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使用语义启动词汇判断范式,研究维吾尔语-汉语和朝鲜语-汉语大学生双语者词汇加工的模式如何受语言经验的影响.实验一表明,维汉双语者既存在语言内、也存在语言间的语义启动效应.不管目标词是维吾尔语还是汉语,以维吾尔语(母语)为启动词的效应要大于以汉语为启动词的效应.实验二表明,朝汉双语者语言内产生了类似大小的效应;但当目标词是汉语、启动词是朝鲜语时,却没有启动效应.进一步的问卷调查表明,朝汉双语被试虽在小学和中学阶段听说和阅读母语的概率大于听说和阅读汉语,但在大学阶段却是汉语占优势;维汉双语被试在小学、中学、大学时的口头语言都是母语占优势;虽然他们在大学阶段阅读汉语的概率要大于母语,但两者的差异要明显小于朝汉双语被试.这些结果说明,语言经验可以改变词汇形式表征的加工速率以及从形式表征出发激活词汇意义的模式,从而使得第二语言有可能取代母语而上升为主导语言.  相似文献   

辛昕  兰天一  张清芳 《心理学报》2020,52(12):1377-1392
本研究运用事件相关电位技术, 结合时空微态分割分析法, 考察英汉双语者二语口语产生过程中音韵编码过程的同化与顺应机制。研究中采用图词干扰即时命名任务, 比较英汉双语者的汉语产生过程中音韵编码的加工单元与汉语母语者的汉语产生过程还是与英语母语者的英语产生过程的特点类似。反应时结果发现汉汉组、英汉组与英英组都出现显著的音节效应。事件相关电位的结果发现英汉双语者的汉语产生过程中出现了音素效应, 与其英语产生过程的特点类似, 音素效应在英语和汉语的产生过程中都出现在图画呈现后的200~250 ms之间, 而汉语母语者的汉语产生过程中仅发现了音节效应, 出现在250~300 ms之间。时空微态分割分析发现英汉双语者在汉语产生的音韵编码过程与英语母语者在英语产生过程所对应的脑电微态成分相同, 仅在持续时间上存在显著差异; 其微态成分不同于汉语母语者的汉语产生过程。上述结果表明英汉双语者汉语产生的音韵编码过程与英语作为母语时的产生过程相似, 而与汉语作为母语时的产生过程不同。英汉双语者的汉语产生过程采用了母语同化机制。  相似文献   

采用语义启动任务及藏语与汉语语义相关词和无关词对,探究语言经验能否改变熟练藏-汉双语者的母语主导优势和双语语义表征方式。结果表明,1)无论启动词为藏语还是汉语,藏-汉双语者对汉语L2目标词的加工速度和正确率均显著好于藏语L1,存在语义启动效应; 而在藏语目标词条件下则未发现显著的语义启动效应; 2)藏语到汉语的语义启动效应大于汉语到藏语的启动效应。结果表明,藏-汉双语者的汉语经验对藏语词的表征有影响,但汉语还不能完全替代母语藏语为主导语,结果在一定程度上支持Kroll的RHM模型和Green的ICM模型。  相似文献   

东乡族主要集中在甘肃省临夏回族自治州东乡族自治县,有语言没有文字。由于东乡语长期处于汉藏语系语言的包围之中,再加近三十年来东乡族大力推行双语教学,现在的东乡语,无论语言结构还是使用功能都发生了很大变化。据我们考查,对兼用汉语持肯定态度,而对学习母语没有足够的热情,是东乡语变异的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

李杰  何虎  吴柏周  侯友  曹亢  阿如罕 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1259-1268
为研究语言对知觉的影响作用, 行为实验采用视觉搜索范式研究蒙汉双语者的颜色范畴知觉效应; 为进一步考察语言影响知觉的脑机制, 脑电实验采用Oddball范式研究蒙汉双语者的颜色范畴知觉效应。行为实验和脑电研究结果都发现, 在区分蒙古语中qinkerhuhe色时, 低汉语水平的蒙汉双语者比高汉语水平者产生更强的颜色范畴效应, 蒙汉双语者的汉语水平影响颜色范畴知觉, 双语者所习得的第二语言范畴可以改变双语者母语的范畴, 语言能影响知觉的前注意阶段, 本研究支持了Spair-Whorf假设。  相似文献   

双语者语言加工的神经机制一直是语言认知神经科学研究关注的热点问题之一。前人研究多关注二语加工过程,较少研究母语加工神经网络与二语加工神经网络之间的相互作用;并且前人研究多以成人为被试,研究结果可能会受到发展成熟因素的影响。本研究中,28名汉英儿童双语者进行了两种语言条件下的语音判断任务和字形判断任务,在进行任务的同时进行了磁共振扫描。通过全脑分析、感兴趣区分析和相关分析,结果显示:1)汉语语音、字形加工和英语语音、字形加工激活了类似的脑区网络,但也存在差异。汉语特异脑区(根据Tan等人对汉英跨语言比较的元分析进行定义)右侧枕下回、梭状回以及左侧扣带回在英语语音、字形任务中都显著激活,英语语音任务还额外激活了汉语特异的左脑额中回和中央前回;英语特异脑区(根据Tan等人对汉英进行跨语言比较的元分析进行定义)左脑额内侧、额下回以及梭状回在汉语语音、字形加工中显著激活。2)儿童的英语熟练度越低,左脑扣带回(汉语特异脑区)在汉语语音和汉语字形任务中的激活越强;汉语熟练度越高,左脑额下回(英语特异脑区)在英语字形任务中的激活越强,左脑颞上回(英语特异脑区)在英语语音任务中的激活越弱。两个任务的结果一致说明:汉英双语者母语加工的神经网络与二语加工的神经网络之间存在相互作用,并且受到双语熟练度的调制。  相似文献   

<正>语言态度对人们的语言选择、语言能力、语言行为有着深刻的影响。有什么样的语言态度就会有相应的对待母语和第二语言的心理反映,而这种心态又制约着人们学习语言的积极性,影响第二语言的习得。因此语言态度的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实价值。研究和探讨中亚东干穆斯林的语言态度,可以使我们进一步了解东干人语言使用现状并预测未来的发展,有助于双语学科的建设,对我国少数民族的双语教学也有一定的借鉴意义。本文借鉴近年来的双语学理论,根据自己对东干人语言使用现状的调查材料,从三个方面论述中亚东干穆斯林的语言态度。  相似文献   

2008年6月24日,省教育厅组织召开了全省双语教学工作座谈会,就我省使用母语的少数民族地区如何开展双语教学进行了认真研讨。  相似文献   

以母语为藏语,第二语言为汉语的熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者为被试,采用词汇判断任务,在无切换、预期切换和无预期切换三种条件下,考察藏汉两种语言之间的语码切换及其切换代价。结果表明:(1)在三种条件下,熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时均显著短于对藏语词的反应时,汉语词的错误率也显著低于藏语词;(2)切换条件下的反应速度显著慢于无切换条件,切换条件下的错误率显著高于无切换条件,存在显著的切换代价;(3)熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时显著短于非熟练藏汉双语者,熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词反应的错误率也显著低于非熟练藏汉双语者。本研究表明,藏汉双语语码切换过程中存在切换代价,支持抑制说;熟练藏汉双语者语码切换代价更小。  相似文献   

已有研究对汉语儿童的英语语音意识进行研究,且取得了很多有价值的研究成果,但对方言儿童的汉语语音意识的研究很少。汉语是一种具有众多方言的独特语言,许多方言和标准语的语言体系有着显著差异。具有方言和普通话早期经验的双语儿童在汉语语音意识上是否存在优势,有两种不同的看法:一是从心理语言学层面上,母语学习中获得的语言能力或普遍语法能促进第二语言的学习;二是从语言学层面上来讲,母语对第二语言的学习存在干扰作用。那么双语儿童在汉语语音意识上比单一普通话儿童是否存在优势呢?本研究将进行调查。实验选取72名4岁、5岁和6岁学前儿童为被试,每个年龄组各24人,其中沪语儿童和单一普通话儿童各12名。采用听觉呈现方法对所选被试进行汉语语音意识水平的测试,包括声调意识、声母意识和韵母意识三部分,并收集儿童的口语资料。结果表明: 虽然沪语儿童声母意识和韵母意识主效应不显著,但沪语儿童语音意识总成绩和声调意识成绩均比单一普通话儿童高;沪语儿童汉语语音意识优势不受年龄的影响。本研究启示是,上海地区学前儿童学习标准语(普通话)之外应鼓励使用沪语。  相似文献   

Past research has shown that young monolingual children exhibit language‐based social biases: they prefer native language to foreign language speakers. The current research investigated how children's language preferences are influenced by their own bilingualism and by a speaker's bilingualism. Monolingual and bilingual 4‐ to 6‐year‐olds heard pairs of adults (a monolingual and a bilingual, or two monolinguals) and chose the person with whom they wanted to be friends. Whether they were from a largely monolingual or a largely bilingual community, monolingual children preferred monolingual to bilingual speakers, and native language to foreign language speakers. In contrast, bilingual children showed similar affiliation with monolingual and bilingual speakers, as well as for monolingual speakers using their dominant versus non‐dominant language. Exploratory analyses showed that individual bilinguals displayed idiosyncratic patterns of preference. These results reveal that language‐based preferences emerge from a complex interaction of factors, including preference for in‐group members, avoidance of out‐group members, and characteristics of the child as they relate to the status of the languages within the community. Moreover, these results have implications for bilingual children's social acceptance by their peers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Becoming a bilingual can change a person's cognitive functioning and language processing in a number of ways. This study focused on how knowledge of a second language influences how people read sentences written in their native language. We used the cognate-facilitation effect as a marker of cross-lingual activations in both languages. Cognates (e.g., Dutch-English schip [ship]) and controls were presented in a sentence context, and eye movements were monitored. Results showed faster reading times for cognates than for controls. Thus, this study shows that one of people's most automated skills, reading in one's native language, is changed by the knowledge of a second language.  相似文献   

Most models of lexical access assume that bilingual speakers activate their two languages even when they are in a context in which only one language is used. A critical piece of evidence used to support this notion is the observation that a given word automatically activates its translation equivalent in the other language. Here, we argue that these findings are compatible with a different account, in which bilinguals “carry over” the structure of their native language to the non‐native language during learning, and where there is no activation of translation equivalents. To demonstrate this, we describe a model in which language learning involves mapping native language phonological relationships to the non‐native language, and we show how it can explain the results attributed to automatic activation of translation equivalents.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine functioning of late bilinguals in their second language. Specifically, we asked how native and non-native Hebrew speaking listeners perceive accented and native-accented Hebrew speech. To achieve this goal we used the gating paradigm to explore the ability of healthy late fluent bilinguals (Russian and Arabic native speakers) to recognize words in L2 (Hebrew) when they were spoken in an accent like their own, a native accent (Hebrew speakers), or another foreign accent (American accent). The data revealed that for Hebrew speakers, there was no effect of accent, whereas for the two bilingual groups (Russian and Arabic native speakers), stimuli with an accent like their own and the native Hebrew accent, required significantly less phonological information than the other foreign accents. The results support the hypothesis that phonological assimilation works in a similar manner in these two different groups.  相似文献   

This study examined banner ads' communication effects when they were written in the same or different language from the editorial content of a Web site. A total of 60 bilingual consumers who spoke both Chinese (as their first language) and English (as their second language) participated in an experiment, in which they viewed a designated news story Web site. The editorial content of the Web site and the banner ads on it were written in either Chinese or English. It was found that the participants considered the Chinese Web sites to be more readable. However, they generated higher recalls and purchase intentions for the ads on the English Web sites. Moreover, they revealed more favorable attitudes toward the brands when the ads were written in English than in Chinese. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用错误陈述范式探究中-英双语者用母语和外语说真话和说谎时的认知神经差异, 涉及外语焦虑、认知负荷和说谎诱发的紧张情绪。对P200和CNV观察发现:(1)中-英双语者用英语说真话的P200波幅比用母语大, 说明被试用英语说话时受外语焦虑情绪影响; (2)中-英双语者用英语说谎与说真话的P200波幅无显著差异, 但用母语说谎和讲真话的P200波幅差异显著, 说明被试用外语说谎没有用母语说谎诱发的紧张情绪大; (3)中-英双语者说谎时的CNV波幅比说真话时大, 说明被试说谎比说真话的认知负荷更大; (4)中-英双语者用英语说谎时的CNV波幅比用汉语说谎时大, 说明被试用外语说谎比用母语说谎产生了更大的认知负荷。相关分析表明, 英语熟练程度是影响中-英双语者用母语和外语说谎时的认知神经差异的重要变量。  相似文献   

本研究以62名3~6岁儿童为被试,考察了幼儿在不同任务中对自身和他人能力判断的发展特点。结果表明:(1)幼儿对自身或他人能力判断的准确性随着年龄的增长而提高;(2)幼儿对他人能力判断并不比对自身能力判断更准确,随着年龄的增长,幼儿开始对自身能力做出更加积极的判断;(3)幼儿能够明确区分愿望与预期,不过当幼儿对自身能力进行判断时这种区分不容易显现出来。  相似文献   

The authors examined the associations that underlie the orientations of bilingual Latino college students toward family and school. Participants completed, in English or Spanish, 3 implicit association tests assessing their attitude toward family vs. school, identifications with these concepts, and self-esteem. Results revealed a more positive attitude toward, and stronger identification with, family than school. Identification with family was stronger among participants who completed the study in English, suggesting self-definition in terms of distinctions from the context. Last, the more participants valued family over school and identified with family rather than school, the higher was their self-esteem. These findings shed light on the subtle, yet crucial, mechanisms by which cultural knowledge is incorporated in the self-concept of bilingual Latino college students.  相似文献   

We examined whether the reverse order technique can be implemented when people speak through an interpreter. A total of 40 Chinese, 40 Korean and 30 Hispanic participants were interviewed in English or in their own native language through an interpreter. Interviewees were asked to tell the truth or lie about a secret meeting they viewed. They were asked to recall what they saw in chronological order and then in reverse order. The reverse order technique revealed two cues to deceit (detail and commissions) when an interpreter was present, whereas no cues to deceit emerged when interviewees spoke in English. This suggests that the reverse order technique can be used with an interpreter but possibly not with non‐native speakers. Perhaps the combined task of speaking in a non‐native language and reporting in reverse order is mentally taxing for liars and truth tellers, thus making differences between them unlikely to emerge. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of children's phonological short-term memory performance to languagespecific knowledge was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, monolingual English children, English-French bilingual children, and English children who were learning French as a second language were compared on measures of phonological short-term memory and vocabulary in the two languages. The children's short-term memory performance in each language mirrored their familiarity with English and French, with greater vocabulary knowledge being associated with higher levels of recall of both words and nonwords in that language. This finding was replicated in Experiment 2, in which two groups of children with good knowledge of English and French were examined: native bilingual children who had comparable knowledge of the two languages and non-native bilingual children who had a greater knowledge of their native than second language. The findings indicate that phonological short-term memory is not a language-independent system but, rather, functions in a highly language-specific way.  相似文献   

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