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In contrast to exemplar and decision-bound categorization models, the memory and contrast models described here do not assume that long-term representations of stimulus magnitudes are available. Instead, stimuli are assumed to be categorized using only their differences from a few recent stimuli. To test this alternative, the authors examined sequential effects in a binary categorization of 10 tones varying in frequency. Stimuli up to 2 trials back in the sequence had a significant effect on the response to the current stimulus. The effects of previous stimuli interacted with one another. A memory and contrast model, according to which only ordinal information about the differences between the current stimulus and recent preceding stimuli is used, best accounted for these data.  相似文献   

Complex sounds vary along a number of acoustic dimensions. These dimensions may exhibit correlations that are familiar to listeners due to their frequent occurrence in natural sounds—namely, speech. However, the precise mechanisms that enable the integration of these dimensions are not well understood. In this study, we examined the categorization of novel auditory stimuli that differed in the correlations of their acoustic dimensions, using decision bound theory. Decision bound theory assumes that stimuli are categorized on the basis of either a single dimension (rule based) or the combination of more than one dimension (information integration) and provides tools for assessing successful integration across multiple acoustic dimensions. In two experiments, we manipulated the stimulus distributions such that in Experiment 1, optimal categorization could be accomplished by either a rule-based or an information integration strategy, while in Experiment 2, optimal categorization was possible only by using an information integration strategy. In both experiments, the pattern of results demonstrated that unidimensional strategies were strongly preferred. Listeners focused on the acoustic dimension most closely related to pitch, suggesting that pitch-based categorization was given preference over timbre-based categorization. Importantly, in Experiment 2, listeners also relied on a two-dimensional information integration strategy, if there was immediate feedback. Furthermore, this strategy was used more often for distributions defined by a negative spectral correlation between stimulus dimensions, as compared with distributions with a positive correlation. These results suggest that prior experience with such correlations might shape short-term auditory category learning.  相似文献   

The persistence of gratings varying in spatial frequency and exposure duration was measured using a stimulus-blank alternation method. Persistence was found to lengthen with increasing spatial frequency and to shorten with increasing exposure duration. For each spatial frequency, persistence decreased linearly with a slope of approximately —.75 as duration increased for short stimulus durations. For longer stimulus durations, the rate of decline in persistence with increasing duration was reduced, the slope being approximately —.13. The stimulus duration at which the change in slope of the persistence-duration relationship occurred was shown to increase with increasing spatial frequency and was approximately equivalent to the critical duration for each spatial frequency. The data were consistent with an interpretation of persistence in terms of a temporal integration component and a second, possibly cortically located, component.  相似文献   

Categorization research typically assumes that the cognitive system has access to a (more or less noisy) representation of the absolute magnitudes of the properties of stimuli and that this information is used in reaching a categorization decision. However, research on identification of simple perceptual stimuli suggests that people have very poor representations of absolute magnitude information and that judgments about absolute magnitude are strongly influenced by preceding material. The experiments presented here investigate such sequence effects in categorization tasks. Strong sequence effects were found. Classification of a borderline stimulus was more accurate when preceded by a distant member of the opposite category than by a distant member of the same category. It is argued that this category contrast effect cannot be accounted for by extant exemplar or decision-bound models of categorization. The effect suggests the use of relative magnitude information in categorization. A memory and contrast model illustrates how relative magnitude information may be used in categorization.  相似文献   

Perception of sounds along the phonetic dimensionstop vs. continuant was studied by means of a selective adaptation procedure. Subjects first identified a series of synthetic consonant-vowel syllables whose formant transitions varied in duration, slope, and amplitude characteristics. They were perceived as either [ba] or [wa]. After the initial identification test, an adapting stimulus was presented repeatedly, and then the subjects again identified the original test series. Adapting with a stop (either [ba] or [da]) led to a decrease in the number of test stimuli identified as [ba], whereas adapting with the continuant sound [wa] led to an increase in the number of [ba] identification responses. Removing the vowel portion of an adapting stimulus greatly reduced the identification shift only when the resulting stimulus was no longer perceived as speech-like. A reduction in the number of [ba] identifications occurred even when a nonspeech “stop” (the sound of a plucked string) was used as the adapting stimulus, suggesting that phonetic processing is not a necessary condition for an adaptation effect.  相似文献   

Among the most fundamental results in the area of perceptual classification are the “correlated facilitation” and “filtering interference” effects observed in Garner’s (1974) speeded categorization tasks: In the case of integral-dimension stimuli, relative to a control task, single-dimension classification is faster when there is correlated variation along a second dimension, but slower when there is orthogonal variation that cannot be filtered out (e.g., by attention). These fundamental effects may result from participants’ use of a trial-by-trial bypass strategy in the control and correlated tasks: The observer changes the previous category response whenever the stimulus changes, and maintains responses if the stimulus repeats. Here we conduct modified versions of the Garner tasks that eliminate the availability of a pure bypass strategy. The fundamental facilitation and interference effects remain, but are still largely explainable in terms of pronounced sequential effects in all tasks. We develop sequence-sensitive versions of exemplar-retrieval and decision-bound models aimed at capturing the detailed, trial-by-trial response-time distribution data. The models combine assumptions involving: (i) strengthened perceptual/memory representations of stimuli that repeat across consecutive trials, and (ii) a bias to change category responses on trials in which the stimulus changes. These models can predict our observed effects and provide a more complete account of the underlying bases of performance in our modified Garner tasks.  相似文献   

To determine the degree to which emotional changes in speech reflect factors other than arousal, such as valence, the authors used a computer game to induce natural emotional speech. Voice samples were elicited following game events that were either conducive or obstructive to the goal of winning and were accompanied by either pleasant or unpleasant sounds. Acoustic analysis of the speech recordings of 30 adolescents revealed that mean energy, fundamental-frequency level, utterance duration, and the proportion of an utterance that was voiced varied with goal conduciveness; spectral energy distribution depended on manipulations of pleasantness; and pitch dynamics depended on the interaction of pleasantness and goal conduciveness. The results suggest that a single arousal dimension does not adequately characterize a number of emotion-related vocal changes, lending weight to multidimensional theories of emotional response patterning.  相似文献   

Past studies have shown that stuttering is eliminated when speech is synchronized with a metronomic beat, but the speech sounds artificial. The present study investigated the effect of increasing the duration of these individual stimulus beats with the stimulus-off period constant at 1 sec. When subjects were instructed to speak during the stimulus-on period, stuttering was an inverse function of stimulus duration, indicating that the known metronome effect on stuttering is one point on a continuum of effective rhythm procedures. The "naturalness" of speech increased as the stimulus duration increased up to durations of about 2 sec, and then decreased. At optimal values, stuttering was greatly reduced and naturalness and rapidity of speech were retained. These optimal values effectively controlled stuttering in a field test that used two types of specially designed portable instruments, one of which produced a tactual stimulus and the other an auditory stimulus.  相似文献   

Speech sound categorization in birds seems in many ways comparable to that by humans, but it is unclear what mechanisms underlie such categorization. To examine this, we trained zebra finches and humans to discriminate two pairs of edited speech sounds that varied either along one dimension (vowel or speaker sex) or along two dimensions (vowel and speaker sex). Sounds could be memorized individually or categorized based on one dimension or by integrating or combining both dimensions. Once training was completed, we tested generalization to new speech sounds that were either more extreme, more ambiguous (i.e., close to the category boundary), or within-category intermediate between the trained sounds. Both humans and zebra finches learned the one-dimensional stimulus–response mappings faster than the two-dimensional mappings. Humans performed higher on the trained, extreme and within-category intermediate test-sounds than on the ambiguous ones. Some individual birds also did so, but most performed higher on the trained exemplars than on the extreme, within-category intermediate and ambiguous test-sounds. These results suggest that humans rely on rule learning to form categories and show poor performance when they cannot apply a rule. Birds rely mostly on exemplar-based memory with weak evidence for rule learning.  相似文献   

Speech perception is an ecologically important example of the highly context-dependent nature of perception; adjacent speech, and even nonspeech, sounds influence how listeners categorize speech. Some theories emphasize linguistic or articulation-based processes in speech-elicited context effects and peripheral (cochlear) auditory perceptual interactions in non-speech-elicited context effects. The present studies challenge this division. Results of three experiments indicate that acoustic histories composed of sine-wave tones drawn from spectral distributions with different mean frequencies robustly affect speech categorization. These context effects were observed even when the acoustic context temporally adjacent to the speech stimulus was held constant and when more than a second of silence or multiple intervening sounds separated the nonlinguistic acoustic context and speech targets. These experiments indicate that speech categorization is sensitive to statistical distributions of spectral information, even if the distributions are composed of nonlinguistic elements. Acoustic context need be neither linguistic nor local to influence speech perception.  相似文献   

The evaluative conditioning (EC) effect refers to the change in the liking of a neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) due to its pairing with another stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US). We examined whether the extinction rate of the EC effect is moderated by feature-specific attention allocation. In two experiments, CSs were abstract Gabor patches varying along two orthogonal, perceptual dimensions (i.e. spatial frequency and orientation). During the acquisition phase, one of these dimensions was predictive of the valence of the USs. During the extinction phase, CSs were presented alone and participants were asked to categorise the CSs either according to their valence, the perceptual dimension that was task-relevant during the acquisition phase, or a perceptual dimension that was task-irrelevant during the acquisition phase. As predicted, explicit valence measures revealed a linear increase in the extinction rate of the EC effect as participants were encouraged to assign attention to non-evaluative stimulus information during the extinction phase. In Experiment 1, Affect Misattribution Paradigm (AMP) data mimicked this pattern of results, although the effect just missed conventional levels of significance. In Experiment 2, the AMP data revealed an increase of the EC effect if attention was focused on evaluative stimulus information. Potential mechanisms to explain these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The optimality of multidimensional perceptual categorization performance was examined for several base-rate ratios, for both integral and separable dimension stimuli, and for complex category structures. In all cases, the optimal decision bound was highly nonlinear. Observers completed several experimental sessions, and all analyses were performed at the single-observer level using a series of nested models derived from decision-bound theory (Maddox, 1995; Maddox & Ashby, 1993). In every condition, all observers were found to be sensitive to the base-rate manipulations, but the majority of observers appeared to overestimate the base-rate difference. These findings converge with those for cases in which the optimal decision bound was linear (Maddox, 1995) and suggest that base-rates are learned in a similar fashion regardless of the complexity of the optimal decision bound. Possible explanations for the consistent overestimate of the base-rate difference are discussed. Several continuous-valued analogues of Kruschke’s (1996) theory of base-rate learning with discrete-valued stimuli were tested. These models found some support, but in all cases were outperformed by a version of decision-bound theory that assumed accurate knowledge of the category structure and an overestimate of the base-rate difference.  相似文献   

When people categorize a set of items in a certain way they often change their perceptions for these items so that they become more compatible with the learned categorization. In two experiments we examined whether such changes are extensive enough to change the unsupervised categorization for the items-that is, the categorization of the items that is considered more intuitive or natural without any learning. In Experiment 1 we directly employed an unsupervised categorization task; in Experiment 2 we collected similarity ratings for the items and inferred unsupervised categorizations using Pothos and Chater's (2002) model of unsupervised categorization. The unsupervised categorization for the items changed to resemble more the learned one when this was specified by the suppression of a stimulus dimension (both experiments), but less so when it was almost specified by the suppression of a stimulus dimension (Experiment 1, nonsignificant trend in Experiment 2). By contrast, no changes in the unsupervised categorization were observed when participants were taught a classification that was specified by a more fine tuning of the relative salience of the two dimensions.  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the importance of sound duration for eliciting head orientation responses from newborn infants. In Experiment 1, thirty infants turned with equal frequency toward 20-s continuous rattle sounds and 20-s trains of rattle segments. The duration of the rattle segments--14 and 100 ms (2/s), or 500 ms (1/s)--did not influence the likelihood of turning. Response latencies and durations proved quite similar for all stimuli. In Experiment 2, twenty-four infants heard continuous rattle sounds of four different durations: 1, 5, 10, and 20 s. They turned reliably to all stimulus durations; furthermore, the magnitude and temporal characteristics of head orientation responses did not differ for the four stimulus durations. These results suggest that the newborn's head orientation response may reflect a motor program that is initiated by auditory input and then executed in a similar fashion regardless of further stimulation.  相似文献   

The effect of brief auditory stimuli on visual apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Getzmann S 《Perception》2007,36(7):1089-1103
When two discrete stimuli are presented in rapid succession, observers typically report a movement of the lead stimulus toward the lag stimulus. The object of this study was to investigate crossmodal effects of irrelevant sounds on this illusion of visual apparent motion. Observers were presented with two visual stimuli that were temporally separated by interstimulus onset intervals from 0 to 350 ms. After each trial, observers classified their impression of the stimuli using a categorisation system. The presentation of short sounds intervening between the visual stimuli facilitated the impression of apparent motion relative to baseline (visual stimuli without sounds), whereas sounds presented before the first and after the second visual stimulus as well as simultaneously presented sounds reduced the motion impression. The results demonstrate an effect of the temporal structure of irrelevant sounds on visual apparent motion that is discussed in light of a related multisensory phenomenon, 'temporal ventriloquism', on the assumption that sounds can attract lights in the temporal dimension.  相似文献   

The authors compared the exemplar-based random-walk (EBRW) model of Nosofsky and Palmeri (1997) and the decision-bound model (DBM) of Ashby and Maddox (1994; Maddox & Ashby, 1996) on their ability to predict performance in Garner’s (1974) speeded classification tasks. A key question was the extent to which the models could predict facilitation in the correlated task and interference in the filtering task, in situations involving integral-dimension stimuli. To obtain rigorous constraints for model evaluation, the goal was to fit the detailed structure of the response time (RT) distribution data associated with each individual stimulus in each task. Both models yielded reasonably good global quantitative fits to the RT distribution and accuracy data. However, the DBM failed to properly characterize the interference effects in the filtering task. Apparently, a fundamental limitation of the DBM is that it predicts that the fastest RTs in the filtering task should be faster than the fastest RTs in the control task, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in our data.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to examine conceptual priming within and across modalities with pictures and environmental sounds. In Experiment 1, we developed a new multimodal stimulus set consisting of two picture and sound exemplars that represented 80 object items. In Experiments 2, we investigated whether categorization of the stimulus items would be facilitated by picture and environmental sound primes that were derived from different exemplars of the target items; and in Experiments 3 and 4, we tested the additional influence on priming when trials were consolidated within a target modality and the inter stimulus interval was lengthened. The results demonstrated that target categorization was facilitated by the advanced presentation of conceptually related exemplars, but there were differences in effectiveness when pictures and sounds appeared as primes.  相似文献   

Blinded by the accent! The minor role of looks in ethnic categorization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The categories that social targets belong to are often activated automatically. Most studies investigating social categorization have used visual stimuli or verbal labels, whereas ethnolinguistic identity theory posits that language is an essential dimension of ethnic identity. Language should therefore be used for social categorization. In 2 experiments, using the "Who Said What?" paradigm, the authors investigated social categorization by using accents (auditory stimuli) and looks (visual stimuli) to indicate ethnicity, either separately or in combination. Given either looks or accents only, the authors demonstrated that ethnic categorization can be based on accents, and the authors found a similar degree of ethnic categorization by accents and looks. When ethnic cues of looks and accents were combined by creating cross categories, there was a clear predominance of accents as meaningful cues for categorization, as shown in the respective parameters of a multinomial model. The present findings are discussed with regard to the generalizability of findings using one channel of presentation (e.g., visual) and the asymmetry found with different presentation channels for the category ethnicity.  相似文献   

In this article, we derive a nonparametric prediction from decision-bound theory (DBT). The crucial aspect that is tested is whether or not familiarity of a stimulus affects response time in categorization. We show that, for our design, DBT, extended with some reasonable and testable assumptions, predicts no familiarity effect. Our prediction is nonparametric in that, rather than fit a specific instantiation of general DBT, we posit only some general assumptions of this theory and derive the prediction from these assumptions. It is found that familiarity did have a strong impact on response time for at least half of our participants. We suggest that DBT is in itself incomplete and should be extended to account for the full range of available data.  相似文献   

Leading theories of false memory predict that veridical and false recall of lists of semantically associated words can be dissociated by varying the presentation speed during study. Specifically, as presentation rate increases from milliseconds to seconds, veridical recall is predicted to increase monotonically while false recall is predicted to show a rapid rise and then a slow decrease-a pattern shown by McDermott and Watson (2001) in a study using immediate recall tests. In three experiments we tested the generality of the effects of rapid presentation rates on veridical and false memory. In Experiments 1 and 2 participants exhibited high levels of false recall on a delayed recall test, even for very fast stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA)-contrary to predictions from leading theories of false memory. When we switched to an immediate recall test in Experiment 3 we replicated the pattern predicted by the theories and observed by McDermott and Watson. Follow-up analyses further showed that the relative output position of false recalls is not affected by presentation rate, contrary to predictions from fuzzy trace theory. Implications for theories of false memory, including activation monitoring theory and fuzzy trace theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

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