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Stereovision is a complex process because perceived depth intervals depend not only on retinal disparity, but also on cues for distance. Because disparity decreases in proportion to the square of the object distance, a compensation process called constancy of stereoscopic depth makes the necessary correction in the perception of depth by taking object distance into account. This compensation process was altered by adaptation. Subjects were exposed to artificial conditions where disparity decreased in proportion to distance instead of distance squared. Alterations in depth perception amounting to 20% were obtained.  相似文献   

Retinal disparity decreases in proportion to the square of the distance of the corresponding objective depth interval from the eyes. Up to a distance of 2 m, stereoscopic depth perception compensates well for this decrease in disparity with observation distance; for a given disparity, experienced depth increases approximately in proportion to the square of the observation distance. When disparities are artificially produced, by anaglyphs or vectograms, or by spectacles, they decrease only in proportion to the first power of the observation distance. The same is true when the Pulfrich effect gives rise to equivalents of disparity. Depth perception, however, compensates for the normal disparity loss. As a result, there should be a net gain in perceived depth approximately in proportion to the first power of observation distance. When perceived depth caused by horizontal magnification in one eye or by the Pulfrich effect was measured, it was found to increase approximately in proportion to observation distance.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of stimulus factors causing retinal rivalry or allowing stereoscopic depth perception, given a requisite positional disparity. It is shown that similar colour information can be “filtered” out from both eyes; that stereopsis is not incompatible with rivalry and suppression of one aspect of the stimulus, and that the strongest cue for perception of stereoscopic depth is intensity difference at the boundaries of the figures in the same direction at each eye. Identity of colour can also act as a cue for stereopsis. The brightness of different monocular figures seen in the stereoscope in different combinations was estimated by a matching technique, and it is suggested that the perceived brightness is a compromise between the monocular brightness difference between figure and ground seen in relation to the binocular fused background, and the mean brightness of the figures. The results are discussed in terms of neurophysiological “on,” “off” and continuous response fibres.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic depth has a critical effect on completion of partially occluded figures. However, it has not strictly been distinguished whether the effect is direct or indirect through alteration of contour segmentation or parsing. Here, I report that stereoscopic depth does not influence completion of partially occluded figures when parsing is unambiguous from motion cues. This is consistent with the present proposal that stereoscopic depth does not have a unique role in completion and that it is one of the cues to contour segmentation or parsing, which in turn influences completion and surface representation, like motion, shape, or transparency.  相似文献   

N Kawabata 《Perception》1986,15(5):563-572
The Necker cube is a line drawing with two possible solutions in depth perception. The process of interpreting a two-dimensional line drawing as a three-dimensional object was investigated using the Necker cube. Attention was directed to a local feature of a briefly presented cube, ie an angle at a vertex. The attended angle was perceived as a front part of the cube and other parts were interpreted so as to match this interpretation. Results show that the local feature to which attention was directed was interpreted first and then global features and other local features were interpreted so as to agree with the local feature interpreted initially. This suggests that the three-dimensional interpretation of the line drawing was made sequentially from the local feature to global structures.  相似文献   

Poom L 《Perception》2002,31(12):1439-1448
Traditionally, it is assumed that stereovision operates only on the positional difference (disparity) between luminance-defined features in the images in the left and the right eye. Here, I show that stereoscopic depth can be seen from disparity between edges created by relative motion of texture elements, and between edges created by correlated flicker of stationary texture elements. Luminance-based stereopsis was impossible since the texture was binocularly uncorrelated. Positional disparity of the centre of revolving patterns was not an efficient depth cue. Stereopsis from the stimuli presented here was possible even without binocular overlap of textured areas. The results provide evidence that positional disparity of kinetic edges, defined by correlated flicker or motion contrast alone, can be used as matching features to recover stereoscopic depth.  相似文献   

A veridical estimate of viewing distance is required in order to determine the metric structure of objects from binocular stereopsis. One example of a judgment of metric structure, which we used in our experiment, is the apparently circular cylinder task (E B Johnston, 1991 Vision Research 31 1351-1360). Most studies report underconstancy in this task when the stimulus is defined purely by binocular disparities. We examined the effect of two factors on performance: (i) the richness of the cues to viewing distance (using either a naturalistic setting with many cues to viewing distance or a condition in which the room and the monitors were obscured from view), and (ii) the range of stimulus disparities (cylinder depths) presented during an experimental run. We tested both experienced subjects (who had performed the task many times before under full-cue conditions) and na?ve subjects. Depth constancy was reduced for the na?ve subjects (from 62% to 46%) when the position of the monitors was obscured. Under similar conditions, the experienced subjects showed no reduction in constancy. In a second experiment, using a forced-choice method of constant stimuli, we found that depth constancy was reduced from 64% to 23% in na?ve subjects and from 77% to 55% in experienced subjects when the same set of images was presented at all viewing distances rather than using a set of stimulus disparities proportional to the correct setting. One possible explanation of these results is that, under reduced-cue conditions, the range of disparities presented is used by the visual system as a cue to viewing distance.  相似文献   

Palmisano S 《Perception》2002,31(4):463-480
Previous research found that adding stereoscopic information to radially expanding optic flow decreased vection onsets and increased vection durations (Palmisano, 1996 Perception & Psychophysics 58 1168-1176). In the current experiments, stereoscopic cues were also found to increase perceptions of vection speed and self-displacement during vection in depth--but only when these cues were consistent with monocularly available information about self-motion. Stereoscopic information did not appear to be improving vection by increasing the perceived maximum extent of displays or by making displays appear more three-dimensional. Rather, it appeared that consistent patterns of stereoscopic optic flow provided extra, purely binocular information about vection speed, which resulted in faster/more compelling illusions of self-motion in depth.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate how color and stereoscopic depth information are used to segregate objects for visual search in three-dimensional (3-D) visual space. Eight observers were asked to indicate the alphanumeric category (letter or digit) of the target which had its unique color and unique depth plane. In Experiment 1, distractors sharing a common depth plane or a common color appeared in spatial contiguity in thexy plane. The results suggest that visual search for the target involves examination of kernels formed by homogeneous items sharing the same color and depth. In Experiment 2, thexy contiguity of distractors sharing a common color or a common depth plane was varied. The results showed that when target-distractor distinction becomes more difficult on one dimension, the other dimension becomes more important in performing visual search, as indicated by a larger effect on search time. This suggests that observers can make optimal use of the information available. Finally, color had a larger effect on search time than did stereoscopic depth. Overall, the results support models of visual processing which maintain that perceptual segregation and selective attention are determined by similarity among objects in 3-D visual space on both spatial and nonspatial stimulus dimensions.  相似文献   

Research suggests that kinesthetic aftereffect (KAE) scores reflect status on a postulated stimulus intensity modulation (SIM) mechanism that damps down subjective stimulus intensity for some (reducing) and increases it for others (augmenting). Such a mechanism would help account for empirically observed individual differences in such behaviors as pain tolerance, sensory deprivation reactivity, and stimulation seeking. It was hypothesized and confirmed in three adult female samples that KAE varies curvilinearly over the menstrual cycle: Greater KAE reduction occurs at the cycle's beginning and end. Neither tiredness, oral contraception, medication, attention, nor social expectations can explain this finding. Of the behaviors studied in the KAE literature, only five are also encompassed by the menstrual cycle literature. Four of these (antisocial behavior, acute schizophrenic episodes, accidents, and activity level) show similar curvilinearity over the cycle. We hypothesize that cyclical variation in the SIM mechanism mediates the curvilinear pattern observed for both these four behaviors and KAE.  相似文献   

Matthews H  Hill H  Palmisano S 《Perception》2011,40(8):975-988
The hollow-face illusion involves a misperception of depth order: our perception follows our top-down knowledge that faces are convex, even though bottom-up depth information reflects the actual concave surface structure. While pictorial cues can be ambiguous, stereopsis should unambiguously indicate the actual depth order. We used computer-generated stereo images to investigate how, if at all, the sign and magnitude of binocular disparities affect the perceived depth of the illusory convex face. In experiment 1 participants adjusted the disparity of a convex comparison face until it matched a reference face. The reference face was either convex or hollow and had binocular disparities consistent with an average face or had disparities exaggerated, consistent with a face stretched in depth. We observed that apparent depth increased with disparity magnitude, even when the hollow faces were seen as convex (ie when perceived depth order was inconsistent with disparity sign). As expected, concave faces appeared flatter than convex faces, suggesting that disparity sign also affects perceived depth. In experiment 2, participants were presented with pairs of real and illusory convex faces. In each case, their task was to judge which of the two stimuli appeared to have the greater depth. Hollow faces with exaggerated disparities were again perceived as deeper.  相似文献   

Both the image size of a familiar object and linear perspective operate as distance cues in stereoscopic depth constancy. This was shown by separating their effects from the effect of the oculomotor cues by creating cue conflicts between either the familiar size cue or linear perspective, on the one hand, and accommodation and convergence, on the other. In the case of familiarsize, this cue was used deceptively. In the case of linear perspective, spectacles caused nonveridical oculomotor adjustments.  相似文献   

The effect of stereoscopic depth on perceived lightness was studied using a simple, achromatic stimulus arrangement. In Experiment 1, depth/lightness interactions were sought between a single test field and a single induction field. In Experiment 2, depth/lightness interactions were looked for between a single test field and two induction fields. Stimuli were presented on a computer screen and viewed with a stereoscope. The subjects reported perceived lightness of the achromatic test field by rating its apparent blackness along a dimension of 0%–100%. In Experiment 1, they reported lightness judgments of the test field across 13 perceived depth levels and 8 contrast levels. In Experiment 2, they gave lightness judgments of the test field across 7 perceived depth levels and 16 contrast levels. We were particularly interested in observing the generality of Gilchrist’s coplanar ratio hypothesis. The results showed that when stereopsis and contrast levels are the available cues, depth and lightness percepts are independent, and it is retinal ratios, not coplanar ratios, that dictate lightness perception. We conclude that before the relative depth location of an object is determined, its lightness value is known through sensory-level processes.  相似文献   

During self-motions, different patterns of optic flow are presented to the left and right eyes. Previous research has, however, focused mainly on the self-motion information contained in a single pattern of optic flow. The present experiments investigated the role that binocular disparity plays in the visual perception of self-motion, showing that the addition of stereoscopic cues to optic flow significantly improves forward linear vection in central vision. Improvements were also achieved by adding changingsize cues to sparse (but not dense) flow patterns. These findings showed that assumptions in the heading literature that stereoscopic cues facilitate self-motion only when the optic flow has ambiguous depth ordering do not apply to vection. Rather, it was concluded that both stereoscopic and changingsize cues provide additional motion-in-depth information that is used in perceiving self-motion.  相似文献   

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