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以应激-易感模型为依据考察冲动性特质与自杀意念的关系,并在此基础上提出一个有调节的中介模型,探讨负性生活事件影响的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用。采用巴瑞特冲动性量表、青少年生活事件量表、家庭环境量表、贝克自杀意念量表对902名大学生进行集体施测,旨在考察负性生活事件的影响对大学生冲动性特质与自杀意念的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用,结果表明:(1)冲动性特质和负性生活事件的影响能正向预测大学生的自杀意念;(2)负性生活事件的影响在冲动性特质和自杀意念之间起中介作用;(3)负性生活事件影响的中介作用和冲动性特质的直接作用受家庭环境的调节。这些结果对于综合解释环境与个体因素对自杀意念的作用与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以情绪管理理论和人际或系统模型为依据考察冲动性与大学生自伤行为的关系,并在此基础上提出一个有调节的中介模型,探讨负性情绪的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用。采用巴瑞特冲动性量表、正性负性情绪量表、家庭环境量表、青少年自我伤害问卷对2270名大学生进行施测,旨在考察负性情绪对冲动性与大学生自伤行为关系的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用,结果表明:(1)冲动性和负性情绪正向预测大学生的自伤行为;(2)负性情绪在冲动性和自伤行为之间起中介作用;(3)负性情绪的中介作用和冲动性的直接作用受到家庭环境的调节。这些结果对于深入理解个体与环境因素对自伤行为的作用与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以儿童抑郁量表为研究工具,对小学3到4年级771名儿童进行了2年的追踪研究。采用潜类别增长模型和终端结局潜发展模型,分别考察了童年期儿童抑郁情绪发展的亚群组类型,以及儿童抑郁情绪的发展特征对观察期结束时抑郁情绪的预测作用。结果表明:(1)童年期儿童的抑郁情绪发展呈现出三种不同的亚类型,即抑郁高风险组、抑郁低风险组和抑郁自愈组,各类型组人数比例分别为9.6%、53.4%和36.8%;(2)童年期儿童抑郁情绪的初始水平及其发展变化率均可以显著预测观察期结束时的抑郁情绪状况。童年期儿童抑郁情绪的早期监测工作有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

以儿童抑郁量表为研究工具,对小学3到4年级771名儿童进行了2年的追踪研究。采用潜类别增长模型和终端结局潜发展模型,分别考察了童年期儿童抑郁情绪发展的亚群组类型,以及儿童抑郁情绪的发展特征对观察期结束时抑郁情绪的预测作用。结果表明:(1)童年期儿童的抑郁情绪发展呈现出三种不同的亚类型,即抑郁高风险组、抑郁低风险组和抑郁自愈组,各类型组人数比例分别为9.6%、53.4%和36.8%;(2)童年期儿童抑郁情绪的初始水平及其发展变化率均可以显著预测观察期结束时的抑郁情绪状况。童年期儿童抑郁情绪的早期监测工作有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

本研究意在分性别考察中国青少年抑郁情绪的发展轨迹及其影响因素。785名男生和859名女生参加了3轮追踪研究,初始测量阶段的年龄跨度为10~16岁,平均年龄分别为12.99±1.84和12.96±1.87岁。采用流调中心抑郁量表(CES-D)简版测量青少年的抑郁情绪。模型拟合的结果显示男女生的抑郁情绪在10~19岁时段皆呈线性增长趋势,其中男生分为两个亚群组,人际关系解释了部分变异;女生分为4个亚群组,学业压力和人际关系均解释了部分变异。  相似文献   

本研究通过对贵州四所学校的581名初一学生进行历时2年的3次追踪测查,采用交叉滞后模型和潜变量增长模型考察了青少年抑郁和自伤行为的时序效应以及二者的发展轨迹及其关系,同时探究了社会支持在其间的保护作用。结果发现:(1)青少年抑郁能够显著预测其后续的自伤行为,但自伤行为对后续抑郁的预测作用不显著;(2)抑郁和自伤行为在青少年早期并非稳定不变,而是呈线性增长趋势;(3)抑郁的初始水平和增长均能正向预测青少年自伤行为的增长;(4)社会支持能够显著调节抑郁增长对青少年自伤行为增长的影响,具体而言,抑郁增长对青少年自伤行为增长的影响在低社会支持水平下更强,而在高社会支持水平下有所减弱,说明高社会支持在其中发挥了保护作用。该结果揭示了青少年抑郁和自伤行为的动态发展关系及其保护性因素,对于制定科学的预防及干预方案、帮助青少年减少自伤行为等具有重要价值。  相似文献   

施虐特质和冲动性人格均可引发攻击行为,但目前对施虐特质的结构特征及其与冲动性特质的关系尚不明确。针对该问题,研究采用施虐倾向类型量表(VAST)、简版施虐冲动量表(SSIS)和Barratt冲动性人格量表(BIS-11),对485名中国大学生的测量数据进行了验证性因素分析和相关分析,结果表明:(1)对VAST中文版测验数据的验证性因素分析结果支持施虐特质由直接施虐和替代性施虐构成的二维假设;(2)VAST与BIS-11的运动冲动性维度仅具弱相关,提示施虐倾向是独立于冲动性人格的人格特质。  相似文献   

采用冲动性特质量表、青少年遭受校园排斥问卷、生命意义感量表、自杀意念量表对633名高中生进行调查。结果表明:(1)冲动性特质对高中生自杀意念有显著的正向预测作用;(2)校园排斥在冲动性特质与高中生自杀意念间起部分中介作用;(3)冲动性特质经由校园排斥影响高中生自杀意念的中介作用受生命意义感的调节,随着生命意义感的增加,校园排斥对自杀意念的效应逐步减弱。冲动性特质可以通过校园排斥增加高中生自杀意念强度,而生命意义感能有效降低校园排斥对自杀意念的消极影响。  相似文献   

家庭环境影响青少年人格特质的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对855名青少年学生用家庭环境量表和中国人人格量表进行测试,结果表明:青少年的家庭环境对其人格特质的影响,存在显著的性剐差异;家庭亲密度和组织性是影响男孩人格特质的重要家庭环境因素,而家庭道德宗教观是影响女孩人格特质的重要家庭环境因素。新的家庭教育模式应充分考虑到家庭环境影响孩子人格特质的性别差异。  相似文献   

为探讨重度抑郁青少年非自杀性自伤(non-suicidial self-injury,NSSI)行为发生的风险因素,采用贝克自杀意念量表、焦虑自评量表、Barratt冲动量表、认知情绪调节量表、青少年生活事件量表、家庭亲密度及适应性量表对160例抑郁障碍青少年患者进行调查。结果发现,青少年重度抑郁发作患者中NSSI行为发生率较高,性别差异不显著。伴NSSI组患者的冲动性、自杀危险、焦虑、自我责难、灾难化及人际关系得分显著高于不伴NSSI组(P0.05);计划、积极重新评价,家庭实际适应性得分显著低于不伴NSSI组(P0.05)。二分类Logistic回归分析显示,自杀危险得分、冲动性总分、人际关系、自我责难是NSSI的危险因素。  相似文献   

Difficulties with self-regulation are implicated in the development of emotional and behavioral problems during adolescence. Although children’s ability to regulate their behaviors continues to improve throughout childhood and adolescence, it remains unclear how contextual risk factors might influence this development during the transition to adolescence, or how variation in the development of self-regulation predicts adjustment. Using a community sample of 214 8–12 year-olds (T1 M?=?9.5, SD?=?1.01), we examined growth trajectories of effortful control and impulsivity over three years and tested predictors and outcomes of these trajectories. Although predictors of initial levels of self-regulation were largely equivalent for both effortful control and impulsivity, contextual risk factors were related to variations in the development of impulsivity but not effortful control. However, increases in effortful control, but not impulsivity, were associated with level and rate of change in adjustment problems and positive adjustment, suggesting that different dimensions of self-regulation have different antecedents and outcomes in pre-adolescence and adolescence.  相似文献   

Conduct problems (CP) and callous-unemotional (CU) traits can have a long-lasting negative impact into adulthood. Importantly, among youth with CP, those high on CU traits engage in a more severe, aggressive, and persistent pattern of antisocial behavior. The current study investigates the co-occurrence between CP and CU traits among a large sample of Greek-Cypriot adolescents (N?=?1,674; 50.1 % girls). Five distinct groups were identified with Latent Profile Analysis: low risk (48.7 %), average risk (33.8 %), co-occurring high CP-high CU (5.4 %), high CP-low CU (5.2 %), and low CP-high CU (6.9 %). Although more boys were identified in the higher risk groups, boys and girls within each group were not differentiated on levels of CP or CU traits during early adolescence. Youth in the identified groups were compared on early (Mean age?=?12.12) and middle (Mean age?=?14.02) adolescence individual and contextual factors. Youth with high CP-high CU were at higher risk for behavioral (bullying and substance use), individual (inattention, impulsivity, narcissism), and contextual (low family-support) problems compared to youth in the high CP-low CU and low CP-high CU groups, providing evidence that the combination of CP and CU traits might constitute a pathological group. These findings demonstrate the usefulness of sub-typing CP based on CU traits for the forthcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Additional novel findings suggested that adolescents scoring high on CP, irrespective of CU, were not differentiated on hyperactivity, victimization, and anxiety/depression, and adolescents scoring high on CU traits, with or without CP, reported similar low levels of self-esteem and peer and family social-support.  相似文献   

Externalising behaviours such as substance misuse (SM) and conduct disorder (CD) symptoms highly co-occur in adolescence. While disinhibited personality traits have been consistently linked to externalising behaviours there is evidence that these traits may relate differentially to SM and CD. The current study aimed to assess whether this was the case, after examining the nature of the relationship between SM and CD symptoms in an adolescent sample (N?=?392), using structural equation modelling. Similar to those found in adults (Krueger et al. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 116: 645-666, 2007), results showed that CD and SM symptoms were organized hierarchically, with symptoms explaining a single broad, coherent construct of externalising behaviour, but also explaining specific factors of SM and CD that vary independently from the general externalising factor. Furthermore, disinhibited personality traits related differentially to these factors, with results showing that, even controlling for inhibited personality traits, impulsivity was associated with CD and the common variance shared by CD and SM, while sensation seeking was specifically associated with SM only. Hopelessness was also associated with the common variance shared by SM and CD. Results confirm impulsivity, hopelessness and sensation seeking as key correlates of externalising behaviour problems in adolescence, identifying them as clear targets for intervention and prevention strategies.  相似文献   

This study investigated grandiose narcissism from a categorical perspective. We tested whether subgroups of narcissists can be distinguished that differ in their expressions of more agentic (narcissistic admiration, ADM) and more antagonistic (narcissistic rivalry, RIV) pathways of narcissism. We analysed three German samples (total N = 2211; Mage = 26; 70% female) and one US sample (N = 971; Mage = 35; 74% female) using latent class analysis. Four subgroups of narcissists were consistently identified across samples from Germany and the United States: low narcissists, moderate narcissists primarily characterized by agentic aspects (ADM), moderate narcissists characterized by both agentic and antagonistic aspects (ADM + RIV), and high narcissists. The subgroups were systematically related to a number of personality traits (e.g. Machiavellianism, impulsivity) and adjustment indicators (e.g. self‐esteem, empathy). Members in the moderate narcissists—ADM subgroup showed the most adaptive characteristics while members in the moderate narcissists—ADM + RIV subgroup showed the most maladaptive characteristics. Investigating grandiose narcissism—a primarily quantitative trait—from a categorical perspective can yield valuable insights that would otherwise be overlooked. In addition, our results underline the utility of a self‐regulatory process approach to grandiose narcissism that distinguishes between agentic and antagonistic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Hypnotic responding might be due to attenuated frontal lobe functioning after the hypnotic induction. Little is known about whether personality traits linked with frontal functioning are associated with responsiveness to hypnotic suggestions. We assessed whether hypnotic suggestibility is related to the traits of self-control and impulsivity in 154 participants who completed the Brief Self-Control Scale, the Self-Regulation Scale, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), and the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (HGSHS:A). BIS-11 non-planning impulsivity correlated positively with HGSHS:A (Bonferroni-corrected). Furthermore, in the best model emerging from a stepwise multiple regression, both non-planning impulsivity and self-control positively predicted hypnotic suggestibility, and there was an interaction of BIS-11 motor impulsivity with gender. For men only, motor impulsivity tended to predict hypnotic suggestibility. Hypnotic suggestibility is associated with personality traits linked with frontal functioning, and hypnotic responding in men and women might differ.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of consumers' impulsivity traits, option framing, product type, and cash refund promotion on consumers' online impulse buying intention. This study follows two stages to investigate factors influencing impulse buying intention and continuous impulse buying intention. In Stage 1, this study investigates the influence of impulsivity traits (high/low), option framing (+OF/−OF), and product type (hedonic product/utilitarian product) in online shopping on impulse buying intention. In Stage 2, this study explores factors moderating the continuous impulse buying intention. Cash refund promotion (high/low) serves as the moderator. The experiment results demonstrated that subjects with high impulsivity traits, “subtractive option framing (−OF), and hedonic products” are more likely to engage in impulse buying intention. In addition, cash refund promotion at a higher level increases consumers' continuous impulse buying intention. The findings provide guidance for designing appropriate online promotion situation to induce consumers' impulse buying intention that favors online retailers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a well-established link between substance use and four personality traits of anxiety–sensitivity, hopelessness, impulsivity, and sensation-seeking. However, construct-level models of personality may conceal indicator-level personality–outcome associations. The current study aims to investigate evolution of the network constellation of personality and cannabis/alcohol use from early to late adolescence. Data comes from the longitudinal Co-Venture cohort (N = 3800). Personality indicators, measured by Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) items, and the frequency of cannabis/alcohol use were assessed at four consecutive years (13–17 years old). Network constellations of the SURPS items and cannabis/alcohol use were estimated using Bayesian Gaussian graphical models at four time points. Results highlighted the age-specific associations between personality indicators and substance use. The positive role of the sensation-seeking trait (e.g. attitude towards transgression) was constant, whereas the positive role of hopelessness indicators (e.g. not being enthusiastic about future) and the negative role of anxiety–sensitivity indicators (e.g. fear of having unusual body sensations) were more prominent at early adolescence. The current study provides a novel perspective on the network structure of personality and substance use in adolescence and suggests substance-specific and age-adjusted targets in intervention efforts. © 2020 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES) measures transient feelings of self-worth. The SSES has been hypothesized to possess a number of latent structures, ranging from one to three factors. The present study compared these putative structures along with a newly hypothesized bifactor structure (i.e., one global factor, three subfactors). Results offered greatest support for the bifactor model. A secondary goal was to further assess the nomological network surrounding state self-esteem by examining correlations involving an expanded measure of basic personality (i.e., the HEXACO), Dark Triad traits, and sexual attitudes and behaviors. In general, these correlations were consistent with the theoretical portrait of state self-esteem and were also consistent with correlations involving trait-level self-esteem. Most notably, however, scores on the SSES consistently correlated negatively with measures of the Dark Triad traits, suggesting a possible theoretical distinction between state- and trait-level self-esteem.  相似文献   

Research has documented that children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk of substance use problems. Few studies, however, have focused on early-onset substance use. This study therefore investigated how the two symptom dimensions of ADHD (hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention) are associated with early-onset substance use, the role of persistent ADHD for the association, and to what extent the association is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Twins (1,480 pairs) in the Swedish Twin Study of Child and Adolescent Development were followed from childhood to adolescence. ADHD symptoms were measured at age 8–9 and age 13–14 via parent-report, whereas substance use was assessed at age 13–14 via self-report. Results revealed that hyperactive/impulsive symptoms predicted early-onset “sometimes” tobacco use (adjusted odds ratios, 1.12, for one symptom count), controlling for inattentive symptoms and conduct problem behaviors. There is no independent effect of inattentive symptoms on early-onset substance use. Children with persistent hyperactivity/impulsivity (defined as scoring above the 75th percentile at both time points) had a pronounced risk of both early-onset tobacco and alcohol use (adjusted odds ratios from 1.86 to 3.35, compared to the reference group). The associations between hyperactivity/impulsivity and early-onset substance use were primarily influenced by genetic factors. Our results indicated that hyperactivity/impulsivity, but not inattention, is an important early predictor for early-onset substance use, and a shared genetic susceptibility is suggested to explain this association.  相似文献   

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