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Memory consolidation is the process by which newly learned information is stabilized into long-term memory (LTM). Considerable evidence indicates that retrieval of a consolidated memory returns it to a labile state that requires it to be restabilized. Consolidation of new fear memories has been shown to require de novo RNA and protein synthesis in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). We have previously shown that de novo protein synthesis in the LA is required for reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. One key question is whether protein synthesis during reconsolidation depends on already existing mRNAs or on synthesis of new mRNAs in the amygdala. In the present study, we examined the effect of mRNA synthesis inhibition during consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. We first show that intra-LA infusion of two different mRNA inhibitors dose-dependently impairs long-term memory but leaves short-term memory (STM) intact. Next, we show that intra-LA infusion of the same inhibitors dose-dependently blocks post-reactivation long-term memory (PR-LTM), whereas post-reactivation short-term memory (PR-STM) is left intact. Furthermore, the same treatment in the absence of memory reactivation has no effect. Together, these results show that both consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory fear memories require de novo mRNA synthesis and are equally sensitive to disruption of de novo mRNA synthesis in the LA.  相似文献   

已有动物和人类研究均表明, 通过记忆的再巩固更新机制能有效削弱新形成的条件性恐惧记忆(1天), 并且存在线索选择性特点。然而创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)往往在形成相当一段时间后才能得到治疗, 且现实生活中人们通常一次习得对多个线索的恐惧。因此找到针对多线索创伤记忆的有效治疗方法显得尤为重要。目前未有人研究远期恐惧记忆的再巩固更新机制是否存在线索选择性特点。为探究远期恐惧记忆(>7天)的再巩固更新机制是否同样存在线索选择性特点, 本研究采用被试内实验设计, 以皮肤电作为恐惧反应指标, 多个线索作为条件刺激进行恐惧习得, 习得14天后给被试单独呈现一个线索进行恐惧记忆提取, 10分钟后进行消退训练, 24小时后对不同线索进行自发恢复测试。结果显示:未提取线索的自发恢复程度显著高于提取线索。说明远期记忆(14天)的再巩固更新机制同样存在线索选择性特点, 并确认了提取消退作为一种行为手段对远期恐惧记忆再巩固进行干预的有效性, 对临床干预具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that consolidated fear memories, when reactivated, return to a labile state that requires a new protein synthesis for reconsolidation. Post-retrieval infusion of an inhibitor of protein synthesis blocks memory reconsolidation processes. In a previous research, the role of MAPKs in memory consolidation has been shown in emotional tasks, such as passive and active avoidance. In particular, mice knockout for ERK1 had a better performance in comparison to wild type mice in both passive and active avoidance tasks. In the present study, in order to investigate the involvement of MAPKs in memory reconsolidation processes we administered immediately after retrieval, different doses of SL327 (an inhibitor of MEK, a kinase that activates both ERK1 and ERK2) both in C57BL/6 (C57) mice and ERK1 mutant mice tested in a fear conditioning task. Systemic administration of SL327 dose-dependently reduced the memory reconsolidation of fear memories in C57 mice. Moreover, SL327 administration impaired memory reconsolidation also in ERK1 mutant mice. Altogether, these results clearly indicate a central role for ERK2 protein in memory reconsolidation processes in mice.  相似文献   

A behavioral technique often used to evaluate the cognitive performance of rats and mice is the fear conditioning paradigm. During conditioned fear experiments, freezing responses shown by rodents after exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired to an aversive experience provide a behavioral index of the animal's associative abilities. The present study examined the ability of a computer-controlled automated Freeze Monitor system for recording immobility behavior in mice. The sensitivity of the automated procedure to detect group differences caused by the application of various training protocols was also evaluated. Statistical analyses revealed significant positive correlations between immobility scores obtained with the automated apparatus and hand-scored data collected by a continuous or a time-sampling method. Behavioral patterns recorded by the computerized system were very similar to those obtained by the hand-scoring methods adopted. In particular, during context testing, exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired with a mild foot shock (unconditioned stimulus [US]) evoked increased immobility behavior in mice conditioned with the US compared with levels of immobility displayed by mice previously confined to the same contextual stimuli without receiving the US. Moreover, although during conditioned stimulus (CS) testing, mice previously exposed to the US displayed high levels of immobility when confined to environmental cues much different from those paired with the US (contextual fear generalization), both hand-scored and automated results revealed the effect of CS–US pairing (increased immobility) only in mice trained to associate the two stimuli (paired group) but not in mice exposed to both CS and US separated by a 40-sec time interval (unpaired group) or in mice receiving only the US (US group) during conditioning sessions. Overall, the results show associative conditioning measured in an automated apparatus and highlight the utility of obtaining both latency as well as beam interruption parameters.  相似文献   

Contexts and discrete cues associated with drug-taking are often responsible for relapse among addicts. Animal models have shown that interference with the reconsolidation of drug-cue memories can reduce seeking of drugs or drug-paired stimuli. One such model is conditioned place preference (CPP) in which an animal is trained to associate a particular environment with the rewarding effects of a drug. Previous work from this laboratory has shown that intra-nucleus accumbens core infusions of a MEK inhibitor can interfere with reconsolidation of these drug-cue memories. A question that remains is whether post-retrieval drug effects on subsequent memories represent an interference with reconsolidation processes or rather a facilitation of extinction. In this experiment, we explore the effect of post-retrieval injections of propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, on reconsolidation and extinction of cocaine CPP. After acquisition of cocaine CPP, animals were given post-retrieval propranolol injections once or each day during a protocol of unreinforced preference tests, until the animals showed no preference for the previously cocaine-paired environment. Following a cocaine priming injection, the animals that received daily post-test propranolol injections did not reinstate their preference for the drug-paired side. In contrast, a single post-retrieval propranolol injection followed by multiple days of unreinforced preference tests failed to blunt subsequent cocaine reinstatement of the memory. These data suggest that daily post-retrieval systemic injections of propranolol decrease the conditioned preference by interfering with reconsolidation of the memory for the association between the drug-paired side and the reinforcing effects of the drug, rather than facilitating new extinction learning.  相似文献   

The reconsolidation hypothesis posits that memories that have been reactivated can be either enhanced or disrupted by pharmacological manipulation. Synaptic plasticity is presumed to underlie the reconsolidation process. Matrix metalloproteinases are proteins that regulate the extracellular matrix involved in plasticity events, and these proteins have recently been shown to influence learning and memory. However, all studies on the role of matrix metalloproteinases in learning and memory have employed tasks that rely on contextual cues. The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which FN-439 would disrupt the consolidation and/or reconsolidation of a fear memory associated with a conditioned stimulus that signaled tone-shock pairings and that was independent of contextual cues. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were given infusions of FN-439 (35 microg intracerebroventricular) 30 min prior to conditioning (tone-shock paired association) or 30 min prior to a single reactivation session given 24h after conditioning. Administration of FN-439 did not disrupt consolidation of the freezing response when the tone (conditioned stimulus) was presented. In contrast, FN-439 infusion disrupted reconsolidation of the fear memory in a reactivation-dependent manner. The reduced freezing behavior was not due to a decrease in general anxiety levels, since FN-439 had no effect on the percent of open-arm time or open-arm entries in an elevated-plus maze task. Thus, we demonstrated for the first time that matrix metalloproteinase inhibition in the brain is capable of disrupting the reconsolidation of a tone-shock association memory that does not depend on contextual cues. The finding that a fear response to a previously paired conditioned stimulus can be disrupted by treatment with an MMP inhibitor during a single reactivation session suggests that this class of compounds may have therapeutic potential for posttraumatic stress disorder and/or simple phobias.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that TRPV1 receptors are widely expressed in brain structures such as the hippocampus, its functions remain largely unknown. In the present study, we have investigated the possible modulatory role of the hippocampal endovanilloid system upon memory consolidation of two different behavioral tasks in rats. Post-training infusion of the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine disrupted memory consolidation with a strong training protocol, but not with a weak one in the contextual fear conditioning or in the step-down inhibitory avoidance task. These results provide evidence that the modulation of the hippocampal memory consolidation through TRPV1 receptors takes place only in presence of a strong emotional experience, suggesting that a certain aversiveness level is required in order to recruit endovanilloids to exert this function. A possible synergic role of hippocampal endovanilloid and endocannabinoid system on memory consolidation is discussed.  相似文献   

Advances in both experimental neuroscience and psychoanalytic theory and technique have made it possible to consider mechanisms by which psychodynamic psychotherapies might have an impact at the cellular and molecular level. Here potential analogies are drawn between (1) the mechanisms and results of blocking the reconsolidation of conditioned fear memories in the laboratory and (2) several key aspects of psychoanalytic process. A review of the biology of conditioned fear memory, including differences between extinction and inhibition of reconsolidation, indicates that this biology may have relevance to various ways in which psychoanalytic therapy is effective. The ideas proposed here might lead to further experimental attempts to understand the molecular biology of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

The Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) is widely used in research contexts to measure the extent to which participants (children or adults) report specific or general memories in response to cue words. Recalling fewer specific and more general memories (overgeneral memory) has been shown to be linked to depression in adults, but findings for youth, in particular, are mixed. Different versions of the AMT may be one contributing factor, yet this issue has received little research attention. The current study investigated the influence of reporting mode (written vs. spoken) on the specificity, length, and content of memories provided by 8- to 10-year-old children (N?=?48). No significant differences were found in the number of specific responses given in the written and spoken modes. On the other hand, the spoken mode elicited longer and more detailed memories, although most content differences were eliminated when memory length was controlled. These findings suggest that different reporting modes can influence the nature of the memories reported, but the absolute differences are relatively small.  相似文献   

Both genetic and pharmacological studies demonstrated that contextual fear conditioning is critically regulated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Since PKA is a broad range protein kinase, a mechanism for confining its activity is required. It has been shown that intracellular spatial compartmentalization of PKA signaling is mediated by A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). Here, we investigated the role of PKA anchoring to AKAPs in different stages of the memory process (acquisition, consolidation, retrieval and extinction) using contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent learning task. Mice were injected intracerebroventricularly or intrahippocampally with the membrane permeable PKA anchoring disrupting peptides St-Ht31 or St-superAKAP-IS at different time points during the memory process. Blocking PKA anchoring to AKAPs resulted in an impairment of fear memory consolidation. Moreover, disrupted PKA anchoring promoted contextual fear extinction in the mouse hippocampus. We conclude that the temporal and spatial compartmentalization of hippocampal PKA signaling pathways, as achieved by anchoring of PKA to AKAPs, is specifically instrumental in long-term contextual fear memory consolidation and extinction, but not in acquisition and retrieval.  相似文献   

Context-specificity of fear extinction was tested among 65 participants who were fearful of spiders by manipulating the contexts used for exposure treatment and two-week follow-up assessment. Context was defined by both meaningful (presence of a particular therapist) and incidental (room location and furnishings) environmental cues. Distinct phobic stimuli were used to examine interactions of context with stimulus. Physiological, behavioral and verbal indices of fear were measured. Results provided modest support for context-specific return of fear. With one stimulus, participants assessed in a non-treatment context at follow-up exhibited greater returns in heart rate levels. In addition, three of four participants who could not touch the stimulus at follow-up had been tested in a non-treatment context. Future investigations may benefit from greater distinctions between contexts or manipulation of contextual features more directly relevant to fear. Finally, post hoc analyses identified high trait anxiety, slow treatment response, recovery of phobic cognitions and long duration/high intensity phobic encounters post-treatment as significant predictors of increased return of fear.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of consolidation and reconsolidation of taste/odor aversion memory are evaluated during rat pup growth at postnatal days 3, 10, and 18. This is assessed through the temporal gradients of efficacy of a protein synthesis inhibitor (anisomycin) in inducing amnesia after either acquisition (consolidation) or reactivation (reconsolidation). The results show a progressive reduction with age of the delay during which the inhibitor is able to induce amnesia. Control experiments rule out a reduction of anisomycin efficacy due to blood brain barrier growth or decrease in protein synthesis inhibition. Thus, these results present the first evidence that the protein synthesis-dependent phase of memory stabilization requires less time with age. This decrease occurs in parallel for consolidation and reconsolidation. Such changes in the dynamics of memory processing could contribute to the cognitive improvement associated with development.  相似文献   

The amygdala receives multi-modal sensory inputs and projects to virtually all levels of the central nervous system. Via these widespread projections, the amygdala facilitates consolidation of emotionally arousing memories. How the amygdala promotes synaptic plasticity elsewhere in the brain remains unknown, however. Recent work indicates that amygdala neurons show theta activity during emotional arousal, and various types of oscillations during sleep. These synchronized neuronal events could promote synaptic plasticity by facilitating interactions between neocortical storage sites and temporal lobe structures involved in declarative memory.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) plays a critical role in fear memory formation. Here we determined the role of CREB selectively within the amygdala in reconsolidation and extinction of auditory fear. Viral overexpression of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) or the dominant-negative mCREB, specifically within the lateral amygdala disrupted reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. In contrast, manipulations of CREB in the amygdala did not modify extinction of fear. These findings suggest that the role of CREB in modulation of memory after retrieval is dynamic and that CREB activity in the basolateral amygdala is involved in fear memory reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that increases in false physiological feedback of fear arousal will enhance persuasion and that reduction in the arousal feedback is unnecessary for increased persuasion to occur. Prior research has usually found a positive relation between level of arousal and persuasion, but support for the drive reduction hypothesis is tenuous. However, Harris and Jellison (1971) claimed support for such a hypothesis. They manipulated subjects' fear arousal cognitively via false physiological feedback while the subjects listened to a persuasive communication. The present experiments used a similar procedure in an attempt to test an "arousal only" against an "arousal reduction" hypothesis. Subjects listened to a persuasive speech while receiving false feedback via a meter concerning their fear arousal. In Experiment I half of the subjects received high arousal and half received moderate arousal information. Within each of these conditions half of the subjects had their arousal reduced, and the other half did not. In Experiment II subjects received either low arousal, high arousal, or high then low arousal feedback while listening. The results of the two studies generally provided support for the "arousal only" hypothesis. An interpretation in terms of Bem's attribution theory was tentatively suggested.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Orr and Lanzetta (1984) showed that the excitatory properties of fear facial expressions previously described (Lanzetta & Orr, 1981; Orr & Lanzetta, 1980) do not depend on associative mechanisms; even in the absence of reinforcement, fear faces intensify the emotional reaction to a previously conditioned stimulus and disrupt extinction of an acquired fear response. In conjunction with the findings on acquisition, the failure to obtain extinction suggests that fear faces have some of the functional properties of "prepared" (fear-relevant) stimuli. In the present study we compared the magnitude of conditioned fear responses to happy and fear faces when a potent danger signal, the shock electrodes, are attached or unattached. If fear faces are functionally analogous to prepared stimuli, then, even in the absence of veridical support for an expectation of shock, they should retain excitatory strength, whereas happy faces should not. The results are consistent with this view of fear expressions. In the absence of reinforcement, and with shock electrodes removed, conditioned fear responses and basal levels of arousal were of greater magnitude for the fear-face condition than for the happy-face condition.  相似文献   


False memories created by the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm are often accompanied by contextual information. Yet, research investigating the effects of context on false memories is surprisingly scarce. We used the context-dependent memory (CDM) model to construct same versus different context conditions using odours as contexts and DRM lists as to-be-remembered stimuli. Experiment 1 showed that levels of correct recall were higher in the same-context condition than in the changed-context condition, but no effects of context were observed in false recall. Experiment 2 used different odours and a longer retention interval and showed that context-dependent memory effects were found for both true and false memory. For true memory, context reinstatement improved memory, whilst simultaneously reducing false memory. Theoretical and forensic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sleep's function in the spontaneous recovery and consolidation of memories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building on 2 previous studies (B. R. Ekstrand, 1967; B. R. Ekstrand, M. J. Sullivan, D. F. Parker, & J. N. West, 1971), the authors present 2 experiments that were aimed at characterizing the role of retroactive interference in sleep-associated declarative memory consolidation. Using an A-B, A-C paradigm with lists of word pairs in Experiment 1, the authors showed that sleep provides recovery from retroactive interference induced at encoding, whereas no such recovery was seen in several wake control conditions. Noninterfering word-pair lists were used in Experiment 2 (A-B, C-D). Sleeping after learning, in comparison with waking after learning, enhanced retention of both lists to a similar extent when encoding was less intense because of less list repetition and briefer word-pair presentations. With intense encoding, sleep-associated improvements were not seen for either list. In combination, the results indicate that the benefit of sleep for declarative memory consolidation is greater for weaker associations, regardless of whether weak associations result from retroactive interference or poor encoding.  相似文献   

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