是这种预测作用不存在长期性;(3)外向性能够调节家庭社会经济地位与青少年教育规划之间关系, 且这种调节作用存在显著的性别差异;但在家庭社会经济地位与青少年职业规划之间不存调节作用。这表明, 外向性不仅能够直接保护青少年的未来规划, 而且能够抵抗低家庭社会经济地位对个体未来规划的不良影响, 但是这种压力抵抗效应在不同性别、不同未来规划的领域之中存在差异。  相似文献   

采用问卷法和测量法对568名农村学前儿童进行调查,探究学前儿童心理弹性与行为问题的关系,执行功能的中介作用以及师幼关系的调节作用。结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄和是否留守水平后,农村学前儿童心理弹性负向预测行为问题;(2)执行功能在心理弹性与行为问题关系间起部分中介作用;(3)师幼关系对中介的后半路径"心理弹性→执行功能→品行问题/注意力不集中-被动"具有显著的调节效应。  相似文献   

邢淑芬  李倩倩  高鑫  马园园  傅锐 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1269-1281
研究选取78名5~7岁的学前儿童为研究对象, 采用睡眠日志法测量了儿童的夜间睡眠比、总睡眠时长和周末补偿睡眠三个睡眠时间的指标, 同时采用母亲报告法收集儿童的消极情绪性, 3个月后采用美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的一套标准化测量程序评估儿童的执行功能, 探讨三个睡眠时间参数对不同消极情绪性学前儿童执行功能的差异化影响。结果发现, 在控制了儿童的同时性语言能力之后, 夜间睡眠比能够显著预测儿童三个月之后的执行功能; 儿童的消极情绪性与周末补偿睡眠对执行功能的三个子成分存在显著的交互作用。当周末补偿睡眠较少时, 高消极情绪性儿童的执行功能显著低于低消极情绪性儿童; 当周末补偿睡眠较多时, 高消极情绪性儿童的执行功能显著高于低消极情绪性儿童, 该结果符合差别易感性模型。  相似文献   

家庭学习环境作为个体出生后最先接触到的学习环境,对个体早期乃至未来一生的发展都有重要作用。本研究以181名年龄在53~67个月的学前儿童及其母亲为被试,考察了家庭学习环境对儿童早期语言、数学和社会技能的作用。结果发现:(1)控制个体性别、年龄后,家庭学习环境对儿童早期语言、数学和社会技能的解释率分别为9.2%、4.4%和9.6%,均大于家庭社会经济地位和学前教育经历对三方面技能的解释率;(2)进一步控制家庭社会经济地位和学前教育经历后,家庭学习环境仍可显著预测个体早期语言、数学和社会技能,解释率分别为7.4%、3.2%和8.5%;(3)家庭学习环境的不同方面与儿童早期发展不同方面的关系不同。其中,家庭学习活动是儿童早期语言和数学技能的重要预测变量,丰富生活经验是儿童早期社会技能的重要预测变量。  相似文献   

以上海市6所幼儿园245名3~6岁儿童为研究对象,分别采用头–脚–膝盖–肩膀(HTKS)任务、修订后的儿童行为评定量表(CBRS)及亚太学前儿童发展量表中的语言和前阅读分量表以及认知分量表考察执行功能、学习品质及早期语言和数学学业发展状况。结果表明:(1)执行功能对学习品质、早期语言能力和数学能力均有显著正向预测作用;(2)学习品质在执行功能和早期数学能力关系中起部分中介作用,但对执行功能和早期语言能力的关系无中介作用。  相似文献   

研究选取北京市3所幼儿园的73名儿童,采用固定盒子任务、延迟满足等待任务和A非B任务,系统探索了家庭背景因素对2~3岁城市中层儿童执行功能的影响。结果表明,二者之间存在具体的影响关系:非独生子女在抑制控制任务上好于独生子女;家庭成员数量越多,儿童在认知灵活性任务上表现越好;父母更高的受教育水平对儿童的认知灵活性有更积极的影响;家庭收入对执行功能的发展无显著影响;研究所涉及的家庭背景因素对工作记忆均无显著影响。可见,家庭因素会对儿童执行功能的发展产生一定影响。  相似文献   

执行功能和动机是构成创造力个体差异的重要因素。本研究采用Stroop任务、自主性动机和创造力量表对372名大学生进行问卷调查及实验室研究,以考察认知抑制在自主性动机预测创造力中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)自主性动机显著正向预测流畅性/灵活性/独创性。(2)认知抑制调节自主性动机对流畅性与灵活性的预测作用。具体表现为,对高认知抑制能力者,自主性动机显著正向预测流畅性和灵活性,对低认知抑制能力者这一预测作用不显著。该研究深化了自主性动机与创造力关系的研究。  相似文献   

音乐训练对执行功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈杰  刘雷  王蓉  沈海洲 《心理科学进展》2017,(11):1854-1864
尽管音乐训练影响许多认知加工,但这种广泛性影响背后的机制迄今仍不清楚。近年来,研究者认为音乐训练的迁移效应可能是通过执行功能起作用。本文将执行功能细分为抑制控制、工作记忆、认知灵活性三个核心成分,考察音乐训练对这三个成分的影响以及执行功能在音乐训练迁移效应中的中介作用。研究结果表明,音乐训练对执行功能不同成分的影响有不同特点。同时,前额叶结构与功能的变化在音乐训练影响执行功能的过程中发挥着重要作用。此外,关于执行功能在音乐训练迁移效应中的中介作用,目前研究还存在不一致的结果,未来研究应采用多种技术手段深入探讨这一问题。  相似文献   

2~3.5岁是婴儿成长到幼儿的重要发展转折期,也是儿童执行功能及言语能力的发展萌芽期。研究通过测查北京市81名2~3.5岁儿童在固定盒子任务、搭积木任务、A非B任务和皮博迪图片词汇测验上的表现,探究了该年龄段儿童执行功能的发展特点、各成分间的内部关系、以及言语能力对执行功能的影响。结果发现:(1)在2~3.5岁期间,除认知灵活性外,儿童的工作记忆与抑制控制均快速发展,其中,2.5岁前后是工作记忆与抑制控制的重要发展时期;(2)在2~3岁期间,认知灵活性与工作记忆之间相关密切,在3~3.5岁期间,认知灵活性与抑制控制的相关密切,3岁是儿童执行功能内部成分关系的重要发展转折期;(3)在2~3.5岁期间,儿童言语能力呈现快速发展,并且言语能力对该年龄段执行功能各成分间关系产生一定的影响,但不同言语能力的儿童在执行功能各成分的表现并没有显著差异。  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status (SES) is a well-established predictor of individual differences in childhood language and cognitive functioning, including executive functions such as working memory. In infancy, intersensory processing—selectively attending to properties of events that are redundantly specified across the senses at the expense of non-redundant, irrelevant properties—also predicts language development. Our recent research demonstrates that individual differences in intersensory processing in infancy predict a variety of language outcomes in childhood, even after controlling for SES. However, relations among intersensory processing and cognitive outcomes such as working memory have not yet been investigated. Thus, the present study examines relations between intersensory processing in infancy and working memory in early childhood, and the role of SES in this relation. Children (N = 101) received the Multisensory Attention Assessment Protocol at 12-months to assess intersensory processing (face-voice and object-sound matching) and received the WPPSI at 36-months to assess working memory. SES was indexed by maternal education, paternal education, and income. A variety of novel findings emerged. 1) Individual differences in intersensory processing at 12-months predicted working memory at 36-months of age even after controlling for SES. 2) Individual differences in SES predicted intersensory processing at 12-months of age. 3) The well-established relation between SES and working memory was partially mediated by intersensory processing. Children from families of higher-SES have better intersensory processing skills at 12-months and this combination of factors predicts greater working memory two years later at 36-months. Together these findings reveal the role of intersensory processing in cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

近年来大量研究发现音乐训练对认知能力的具有积极影响,一些理论认为音乐训练的广泛迁移效应是通过执行功能起中介作用,但音乐训练与执行功能的关系至今仍存争议。研究将执行功能分为抑制控制、工作记忆和认知灵活性三个子成分,并将抑制控制进一步细分为注意抑制和反应抑制,同时区分工作记忆中主动性控制和反应性控制两种认知过程。通过对比音乐组和控制组在执行功能各任务(Go/No-go, Stroop, AX-CPT, Task-switching)上的行为表现来系统考察音乐训练与执行功能的关系。结果表明音乐训练对执行功能不同子成分的影响具有差异性,其促进效应主要体现在抑制控制中的注意抑制和工作记忆中的主动性控制,对抑制控制中的反应抑制、工作记忆中的反应性控制和认知灵活性影响较小。  相似文献   

Family socio-economic status (SES) is significantly related to disparities in children’s executive function. Children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds perform worse on executive function tasks than their peers from high-SES families. The protective factors in the relationship between SES and executive function have not been sufficiently investigated, especially from the perspective of parents’ and children’s perceptions and expectations regarding SES. Therefore, this study aimed to examine whether parental subjective SES and children’s subjective social mobility separately moderated the relationship between family SES and children’s executive function among 885 participants aged 9–13 years. The results showed that family SES was positively related to the three components of executive function (cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory). Moreover, the relationship between SES and cognitive flexibility was weak among the children with a high level of subjective social mobility or those whose parents had high levels of subjective SES. Among children from families with economic hardship, subjective social mobility is a potential protective factor mitigating the negative effects of low family SES on their cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome (TS) is a genetic disorder, affecting 1/2500 to 1/3000 live female births, induced by partial or total deletion of one X chromosome. The neurocognitive profile of girls with TS is characterized by a normal Verbal IQ and weaknesses in visual-spatial, mathematics, and social cognitive domains. Executive functions (EFs) impairments have also been reported in these young patients. However, methodological differences across studies do not allow determination of which EFs are impaired and what is the magnitude of these impairments. The aim of this review was to clarify the EF profile of children and adolescents with TS. Sixteen samples, from thirteen studies, were included in the current meta-analysis. EFs measures used in these studies were classified into working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, or higher-order EFs tasks in accordance with Diamond’s model, Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 135–168 (2013). Results confirmed that girls with TS had significant executive impairments with effect sizes varying from small (inhibitory control) to medium (cognitive flexibility) and large (working memory, higher-order EFs). Analyses by task revealed that cognitive inhibition may be more impaired than the other inhibitory control abilities. Heterogeneity across cognitive flexibility measures was also highlighted. Between-sample heterogeneity was observed for three tasks and the impact of participants’ characteristics on EFs was discussed. This meta-analysis confirms the necessity to assess, in patients living with TS, each EF by combining both visual and verbal tasks. Results also underline that, when studying girls with TS’ executive profile, it is important to explore the impact of moderator variables, such as IQ, parental socio-economic status, TS karyotype, psychiatric comorbidities, and hormonal treatment status.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status (SES) is strongly associated with cognitive ability and achievement during childhood and beyond. Little is known about the developmental relationships between SES and specific brain systems or their associated cognitive functions. In this study we assessed neurocognitive functioning of kindergarteners from different socioeconomic backgrounds, using tasks drawn from the cognitive neuroscience literature in order to determine how childhood SES predicts the normal variance in performance across different neurocognitive systems. Five neurocognitive systems were examined: the occipitotemporal/visual cognition system, the parietal/spatial cognition system, the medial temporal/memory system, the left perisylvian/language system, and the prefrontal/executive system. SES was disproportionately associated with the last two, with low SES children performing worse than middle SES children on most measures of these systems. Relations among language, executive function, SES and specific aspects of early childhood experience were explored, revealing intercorrelations and a seemingly predominant role of individual differences in language ability involved in SES associations with executive function.  相似文献   

This study extends the methodological and theoretical understanding of executive functions (EFs) in preschoolers from low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMIC). First, the authors describe a rigorous process of adapting and evaluating six EF tasks to produce a culturally and developmentally appropriate measure of emerging EFs in a large sample of at‐risk children in rural Pakistan. Next, the authors identify critical developmental and family factors that relate to preschoolers’ EFs over the first 4 years of life. Direct assessment of children's general cognitive skills at age two showed developmental continuity with EFs at age four, and these early cognitive skills mediated the effect of an antecedent parenting intervention on EFs as well as associations of targeted individual and family factors with EFs. Furthermore, directly assessed maternal cognitive capacities and observed maternal scaffolding uniquely predicted EFs in preschoolers. This study is also the first to demonstrate a significant overlap between direct assessments of IQ and EFs in young children from LMIC. Children's general intelligence mediated the associations of EFs with antecedent physical growth and cognitive skills as well as concurrent family factors (maternal verbal intelligence, maternal scaffolding, and home stimulation). After controlling for shared variance between preschoolers’ general intelligence and EFs, three factors emerged as unique predictors of EFs: exposure to an early parenting intervention, physical growth status at age two, and number of older siblings. The findings have important implications for the design of interventions that aim to improve EFs in young children in LMIC. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://vimeo.com/316329544/5abde94cd7  相似文献   

Research suggests a central role of executive functions for children's cognitive and social development during preschool years, especially in promoting school readiness. Interventions aiming to improve executive functions are therefore being called for. The present study examined the effect of a small group intervention implemented in kindergarten settings focusing on basic components of executive functions, i.e., working memory, interference control and cognitive flexibility. A total of 135 children enrolled in Swiss prekindergarten (5‐year‐olds) and kindergarten (6‐year‐olds) were involved. Results revealed that the small group intervention promoted gains in all three included components of executive functions: prekindergarten children substantially improved their working memory and cognitive flexibility processes, whereas significant training effects were found for the kindergarten children in interference control. Implications of these findings for early intervention programs and for tailoring preschool curricula are discussed, particularly with respect to children's school readiness. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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