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This study surveyed heads of schools of U.S. K-12 Christian Schools concerning foreign language instruction in the 2016–2017 school year. The purpose was to determine 1) the number of schools that offered foreign language instruction, 2) the languages those schools offered, 3) the grade levels in the elementary and middle schools in which languages were offered, 4) the language course levels offered in high schools, and 5) whether the foreign language curriculum was sequenced between elementary and middle school, and between middle and high school. The results of the present study were compared with the results from a similar study done by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) of foreign languages offered in K-12 schools nationwide.  相似文献   


Forty years ago, Alan Peshkin began his study of fundamental independent Baptist Christian schools. With time, further insight can be gained on the outcomes of the students from these schools. Despite possessing employer-desired character traits, fundamental Christian school students were expected to earn few academic or career achievements. The purpose of this study is to determine if Peshkin’s expectations became reality. Thirty-five former Christian school students were surveyed anonymously regarding career preparation and choices. All survey participants have completed some higher education. Over one-fourth of the participants earned at least one graduate degree and an additional one-third of participants hold at least one bachelor’s degree. Survey participants have chosen a wide range of career paths.  相似文献   


While there is growing international interest in meditation and mindfulness initiatives in schools, little research has focused on exploring the impact of such practices on students’ spirituality. This paper reports data from a mixed method study involving primary school classes engaged in the regular practice of Christian meditation between Years 4 to 6 in Catholic schools in New South Wales, Australia. Student focus group data (n = 114 students) and a student survey (n = 250 students) suggest Christian meditation offers an inclusive and ‘hospitable’ space for many students, where their spiritual well-being can be nurtured, including their connection to God. However, the findings suggest that accompanying dialogue with students around the purpose and possibilities of Christian meditation may help to better situate the practice as a ‘hospitable space’ thus enabling deeper engagement with the spiritual in contemporary Catholic classrooms.  相似文献   

This mixed method study explored Christian teachers’ beliefs in religious schools on evolution, their attitudes toward evolution, and their perceptions on the effect of those beliefs on the teaching of evolutionary content. Teachers (N?=?52) from Association for Christian Schools International (ACSI) accredited schools in California and Hawaii participated in the quantitative component of the study. Path analysis revealed that teacher beliefs had a significant effect on attitude, and attitude a significant effect on evolution teaching. Biology teachers were further interviewed from the sample. Results showed that teachers’ beliefs regarding evolution and their Christian faith were mixed and complex.  相似文献   

This report describes a project conducted to determine the areas of research required to support Christian schools as they carry out their task in a changing world. The project was carried out through an email survey and phone interviews of leaders of schools associated with two Christian school organizations—the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Christian Schools International (CSI). The survey sample included school-based educators, university professors, and education coordinators of the two Christian school support organizations. The topic that received the most concern and response specific to Christian schools is the integration of school mission and practice.  相似文献   


Drawing on data provided by 5,811 students from schools in England, Wales, and London who self-identified as either ‘no religion’ or as Christian, this study explored the effect of the contact hypothesis (having friends who are Muslims) on scores recorded on the seven-item Scale of Anti-Muslim Attitude (SAMA), after controlling for type of school (with or without a religious character), location (England, Wales, and London), personal factors (sex and age), psychological factors (extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism) and religious factors (self-assigned affiliation as Christian, worship attendance, and belief in God). The data demonstrated the positive effect of having friends who are Muslim on lowering anti-Muslim attitudes. The path is then described from educational research to curriculum development in the design of resources that offer young learners vicarious experience of having friends who are Muslims.  相似文献   

The 1997 Amendments of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that children placed in private schools by their parents are no longer afforded the right to special education services. However, IDEA does state that child find activities between public school representatives and private schools are to remain intact. This study used an open-ended questionnaire design in order to understand Christian school representatives' perspectives regarding current child find practices.  相似文献   

A reasonable expectation of textbooks used in Christian schools is that they should regularly incorporate biblical content. It is also reasonable to expect the biblical content to be integrated—not segregated—to influence matters such as worldview, biblical relevance, character, and integrative skills. This expectation was tested via a representative sampling of 15 texts across a span of elementary, middle, and high school grades and representative content areas from eight Christian schools in the eastern Virginia region. Important findings include: close to half the texts used in the schools were from non-Christian publishers; textbooks from Christian publishers were predominantly from only two companies; the adequacy of textbook worldview scores is not in alignment with research showing major student deficiency in Christian worldviews; and approximately half of the scores for Christian textbooks were below the minimally acceptable level.  相似文献   


The Methodist Church of Hong Kong has promoted a life education programme since 2004, and has progressively applied it in all affiliated schools. This article analyses the characteristics of the latest primary school life education curriculum compiled by this Christian school sponsoring body. There are three significant findings: 1) religious elements remain rich in the four strands of life education the Universe, oneself, other people, and environment; 2) biblical stories have been removed, but Christian beliefs are integrated into the curriculum materials and summaries in terms of Christian role models and the Holy Scriptures, in order to develop students’ relevant values, good character and positive attitudes towards life; and 3) the importance of prayer as a religious practise for action. The intended curriculum demonstrates how religious elements like Christian beliefs can be applied in secular education to build students’ sense of meaning and purpose in life.  相似文献   

A century ago, Christian missionaries founded Uganda’s earliest schools. Many of these schools continue to espouse values inculcation as a stated goal. In this study of 502 Ugandan children completing primary school (P7), students’ personal values and their perception of their school’s values were measured using adaptations of the Rokeach Values Survey (RVS). A disparity score was computed for each respondent to determine the degree of similarity between personal and school values. The relationship between the disparity score and performance on the Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) was then computed. Results reveal a small but significant correlation between values disparity and academic achievement (r = .35, p < .001).  相似文献   


This article examines the treatment by German courts, from the early 1970s to 2016, of requests made by Muslims to be exempted from school activities for religious reasons. Based on a qualitative reading of 72 court rulings, the article demonstrates a shift in the courts’ decision-making, from initially tolerating Muslim requests for exemption to firmly denying them. Arguments from the court rulings are substantiated by an analysis of the public discourse on Muslims in German schools. The results suggest that the transformation of court attitudes corresponded with the rise of broader concerns about multiculturalism and manifestations of Islam in the public sphere, the liberalization of gender norms, and increasing secularism within German society. The article further demonstrates that, contrary to public perception, requests for exemptions from school activities were not a distinctly Muslim phenomenon. Christian families have challenged school activities in a similar way.  相似文献   


The study was initiated with the objective of examining the teachers’ perception of their school climate in government and Seventh-day Adventist (Adventist) schools. Data were collected from 273 government and 97 Adventist schoolteachers and analyzed using frequency, percentage, t test, and ANOVA measures. Findings were that Adventist school climate is heathier than government schools. Differences in school climate dimensions were that professionalism was ranked first for government and academic press was ranked first in Adventist schools, but the academic press was rated the least in government schools; community engagement was ranked the least exercised dimension in Adventist schools. Also, female teachers perceived their schools to be healthier than did male teachers.  相似文献   


This article examines how Erasmus and Calvin received Paul’s rejection of human eloquence in Christian teaching, and how this rejection forms their understanding of the relationship between language and revelation. It consists of a close reading of Erasmus’s and Calvin’s exegetical works on 1 Corinthians in order, first, to understand their reception of Paul’s negative assessment of human rhetoric, and second, their exhortations to employ a more appropriately Christian rhetoric. It is concluded that W. Bouwsma was correct in suggesting that one ought to imagine Erasmus and Calvin as practitioners of a similar theological methodology, a theologia rhetorica. Charles Trinkhaus first employed this heuristic category to describe certain theological and methodological tendencies among Italian humanist theologians that separates them from their scholastic contemporaries.  相似文献   

From the late 1960s independent Christian schools have emerged in England and Wales, initiated either by churches or by parents. Many of these new independent schools are linked through the Christian Schools Trust. The impact that these schools are exerting on their students may be of interest for the churches with which they are associated and of concern for wider society. The political debate concerning these schools has so far been informed by only a small number of empirical studies conducted in England and Wales. The present study extends previous research in three ways. It offers a comparative study by examining the responses of 271 year-nine and year-ten students (age 13 to 15 years) from 11 independent Christian schools with 20,348 students from 93 schools without a religious foundation. It examines a range of religious, social and personal values. It employs multilevel models to identify the contribution made by independent Christian schools after taking into account personal, psychological, and contextual differences within the students themselves. The hypothesis was that Christian schools were committed to developing distinctly Christian values among their students. The data supported this hypothesis. Even after allowing for differences in the religiosity of the students themselves, attendance at an independent Christian school was associated with higher self-esteem, greater rejection of drug use, lower endorsing of illegal behaviors, lower racism, higher levels of conservative Christian belief, and more conservative views on sexual morality (abortion, contraception, divorce, homosexuality, and sex outside marriage).  相似文献   

The adoption of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Education for All Handicapped Children's Act, now the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), have had a major impact on the delivery of services for children with special needs.

In light of the legal issues surrounding the delivery of special education to children who attend Christian schools, the remainder of this article is divided into two parts. The first section opens with an overview of relevant litigation pertinent to special education before reviewing Sections 504 and the IDEA, along with its regulations, as they apply to religious schools. The second part offers practical suggestions for educators in Christian elementary and secondary schools as they work to serve children with special needs.  相似文献   


Mindfulness is enfolded in therapies addressing mental health conditions and is informed by secular and Buddhist models. However, mindfulness interventions can be rooted in other theoretical and spiritual frameworks including Christianity, which parallels Buddhist-based mindfulness practices. This study evaluates a mindfulness–based intervention drawing from Christian spiritual practices and discusses its practical implications. The researcher explored whether a Moving Picture Experts Group-3 (MP3)-based Christian mindfulness intervention would improve mindfulness states and decrease stress, measured by the Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), respectively. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) resulted in significant differences between pre- and post-test scores in experimental versus control groups on the MAAS and PSS after a 6–8-week intervention of a student sample (n?=?80) from two private, religiously-affiliated universities. Higher MAAS scores reflected improved mindfulness states, F(1,80)?=?11.947, p?=?.01 with a partial η2?=?.134. Lower PSS scores reflect lowered perceived stress, F(1,80)?=?3.849, p?=?.053 with a partial η2?=?.047.  相似文献   

The timing of individuals’ family formation is important for a number of socioeconomic and health outcomes. We examine the influence of religious schools and home schools on the timing of first marriage and first birth using data from the Cardus Education Study Graduate Survey (N = 1,496). Our results from life tables and event-history regression models show that, on average, graduates of evangelical Protestant schools—but not Catholic school or homeschool graduates—have earlier marriages and births than public school graduates. Catholic school students have later first births on average than public school graduates. Models interacting schooling type with age and age-squared suggest that evangelical schoolers’ higher odds of marriage stem from higher odds of marrying at ages 21–30, and their higher odds of first birth stem from higher odds of births from ages 25–34. Catholic school and nonreligious private school students also have higher odds of marrying in the mid-20s and early-30s than do public school students. Evangelical, non-religious private, and Catholic school students all have lower odds of teenage births than public school students but higher odds of birth later in the life course. Homeschoolers do not differ on either outcome at any age. Our findings suggest that schools socialize their students with distinctive attitudes toward family formation that influence their behavior even many years after graduation, though these schools do not appear to be particularly harmful to life chances in terms of fostering marriage or childbearing at very young ages.  相似文献   


In this paper, I consider the concept of identity as foundational to the heteronormative constructions of marriage manifesting in Christian interpretations of the institution. In an attempt to destabilize what I consider the congealing function of identity, I examine current research on sexuality fluidity emerging from Lisa Diamond’s work. I argue that the evidence of sexual fluidity in women challenges stable identity markers characteristic of marriage conceived of within the male–female binary. Sexual fluidity, thus, ultimately disrupts heteronormative claims of Christian marriage.  相似文献   


Over the last few decades, Britain has witnessed a significant decline in Christian affiliation and the corresponding growth in the number of religiously unaffiliated individuals. Relatively little attention has, however, been paid to ‘former Christians’ who were brought up in a Christian household but now identify as having no religion. This study focuses on the effects of Christian upbringing on the voting behaviour of religious nones in the EU referendum of 2016. Using data from the 2016 British Social Attitudes survey, the empirical analysis in this article examines the socio-cultural characteristics of Anglican, Catholic, and ‘Other Christian’ households as well as their role in shaping the voting turnout and the voting intentions of individuals who are religiously unaffiliated. The results suggest that Anglican upbringing and Catholic upbringing serve as salient proxies for national identities among the secular groups. Additionally, in the EU referendum, the voting behaviour of religious nones with different kinds of Christian upbringing was very distinct. This reveals that religious upbringing is a source of within-group variety among British religious nones and that Britain’s Christian heritage still has important socio-political implications despite the decrease in the country’s Christian population.  相似文献   

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