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Two-letter stimuli, consisting of one small letter inside a much larger one (in Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2) or inside a "blob" (in Experiment 3), were used to examine the role of size difference in global/local tasks. The small letter was placed at locations that avoided contour interactions. The results showed no identity interference, in that the specific identity of the large letter did not differentially affect identification of the small one. However, there was evidence of global advantage, in that the presence of a large letter hindered identification of the small one. The magnitude of the global advantage effect, as measured by the difference in performance between the small-single and small-embedded conditions, was largest (about 200 ms reaction time (RT) difference) when the large letters were the same as the small ones, lower (a 63 ms difference in Experiment IB, and 89 ms in Experiment 2) when the large letters were unrelated to the small ones, and lowest (a 25 ms difference) when the large stimuli were blobs. It is proposed that the amount of interference depends on the overlap between the features of the large stimuli, as a set, and those of the small ones, also as a set.  相似文献   

Shifting from one task to another is associated with significant costs. Recently, it has been questioned whether the mere preparation for a forthcoming task, without the task’s actually being executed, is sufficient to establish a new task set that results in shift costs when the execution of a task other than the prepared task is required. In a go/no-go study, it is shown that the mere preparation for a task is sufficient to produce shift costs, but only under conditions that encourage participants to engage in advance preparation for a precued task despite the possibility that the execution of this task will not always be required, because of occasional no-go trials. In addition, considerable reductions of shift costs after go trials could be observed under these conditions. When such a motivating context was not provided, only negligible shift costs were observed after a no-go trial, indicating that no task-set configuration had taken place without the need to perform the task. Furthermore, under these conditions, prolonging the preparation interval resulted in reaction time benefits that were similar for task shifts and repetitions, again indicating that no active task-set configuration took place.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that supervisory or attentional control plays a role only in the preparatory reconfiguration of the mental system in task shifting. The well-known fact that residual shift costs are still present even after extensive preparation is usually attributed to passive mechanisms such as cross talk. The authors question this view and suggest that attentional control is also responsible for residual shift costs. The authors hypothesize that, under shift conditions, tasks are executed in a controlled mode to guarantee reliable performance. Consequently, the control of 2 task components should require more resources than the control of only 1. A series of 4 experiments with 2-component tasks was conducted to test this hypothesis. As expected, more residual shift costs were observed when 2 components rather than 1 varied across trials. Interference effects and sequential effects could not account for these results.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of alerting in modulating attentional bias to salient events. In a global/local processing task, participants were presented with a large arrow (global level) comprised of smaller arrows (local level) pointing in the same or opposite directions and had to indicate the direction of the large or small arrows in different blocks. Saliency of the global and local levels was manipulated, creating global-salient and local-salient conditions. Alerting signals were presented in half of the trials prior to the target. Results revealed a double dissociation in the effects of alerting on global/local interference effects. In a global salient condition, alerting increased global interference and decreased local interference. In a local salient condition, alerting reduced global interference and increased local interference. We demonstrate that within a single task, alerting can increase and reduce conflict based on perceptual saliency. These findings help to better understand disorders like hemispatial neglect in which both arousal and attention to salient events are impaired. These results also challenge previous theories suggesting that alerting acts to increase conflict interference. We argue that alerting is an adaptive mechanism that diverts attention to salient events, but comes at a cost when selective attention to less salient details is required.  相似文献   

Although neurotogical and physiological studies indicate a right hemisphere superiority in global processing and a left hemisphere superiority in local processing of Navon-type hierarchical letters (D. Navon, 1977), most investigations of lateralized perception in healthy participants report neither asymmetry. In 6 experiments the authors examined the influence of attentional demands, stimulus properties, and mode of response on perceptual asymmetries for global and local perception. Consistent with their theoretical predictions, asymmetries were more robust on divided- than focused-attention tasks and in response to stimuli in which local and global levels were equally salient compared with those with greater global than local saliency. Contrary to their prediction, perceptual asymmetries were not influenced by the complexity of the motor response.  相似文献   

When processing global and local aspects of compound visual figures, a robust finding is that global targets are detected faster and more accurately than local targets. Moreover, unidirectional interference is often observed. Despite the convincing evidence that global information and local information are available together, when attention is focused on the global level, items from the local level often have very little, if any, effect on behavior. If local information is available with global information, then why is global dominance so often observed under such a wide range of conditions? This paper is concerned with the fate of the ignored, and apparently ineffective, local distractors. In our experiments, at least one critical factor was stimulus-response (S-R) mapping. We compared a consistent S-R task, which facilitated a speed advantage for global, with a variable S-R task, which required a higher degree of semantic analysis for each stimulus. The two tasks produced large differences in behavior, showing unidirectional interference in the consistent S-R task, and strong bidirectional interference in the variable S-R task. Thus, the identity of ignored local distractors was available, even under conditions that favored focused attention to global information. The results provide support for a model in which global processing proceeds more quickly at early perceptual stages and in which local processing can catch up if processing demands are increased at later stages.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that mixing costs intask shifting reflect th e sequential selection of task components (e.g., stimulus categories) during task execution. This proposition was supported by Hübner, Futterer, and Steinhauser (2001), who showed that the amount of mixing costsdepends on the number of mixed task components (e.g., stimulus level and judgment). However, their results could also be explained by a task set selection account, because task components and task sets were confounded. In Experiments 1 and 2, we compared conditions in which either the number of task sets varied and the number of mixed task components was constant or vice versa. Only the number of mixed task components was predictive for the mixing costs. In Experiment 3, we replicated the additivity of mixing costs from level a ndjudgment mixing. Our results suggest thatthe mixingcosts reflect a selection strategy in which interference is reduced in a stepwise manner.  相似文献   

We explored shift costs for a dimensionally organized set of tasks. Task dimensions were type of judgement (numerical vs. spatial) and judgement-to-response mapping (compatible vs. incompatible). Shift costs were determined as the difference in RTs between switch trials and repetitions in a situation in which the kind of task was unpredictable. Shift costs were greatest when the type of judgement was changed. A change in the mapping increased shift costs when the type of judgement remained unchanged, but reduced shift costs when the type of judgement was changed as well. Also, response alternations produced costs when both the type of judgement and SR mapping were unchanged, but reduced shift costs otherwise. In addition to the relation between successive tasks, shift costs were modulated by the specifics of the elementary tasks. The major characteristics of the pattern of shift costs could be accounted for by the hypothesis of a dimensionally organized task space in which hierarchically organized, relative switching operations are performed that affect the highest-level task dimension at which a change is required, and all lower-level dimensions in a first step. In a second step, lower-level dimensions are switched back when no change is required, and then the selected control structure is implemented. Received: 11 December 1997 / Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   

Although many accounts of task switching emphasize the importance of working memory as a substantial source of the switch cost, there is a lack of evidence demonstrating that task switching actually places additional demands on working memory. The present study addressed this issue by implementing task switching in continuous complex span tasks with strictly controlled time parameters. A series of 4 experiments demonstrate that recall performance decreased as a function of the number of task switches and that the concurrent load of item maintenance had no influence on task switching. These results indicate that task switching induces a cost on working memory functioning. Implications for theories of task switching, working memory, and resource sharing are addressed.  相似文献   

In an immersive visualization experiment, participants performed a conjunction search task while standing either in open (heels 10 cm apart, feet at a comfortable angle) or closed stance (feet pressed together). In the world-frame condition, the search display maintained its position in space as the participant swayed, generating optic flow informative about sway. In the head-frame condition, the display maintained constant distance and orientation with respect to the participant's head, providing no visual information about sway. In both conditions, participants (surprisingly) searched faster while in the more difficult closed stance. Interpretation of this result is unclear. Participants also swayed more as search-load increased, and made more errors in the high search-load condition. It is suggested that this performance tradeoff is a result of the sharing of a limited-capacity, modality-non-specific spatial-attentional resource between postural and suprapostural tasks.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that the left and right cerebral hemispheres are specialized for local and global processing, respectively, recent studies show that this difference mainly occurs if the responses to the two levels of a stimulus are conflicting. In the present study we examined whether the favorable effect of response conflicts is caused by the increased task difficulty in this situation. To this end, the response selection for nonconflicting stimuli was complicated by frequently changing the stimulus-response mappings. As a result, the reactions to nonconflicting stimuli were as slow as those to conflicting ones. Nevertheless, hemispheric differences were again restricted to the latter situation. This shows that increased task difficulty can not explain the modulating effect of response conflicts. The results support the alternative hypothesis that different representations are needed for the response selection for nonconflicting and conflicting stimuli, and that the hemispheres differ only with respect to the latter.  相似文献   

Reaction time is typically longer on trials on which the task changes. Thisswitch cost is reduced by the opportunity to prepare for the change before the stimulus onset, but there remains aresidual cost that resists reduction by further opportunity for preparation. De Jong (2000) proposed a model for evaluating the contribution to the residual cost of (1) failure to achieve endogenous task-set reconfiguration on a proportion of trials, and (2) limitations to the completeness of reconfiguration attainable by endogenous means. We report good fits of the model to the data from one previous and one new task-switching experiment, suggesting that the residual switch cost may indeed be attributable to a probabilistic failure to complete advance preparation. But strong incentives for preparation only marginally increased the estimated preparation probability, suggesting some intrinsic limitation to the ability to achieve endogenous preparation for a task switch on every trial.  相似文献   

Ellard CG  Wagar LS 《Perception》2008,37(7):1044-1053
Many experiments have shown that a brief visual preview provides sufficient information to complete certain kinds of movements (reaching, grasping, and walking) with high precision. This suggests that participants must possess a calibration between visual target location and the kinaesthetic, proprioceptive, and/or vestibular stimulation generated during movement towards the target. We investigated the properties of this calibration using a cue-conflict paradigm in which participants were trained with mismatched locomotor and visual input. After training, participants were presented with visual targets and were asked to either walk to them or locate them in a spatial updating task. Our results showed that the training was sufficient to produce significant, systematic miscalibrations of the association between visual space and action space. These findings suggest that the association between action space and visual space is modifiable by experience. This plasticity could be either due to modification of a simple, task-specific sensory motor association or it could reflect a change in the gain of a path integration signal or a reorganisation of the relationship between perceived space and action space. We suggest further experiments that might help to distinguish between these possibilities.  相似文献   

Two groups, each of 12 Ss, were instructed to detect increments in light level from displays of one or five lights. Signals appeared in regular and in irregular intervals. The display was flashed on simultaneously for 0.8 sec every 3.2 sec. Signal detection was superior with a display of one light than with a display of five lights. For two extreme response criteria, there was a decrement of false alarms and an increment of beta during a run. These changes were not dependent upon time and spatial uncertainty. There were no systematic changes in correct detections and d’ during a run. No difference was found between central and peripheral light positions. Correlation of measures was also examined.  相似文献   

The effects of responses of another person or a computer occurring prior to the subjects' responses in tasks to recognition model which assumed that subjects shifted their decision criteria temporarily on each trial. A parameter representing the amount of criterion shift reliably estimated sensitivity to social influence. When the social sensitivity parameter was estimated from the data, discriminative ability, defined as d', was unaffected by the presence of social influence. Principal components analyses suggested that social sensitivity and discriminative ability represented essentially orthogonal components of subjects' decision behavior.  相似文献   

The literature shows that switching among simple cognitive tasks is difficult and involves a performance cost. Accordingly, cost-benefit considerations seem to predict that task switching would not occur spontaneously. Here we show that spontaneous task switching is a robust phenomenon, despite its costs. In Experiment 1, participants had to judge shapes according to one of three possible dimensions. Importantly, they were given the option to choose another relevant dimension or let the computer program change the dimension for them, but only if they wanted to do so. The results showed that spontaneous task switching was prevalent, despite robust switching costs. Experiment 2 extended this finding in showing spontaneous switching from an easy task to a more difficult task. The authors provide two possible explanations for the phenomenon that posit that spontaneous switching may be unpreventable or even advantageous.  相似文献   

Interactions with neocortical memory systems may facilitate flexible information processing by hippocampus. We sought direct evidence for such memory influences by recording hippocampal neural responses to a change in cognitive strategy. Well-trained rats switched (within a single recording session) between the use of place and response strategies to solve a plus maze task. Maze and extramaze environments were constant throughout testing. Place fields demonstrated (in-field) firing rate and location-based reorganization [Leutgeb, S., Leutgeb, J. K., Barnes, C. A., Moser, E. I., McNaughton, B. L., & Moser, M. B. (2005). Independent codes for spatial and episodic memory in hippocampal neuronal ensembles. Science, 309, 619-623] after a task switch, suggesting that hippocampus encoded each phase of testing as a different context, or episode. The task switch also resulted in qualitative and quantitative changes to discharge that were correlated with an animal's velocity or acceleration of movement. Thus, the effects of a strategy switch extended beyond the spatial domain, and the movement correlates were not passive reflections of the current behavioral state. To determine whether hippocampal neural responses were unique, striatal place and movement-correlated neurons were simultaneously recorded with hippocampal neurons. Striatal place and movement cells exhibited a response profile that was similar, but not identical, to that observed for hippocampus after a strategy switch. Thus, retrieval of a different memory led both neural systems to represent a different context. However, hippocampus may play a special (though not exclusive) role in flexible spatial processing since correlated firing amongst cell pairs was highest when rats successfully switched between two spatial tasks. Correlated firing by striatal cell pairs increased following any strategy switch, supporting the view that striatum codes change in reinforcement contingencies.  相似文献   

Gentner (1988) has proposed a relational shift whereby children interpret analogy and metaphor first in terms of object similarity and then in terms of relational similarity. Goswami (1996) argues against the relational shift hypothesis, citing as evidence a study performed by Goswami and Brown (1989) in which 3-, 4-, and 6-year-old children were able to correctly complete pictorial A:B::C:? analogies based on familiar causal relations, and, contrary to the predictions of the relational shift hypothesis, made very few object-similarity errors despite the presence of an object-similarity choice. In the present experiment we obtained similarity ratings of Goswami and Brown's stimuli and found that the materials did not contain a true object similarity choice and therefore that study was not an adequate test of the relational shift hypothesis. After appropriate modifications to their methodology, we found that 4- and 5-year-old children's performance was consistent with the relational shift hypothesis: First, object-similarity errors were highly frequent initially and decreased with age; second, the rate of relational (correct) responding increased with age; and third, performance on the analogues was positively related to children's knowledge about the participating causal relations. We conclude by proposing an explanation for the relational shift based on an alignment view of similarity comparison and, further, suggest a new role for object similarity in children's analogical development.  相似文献   

We investigated how children use within- or between-category comparisons to generalize novel names for novel objects on the basis of a nonsalient dimension (texture) rather than a salient one (shape). Previous studies have not experimentally addressed the costs associated with comparisons. We conjectured that increasing the number of stimuli to be compared (and thus, converging evidence in favor of the target texture-based generalization), might not necessarily be beneficial, especially in young children (3- to 4-year-olds vs. 5- to 6-year-olds). Our results showed that more evidence in favor of texture (i.e., more within-category exemplars sharing the same texture) did not linearly increase texture-based choices in the same way for younger and older children. They also revealed that between-category comparisons gave rise to texture-based generalizations in both age groups. Overall, our results show that even though within- and between-category comparisons contribute to generalizations based on texture, they also generate cognitive constraints that interact with age.  相似文献   

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