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21世纪是通识教育与专业教育逐步走向综合的世纪,而综合性通识课程内容的构建则是通识课程改革的关键。为了有助于我国医学院校构建综合性通识课程,通过对不同国家和地区综合性通识课程内容的组织、设计和实施的分析,探讨了高等医学院校综合性通识课程内容的构建。  相似文献   

医学生之医学伦理素养教育剖辨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对医学生加强医学伦理素养教育是当前国内外医学教育的共识,但在教育的内容、方式和方法上却是各具特色.相对而言,我国医学院校对医学生的医学伦理素养教育尚处于不成熟的阶段,其表现就是教育过程中存在着诸多的问题、教学效果不甚理想.从医学伦理素养教育的现状入手,尝试分析我国医学伦理素养教育中的重点和难点问题.  相似文献   

This article analysed missionaries’ roles in the development of general and special education by examining the relationship between the Great Commission and education and the biblical perspective on disabilities as the foundational links between their work and inclusive education. While missionaries have not been directly involved in the practices of inclusive education today, their work in initiating and formalising special education services has facilitated a more welcoming attitude toward individuals with disabilities, and propelled governments around the globe to make special and inclusive education a public responsibility when socio-political environments demand it. To provide a concrete illustration, this article used Hong Kong as an example by examining missionaries’ key involvements and impact in its development of public education from the early colonial era to today’s inclusive education. The missionaries’ legacy in Hong Kong’s inclusive education development lay in their nurturing of Christian educators as supported by a high number of public Christian schools and Christian educators advocated for inclusive education, and in their efforts to formalise special education during the early colonial era (175).  相似文献   

The authors present the results of a survey investigating ethics education practices in counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs and counselor educators' beliefs regarding ethics education, Survey responses describe current curricular approaches to ethics education, content, and instructional methodologies used in counselor education. The survey also ascertained information regarding counselor educators' beliefs about ethics education and their abilities to teach ethics. Implications for counselor education, professional development and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

交往理性与德育理念的重建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
哲学意义上的交往理论,尤其是哈贝马斯的交往理性可以解决当前目的理性泛滥带来的的德育危机。交往德育是在超越灌输德育的基础上,对主体存在、人的存在目标和生存意义提出本质追问并提供某种可能性诠释的德育理论。它是一种扬弃与超越灌输德育而又与灌输德育截然不同的德育理念,是德育发展的必经阶段。  相似文献   

教育变革语境中未成年人道德观念的错位与德育革新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当下教育变革中德育革新的乏力,引发了现时德育的虚弱与苍白。这种虚弱与苍白的德育现状一定程度上导致了未成年人道德观念的错位。要矫正未成年人的错误道德观念,要使错位恢复到原位,德育必须向真正的德育回归。真正德育的达致,必须革新德育。这种革新应沿着德育者形象、德育的内容、德育的方式三个维度展开。  相似文献   

新加坡中小学的公民道德教育及借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
借鉴新加坡中小学公民道德教育的成功经验,加强我国学校中的道德教育工作,必须提高认识,加强领导;改进德育课的教学方法,灌输和启发相结合;在各科教学中进行德育渗透;构建学校教育、社会教育、家庭教育一体化的德育网络;注重东西方德育经验的综合利用;强化道德实践,完善学校德育教育质量评价标准。  相似文献   

关于完善我国医学教育体系的思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
当前我国社会经济的迅猛发展,已经对现行的医学教育体系提出了强有力的挑战。从医学教育自身特点出发,探讨我国现行医学教育体系的一些重要缺陷及其对策。建议全面引入医学教育国际标准,调整培养要求,积极稳妥地推行长学制医学教育,建立严格而规范的毕业后基本职业技能培训及职业准入制度,理顺高等教育体系内的医学教育统一管理体制,以完善我国医学教育体系。  相似文献   

浅谈医学文化中的人文精神培养   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
20世纪以来,传统医学教育在指导思想上、教育理论上和实践中人文精神存在不足。这是由于长期以来我国的医学教育过分注重医学生的专业知识教育而忽视人文素质教育,专业知识与人文精神分离的结果。因此,着重从医学文化的角度去思考医学的本质和目的,探讨在医学教育中加强人文精神的培养。  相似文献   

研究采用同伴提名法、教师和家长报告法,对农村135名一年级小学生进行了为期一年的追踪调查,在此基础上,考察了学前教育年限、母亲受教育水平与学校适应之间的关系。结果表明:(1)学前教育年限越长,小学生越多地表现出积极社会行为,但这种优势仅体现在小学入学初期;(2)母亲受教育水平越低,小学生越多地表现出敏感退缩行为和受拒绝同伴关系;(3)对于母亲受教育水平较低的小学生,学前教育年限越长,其攻击冒犯行为越多;而对于母亲受教育水平较高的小学生,学前教育年限越长,其攻击冒犯行为越少。可见,母亲受教育水平与学前教育年限相互作用,共同影响儿童发展结果,且母亲受教育水平的影响作用更为明显。  相似文献   

In education, character education is a burgeoning field; however, it is also the target of considerable criticism. Amongst criticisms of character education, the political criticism that character education is a form of indoctrination stands out. In particular, the charge is made against character education that it breaches the principle of liberal neutrality about the good. In this article I discuss liberal approaches to character education. I outline the two most prominent liberal approaches to character education in school, liberal neutralism and liberal perfectionism, as we find it in the work of Clayton (neutralism) and Levinson (liberal perfectionism). I hold that the two standard liberal approaches do not distinguish carefully enough between two possible forms of character education – moral character education and intellectual character education. Drawing on recent work in virtue epistemology, I hold that the liberal position tacitly demands intellectual character education. Regarding moral character education, however, I hold that the picture appears different. In the final analysis, I advocate a new form of perfectionism regarding character education that I call ‘intellectual perfectionism’. According to intellectual perfectionism, schools should be perfectionist regarding children's intellects, but neutralist regarding their morals.  相似文献   

鄢建江 《伦理学研究》2006,(4):43-46,58
朱熹对《大学》研究有很大贡献,《大学章句》道德教育理论在道德教育的理论基础、道德教育目的、道德教育过程、道德教育规范、道德教育方法等逻辑要素方面有丰富的内容,《大学章句》展示的中国古代道德教育模式为当代公民道德建设尤其是大学生思想政治教育提供了文化滋养。  相似文献   

试论环境道德教育的本质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境道德教育是培养解决环境问题应具备的价值观和态度的教育,是环境教育的有机组成部分,它是一种素质教育、人格教育;是一种社会教育、大众教育;是一种全面的、持续的终身教育。它拓展了现代教育的空域时序人种囿见,最有可能成为跨越各种差异的国际性教育。  相似文献   

The inaugural Education Leadership Conference was convened by the American Psychological Association (APA) in October 2001 to provide a forum for groups and organizations across all levels of education and training to address issues of mutual concern, to promote a shared disciplinary identity among education and training leaders in psychology, and to influence public policy regarding education in psychology and psychology in education. Participants from 23 national education and training organizations, 25 APA divisions, and national credentialing organizations in psychology identified 8 major issues for education and training in psychology and addressed a number of specific questions relevant to ongoing work of the Board of Educational Affairs.  相似文献   

先秦儒家教育虽然包括道德教育、文化知识的传授和技能的培养等三方面的内容,但重视道德教育是其重点。先秦儒家重视道德教育具有三大特点:一是以人禽之辨为基础,二是以道德教育为根本,三是能够达到提高道德修养和改变人的气质的良好效果。它虽距今2000多年,但仍对当代教育有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

罗筠筠 《现代哲学》2006,(2):107-113
该文讨论了现代著名教育家蔡元培在美育方面的思想特点及其在今天的意义。蔡氏美育思想的核心是认为审美教育的本质乃是一种情感教育,它与德育、智育、体育在教育中占有同样重要的地位,因为在人性发展与社会进步的过程中,只有科学、知识与理性的教育与进步是不完备的,对人类感性的忽略与压抑会带来各种社会弊端。蔡元培还提出了具有可操性的美育实施措施,在今天也值得重视。  相似文献   

Education has been suggested to play a protective role against the development of age-related dementias. Accordingly, we examined modulation of functional activation during working memory by age and education. Eight older individuals with a college education, six older individuals with a high school education, and eight younger individuals with a college education performed a working memory task during O15 [water] PET scanning. In a voxel-by-voxel whole brain search, older participants with less education demonstrated greater left frontal activation relative to older participants with more education. Older participants with more education demonstrated greater right precuneus activation relative to older participants with less education. This suggests that older less educated participants may have used additional frontal resources to compensate for dysfunctional parietal cortex. These results occurred in the context of similar activation in well-educated younger and older participants. Younger participants had one unique area of activation in the left posterior parietal cortex and no differences in frontal activation were observed between these two groups. The results of this study indicate the need to consider education in age-related neuroimaging studies.  相似文献   

医学哲学是现代医学教育中的重要组成部分,医学科学必须与医学哲学相结合才是未来医学教育的发展方向。在以岗位胜任能力为导向的医学教育转型中,培养医学生的哲学思维无疑是其重要环节之一。为适应全球卫生事业的迅猛发展,医学教育务必在临床思维上进行整合。本文从培养合格医学毕业生的角度出发,阐述了医学与哲学的关系、医学教育中的哲学地位及哲学在临床医学教育中的具体应用。旨在提高医学生的哲学理念,促进现代医学教育的转型发展。  相似文献   

A random sample of 1,276 U.S. adults were surveyed about their perceptions of differences for Blacks in the United States based on discrimination, ability to learn, opportunities for education, and willpower. Those with little education and extensive education were more aware of discrimination for Blacks. Higher levels of education as well as professional and managerial work increased awareness that Blacks have the same ability to learn as Whites and that Blacks lack equitable opportunities for an education. Those with less education and those employed in technical and manual labor were the most likely to say Blacks lacked willpower.  相似文献   

Moral education in the traditional form of classroom didactic lectures in secondary schools has been prevailing in Hong Kong since the initiation of moral education in the 1980s. However, such a traditional form has not received credit from research in the West. Instead, discussion of moral issues would be a more effective way of moral education than would didactic lectures. Because of the differential ways of moral education in Hong Kong, findings from other places can be subject to a test in Hong Kong. As such, this study employed panel data from 19,069 secondary school students in Hong Kong to analyze the impacts of moral education on moral commitment to sustain societal interests. Findings indicated a weak contribution of moral discussion and an even weaker contribution of moral education lectures to moral commitment. These findings therefore echo those in other places and suggest that real-life moral education contributes in the expected way, albeit weakly.  相似文献   

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