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Two experiments reported the effect of movement time and knowledge of results on overall spatial errors in rapid simultaneous bimanual aiming movements. In Exps. 1 (n=32) and 2 (n=32), participants used light, aluminum levers oriented vertically in the sagittal plane to make reversal movements over the same distance (20 degrees - 20 degrees or 60 degrees - 60 degrees) or different distances (20 degrees - 60 degrees) in each arm in 250, 350, or 450 msec. to the reversal point. The participants in Exp. 1 were given knowledge of results on the spatial and temporal accuracy for both arms, while in Exp. 2 knowledge of results was provided for one arm only. Strong speed-accuracy tradeoffs were shown for all groups in both experiments, but errors were larger in the different distance movements compared to the same distance groups. Spatial errors were also elevated in Exp. 2 when knowledge of results was not available compared to those conditions where knowledge of results was available. Overall, bimanual speed-accuracy tradeoffs are similar to single arm movements when one moves the same distance in each arm and when knowledge of results is available.  相似文献   

Visual control of discrete aiming movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment is reported which investigated the visual control of discrete rapid arm movements. Subjects were required to move as rapidly as possible to several target width-movement distance combinations under both visual and non-visual conditions. The movement time (MT) data were supportive of Fitts' Law in that MT was linearly related and highly correlated to the Index of Difficulty (ID). MT was also similar for different target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID value. The error rate analysis, which compared visual to non-visual perfromance, indicated that vision was only used, and to varying degrees, when MT exceeded 200 ms (3.58 ID level). There was some evidence that vision was differentially used within target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID. Estimates of endpoint variability generally reflected the results of the error rate analysis. These results do not support the discrete correction model of Fitts' Law proposed by Keele (1968).  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the role of vision in the execution of a movement sequence. Experiment 1 investigated whether individual components of a sequential movement are controlled together or separately. Participants executed a rapid aiming movement to two targets in sequence. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was eliminated while in contact with the first target. The size of the first target was constant, while the second target size was varied. Target size had an influence on movement time and peak velocity to the first target. Vision condition and target size did not affect the time spent on the first target. These results suggest that preparation of the second movement is completed before the first movement is terminated. Experiment 2 examined when this preparation occurred. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was occluded during the flight phase of the first movement. Movement initiation times were shorter when vision was continually available. Total movement time was reduced with vision in two-target condition, but not in a control one-target condition. The time spent on the first target was greater when vision was not available during the first movement component. The results indicate that vision prior to movement onset can be used to formulate a movement plan to both targets in the sequence [Fischman & Reeve (1992).  相似文献   

The present paper examines the control principles underlying rapid manual tracking responses to horizontal double-step stimuli. The paper reports an experiment concerned with responses made to step-stimuli presented in quick succession. The amplitude of the second-step was varied between the initial step-position and the home-base. Double-step response parameters were analysed as a function of the determinant time interval (D) between the second step and the onset of the initial response. The initial response amplitude was observed to vary as a function of D. Amplitude transition functions were constructed representing the transition of the initial response amplitude between the two step positions; their slopes, furthermore, depended on the amplitude of the second target step. No delays in the initial reaction time with the interstimulus interval were observed. Minor delays to the onset of a corrective response were observed. These delays were in part related to a movement time constraint that is independent of any limitations in central processing capacity. The present findings for the manual control system are compared to double-step tracking analyses of the oculomotor control system.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which the effects of different levels of spatial variability of the initial phase of aiming movements were explored. It was found that longer, faster, and more spatially variable initial sub movements were associated with an almost proportional increase in the distance between the average location at which the first submovement ended and the target. The first experiment involved a multisegmental arm motion that required a direction reversal, in which spatial variability could be estimated in all three dimensions. The second was a unidirectional, one-degree-of-freedom wrist supination task. The variability-amplitude relationship for the initial submovement was present in both. It is argued that the variability, or unpredictability, of the initial submovement is a determinant of its average amplitude, such that initial submovements approach the target as closely as is permitted by the level of variability. Such a mechanism allows task constraints such as accuracy requirements and allowable error rates to be met most efficiently, in a manner similar to the recently described optimization of submovement durations. If this mechanism is a general, ubiquitous phenomenon in rapid aiming, certain features of its internal kinematic structure are predictable. A set of five such predictions is outlined.  相似文献   

Using a lifespan approach, the authors investigated developmental features of the control of ballistic aiming arm movements by manipulating movement complexity, response uncertainty, and the use of precues. Four different age groups of participants (6- and 9-year-old boys and girls and 24- and 73-year-old men and women, 20 participants in each age group) performed 7 types of rapid aiming arm movements on the surface of a digitizer. Their movement characteristics such as movement velocity, normalized jerk, relative timing, movement linearity, and intersegment intervals were profiled. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were conducted on age and task effects in varying movement complexity (Study 1), response uncertainty (Study 2), and precue use (Study 3) conditions. Young children and senior adults had slower, more variant, less smooth, and less linear arm movements than older children and young adults. Increasing the number of movement segments resulted in slower and more variant responses. Movement accuracy demands or response uncertainty interacted with age so that the 6- and 74-year-old participants had poorer performances but responded similarly to the varying treatments. Even though older children and young adults had better performances than young children and senior adults, their arm movement performance declined when response uncertainty increased. The analyses suggested that young children's and senior adults' performances are poorer because less of their movement is under central control, and they therefore use on-line adjustments. In addition, older children and young adults use a valid precue more effectively to prepare for subsequent movements than do young children and senior adults, suggesting that older children and young adults are more capable of organizing motor responses than are young children and senior adults.  相似文献   

The study examined the contribution of various sources of visual information utilised in the control of discrete aiming movements. Subjects produced movements, 15.24 cm in amplitude, to a 1.27 cm target in a movement time of 330 ms. Responses were carried out at five vision-manipulation conditions which allowed the subject complete vision, no vision, vision of only the target or stylus, and a combination of stylus and target. Response accuracy scores indicated that a decrement in performance occurred when movements were completed in the absence of visual information or when only the target was visible during the response. The stylus and the target plus stylus visual conditions led to response accuracy which was comparable to movements produced with complete vision. These results suggest that the critical visual information for aiming accuracy is that of the stylus. These findings are consistent with a control model based on a visual representation of the discrepancy between the position of the hand and the location of the target.  相似文献   

Fitts' Law describes human movement time in the horizontal and frontal planes, but its application to movement in the sagittal plane has been questioned by Beggs and Howarth. To evaluate the Law in this plane, eight subjects performed a forearm action, similar to dart-throwing without release, moving a stylus through the sagittal plane from a back contact plate forward to a target. Four movement distances, 8, 12, 16 and 20 in, were combined with four target widths, 1/4, 1/2, 1 and 2 in, in 16 experimental conditions. Following practice all subjects were tested in each condition, with visual knowledge of results. The plot of movement time against log 2A/W was essentially linear, accounting for 92.6% of the variance.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine if a representation of the movement environment is functional in the organization and control of limb movements, when direct visual contact with the environment is prevented. In Experiment 1, a visual rearrangement procedure was employed to show that a representation of the environment that provides inaccurate information about the spatial location of a target can disrupt manual target aiming. In Experiment 2, we demonstrated that spatial information about the position of a target can be destroyed by a visual pattern mask, supporting our claim that the representation is visual. A target-cuing procedure was used in Experiment 3 to show that representation of target position can be useful for premovement organization in a target-aiming task. Together our findings suggest that a short-lived visual representation of the movement environment may serve a useful role in the organization and control of limb movements.  相似文献   

Increases in reaction time (RT) as a function of response complexity have been shown to differ between simple and choice RT tasks. Of interest in the present study was whether the influence of response complexity on RT depends on the extent to which movements are programmed in advance of movement initiation versus during execution (i.e., online). The task consisted of manual aiming movements to one or two targets (one- vs. two-element responses) under simple and choice RT conditions. The probe RT technique was employed to assess attention demands during RT and movement execution. Simple RT was greater for the two- than for the single-target responses but choice RT was not influenced by the number of elements. In both RT tasks, reaction times to the probe increased as a function of number of elements when the probe occurred during movement execution. The presence of the probe also caused an increase in aiming errors in the simple but not choice RT task. These findings indicated that online programming was occurring in both RT tasks. In the simple RT task, increased executive control mediated the integration between response elements through the utilization of visual feedback to facilitate the implementation of the second element.  相似文献   

Increases in reaction time (RT) as a function of response complexity have been shown to differ between simple and choice RT tasks. Of interest in the present study was whether the influence of response complexity on RT depends on the extent to which movements are programmed in advance of movement initiation versus during execution (i.e., online). The task consisted of manual aiming movements to one or two targets (one- vs. two-element responses) under simple and choice RT conditions. The probe RT technique was employed to assess attention demands during RT and movement execution. Simple RT was greater for the two- than for the single-target responses but choice RT was not influenced by the number of elements. In both RT tasks, reaction times to the probe increased as a function of number of elements when the probe occurred during movement execution. The presence of the probe also caused an increase in aiming errors in the simple but not choice RT task. These findings indicated that online programming was occurring in both RT tasks. In the simple RT task, increased executive control mediated the integration between response elements through the utilization of visual feedback to facilitate the implementation of the second element.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined on-line processing during the execution of reciprocal aiming movements. In Experiment 1, participants used a stylus to make movements between two targets of equal size. Three vision conditions were used: full vision, vision during flight and vision only on contact with the target. Participants had significantly longer movement times and spent more time in contact with the targets when vision was available only on contact with the target. Additionally, the proportion of time to peak velocity revealed that movement trajectories became more symmetric when vision was not available during flight. The data indicate that participants used vision not only to 'home-in' on the current target, but also to prepare subsequent movements. In Experiment 2, liquid crystal goggles provided a single visual sample every 40 ms of a 500 ms duty cycle. Of interest was how participants timed their reciprocal aiming to take advantage of these brief visual samples. Although across participants no particular portion of the movement trajectory was favored, individual performers did time their movements consistently with the onset and offset of vision. Once again, performance and kinematic data indicated that movement segments were not independent of each other.  相似文献   

Goal-directed movements are subject to intrinsic planning and execution variability, which requires that the central nervous system closely monitor our movements to ensure endpoint accuracy. In the present study, we sought to determine how closely the visual system monitored goal-directed aiming movements. We used a cursor-jump paradigm in which a cursor was unexpectedly translated soon after movement initiation. Some of the trials included a second cursor jump, and the cursor remained visible for different durations. The results indicate that seeing the cursor for only 16?ms after the second cursor jump was sufficient to influence the movement endpoint, which suggests that the visual system continuously monitored goal-directed movements. The results also suggest that the perceived position/trajectory of the effector was likely to have been averaged over a period of approximately 70?ms.  相似文献   

This study examined whether AD affects the control of pointing movements. Sixteen older adults with probable AD and 10 age-matched healthy adults pointed at targets varying in size (3 and 7 mm in diameter) and located at three positions (at the midline and 33 degrees to the left and right). Results revealed the patients exhibited longer movement time, lower peak velocity and more time in deceleration, although they exhibited effects of target size and location comparable to the healthy controls. AD, then, would appear to slow down movement without affecting the motor system's ability to respond to task demands.  相似文献   

Information entropy and mutual information were investigated in discrete movement aiming tasks over a wide range of spatial (20-160 mm) and temporal (250-1250 ms) constraints. Information entropy was calculated using two distinct analyses: (1) with no assumption on the nature of the data distribution; and (2) assuming the data have a normal distribution. The two analyses showed different results in the estimate of entropy that also changed as a function of task goals, indicating that the movement trajectory data were not from a normal distribution. It was also found that the information entropy of the discrete aiming movements was lower than the task defined indices of difficulty (ID) that were selected for the congruence with Fitts' law. Mutual information between time points of the trajectory was strongly influenced by the average movement velocity and the acceleration/deceleration segments of the movement. The entropy analysis revealed structure to the variability of the movement trajectory and outcome that has been masked by the traditional distributional analyses of discrete aiming movements.  相似文献   

Eight people with Parkinson's disease (PD), 8 age-matched older adults, and 8 young adults executed 3-dimensional rapid aiming movements to 1, 3, 5, and 7 targets. Reaction time, flight time, and time after peak velocity to the 1st target indicated that both neurologically healthy groups implemented a plan on the basis of anticipation of upcoming targets, whereas the PD group did not. One suggested reason for the PD group's deficiency in anticipatory control is the greater variability in their initial force impulse. Although the PD group scaled peak velocity and time to peak velocity similarly to the other groups, their coefficients of variation were greater, making consistent prediction of the movement outcome difficult and thus making it less advantageous to plan too far in advance. A 2nd finding was that the PD group exhibited increased slowing in time after peak velocity in the final segments of the longest sequence, whereas the other 2 groups did not. The increased slowing could be the result of a different movement strategy, increased difficulty modulating the agonist and antagonist muscle groups later in the sequence, or both. The authors conclude that people with PD use more segmented planning and control strategies than do neurologically healthy older and young adults when executing movement sequences and that the locus of increased bradykinesia in longer sequences is in the deceleration phase of movement.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine how the kinematics of reciprocal aiming movements were affected by both the objective of the movement and the constraints operating on that movement. In Experiment 1, the objective of the movement was indirectly manipulated by capitalizing on the fact that subjects determine their own accuracy and speed limits, despite uniform task instructions to move as quickly and accurately as possible. A Fitts' type reciprocal aiming paradigm was employed, in which 69 subjects were asked to move a stylus repetitively between two spatially separated targets. Four target widths were orthogonally combined with four movement amplitudes, resulting in 16 conditions. Movements were made on an X-Y digitizing tablet. Based on the mean variable error produced on both targets, subjects were differentiated post hoc into three movement objective groups: speed, accuracy, and speed-plus-accuracy. Kinematic analyses revealed that the programming and execution of movements were systematically influenced by both the movement objective and the movement constraints. That is, movement time, peak velocity, dwell time, acceleration and deceleration time, normalized acceleration and normalized deceleration varied systematically as a function of both the speed-accuracy movement objective and the movement constraints of target size and movement distance. Moreover, the consequences of changing the constraints of the movement were affected by an interaction with the objective of the movement. In Experiment 2, the objective of the movement was directly manipulated by varying speed and/or accuracy instructions to subjects. The basic results of Experiment 1 were substantiated. Overall, the results were consistent with the view that motor control is dependent upon sensory consequences.  相似文献   

Recent results indicate that adults modulate their initial movement impulse toward a stationary visual target by processing visual afferent information. The authors investigated whether the mechanisms responsible for those modulations are already in place in young children or develop as the children grow older. Adults (n = 10) and 6-, 8- and 10-year-old children (ns = 6, 7, and 7, respectively) performed a video-aiming task while vision of the cursor they were moving was (acquisition) or was not (transfer) visible. The results indicated that within-participant variability of the initial impulse trajectory of the children's aiming movement leveled-off in acquisition between peak extent deceleration and the end of the initial impulse, whereas it increased linearly as movement unfolded in transfer. The results also indicated that children modulate their initial movement impulse when visual afferent information is available, although to a lesser extent than adults do, and strongly imply that contrary to past suggestions, the initial impulse of an aiming movement is not ballistic.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine how the programming and control of a rapid aiming sequence shifts with increased complexity. One objective was to determine if a preprogramming/peripheral constraint explanation is adequate to characterize control of an increasingly complex rapid aiming sequence, and if not, at what point on-line programming better accounts for the data. A second objective was to examine when on-line programming occurs. Three experiments were conducted in which complexity was manipulated by increasing the number of targets from 1 to 11. Initiation- and execution-timing patterns, probe reaction time (RT), and movement kinematics were measured. Results supported the peripheral constraint/pre-programming explanation for sequences up to 7 targets if they were executed in a blocked fashion. For sequences executed in a random fashion (one length followed by a different length), preprogramming did not increase with complexity, and on-line programming occurred without time cost. Across all sequences there was evidence that the later targets created a peripheral constraint on movements to previous targets. We suggest that programming is influenced by two factors: the overall spatial trajectory, which is consistent with Sidaway's subtended angle (SA) hypothesis (1991), and average velocity, with the latter established based on the number of targets in the sequence. As the number of targets increases, average velocity decreases, which controls variability of error in the extent of each movement segment. Overall the data support a continuous model of processing, one in which programming and execution co-occur, and can do so without time cost.  相似文献   

This study investigates on-line and off-line resolution of a Japanese reflexive,jibun, for logophoric sentences, i.e., complex sentences involving a matrix verb that reflects one's point of view feelings, or state of consciousness, and for nonlogophoric sentences, i.e., complex sentences involving a subordinate adverbial clause. According to Kuroda's (1973) thesis and Chomsky's (1981) binding principle (for nonlogophoric sentences only), the reflexive in the logophoric sentences can be associated with the subject of both a matrix sentence and a subordinate sentence whereas that in the nonlogophoric sentences can only be associated with the subject of the subordinate sentence. In Experiment 1, 42 students were administered a probe-recognition task in which a probe was given for the subject either of the matrix sentence or of the subordinate sentence immediately after the end of the subordinate clause or at the end of a sentence following the matrix verb. Recognition times were faster for a matrix-subject probe than for a subordinatesubject probe regardless of the sentence type and probe position. In Experiment 2, 40 students were administered an on-line antecedent identification task in which they were required to quickly and accurately identify, when given a probe, the antecedent of the reflexive, with the probe given after the reflexive or at the end of a sentence. Regardless of the sentence type, matrix-subject was judged to be the antecedent of the reflexive more often than subordinate-subject, with the effect of probe position being negligible. An offline study required 136 students to indicate the antecedent(s) for the two types of sentence given in their entirety. No effect of sentence type was found. Findings indicate that neither Kuroda's thesis nor Chomsky's binding principle is applied when Japanese speakers parse logophoric and nonlogophoric sentences.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, No. 05610067. Deep gratitude is due to Professor D. D. Steinberg for reading an earlier version of this paper. Thanks are also due to Ms. S. Ogawa for her help in collecting part of the off-line data.  相似文献   

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