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When a stick is used to extend the boundaries of the world perceived by touch, haptic parallels to visual angle and size constancy appear. In a pilot study, Ss using a stick to feel an out-of-reach gap were more likely to underestimate its size than were Ss feeling a nearby gap with the index finger, but size constancy was relatively high with the stick. The main study, comparing judgments of gaps at intermediate and far positions, confirmed these findings. Errors were greater for the more distant gap, but constancy was high in both positions. Correlations between far and intermediate judgments indicated that Ss were consistent in the type of error made. Similar findings emerged from a partial replication with blind and partially sighted Ss.  相似文献   

In a study of size constancy, monkeys were trained with extended practice to choose the larger of two projected stimulus discs independently of distance. When surgical brain lesions were made following pre-operative training, it was found that posterior parietal lesions caused no deficit on this task while inferotemporal lesions caused a severe breakdown from which three out of four animals showed almost no recovery. Mathematical analysis showed that the pattern of performance after inferotemporal lesions could be described as due to a tendency to oscillate between a “correct” and two “incorrect strategies” and that this tendency was also apparent to at least some extent in the unoperated animals. It is argued that the two incorrect strategies might have resulted from a disturbance of size constancy, such that the animal became unable to use both retinal size and distance information in computing physical size and instead used either retinal size or distance information alone. Parallels are drawn between such an hypothetical perceptual disorder and certain clinical disturbances in man.  相似文献   

J Shallo  I Rock 《Perception》1988,17(6):803-813
Existing evidence indicates that there are differences between children and adults in size constancy when observation distances are large. Findings are reported which suggest that this phenomenon is based on a difference in the accessing of proximal stimulus information, which, in the case of size, refers to visual angle subtended. Age differences were found when a traditional size constancy task was used, but these differences disappeared when all the comparison objects subtended the same visual angle. Since this finding demonstrates that young children can make accurate size matches, it is suggested that the underconstancy previously reported is not necessarily the result of children's inability to use fully certain cues to distance. Rather, the findings suggest that children access proximal stimulus information more spontaneously than do adults.  相似文献   

This study tested whether 4-month-old infants respond primarily to objects' physical or retinal image sizes. In the study's main experiment, infants were habituated to either a 6-cm-diameter disk at a distance of 18 cm or a 10-cm disk at 50 cm. They were then given 2 test trials in which the 6- and 10-cm disks were presented side by side at a distance of 30 cm. For each infant, one test object had a novel physical size but a familiar retinal image size, and the other had a familiar physical size but a novel retinal image size. The infants exhibited a significant looking preference for the object that had a novel physical size. A preliminary experiment found that 4-month-olds' looking preferences are based on novelty, not familiarity, under the conditions of this study. Given this finding, the results suggest that 4-month-old infants attend and respond primarily to physical size, not to retinal image size.  相似文献   

We present the case of a young man with a diagnosis of a childhood-onset pervasive developmental disorder who developed a progressive neurologic deterioration with persistent catatonia and right hemiparesis. On his initial evaluation approximately three years after the onset of mutism, he manifested right hemiparesis and catalepsy. Two years later, although catalepsy had subsided, motor function had deteriorated so that he could not use his hands to feed or dress himself. Oral-facialbuccal dyskinesia manifested by blepharospasm and grimacing were present constantly during waking hours. Quantitative electroencephalography demonstrated markedly decreased amplitude, a finding associated with catatonia. Left sural nerve biopsy indicated large axon cylinder degeneration. Left deltoid biopsy demonstrated perimysial fibrosis and type II fiber predominance. Although magnetic resonance imaging of the head without contrast was normal, positron emission tomography indicated hypometabolism of the right cerebral and the right cerebellar hemispheres. The patient continues to deteriorate despite a course of 25 electroconvulsive treatments. He continues to manifest criteria for catatonia including motoric immobility, mutism, and peculiarities of voluntary movement such as prominent grimacing. We suspect an inherited neurodegenerative disorder. Since catatonia is a treatable condition frequently associated with medical and neurological diseases, examination for the features of catatonia must be included in the assessment of patients with progressive brain degeneration. This report is an attempt to clarify the traits of a serious variant of progressive brain degeneration.  相似文献   

Kopinska A  Harris LR 《Perception》2004,33(9):1049-1060
Sound and light take different amounts of time to reach their respective receptors, to be transduced, and to be transmitted to the cortex. Their processing times also vary with factors such as intensity and retinal eccentricity. We assessed the capability of subjects to perceive simultaneity correctly despite these variations. Temporal asynchronies of up to 200 ms were introduced between the components of sound/light pairs. Using the method of constant stimuli, seven subjects judged which came first. Distance, and hence the times of arrival of paired visual and auditory targets, was varied from 1 to 32 m. Visual intensity was varied by viewing the target through 1.8 dB attenuating glasses, and a retinal eccentricity of 20 degrees was compared to central presentation. Despite large differences in reaction times, which varied in a predictable way with the stimulus parameters, the timing of sound/light pairings judged as simultaneous corresponded to when the light and sound left the source simultaneously. Almost complete compensation was found in all conditions tested, showing that these substantial but predictable variations in timing can be taken into account in creating simultaneity constancy.  相似文献   

If perceived velocity were to be a function of phenomenal extent traversed per unit time, speed constancy would be derivable from size constancy. Experiments were performed to test this possibility in which visible frames of reference were eliminated. With cues to distance, judgments ofspeed approached constancy; without such cues, judgments of speed were in terms of rate ofimage displacement.  相似文献   

A series of experiments investigating the constancy of perceived direction was conducted. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 indicated that the perception of direction, while close to constancy, exhibited a consistent departure from constancy of approximately 2.5 deg. Experiments 4 and 5 investigated the departure from constancy in terms of the information of the position of the eyes within the head and the information of the retinal area (local sign) being stimulated. The results of these experiments indicated that the departure from constancy was a function of the underestimation of the position of the eyes within the head.  相似文献   

Stereovision is a complex process because perceived depth intervals depend not only on retinal disparity, but also on cues for distance. Because disparity decreases in proportion to the square of the object distance, a compensation process called constancy of stereoscopic depth makes the necessary correction in the perception of depth by taking object distance into account. This compensation process was altered by adaptation. Subjects were exposed to artificial conditions where disparity decreased in proportion to distance instead of distance squared. Alterations in depth perception amounting to 20% were obtained.  相似文献   

Transparent layer constancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perceived transparency was studied as a constancy problem. In the episcotister (E-) model of scission, luminances are partitioned into layer and background components; four luminances determine values of two layer parameters that specify constancy of a transparent layer on different backgrounds. The E-model was tested in an experiment in which 12 Ss matched 24 pairs of four-luminance patterns by adjusting two luminances of the comparison pattern. Both the standard and the comparison were perceived as a transparent layer on a checkerboard. The E-model predicts matches when layer values are identical in the two patterns. One parameter was constant, constraining the adjustment along the second dimension. Obtained values corresponded well with E-predictions. Alternative models based on local luminance or average contrast ratios accounted for less variability. Results indicate that transparency models should utilize luminance, not reflectance, as the independent variable.  相似文献   

Many years ago the author, jointly with a psychologist, described a patient who, in spite of her alleged idiocy, showed an exceptional musical capacity. However, in the meantime the author has recognized and described early childhood catatonics and, as a consequence of this new knowledge, he has to admit an error. Even according to our then findings it would have been identifiable that, as has been confirmed now by follow-up, the patient is suffering from catatonia, starting in infancy. The high musical performance, then arousing our greatest astonishment, is now explicable, for childhood schizophrenics do not develop general mental deficiency but only specific circumscribed deficits.  相似文献   

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