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父母对自身和子女情绪反应所持的认知态度或理念,决定了其在儿童情绪社会化过程中的情绪反应、教养行为。在对近30年国内外研究梳理的基础上,从情绪教养视角分析了父母元情绪理念的内涵演变,其在儿童社会化过程中的影响机制、年龄效应、调节因素及元情绪训练干预等。关于父母元情绪理念的研究,未来还需在国内加大本土化研究,发展多样化测量方法,拓展研究内容的基础上完善理论研究,进而探索教育培养的实践干预,改善父母情绪社会化理念以促进儿童健康社会化。  相似文献   


The present study examined the effects of emotions on eye movements, head motion, and iPad motion during reading. Thirty-one participants read neutral, emotionally negative texts and emotionally positive texts on a digital tablet and both participants’ eye movements and body movements were recorded using respectively eye-tracking glasses and a motion capture system. The results showed that emotionally positive texts were read faster than neutral texts, and that readers’ movements decreased when reading emotional texts regardless of valence polarity. Recent studies suggested that postural movements may reflect cognitive engagement and especially the engagement in the task to be done. Our findings seem to validate this hypothesis of a bodily engagement in reading emotional contents. The present results suggest that the novel methodology of eye and postural movement recordings is informative in studying the readers’ embodied engagement during reading emotional materials.  相似文献   

Depression is associated with increased emotional response to stress. This is especially the case during the developmental period of adolescence. Cognitive reappraisal is an effective emotion regulation strategy that has been shown to reduce the impact of emotional response on psychopathology. However, less is known about whether cognitive reappraisal impacts the relationship between depressive symptoms and emotional responses, and whether its effects are specific to emotional reactivity or emotional recovery. The current study examined whether cognitive reappraisal moderated the relationship between depressive symptoms and trait or state measures of emotional reactivity and recovery. A community sample of 127 adolescents (M-age?=?15.28; 49% female, 47% Caucasian), at an age of risk for depression, completed self-report measures of trait emotional responding and depressive symptoms. In addition, they completed an in vivo social stress task and were assessed on state emotional reactivity and recovery from the stressor. Findings suggested that cognitive reappraisal was associated with an attenuated impact of depressive symptoms on trait and state emotional recovery. These results provide evidence that cognitive reappraisal may be an effective strategy for improving some aspects of emotional responding in relation to depressive symptoms among adolescents.  相似文献   

潘东旎  王道湍  李雪冰 《心理学报》2018,50(10):1105-1119
工作记忆训练的训练获益能够迁移至与工作记忆相关的各项基础认知活动中去。基于情绪认知控制与工作记忆之间的密切关联, 本研究设计了一种新型情绪性双维n-back训练, 并且验证利用手机APP搭载训练任务的适用性。结果表明:基于APP的短期双维n-back训练能够使个体在视空间工作记忆任务、活动记忆任务、数字转换任务、Stroop任务上的成绩产生相较控制组更大的进步, 表明训练可以提高个体工作记忆的容量和中央执行功能。然而, 基于不同情绪材料的训练(中性、负性、正性)在各类迁移上差异不大。短期训练无法迁移到情绪Stroop任务中, 即无法产生特异的情绪控制上的效益。双维n-back任务通道单一, 且搭载于手机APP, 拥有较为广阔的应用前景。但将情绪材料单纯地糅合进工作记忆任务中的价值与意义须被进一步考察。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the long‐term developmental consequences of being born to a substance‐using mother, focusing on cognitive functions, attention, emotional and social development. The longitudinal sample comprised 48 adolescents aged 12–16 at the time of follow‐up assessments, which included the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐III, the Test of Everyday Attention for Children, The Tower of London test and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The adolescents scored significantly lower than the norms on Wechsler's subtests and Full‐Scale IQ, and on The Everyday Attention test. There were few differences on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The girls reported significantly more hyperactivity than the British norms, and the teachers reported higher impact scores in boys, compared to the British norms. Thus, the results on cognitive consequences of maternal substance use appear to be very substantial while the emotional and social consequences do not. The results suggest serious negative effects of substance exposure in utero on attention and cognitive functioning in general.  相似文献   

Background/objectives: Intrusions are a type of workplace interruption defined as unexpected interpersonal contact that disrupts workflow. Drawing from the Job Demands-Resources model of work stress, we examined how two personal resources – extraversion and emotional stability – influence relations among intrusions and strain outcomes.

Design/methodology: Self-reported, online questionnaire data were collected from two samples; 323 faculty and staff from a university (sample 1) and 574 full-time employees recruited from an online crowdsourcing forum (sample 2).

Results: In sample 1 extraversion was positively related to intrusions, whereas in sample 2, extraversion and emotional stability were negatively related to intrusions. There were no interactive effects of personality on relations among intrusions and strain outcomes in sample 1. In sample 2, low emotional stability strengthened relations among intrusions and work tension. Additionally, intrusions were negatively associated with stress for individuals high on emotional stability. Finally, introverts experienced less stress in response to intrusions.

Conclusion: Taking a person-situation interactionist approach, we examined personal resources that may mitigate interruption-related strain. Our findings suggest that for employees high in emotional stability, interruptions may be both less detrimental and, in some cases, beneficial. This study has practical implications for the structuring of work environments to mitigate strain and maximize person-environment fit.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of aggression and victimization to the prediction of self‐reported emotional and behavioral difficulties over and above self‐reported prior problems were investigated in a 1‐year longitudinal study. Fourth‐, fifth‐, and sixth‐graders (N = 471) completed peer nominations of aggression and victimization as well as self‐report measures of social, behavioral, and emotional problems at baseline and at 1‐year follow‐up. Peer aggression added to the prediction of externalizing problems, specifically, self‐report of aggression and delinquency. In contrast, victimization by peers contributed to self‐reported unpopularity but not depression. Victimization among girls was also predictive of subsequent self‐reported delinquency. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings, as well as future directions for research, are discussed. Aggr. Behav. 26:345–358, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The military is a highly stressful career that requires one to work closely with others. These features of the military render it plausible that skills related to emotional perception and management—or emotional intelligence—would tend to benefit performance within this setting. Hypotheses of this type were examined in a panel study that presented 152 active duty military personnel with a new scenario‐based measure that specifically focused on emotional occurrences within the workplace. As hypothesized, work‐related emotional intelligence (W‐EI) positively predicted task performance, discipline, organizational citizenship, and employees with higher W‐EI levels received a greater number of performance commendations. Additionally, these relationships tended to remain significant in discriminant multiple regressions. Altogether, the results provide important evidence for the benefits of W‐EI within an occupational context that requires a high degree of coordination as well as stress management.  相似文献   

This study extended the examination of the predictors of emotional manipulation. Participants (N = 243) completed measures of trait emotional manipulation, emotional intelligence, social skills, psychopathy, aggression, empathy, and self‐serving cognitive distortions in a cross‐sectional correlational design. For males, higher levels of emotional intelligence, social information processing, indirect aggression, and self‐serving cognitive distortions significantly predicted emotional manipulation. For females, being younger, higher levels of emotional intelligence, indirect aggression, primary psychopathic traits, and lower levels of social awareness significantly predicted emotional manipulation. However for females, emotional intelligence acted as a suppressor. These findings support previous indications that the mechanisms behind emotional manipulation differ as a function of gender. Future research could include ability, rather than trait measures of emotional manipulation, as well as the role of context (such as intimate relationships or workplace environments), thereby allowing additional examination of the nomological network of emotional manipulation.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of spirituality with emotional and physical adjustment to daily stress. One hundred and thirteen college students completed questionnaire measures of spirituality, daily stress, affect, and physical symptoms at two times one month apart. The results showed that spirituality buffered the adverse effect of stress on adjustment, controlling for the use of various coping strategies. The findings have implications for developing prevention programs to improve people's coping skills by incorporating greater emphasis on spirituality.  相似文献   

Burnout is typically viewed as resulting from situational factors (e.g., workload). However, as burnout is partly a reaction to frustrated goal striving, dispositional goal orientation may also be important. We used Hobfoll's ( 1989 ) conservation of resources model to develop hypotheses for relationships between goal orientation and 3 dimensions of burnout. Self‐report questionnaire measures of the 2 × 2 model of goal orientation (Elliot & McGregor, 2001 ) and burnout were administered to undergraduate students. Structural equation modeling revealed that all 4 dimensions of goal orientation were related to burnout. Avoidance‐related dimensions were positively associated and approach‐related dimensions were negatively associated with burnout. The findings suggest the importance of considering the role of motivational dispositions in development, prediction, and prevention of burnout.  相似文献   

音乐训练对认知能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今社会中, 越来越多的儿童接受音乐训练, 试图通过音乐训练提高认知能力。针对认知活动中的语言能力、空间能力以及数学能力, 探究音乐训练与认知能力的关系, 试图为音乐教育提供实证依据。研究结果表明, 尽管音乐训练与认知能力的关系较为复杂, 但是, 音乐训练与个体的语言知觉和产生能力以及空间视觉化能力都存在正相关, 且在一定程度上可以提高这些认知能力。  相似文献   

认知风格、内外向性、情绪稳定性与图形推理效果的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王有智 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1077-1081
采用EFT、EPQ和RSPM-CR量表对156名理科大学生进行测量研究,结果发现:场独立性认知风格在图形系统变化、系列关系、抽象推理方面,较场依存性有明显优势;情绪稳定性高者图形推理的总体效果显著优于情绪稳定性低者;内向性者与外向性者的图形推理效果无显著差异;认知风格、情绪稳定性与图形推理总分有显著正相关,认知风格的正向预测力居首位。  相似文献   

This study explores tempo stability and accuracy while comparing two subject-response modes: the traditional metronomic pendular adjustment task versus tap-tempo input. Experiment 1 questioned if a single correct tempo measurement consistently emerges from repeated listenings, and if subject-response mode affects tempo stability and accuracy. Experiment 2 assessed incremental improvement between two repeated sessions, and questioned the incidence of self-pacing or congruent effects of potential delays on tempo responses. While single-session studies have shown that listeners find some tempos more enjoyable, can notice discrete differences in pace, and can remember rhythmic speed over prolonged periods of time, the current study employs a multiple-session format focusing on two diametrically opposed subject-response modes. The findings show that tempo responses by listeners without formal music training were consistent across listening sessions, and that responses from tap-tempo input were significantly more stable and accurate than responses from metronomic pendular adjustment tasks.  相似文献   

郑茜  张亭亭  李量  范宁  杨志刚 《心理学报》2023,55(2):177-191
言语的情绪信息(情绪性韵律和情绪性语义)具有去听觉掩蔽的作用, 但其去掩蔽的具体机制还不清楚。本研究通过2个实验, 采用主观空间分离范式, 通过操纵掩蔽声类型的方式, 分别探究言语的情绪韵律和情绪语义去信息掩蔽的机制。结果发现, 情绪韵律在知觉信息掩蔽或者在知觉、认知双重信息掩蔽下, 均具有去掩蔽的作用。情绪语义在知觉信息掩蔽下不具有去掩蔽的作用, 但在知觉、认知双重信息掩蔽下具有去掩蔽的作用。这些结果表明, 言语的情绪韵律和情绪语义有着不同的去掩蔽机制。情绪韵律能够优先吸引听者更多的注意, 可以克服掩蔽声音在知觉上造成的干扰, 但对掩蔽声音在内容上的干扰作用很小。言语的情绪语义能够优先获取听者更多的认知加工资源, 具有去认知信息掩蔽的作用, 但不具有去知觉信息掩蔽的作用。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that people tend to overstate or understate their past feelings in memory when asked to recall their past emotional experiences. Drawing from cognitive reappraisal theory and mood congruence theory, we presented an integrative explanation that the type of outcome of stressful events influences the magnitude and direction of bias in emotional memory. The results of two studies showed that individuals who succeeded in a postgraduate recruitment interview or a job interview tended to overstate positive emotions and understate negative emotions. In contrast, individuals who failed in an interview understated positive emotions and overstated negative emotions. This phenomenon can be named “pain is forgotten where gain follows.” These results shed light on the controversy between mood congruent theory and the appraisal model as well as application values in intervention research on emotional biases.  相似文献   

Objective : The effect of emotional approach coping (EAC) varies by gender. However, this gender difference has not yet been investigated in cancer survivors. We investigated whether the effects of two kinds of EAC – emotional processing (EP) and emotional expression (EE) – vary by gender and whether EAC has effects above and beyond the effect of other coping strategies.

Design : EAC and other coping strategies were assessed at baseline in a sample of 248 young to middle-aged adult (between the age of 22 and 55) cancer survivors. One hundred and sixty-six survivors responded to psychological adjustment one year later.

Results : EAC had different relationships with Time 2 adjustment in men and women. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that for men, EE predicted lower intrusive thoughts and, for women, EP was associated with higher positive affect when other coping strategies and EE were controlled.

Conclusion : Gender differences held true in cancer survivors, and EAC was effective when other coping strategies were controlled. Further, EE was effective in reducing negative adjustment in men while EP was helpful in promoting positive adjustment in women.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of online group therapy based on emotional schema therapy with that of transdiagnostic therapy in improving distress tolerance and cognitive emotion regulation among university students with adjustment disorders due to romantic break-ups. The statistical population included all students who experienced a romantic break-up in Iran in 2020, aged 18–38 years. Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, participants were selected online. After filling in initial forms, diagnostic interviews were conducted through purposive sampling. A group was then randomly selected and divided into three groups: the first experimental group (transdiagnostic group therapy) included 15 participants; the second experimental group (emotional schema therapy) consisted of 15 participants; and the third group was the control group with 15 participants. The experimental groups received ten 90-min group therapy sessions. Participants completed the Distress Tolerance Questionnaire and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire at pretest, post-test and 1-month follow-up stages. According to the results of repeated measures ANOVA, there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups (p < 0.05) in the post-test scores of distress tolerance and cognitive emotion regulation strategies. However, there were no significant differences between the two experimental groups. The results indicated that both internet-based transdiagnostic group therapy and emotional schema therapy were effective interventions in mitigating symptoms of adjustment disorders due to romantic break-ups among university students. This highlights the potential of online group therapy as a viable option for students experiencing such disorders, particularly during pandemic-related restrictions.  相似文献   

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