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目的:检验儿童青少年正念量表(CAMM)在中国青少年群体中应用的信效度,为青少年正念研究提供科学工具。方法:选取310名中学生(样本1)进行条目分析和探索性因素分析,再选取309名中学生(样本2)进行验证性因素分析、效标效度、增量效度和信度分析。结果:中文版CAMM抽取2个因素最为合适,并具有良好的结构效度、效标效度、增量效度及较高的信度。结论:中文版CAMM具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以在中国青少年群体中使用。  相似文献   

青少年心理韧性量表(HKRA)的修订   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
心理韧性研究起源于20世纪70年代,而国内的相关研究还刚刚处于起步阶段,为有利于国内心理韧性研究的开展,选定青少年心理韧性量表(HKRA)进行中文版修订。以初中二年级学生884人(男生468人,女生416人)为被试,采用探索性因子分析法,共提取11个因子,其中外部保护因子7个,心理韧性特质因子4个,各个题目在相应因子上的载荷在0.34-0.88之间,各个因子的同质性信度在0.62-0.84之间,累积方差解释率为55.77%。结果表明,量表符合测量学的信度和效度要求,可以作为测量心理韧性的工具在国内使用。  相似文献   

积极心理资本:测量及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在文献分析和参考国内外相关测量工具的基础上,编制了包含自我效能、韧性、乐观、希望等4个因子的积极心理资本问卷(PPQ)。信度和效度验证的结果显示,该问卷具有良好的结构效度和内部一致性信度;验证性因子分析的结果也支持了心理资本这一高阶因子的合理性。研究还发现,积极心理资本及其子成分与自尊、内控性、情感平衡以及焦虑、抑郁、偏执、人际敏感等心理健康指标有显著的相关,回归分析的结果也显示心理资本对心理健康有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

编制青少年校园欺凌行为量表,为校园欺凌的评估、分类、干预工作提供依据。采用文献分析、结构化访谈与问卷调查确定量表维度并编制初始量表,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析形成正式量表。青少年校园欺凌行为量表包含26个项目,共5个维度,分别是身体欺凌、关系欺凌、财物欺凌、性欺凌与网络欺凌;量表具有较高的内部一致性信度、分半信度与良好的内容效度、结构效度、效标效度。青少年校园欺凌行为量表符合心理测量学标准,可作为测量校园欺凌行为的工具。  相似文献   

希望特质量表在中学生群体中的信、效度检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对770名中学生施测,检验Snyder的希望特质量表(TTHS)的信度和效度。结果表明,总量表的重测信度、量表的结构效度和效标效度符合心理测量学要求。ITHS可以作为测量中国中学生希望特质的工具。在中国文化背景下。Snyder提出的希望特质仍然是一种积极的心理品质,希望特质也从某方面代表着中国中学生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:进行自我报告高敏感儿童量表(Highly Sensitive Child Scale,HSC)在中国中学生群体中的修订及信效度检验。方法:通过项目分析和探索性因素分析确定中文版自我报告HSC量表题目,最后进行量表的信效度检验。结果:修订后的中文版自我报告HSC量表包括9道题目,包括低感觉阈限、易受过度刺激和审美敏感性三个维度。该量表的信效度指标符合要求,三因素模型拟合良好。结论:修订后中文版自我报告HSC量表可作为测量我国中学生感觉加工敏感性的可靠工具。  相似文献   

中学生责任心的理论构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
责任心是一种自觉地把分内的事做好的重要人格特质,具有多维度多层次的心理结构.参照有关文献建立了中学生责任心结构模型,编制出我国中学生责任心量表.通过对747名中学生的探索性因素分析和1009名中学生的验证性因素分析,结果表明该量表结构清晰,信度和效度较好,可以作为评鉴中学生责任心的有效工具.  相似文献   

目的:对中文版青少年冷漠无情特质量表进行信效度检验和初步修订。方法:随机选取江西三所学校755名小学、初中和高中学生进行测试,分析中文版青少年冷漠无情特质量表的信度和效度。结果:1项目分析表明,有21道题目的项目鉴别力指数较为理想;2探索性因子分析结果表明提取三个因子比较恰当,分别命名为冷酷、淡漠和无情。验证性因子分析结果显示三因子结构拟合良好;3总量表重测信度为0.83,分量表重测信度分别为0.81、0.79和0.82;4独立样本方差分析结果表明,冷酷因子和无情因子不存在年级或性别差异,淡漠因子存在年级差异,不存在性别差异。结论:三因子的中文版青少年冷漠无情特质量表结构稳定,是测量青少年冷漠无情特质的有效工具。  相似文献   

综合自我调节学习理论的新近研究,构建了自我调节学习的7个维度,即目标设定、自我监控、努力管理、自我效能、认知策略、资源管理、动机策略。通过项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、信度分析等方法对量表的结构效度、外部效度和信度进行了检验。结果表明,中学生自我调节学习量表符合心理测量学的要求,可作为测评中学生自我调节学习能力的测量工具。  相似文献   

目的:在中国青少年中对数学家庭作业动机量表进行修订并考察其信效度。方法:采用方便取样选取762名青少年,对数学家庭作业动机量表进行项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、测量等值性检验以及信效度分析。结果:中文版数学家庭作业动机量表包括认同调节、内部动机、外在调节和内摄调节4个因素,并具有跨性别和跨年龄组的测量等值性以及良好的效标效度和信度。结论:修订后的数学家庭作业动机量表具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以作为测量和评估中国青少年数学家庭作业动机的有效工具。  相似文献   

In this study, the validity of the recently developed 28-item Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) was examined. Survey data from a representative sample of 6,723 Norwegian senior high school students between 18 and 20 years of age were used for this purpose. Validity and reliability were investigated by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, correlations with other relevant variables, and internal consistency measures. The results supported the construct and convergent validity of the five factors of a modified 23-item version of the scale, which also yielded acceptable psychometric properties. The paper concludes that the modified READ is a valid measure assessing relevant resilience factors with relatively few items, thereby serving as a valuable tool in resilience and risk-factor research.  相似文献   

Australian multicultural society consists of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrants, refugees, and international students from different parts of the world. Despite hardships, these individuals show resilience and adapt successfully. However, there is a dearth of scales measuring these positive developments and personal strengths. The study describes the development and evaluation of a scale measuring resilience and acculturation of CALD people. Items were generated for the Acculturation and Resilience Scale (AARS). The AARS and other acculturation and psychological distress scales were administered to 225 CALD community members. Exploratory factor analyses resulted in a 27‐item AARS with three subscales: Acculturation, Resilience, and Spirituality. The three‐factor structure was subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 515 international students. The factor structure stability was upheld by the second sample. The psychometric properties were investigated using the two samples and demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and divergent validity. The scale addresses a major gap in the literature and can be used to measure the positive acculturation and resilience of the newly arrived and relocated individuals. Further research is warranted to examine the scale's psychometric properties with migrants and refugees from a range of ethnic communities.  相似文献   

采用学生生活满意度量表和青少年心理韧性量表对2所学校的249名初一学生进行了2年4次的追踪调查,应用HLM分析初中生生活满意度的变化趋势,探讨性别、学校地区差异和心理韧性对生活满意度的影响。结果表明:(1)初中生的生活满意度从初一下学期到初三下学期这2年时间内存在着显著下降的发展趋势;(2)性别、学校地区差异对生活满意度发展的预测效应不显著;(3)初始测量心理韧性的情绪控制和家庭支持两因子对生活满意度发展的预测效应显著,而目标专注、积极认知、人际协助等三因子的预测效应不显著;(4)心理韧性中个体力对初中生生活满意度发展的影响主要表现为直接效应,其调节效应有限,而支持力的调节效应较大。  相似文献   

There has been a significant paradigm shift in recent acculturation research from a psychopathological perspective to a resilience framework. However, one indicator of positive adaptation outcomes in acculturation—measurement of personal growth in migration—is lacking. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a Post-migration Growth Scale (PMGS) for Chinese international students. A 14-item scale was developed through in-depth interviews, item analysis and factor analysis. The scale was initially validated in a sample of 400 mainland Chinese students studying in Hong Kong. Exploratory factor analysis suggested two factors (interpersonal growth and intrapersonal growth), which were cross-validated in an independent sample of Chinese international students in Australia from mainland China (n = 154) by confirmatory factor analysis. The PMGS showed satisfactory internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity. The PMGS can thus be a reliable and valid instrument to measure Chinese international students’ personal growth from overseas study experiences. Limitations were discussed and implications were suggested.  相似文献   

Waaktaar, T. & Torgersen, S. (2009). How resilient are resilience scales? The Big Five scales outperform resilience scales in predicting adjustment in adolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 157–163. This study’s aim was to determine whether resilience scales could predict adjustment over and above that predicted by the five‐factor model (FFM). A sample of 1,345 adolescents completed paper‐and‐pencil scales on FFM personality (Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children), resilience (Ego‐Resiliency Scale [ER89] by Block & Kremen, the Resilience Scale [RS] by Wagnild & Young) and adaptive behaviors (California Healthy Kids Survey, UCLA Loneliness Scale and three measures of school adaptation). The results showed that the FFM scales accounted for the highest proportion of variance in disturbance. For adaptation, the resilience scales contributed as much as the FFM. In no case did the resilience scales outperform the FFM by increasing the explained variance. The results challenge the validity of the resilience concept as an indicator of human adaptation and avoidance of disturbance, although the concept may have heuristic value in combining favorable aspects of a person’s personality endowment.  相似文献   

The past few years have seen increased theoretical and applied research on the relations between constructs related to positive expectations. However, instruments capable of distinguishing positive expectancy constructs are still lacking. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the 18-item Personal Optimism Scale and Self-Efficacy Optimism Scale. Two student samples from the University of Novi Sad in Serbia were recruited for the present research, with a total of 728 participants. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses did not support the theoretically expected structure. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis and content validity support shortening the scale to 9 items. The short versions of the scales demonstrated adequate reliability in internal consistency and adequate concurrent and convergent validity by significant correlations with dispositional optimism, general self-efficacy, hope, resilience and subjective well-being. The analyses lead us to conclude that a shorter 4-item Personal Optimism Scale and a 5-item Self-Efficacy Optimism Scale provide a clear, precise measures of two types of positive expectations. The authors argue that the limitations of the original scales emanate from their vague theoretical-substantive validity, and call for future research to replicate these findings.  相似文献   

Anni Wang  Jun Lu 《Family process》2023,62(1):368-386
The Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (WFRQ) is one of the most widely used and strong theory-based measurement tools of family resilience. This study aimed to develop and psychometrically test the Chinese version of the WFRQ (WFRQ-C). The WFRQ was translated following Brislin's translation model. Psychometric testing, combining classical theory test and item response theory, was conducted with a sample of 800 community adult residents. The Connor-Davidson resilience scale-10 (CD-RISC-10), Self-reported Family Happiness Scale (SFHS-1), and Family APGAR (Adaption, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve) Scale (Family APGAR-5) were applied for convergent validity. Six items were deleted at the item analysis level. The minimum average partial test and a parallel analysis supported a three-factor structure, which was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The three factors were named “Family belief system,” “Organization, communication and problem solving,” and “Utilization of external resources.” The WFRQ-C was significantly correlated with CD-RISC-10, SFHS-1, and Family APGAR-5, with r values ranged from 0.51 to 0.56. The Cronbach's α was 0.97 for the scale and 0.93, 0.95, and 0.72 for the three factors, respectively. The ICCs of 0.96 for the whole scale, and 0.95, 0.75, and 0.95 for the three factors, respectively. The mean score for the WFRQ-C was 97.00 ± 17.94, of which per capita monthly income and education level were predictors. The 26-item WFRQ-C is a stable, concise, and validated tool to measure family resilience. It is applicable for Chinese community adults in nonspecific stressful settings and has potential utility in the health care domain.  相似文献   

A 14-item test of Acrobatics and Balance was previously developed to assess gross motor skills of high school physical education students. This study examined the factor structure of an 8-item version of the test based on exploratory and confirmatory factor-analytic techniques. The 8-item short-form of the Acrobatics and Balance test was administered to 334 Italian boys, ages 14 to 16 yr. (M = 15.0, SD= .8), during physical education lessons. The sample was then randomly split into two groups of equal size. Data from Group 1 were subjected to principal components analysis followed by oblimin rotation. Two factors emerged without overlapping items, accounting for 65.6% of variance. Factors included items of Acrobatics and Balance, matching the scales of the whole version of the 14-item test. Confirmatory factor analysis on data from Group 2 confirmed the two factor structure of the 8-item test. The test had a Cronbach coefficient alpha of .84. The Balance and Acrobatics scales had Cronbach alphas of .84 and .78 for Group 1 and of .84 and .77 for Group 2. Findings provided preliminary support for the use of the 8-item test, especially when there is a need to shorten assessment time.  相似文献   

研究旨在了解大学生社会支持、乐观倾向、心理弹性和心理一致感的基本情况及其相互关系,探讨心理弹性和心理一致感在社会支持与乐观倾向之间的中介作用,并对大学生乐观倾向的影响机制进行深入分析。研究使用大学生社会支持量表、心理一致感量表、心理弹性量表和乐观倾向量表对上海市某高校2979名大学生进行调查。研究结果表明:(1)大学生社会支持、心理弹性与心理一致感和乐观倾向的总体状况良好,处于正向积极水平。社会支持、心理弹性与心理一致感和乐观倾向均存在显著的性别差异,女生情况好于男生。(2)大学生乐观倾向与社会支持、心理弹性、心理一致感之间均存在显著正相关(r=.31-.50)。(3)社会支持对乐观倾向有直接预测作用,心理弹性和心理一致感的中介效应显著,模型拟合程度良好(χ2/df=36.80,p.001,NFI=.98,CFI=.98,IFI=.98)。研究为揭示社会支持与乐观倾向背后可能的原因与作用机制提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Jowkar, B., Friborg, O. & Hjemdal, O. (2010). Cross‐cultural validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) in Iran. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 418–425. Resilience, as an ability to withstand and rebound from crisis and adversity, is becoming an increasingly popular concept in research on intervention and prevention of mental health. The present study examined psychometric properties of a Persian version of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), a scale intended to measure protective factors presumed to enhance resilience. The participants were 373 university undergraduate students, as well as 30 pairs of run‐away girls and a matched control group. A confirmatory factor analysis verified the Norwegian five‐factor structure. All subscale scores, personal competence, social competence, family cohesion, social resources and structured style, had good reliability. The convergent validity of the RSA was supported by showing positive associations with another resilience scale, i.e., a Persian version of the Connor‐Davidson Resilience Scale (CD‐RISC). Predictive validity of the RSA was supported, as well, by significantly differentiating between girls who had run away from home and a matched control group. The results indicate that the RSA may be a valid and reliable scale for the assessment of resilience protective resources in an Iranian population.  相似文献   

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