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Hassles and uplifts of giving care to a family member with dementia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of daily caregiving stressors (hassles) and small caregiving satisfactions (uplifts) in the well-being of 60 family caregivers was investigated. Hassles and uplifts in 4 domains of caregiving were examined, and direct effects of hassles, uplifts on caregivers' social and psychological well-being, as well as the interactive and net effects of hassles and uplifts, were assessed. Hassles associated with care recipients' behavior demonstrated strongest associations with well-being. Women and caregivers to socially responsive yet behaviorally inappropriate care recipients reported more behavior and cognitive hassles. Uplifts associated with assistance in activities of daily living and with care recipients' behavior were related to well-being, with more uplifts related to greater, rather than less, depression. More intensely involved caregivers reported more of these uplifts. Net effects in the hypothesized direction were found, but no interactive effects emerged.  相似文献   

Medical students in their 1st year (N=71) were assessed prior to starting training and at year's end. Coping styles reported at baseline were strongly related to coping styles at the end of the year. Students' physical health and psychological well-being declined over the course of the year. The greater the students' use of both problem-focused coping and approach emotion-focused coping, the less their physical health deteriorated. Psychological well-being at year's end was more strongly related to baseline functioning, and coping style did not predict change. This study demonstrated the utility of measuring coping style and the predictive ability of coping on physical health in a healthy sample.  相似文献   

The study aim was to investigate Australian Year 12 students' sense of connectedness to their schools, families, and peers, and examine associations between connectedness and emotional wellbeing. Year 12 students (492 male, 449 female) from 10 secondary schools in Victoria, Australia participated in Phase 1 of the study. of these, 204 participants (82 male, 122 female) returned surveys 1 year later; 175 of these were attending tertiary education institutions. The study found high levels of depression, anxiety and stress among Year 12 students, with higher negative affect associated with lower levels of family, peer and school connectedness. Negative affect 1 year after leaving school was predicted by negative affect and peer connectedness at Year 12. Results suggest there are significant numbers of at‐risk young people in their final year of school, who feel lonely and disconnected from peers, and who maintain concerning levels of depression, anxiety and stress in first year of university.  相似文献   

In this study we introduce the concept of centrality in an attempt to assess individual differences in the meaning underlying daily hassles. Central hassles are defined as those which reflect important ongoing themes or problems in the person's life. The characteristics of central hassles, and their role in psychological and somatic health, were assessed in a sample of 150 community-residing men and women. The results indicate that central hassles vary in content from person to person and touch more on problems with personal needs and deficits in coping skills compared to noncentral hassles. The dimension of centrality was found to play a significant role in the prediction of psychological symptoms. Although the empirical case for the importance of centrality in the stress-illness relationship is inconclusive due to problems of confounding and a cross-sectional rather than longitudinal design, the ideas presented appear promising and provide a basis for further research on psychological vulnerability to stress.  相似文献   

American students transitioning to university are at an increased risk for behaviours such as binge drinking, depression and suicidality. Despite the proliferation of prevention and intervention programs, rates remain high. Although religiosity is known to confer a protective effect in this population, it remains largely untapped as a resource because, among other reasons, it is poorly understood, poses ethical challenges, and exposes areas of distrust between the religious and medical establishments. This report describes the findings of a survey that examined possible factors explaining the relationship between religiosity, risky behaviours and emotional extremes in students as they transitioned into their first year of university. This study accounted for the religious diversity of the US by surveying Christian, Jewish, Muslim and religiously unaffiliated students. Findings indicated that religiosity was consistently and negatively correlated to risky behaviours across all faith groups. Interestingly, unique patterns in levels of religiosity emerged among the various faith groups. Similarly, patterns of engagement in risky behaviours demonstrated variation among religious groups. Our findings add to the body of evidence that suggests university-based professionals take into consideration student religiosity when creating prevention intervention programs for students.  相似文献   

Parents of 2-, 5-, 8-, and 11-month-olds used two scales we developed to provide information about their infants' facial experience with familiar and unfamiliar individuals during one week. Results showed large discrepancies in the race, sex, and age of faces that infants experience during their first year with the majority of their facial experience being with their primary caregiver, females, and other individuals of the same-race and age as their primary caregiver. The infant's age and an unfamiliar individual's sex were predictive of their time spent interacting with one another. Moreover, an unfamiliar individual's sex was predictive of the attention infants allocated during social interactions. Differences in frequency and length of interactions with certain types of faces, as well as in infant attention toward certain individuals, all likely contribute to the development of expertise in processing commonly experienced face types and deficiencies in processing less commonly experienced face types.  相似文献   

The present research examined relationships among medical school applicants’ preferred approaches to learning, methods of instruction, and specialty areas (n = 912). Based on confidential responses to a progressive series of paired comparisons, applicants’ preferences for lecture (L), self-study (SS), group discussion (GD), and computers (C) were assessed across three dimensions: (1) comfort; (2) effectiveness; and (3) interest. Using cluster analysis to generate four instructional “profiles,” participants’ comparative preferences for self-study/lecture versus group discussion/computers (+SS, L/−GD, C) were positively associated with interests in surgery and neurology, whereas opposing preferences (+GD, C/−L, SS) corresponded with the practice of family medicine. Using a matriculant subset (N = 160), analyses indicated that these relationships remained after controlling for sex and psychological type.  相似文献   

Students who are admitted to university have to get accustomed to and then assimilate the codes of their new life, progressively acquiring a new social status and a new identity. There is no tool in Romanian to measure students’ perceived stress. This article presents the results of a series of five studies to validate a scale of Everyday Hassles of Romanian Students. Seven hundred and seventy seven Romanian students enrolled in a university program either in Engineering or the Humanities participated in the studies. The results revealed that the questionnaire of Everyday Hassles of Romanian Students had a six-factor structure. It had acceptable reliability and validity values. With regard to reliability, its scales showed high levels of internal consistency and temporal stability over a time span of three weeks. The results seem equally encouraging in terms of validity. Further investigations, particularly studies of convergence and discrimination, are required to identify more precisely the construct validity of the tool.  相似文献   

A 2-year follow-up study of public vocational school graduates revealed that the graduates successfully obtained jobs. Among the factors deemed important by both graduates and employer, communication skills were mentioned as vital. Counseling and preparation in getting along with others were perceived by graduates as inferior. Except for cooperative work program graduates, adjustment to an 8 hr workday caused some problems.  相似文献   

The study aimed at establishing the predictive validity of clinical observations and interview data collected during late pregnancy. 40 pregnant women from a Swedish non-risk population were interviewed about psychological and somatic well-being, significant relationships and delivery expectations. Pregnancy adjustment was also assessed by the maternal health clinic midwife. After the birth of the child, the mothers were interviewed in the delivery hospital and during home visits when the infants were 2 and 6 weeks, and 4, 8 and 12 months old. The results showed that pregnancy adjustment, as assessed by the mothers themselves, acted as a significant predictor of the early maternal adjustment and the adjustment towards the end of the infant's first year. The midwives' assessments significantly predicted maternal adjustment towards the end of the first year. Pregnancy data did not correlate with maternal delivery experiences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In order to explore the role that transient mood and daily hassles might play in mediating the impact of enduring personality on parenting, naturalistic home observations of mothering and fathering were conducted when firstborn sons were 15 and 21 months of age. Observationally based, behavioral ratings of mothering and fathering were related to three self-report personality scales (Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Extraversion), administered to parents when their children were 10 months of age, and to self-reports of transient mood (positive and negative) and daily hassles obtained prior to each observation of family interaction. Results indicated that (a) mothering was more consistently predicted by personality and mood/hassles than fathering; (b) Extraversion played a larger role in predicting fathering than mothering, with the reverse being true of Agreeableness; (c) Neuroticism was the most consistent predictor of men's and women's parenting; and (d) there was little support for affect-specific linkages between personality, mood/hassles, and parenting. Finally, some evidence of mediation by transient mood and daily hassles emerged, more consistently for mothers than fathers, though more strongly for fathers than mothers. These results are discussed in terms of the primacy of the role of parenting for men and women.  相似文献   

This is a presentation of different clinical cases having in common severe infantile traumatic events during the first year of life. From the disappearance of mother and father during Latin-American dictatorships, to another patient who hallucinates that bats fly out of his cheeks, this paper tries to bring light into the difficult times of these patients and how the analysts worked with infantile parts of the self which were inside the adult patients.  相似文献   

大学新生心理健康状况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对广东某高校2005级大学新生的心理健康状况进行调查分析,旨在为开展大学生心理健康教育工作提供依据。研究结果表明:(1)当代大学新生心理健康状况良好,在E因子上有54.6%的新生的得分高于 0.67SD,属于外向型人格;在N因子上有54.4%新生的得分低于-1.15SD, 属于情绪反应缓慢型;在P因子上,只有3.5%的新生的得分高于 0.67SD,这表明绝大多数新生在精神质因子上表现良好;在L因子上,有69.4%的新生的得分介于±0.67SD之间,属于稳定型。(2)对当代大学新生心理健康状况与全国常模的进行比较研究,结果表明在E、N、P、L四个因子上,除了N因子外的得分显著高于全国正常成人常模标准分外,其余因子的得分均显著低于全国正常成人常模标准分。(3)采用t检验进行性别差异分析,结果表明在E因子上,性别差异不显著;在N、L因子上男生的得分要显著低于女生;在P因子上,男子的得分要显著高于女生。  相似文献   

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