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有理论认为,模糊容忍性有助于个体发散性思维的发展,但部分实证研究却呈现出不一致的结论。本文考察了不同认识兴趣在模糊容忍性与发散性思维关系之间的中介和调节作用。结果发现:(1)I型认识兴趣在模糊容忍性和独创性、灵活性、流畅性间起完全中介作用;(2)模糊容忍性与独创性、灵活性的关系受到D型认识兴趣的调节,模糊容忍性与流畅性的关系不受D型认识兴趣的调节。  相似文献   

自尊的认知加工偏向研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岑延远  郑雪 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1184-1186
随着认识心理学的发展,人们从认知的角度对自尊进行了拓展性的研究。主要揭示不同自尊水平对认知加工偏向的影响,找出低自尊水平的认知加工特点并期望通过选择性训练来提升个体的自尊水平。关于自尊的认知加工偏向的心理机制主要是心境一致性效应和特质一致性效应。虽然这一取向的研究具有巨大的实践意义,但是还没有取得阶段性成果。  相似文献   

人们常说:“学源于思、思源于疑”,要做到这一点并不是很容易,它需要学生始终保持着对学习的极大热情和长久的好奇心,这样才能激发学生对学习的兴趣。我结合地理教学实践就培养学生的学习兴趣谈几点自己的认识。  相似文献   

小学生对一切事物都存在着好奇心和新鲜感。他们渴望获得知识,但感知觉的无意性和情绪性却很明显,极容易被新颖的内容所吸引。因其年龄尚小,注意力还不易稳定,意志力也比较薄弱,往往凭兴趣去认识事物。感兴趣的愿意去做,不感兴趣的则心不在焉。可见,兴趣对低年级儿童学习的积极性和主动性起着决定性的作用。我认为,学生对学习有无兴趣,与教师的启发诱导有关。[第一段]  相似文献   

研究以217名幼儿园儿童及其母亲为研究对象,以《母亲教养方式问卷》和自编《3—6岁儿童好奇心教师评定问卷》为工具,探讨了母亲教养方式及其相关因素与幼儿好奇心之间的关系。结果表明,不一致的母亲教养方式对幼儿好奇心有不利影响,放任的母亲教养方式下幼儿探索持久性较差;母亲受教育程度和生育年龄对幼儿好奇心的间接效应存在,但不显著。  相似文献   

频发的道德丑闻和管理渎职现象使真实型领导受到了前所未有的关注。基于近十年来国、内外重要理论文章和67项实证文章, 本文对真实型领导研究进行了系统梳理与评析。总体来看, 研究者主要从特质/行为视角和过程视角界定真实型领导。真实型领导的测量已有标准化工具, 并在测量主体和方式上呈现多样化趋势。真实型领导受个体因素和情境因素影响, 也会通过积极组织行为学、社会学习、社会认定和社会交换机制对个体、团队和组织产生积极影响。未来研究应深入讨论真实型领导的概念、结构和测量问题, 对其影响因素、影响效果和作用机制做进一步探索, 并适时进行跨文化和本土化考察。  相似文献   

采用冲动性/预谋性攻击量表、冷酷无情特质量表和特质焦虑量表,以山东省某中型监狱341名成人暴力犯为被试考察两类攻击、CU特质水平和特质焦虑之间的关系。结果表明:(1)CU特质水平与两类攻击正相关,与特质焦虑呈负相关,特质焦虑水平能够预测成人暴力犯的冲动性攻击。(2)个体的CU特质水平能够调节特质焦虑与冲动性攻击之间的关系,具体表现为特质焦虑水平对低CU特质个体的冲动性攻击影响大于高CU特质个体。  相似文献   

吕薇 《心理学报》2020,52(6):758-776
本研究考察了回避与趋近性负性特质对不同强度心理社会应激刺激重复暴露的心血管反应、应激后心血管反应恢复、重复应激心血管反应的影响,并探讨了应激认知评价在其中的作用。167名大学生被试被随机分配到中/高强度应激条件中,连续采集其在基线期、首次应激期、恢复期、重复应激期四个阶段的心血管反应数据。结果发现:(1)无论应激强度如何,回避性负性特质预测首次和重复应激中较低(钝化)的心血管反应和应激后较差的恢复,而趋近性负性特质预测较大的心血管反应和应激后较差的恢复。(2)重复应激个人资源感知在回避性负性特质与重复应激心率反应之间起中介作用。因此,回避性负性特质与持续较低(钝化)的应激心血管反应和应激后较差的恢复相联系,而趋近性负性特质与较大的应激心血管反应和应激后较差的恢复相联系,即两类负性特质均表现出不适应的固化的应激心血管反应模式,这可能构成了两类不同负性特质增加罹患心血管疾病风险的生理机制。  相似文献   

在综合国内外相关研究并结合半开放式访谈的基础上,构建了大学生认识信念的理论维度,并据此编制了大学生认识信念问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明:大学生认识信念问卷由知识的获得、知识确定性、知识简单性、学习的价值、学习的速度、学习的能力六个维度构成。中国大学生的认识信念具有不同于西方学生的独特特点。问卷的信效度指标良好,可以作为大学生认识信念的测量工具。  相似文献   

延迟折扣是指与当前或近期的获益(或损失)相比,人们总是倾向于赋予将来获益(或损失)更小的权重。为什么人们在跨期选择中会表现出冲动性行为?怎样才能让人"目光远大",而避免"鼠目寸光"呢?这些都是延迟折扣研究力求解决的问题。近几年,本课题组利用行为、ERP、多模态MRI等技术,从特质性和状态性研究角度出发,系统考察延迟折扣的影响因素、认知机制和神经基础。首先,从特质性角度,考察了跨期选择中价值评估和自我控制加工的神经分离、立即选项与延迟选项的神经表征与预测、调控方式对延迟折扣作用的神经机制;其次,从状态性角度,考察了框架效应、贫富线索等对延迟折扣的影响以及预期情绪对延迟折扣的调控机理。最后,根据特质性因素(控制能力、时间感知、识解水平等)和状态性因素(框架效应、贫富线索、预期情绪等)对延迟折扣的影响及调控机制,提出了延迟折扣可塑性的研究思路。本课题组的研究对于延迟折扣认知与神经机制的理论建构具有重要的科学价值,对于延迟折扣的可塑性及临床应用也有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Epistemic curiosity (EC) is the desire to obtain new knowledge capable of either producing positive experiences of intellectual interest (I‐type) or of reducing undesirable conditions of informational deprivation (D‐type). Although researchers acknowledge that there are individual differences in young children's epistemic curiosity, there are no existing measures to assess the I‐ and D‐type constructs of EC in early childhood. The aim of this study was to develop and validate parent‐report scales that reliably assessed early expressions of I‐ and D‐ type EC in young children. To develop the I/D‐Young Children (I/D‐YC) scales, 16 potential items were administered to 316 parents of children aged 3 to 8. These items were adaptations of an existing adult self‐report measure of EC as well as newly developed items. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that a 10‐item 2‐factor (5 I‐type, 5 D‐type) model had the best fit. Construct validity analyses and psychometric data indicated that our newly developed I/D‐YC scales are valid and reliable measures of individual differences in early expressions of I‐ and D‐type EC. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of affect, curiosity, and socialization-related learning on job performance, with 233 service industry employees from a diverse variety of occupations completing surveys at their places of work. Both state and trait curiosity and socialization-related learning (learning associated with employee socialization) were hypothesized to mediate the relationship between affect (operationalized as state and trait anxiety and anger) and job performance. Structural equation analyses indicate that the data are consistent with the theoretical models proposed. As expected, anxiety negatively influences curiosity, socialization-related learning, and job performance; conversely, anger positively influences curiosity, socialization-related learning, and job performance. Overall, the findings suggest that affects indeed predict perception of job performance, but through the mediation of curiosity and the learning associated with the socialization process. These results highlight the importance of the complex interplay between affect, curiosity, and learning when thinking about successful employee socialization and best possible job performance.  相似文献   

Curiosity as a clinical entity has been a neglected subject in the psychoanalytic literature. Freud never addressed the issue of curiosity systematically. His interest was in trying to account for children's sexual questioning. Nevertheless, hinderance to internal curiosity—this is to say, that which intimidates and abates the appetite for an exploration of one's motives—is part and parcel of psychoanalytic inquiry. And, arguably, there is no greater clinical challenge for the analyst than trying to treat an analysand who appears to lack an interest in the underlying causes of his unhappiness. The problem of impeded self-inquiry is usually exacerbated in people with more serious emotional disturbances. My position here is that in studying the conditions that mitigate against curiosity in a seriously disturbed patient, we gain access to an enlarged version of the curiosity problems of our less disturbed patients. Here I interpret my clinical impressions about problems with curiosity with ideas from the writings of Martin Buber and Albert Camus.  相似文献   

Goldberg  Carl 《Pastoral Psychology》2004,52(4):329-338
Public outcry against social outrages in our nation in the past few years have called for solutions that suggest that we as a nation believe that by strengthening the observational and punishing components of the superego of the American Psyche we can successfully overthrow our moral failings. By using data in regard to Adolph Eichman and other Nazis as clinical examples, it is suggested that the problem of our moral failings resides not in a deficient superego (a refluent moral agent) but in the insufficient development of conscience (a reflective consciousness). The roles that curiosity and impeded curiosity take in the development of morality are shown to be central to an understanding of how conscience differs from superego.  相似文献   

韩春慧  李鹏  冯廷勇  李红 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1435-1439
人际好奇是指渴望获得新异、未知的关于他人的信息,在人们的社交活动中有着重要的意义。通过一个两人共同完成的赌博任务考察了个体当前状况及性别等因素对人际好奇的调节作用。结果发现:被试当前状况最佳即赢钱最多时,更倾向于去观看对方的结果;在不需付代价就可观看对方结果时,女性被试的人际好奇显著强于男性被试,而在需要付出代价时男女性被试没有显著差异。结论:当个体处于优势地位时,相对于处于劣势的人其人际好奇更强烈;女性比男性的人际好奇更强烈,但在满足人际好奇的过程中却会因需要付出一定代价而减少探究行为。  相似文献   

Curiosity, seen as a motive to do exploration within definite and generally accepted frames, is to be distinguished from wonder, where doubt about the frames themselves is the underlying factor. Granted this distinction, it will be argued that educational institutions need to build on both notions, i.e. wonder as well as curiosity.  相似文献   

Curiosity, the desire to know, may be associated with creativity, which involves generating ideas that are novel and valuable. This meta-analytic investigation consolidated the results of studies of the association between curiosity and creativity. Across 10 studies, which included 2,692 individuals, there was a significant association between more curiosity and greater creativity (weighted effect size = .41, 95% CI [.27, .54], = .0001). For studies examining the association of the exploration dimension of curiosity with creativity, the weighted effect size was = .48, 95% CI [.09, .74], while for studies examining the deprivation sensitivity dimension of curiosity with creativity the weighted effect size was = .20, 95% CI [.10, .29]. The association of self-report measures of curiosity with self-reports of creativity was = .52, 95% CI [.40, .62], while the association of self-report measures of curiosity with rated creativity was = .16, 95% CI [.10, .22]. These meta-analytic results are congruent with some theoretical assumptions regarding curiosity and creativity and can be a foundation for efforts to facilitate creativity.  相似文献   

Measurement instruments assessing multiple emotions during epistemic activities are largely lacking. We describe the construction and validation of the Epistemically-Related Emotion Scales, which measure surprise, curiosity, enjoyment, confusion, anxiety, frustration, and boredom occurring during epistemic cognitive activities. The instrument was tested in a multinational study of emotions during learning from conflicting texts (N?=?438 university students from the United States, Canada, and Germany). The findings document the reliability, internal validity, and external validity of the instrument. A seven-factor model best fit the data, suggesting that epistemically-related emotions should be conceptualised in terms of discrete emotion categories, and the scales showed metric invariance across the North American and German samples. Furthermore, emotion scores changed over time as a function of conflicting task information and related significantly to perceived task value and use of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies.  相似文献   

好奇是驱动信息寻求行为最主要的内部动机。从感知信息缺口使好奇发生,到对控制进行价值评估,信息寻求行为发生,再到目标信息获得使好奇满足,每一环节都受到当前信息输入和上一环节反馈输出的影响,它们构成了一个反馈循环。该循环还嵌入在个体的终生发展过程中,随着经验积累和脑的发育不断变化。好奇反馈循环模型融入了控制的期望价值模型和贝叶斯强化学习框架,整合了来自监控系统、奖赏系统、控制系统等多个脑功能系统的研究证据,为理解好奇的神经生理机制提供了新思路。  相似文献   

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