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基督教与近代科学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从根本上,基督教不是科学的反对性力量,而是近、现代科学的诱发性和促进性力量。本文尝试从三个方面对基督教与近、现代科学之间的关系予以澄清一、基督教和科学关系在具体的历史发展中所经历的四个发展阶段混合阶段、分化阶段、对立阶段、各自独立发展又相得益彰的阶段;二、基督教是近代科学得以产生的最基本的促发要素;三、宗教与科学属于人类生活和文化的两个完全不同的领域,不会构成根本性的冲突。  相似文献   


Tradition attributes the evangelization of Mesopotamia to St Thomas and to an apostle called Addai as early as the first century AD. Christianity spread early in Iraq from the major centre of Edessa (today Urfa in south-east Turkey) in its Syriac linguistic and cultural form. Christianity in Iraq represents a direct line of continuity with history. However, Christians are a minority in modern Iraq, representing some 3–5 per cent of the population. Iraq's Christians can be divided into three main groups Catholic, Oriental Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican; however, the Chaldean Catholics are the dominant tradition. Ecumenism is a significant factor between the communities. Despite war, emigration and sanctions the presence of Christianity in Iraq is a witness to the creative and spiritual power of Oriental Christianity in the Middle East and an important source for the religious and political renewal of the region.  相似文献   

本文考察了近代中国的国家主义者对基督教的批判,以及基督教学者从基督教的国家观、基督徒的爱国问题和世界主义(大同主义)等方面所做的回应。这种考察,既可以让我们了解到基督教在中国历史上与某种政治思潮的纠缠,也可以为我们在当今全球化背景下审视基督教与国家的关系提供借鉴。基督教的普世主义可以纠正国家主义的偏狭,国家主义的思想刺激基督教不得不考虑本土化和处境化的问题。  相似文献   

This study examined the possibility that smoking may interfere with Muslim commitments in general and with the experience and behaviour of Ramadan in particular. During Ramadan, a sample of 29 smoking and 46 non-smoking Pakistani men responded to measures of smoking, Religious Orientation, Religious Interest, Positive and Negative Ramadan Experience, and Ramadan Behaviour. Various indices of smoking predicted a disinterest in religion, less of an Intrinsic Religious Orientation, lower levels of Positive Ramadan Experience, higher Negative Ramadan Experience, and reductions in Ramadan Behaviour. These data offered preliminary support for the suggestion that smoking presents a challenge to Muslim beliefs and practices, especially during Ramadan.  相似文献   

希望的末世论--现代基督教末世论述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪开始时,神学家们主要关心的问题是末世论。然而,那是一种脱离政治的末世论。同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。只是由于现代政治神学的出现,末世论才具有历史的、集体的、真正面向未来的定向。这一转折是从存在主义的内心生命向公共的社会生活的转折,是从个人的经历向历史的转折,是从超验的主体向政治的转折。在这一方面,希望神学起了关键的作用。希望神学的突出标志是:它力图表明末世论的教义是基督教神学的核心。上帝存在的问题,实际上是一个开放的未来的可能性的问题。上帝不存在于彼岸的某个地方,他正在到来。  相似文献   

本文尝试概述当代东南亚华人基督教的形成背景,归纳其主要特点,分析其发展趋势。文章认为,东南亚华人基督教曾是西方对华传教工作的副产品,也是华侨华人在海外落地生根,社会现代化、价值多元化的结果。东南亚地区种族复杂,宗教多元。在多元异质文化的冲击交荡中,东南亚华人基督教呈现出与其它地区华人基督教相异的特点。当前,基督教在东南亚华人社会影响日增,但难以成为华人社会的主流文化,华文文化、华人佛教和伊斯兰教复兴力量则是影响东南亚华人基督教未来发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

The category of rasa (emotional ‘tastes’) in Indian Christian theology and art offers a useful theoretical lens for the academic study of religious emotion. In this article, two Bharata Nā?yam dance ministries provide a case study in the practical applicability of a rasa theology that is emerging within contemporary Indian Christianity. The Christian choreographers have significantly altered the emotions of love and peace in comparison with classical rasa theory and its traditional use in Hindu devotion. Indian Christian artists and theologians have also begun to explore and invent additional aesthetic emotions, giving unique shape to their ‘emotional community.’ Important challenges attend the dance ministries as they are currently configured, yet rasa is a capacious analytical category that can shed new light on Indian Christianity and the study of emotion in religion.  相似文献   

This article sketches the shifts in Christian thought and denominations on capital punishment from the early church to today in the United States, and then examines the ethical issues in the administration of capital punishment both before and since the Supreme Count stopped executions in 1972. The conclusion of the article is that overwhelming evidence of the injustice of death sentences could not sway popular support for capital punishment, but evidence that switching to life sentences could save states millions of dollars is swaying many pro‐death penalty voters and legislators.  相似文献   

基督教内部的阵营分组,以往主要是以传统宗派来作为自我身份界定与归属的界限,在20世纪则转换为主要以神学立场为依据的跨宗派性的阵营分组模式,并进而演化成自由派与保守派这两大阵营。也就是说当今的基督教世界并非是铁板一块的现实,而是分化成许多新的团体、运动和趋势,它们又进一步分组和集结成两大相互对峙和对立的阵营。本文对基督教内部阵营分化与分组的起因、派系、脉络、分野与冲突做出了梳理、剖析和评判。  相似文献   

This article examines how British Muslim gay men may safeguard membership in the religious group, which can be threatened as a result of self‐identifying as gay. Twenty British Pakistani Muslim gay men were interviewed. Data were analyze using an interpretative phenomenological analysis through the heuristic lens of identity process theory. The following themes are discussed: (i) ‘gay identity casting doubt upon one's Muslim‐ness’; (ii) ‘Ramadan: a symbolic opportunity to be a “true Muslim”’; and (iii) ‘accepting “Muslim views” and religious authenticity’. Data suggest that threatened Muslim identity can lead to hyper‐affiliation to the religious in‐group, which is achieved through a multitude of substrategies. Practical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article shows that indirect positive reciprocity triggered by experiencing short and superficial cooperation with outgroups' individual members reduces discrimination of other members of the same group. The field research combined a lab‐in‐the‐field experiment and a survey conducted in the slums of Mumbai, an Indian city notorious for Hindu‐Muslim violence. After the treatment manipulated expectations of cooperative behavior, ethnically heterogeneous groups produced as much public goods in a public goods game as homogeneous groups. This positive experience radically reduced Hindu subjects' discriminatory attitudes towards the Muslim minority after the experiment. The effect was equally strong among voters of two extremist parties implicated in ethnic riots. The survey compared reciprocity with alternative explanations of why people discriminate against some, but not other ethnic groups. Indirect positive reciprocity and intergroup contact are associated with less, and relative size of the outgroup with more discriminatory attitudes.  相似文献   

近代福建基督教的两大重要地位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文考察论证了福建基督教在近代全国基督教史上所占有的下列两个方面的重要地位:一、信徒、教牧人员和教堂的数量均居全国前列乃至占绝对优势;二、闽南中华基督教会在全国昕有西来教派中最早开展自立运动并取得最为显著的成效。文章还根据论证需要和笔者所发现的材料纠正了长期以来在对新中国成立前后全国基督教徒数量认识上的讹误,并估算出了同一时期全国基督教的教牧人员数和教堂数。  相似文献   

The conceptions sources have of journalists influence whether and in what ways those sources engage with the news media. In this paper, I consider the contribution of Muslim sources to news in a context of perceived negativity. Scholarship on the content of British news stories about Muslims has found a consistently negative tone; my study examines the impressions of sources as co-producers of that content. My data come from qualitative fieldwork conducted in Glasgow, Scotland, studying relationships between journalists and Muslim sources through a combination of methods, with an emphasis on interviews. In these interviews, sources articulated an overwhelmingly negative conception of journalists and news organisations. I consider different constructions of negativity and what they suggest about how participants perceive the media, and I problematise the minority instances of positive conceptions. Finally, I evaluate why sources who identify as Muslim would bother participating in media production, given this perception of negativity. This discussion is informed by Couldry’s concept of ‘media meta-capital’ (Couldry 2003), which a macro-level power that imposes other fields of public life, and Schlesinger’s attentiveness to source strategies (Schlesinger 1990), a form of agency at the micro-level. This case study suggests that, whatever sources think of media coverage, their choice to contribute to its production is conditioned by strategic considerations, revealing development in the media’s relations with Muslims in Britain.  相似文献   

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