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宗教在当代社会的"私人化",使基督教不仅作为一种信仰传统、也作为一种文化叙事引起诸多学科的关注,进而在基督教与马克思主义的关系方面形成了新的论说模式。马克思主义与基督教神学是否存在着可能交合的问题领域?这应该对中国目前的宗教学研究具有重要的借鉴价值。本文作者就此归纳为六个方面,并提出相关讨论。  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2003,25(3):42-50
本文以解放神学为例考察了基督宗教与马克思主义的内在关联性,对中国基督宗教的处境化作了初步的分析。  相似文献   


In spite of the small number of Orthodox Christians in China, Chinese publications relating to Orthodox Christianity, in which many Chinese theologians from other Christian denominations or scholars without formal religious affiliation have been involved in exploring Orthodox theology, have mushroomed in recent years. It is noticeable that these explorations have been shaped not only by the renaissance of Orthodox theology in the twentieth century, but also by the Chinese context. In terms of scope, many of them are related to the Chinese context, including the relationship between Christianity and Chinese culture. In terms of depth, due to the religious backgrounds of the researchers, some of these Chinese explorations fail to integrate the theological, liturgical and spiritual dimensions of the Orthodox tradition, and exhibit difficulties in interpreting, for instance, Orthodox mystical theology. These limitations can be overcome through dialogue with contemporary Orthodox theologians.  相似文献   

During the last four decades, Christianity in China has grown quickly. There are about 50 million Protestant Christians in today's China. The majority of them, however, are in rural areas. This rural Christianity, or folk Christianity, is influenced by Chinese folk religion. This article explores the features and the missional nature of Chinese folk Christianity. It exposes several main features of folk Christianity, including its charismatic orientation, pragmatic concern, moral emphasis, and superstitious factors. Its main argument is that Chinese folk Christianity is missional in a situation where the absolute majority of the population is non‐Christian. Through describing and analyzing Chinese folk Christianity as biblical, historical, contextual, eschatological, and practicable, which are fundamental affirmations about the missional church, this article reaches the following conclusion: Although it is somewhat syncretic, Chinese folk Christianity, as God's people called in a particular context, has its missional nature. It is a contextualized form of Christianity. Given the particular Chinese context in participating in God's mission, it might be inevitable for Chinese folk Christianity to be syncretic to some degree. In the contexualization of Christianity, however, Chinese folk Christianity has raised some theological questions: How deeply and thoroughly contextualized can folk Christianity become? Are there limits to its contextualization? If yes, what are the limits?  相似文献   

孙超 《管子学刊》2011,(1):64-69
《孟姜女传说》是中国四大民间传说之一。2006年山东淄博将其申报为国家级非物质文化遗产后,就其真正的归属地问题却产生了争议。通过文献考索与田野调查,我们认为:齐鲁,特别是淄博泰山齐长城遗址及周围地区是孟姜女传说的发源地。秦始皇之所以进入《孟姜女传说》,其直接因素是他修了"万里长城",而深层原因是他的齐鲁文化情结。"文化素"是波亚托斯提出的概念,指的是通过符号感觉到或认识到的文化单位。从"礼义"、"歌哭"等文化素分析来看,齐鲁文化是《孟姜女传说》最核心的精神内核,齐鲁是它的文化出生地及传播的中心地带。  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2005,1(3):1-9
马克思的宗教批判对当代基督宗教人文主义有相当的影响,虽然两者对宗教异化有不同的理解,但都认为消除异化是人类走向自由的前提。  相似文献   

《易经》与中国文化心理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
申荷永  高岚 《心理学报》2000,32(3):348-352
在我们中国的文化传统中,《易经》素有“众经之首”和“大道之源”的称誉。当代心理学史家把中国看作是心理学的第一个故乡,中国传统文化中包容着丰富的心理学思想和独特的心理学体系。对此,作者以《易经》为基础,通过易经中所使用的“心”字,易传中所发挥的“心”的意义,和《易经》卦象中所表达的心理的象征性等几个方面,阐述了《易经》中所包含的“中国文化心理学”,以及这种中国文化心理学对于当代西方心理学思想的影响。  相似文献   

Muslim perception of Christianity has been coloured by references to Jesus and Christianity in the Qur'an and by the great range of historical encounters between members of the two traditions over fourteen centuries. In response to colonialism and Christian missionary activity in Muslim countries, Muslim modernists depicted Christianity as a religion of the sword and cast Islam as a superior system noted for its moderate and pluralistic vision. By the second half of the twentieth century, the challenge of Marxism and Zionism gave credence to the Islamist ideology of the Islamic imperative to eliminate all other systems. Muslim society was depicted as the victim of secular, Christian and Jewish fanaticism that sought to eradicate Islam. During the eighties, a new discourse on the role of religious minorities has developed which sees pluralism as a foundational principle of Islamic society sanctioned by God since it was his will to create difference. The purpose is to promote not discord, but the perception of a sign of God's mercy.  相似文献   

理雅各宗教思想中的中西融合倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦敦会传教士、汉学家理雅各(1815-1897)受其家乡苏格兰的神学思想和非国教家庭背景的影响而产生了独立、开放的宗教意识。尽管他以自身的信仰为本位,但在对中国文化的诠释和评价上表现出了明显的中西宗教融合的倾向,这使他在西方传教士中处于颇为孤立的境地。  相似文献   

Luther and China     
Miikka Ruokanen 《Dialog》2008,47(2):167-171
Abstract : Luther, a founding father of Protestant Christianity, has a promising future in Chinese theology and in the study of Christianity in China, both in the theological seminaries and in the secular universities. As a theologian, he has the potential to greatly impact Chinese Christian thought and he remains a model of social reform. He can be a source of inspiration for Chinese theologians and scholars who are creating in their own cultural contexts new ways of constructing an authentic Chinese Christian theology  相似文献   

The spirituality and theology of Chinese Protestant believers and pastors is rooted in the profoundly conservative Evangelical‐revivalist and Pietistic missionary background of the Chinese church. Bishop K. H. Ting (b. 1915), the most prominent church leader and theologian of the Protestant church of China during the last decades, intends to broaden the narrow theological scope of the Chinese Christians. He emphasizes Trinitarian theology, natural theology, the theology of creation, and ethical principles common to all human beings. On the basis of these concepts, Ting attempts to find points of contact between the Christian faith, on the one hand, and traditional Chinese culture and modern secular Chinese society, on the other. Some critics of K. H. Ting claim that he is trying to introduce into Chinese Christianity liberal theological views which would eventually destroy some of the main pillars of the Evangelical faith. The present essay argues that this, in fact, is not the case; rather, K. H. Ting speaks for theological perspectives which belong to the theological mainstream, the ecumenical heritage of classical theology commonly accepted by a large number of both Protestant and Catholic theologians. Moreover, the essay points out that the contextualization of Christianity in China has been successful in adapting the Christian faith and life to the social, historical, and political context where the Chinese Christians live today. But the cultural aspect of contextualization, or inculturation, is just in the beginning. Younger Chinese theologians have a great challenge in facing the question: How to relate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to five thousand years of Chinese cultural experience, and how to connect this with various global cultural, economic, and other influences which so deeply affect the life of all people on this planet?  相似文献   

论马克思主义的整体性(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着 "马克思主义理论"被正式确立为国家一级学科,"马克思主义学院"在全国高等院校纷纷成立,国内马克思主义研究在表面上也呈现出一派热闹非凡的景象。于是马克思主义的整体性问题被提了出来。然而,与这种表面上热闹的景象形成鲜明对照的是,真正从心灵深处认同、信仰马克思主义的人并不很多。这种悖论式的现象不能不引起我们足够的重视。对于研究马克思主义的理论工作者而言,必须对眼前令人眼花缭乱的马克思主义 "热"进行 "冷"思考,就是说,必须认真地、郑重地提出并弄清这样一个问题: 马克思主义就其本义而言,是站在大众立场、为大众立言、为  相似文献   

“中国经验”与中国化的马克思主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思主义与中国实际相结合,才能实现中国化,化出一个中国化的马克思主义。与中国实际相结合,既是说用马克思主义为指导分析和研究中国的具体国情和实际问题,同时更包含着重视和研究“中国经验”。“中国经验”是非常复杂的,也是活生生的流变着的现象,是任何抽象的概念和教条都无法框定的。这就需要破除一些观念误区,真正把握马克思主义的精神实质,丰富和发展马克思主义的基本理论。中国特色社会主义理论,就是当代发展着的马克思主义。  相似文献   

王明生 《现代哲学》2007,4(5):36-41
儒家大同思想在中国二千年的政治文化中影响深远。毛泽东深受中国传统文化影响。其中儒家大同思想的影响尤其巨大。这种影响渗透在其政治思维中,成为他日后设计中国社会模式的重要文化基因。毛泽东设计的具有儒家大同思想和空想社会主义色彩的社会模式,在中国的实践中由于严重脱离实际和生产力发展水平,耗费了大量的社会资本,使中国的现代化进程遭遇重大挫折。  相似文献   

The attached (to mother) fetus-infant finds his religious expression in Buddhism. The attached (to group) juvenile finds his religious expression in Judaism and other tribalisms. The attached (to spouse) adult finds his religious expression in agnosticism and secularism. Attached phases are placid and of progressively decreasing emotional intensity. The three detaching phases are hurtful and hence soteriological, and are also of progressively decreasing emotional intensity. The toddler-young child finds his religious expression in Christianity, the adolescent in atheism and/or Marxism, and the aged, sick or dying plucks at any religious or secular aid.He has written numerous papers on aspects of child care, medical history, interrelations between medicine and religion, and between Judaism and Christianity.  相似文献   

徐长福 《现代哲学》2005,1(1):11-17
“汉语马克思”,指用汉语书写的马克思,已存在一个世纪了。此间,马克思主要被看作一个思想家和革命家而不是一个学者。马克思主义也主要被看作意识形态而不是学术思想。但事实上,马克思首先是一个学者,然后才是一个思想家和革命家。同时,马克思的马克思主义也首先是一种按照学术规范取得的学术成果,然后才是一种意识形态。无论如何,学术品质是马克思的马克思主义的首要因素。因此,我们应当以马克思的学术精神研究马克思主义,汉语马克思的第二个世纪首先应是一个学术世纪。  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化重要源头的齐鲁文化,其实体是由儒、道、法、墨等文脉构成的,它们揭示了人类社会生存与发展的脉络,并以多元理论诠释了实现普遍和谐与稳定的思想。基督教是西方传统文化“基因图谱”的根源,它以宗教的方式阐释了上帝是造就人类社会至善至美的始动者,信奉上帝所言而行是创造和谐的必然。本文通过对不同文化生态模式的比较,析离出中西方和谐观各自产生的本源及对当代世界和平与发展的深刻影响。  相似文献   

The theological misappropriation of Christianity as a civilizing force occurs when individuals convert to Christianity due to deception that ignores the faith-based aspect of Christianity. The history of Western education in India illustrates the hidden curriculum that Christian missionaries employed to disrupt the Indian educational system. This unnerving pedagogy points to the need for a postcolonial theoretical framework that relates the inescapable hybridity of religion and culture where Orientalism has the potential to occur. To press the ongoing urgency of this discussion, I convey how the history of British India connects to my lived-reality as an American Hindu. Overall, I point to hybridity as a lived paradox of ambiguous conflict that embraces interfaith relations. I offer implications for Christian missionaries today to foster authentic interfaith connections without engaging in colonizing ideologies.  相似文献   

Symbols are communicative tools with performative functions in all cultures. Apart from their decorative functions, non‐Christian symbols adopted into Christianity have had a tremendous impact on Christian life since the early times, especially in liturgical practices. Through Western missionary activities, Ghana inherited Christian biblical‐liturgical art as has been developed in the home countries of the missionaries. However, since the 1960s Adinkra symbols have been incorporated into Christian worship and theology, receiving attention within secular and religious circles because of their communicative potential. On the religious level, some churches have adopted them as logos or incorporated them into architectural designs and liturgical art. This paper seeks to investigate what motivates various missions to choose particular Adinkra symbol(s) and what they hope to achieve with them. Furthermore, it attempts a theological reflection on the communicative potential of artefacts in Ghanaian Christianity as a response to the “Great Commission. “We approach the subject from a historical, contextual, and theological perspective, using selected Roman Catholic and Methodist churches in Ghana as case studies. The study employed unstructured in‐depth interviews and photo elicitations to trace the relationship between visual arts and religion, with particular emphasis on Christian visual arts and how they have informed Christianity in Ghana.  相似文献   

The centennial exploration of the Chinese road started with the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). This road is essentially characterized by modernization and adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. The fundamental correlation between China’s modernization and Marxism lies in the fact that China must go through a thorough social revolution to lay the foundation for its modernization cause, which charted a historical course from new democracy to socialism. However, only adapting Marxism to the Chinese context can help China’s modernization, because it is this philosophy that is intrinsically related to China’s practice in revolution, construction and reform. The contemporary form of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context is socialism with Chinese characteristics, which holds great significance for both the Chinese nation and international socialism and the overall development of human society in the new historical phase. This is a kind of “significance for world history” because the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies not only in its own development into a modern power, but also in the fact that it is actively opening up the possibility of a new type of civilization besides completing the modernization mission and obtaining achievements from modern civilization.  相似文献   

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