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This article surveys studies on handwriting acquisition in young children, and the method for handwriting teaching. After a brief presentation of some handwriting model in adults, we present information about the onset of handwriting and more precisely the differentiation between writing and drawing. We describe how handwriting evolves in children concerning static and dynamical aspects. Finally tools for handwriting teaching are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to show the impact of linguistic (the feminine inflexion was audible or not) and cognitive (the complexity of the task in which the agreement is realized) factors about the acquisition and the use of adjectival gender inflexions in written French. In this perspective, we compared the production of the mark of the agreement in three tasks not mobilizing the same levels of linguistic treatment: transcribe sentences under dictation, recall sentences presented orally, and produce two sentences ending with an adjective from a syntactical priming. The results show that the systematic application of the adjectival agreement in gender is not totally mastered at the end of primary. Besides, the use of the adjectival gender inflexions is more difficult when the written inflexion is mute. Finally, the children forgot more the gender inflexion in written production task than in a dictate or recall task. These results are interpreted within the framework of a functional approach of language production.  相似文献   

This study aims at examining the effects of time pressure on adults’ time estimation. Participants had to solve mazes under two conditions of time pressure (with/without). After each maze, they had to estimate the time elapsed since the beginning of maze solving. Results show that under time pressure, participants 1) overestimated the duration of maze solving and 2) were less variable in their time estimation, in comparison to the condition without time pressure. These results are discussed in the framework of temporal information processing model.  相似文献   

The fire departments in France currently experience a growing need in volunteer stuff. At the same time the turnover rate among volunteers remains high. Intention to leave was mainly examined on the population of permanent workers, while the antecedents of intention to leave among volunteers are still undervalued. We suggest the existence of specific effects different from those previously coined out in standard organisational settings. Thus, the present study seeks to identify first- and second-order factors of intention to leave among volunteer fire-fighters. The literature review leads us to the proposition of three conceptual models that vary in terms of main mediators. Either job satisfaction, or organisational commitment, or both of them are envisaged as having the main mediating effect in the model. One hundred and thirty-nine volunteer fire-fighters returned completed questionnaires. The data was further analysed via path analysis in LISREL 8.80. The results partly confirm the model, according to which job satisfaction mediates the effects of organisational commitment, job involvement, perceived organisational support and motivation. Two variables – satisfaction with supervisors and length of service – are identified as main predictors of intention to leave. Job involvement and perceived organisational support are confirmed as second-order mediators of the effects exercised onto turnover intention by affective and normative commitment, satisfaction with colleagues and work, as well as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate the necessity to examine the role of different dimensions of organisational attitudinal variables independently. Thus, the most salient dimension of satisfaction refers to the relationship with supervisors. As regards organisational commitment, its calculate dimension appears to have no significant effects at all; while affective one is characterised by a weak effect on intention to leave contrary to the results previously reported. The only individual variable having a significant effect on intention to leave is the volunteer fire-fighter's length of service. We conclude that instead of seeking to identify the appropriate selection criteria helping to reduce the existing turnover rate among volunteer fire-fighters, it is time to focus further research on the practices of organisational socialisation in order to reduce the current level of turnover. The main conclusion of the study emphasises the role the attitudes towards organisation plays in the decision of a volunteer fire-fighter to resign.  相似文献   

Pierre Janet (1859–1947), a professor of psychology at the collège de France (1901–1934) and the founder of the French Psychological Society in 1901, took interest in the psychology of religion very young and then all along his career. At age 15, a painful crisis of doubts changes him: he becomes atheistic and above all, gains a passion for the psychology of belief (Prévost, 1973). After his “aggregation” degree, he starts examining and curing people with mental diseases at the hospital in Le Havre. Within six years, his works would build the reference synthesis on the “dissociation of the personality”. But the dissociation process is tightly bounded to the properties of belief (L’automatisme psychologique, 1889). The presentation of his famous case “Achille” (1891–1898) possessed “by the devil” will stand for Janet as a textbook case about religious dissociation, and he will consider his successful treatment of this patient as a “modern exorcism” (Névroses et idées fixes, 1898). The famous mystic “Madeleine” who suffered from psychasthenia provided him the opportunity to precise the links between religious phenomena and the properties of belief. Madeleine's oscillations between torture, void and ecstasy, pertain to “tension” variations that directly impact her belief according to their stage – asseritive or reflected – on the Janetian hierarchy ( Janet, 1926–1928). In the second part of his life and career, where Janet takes time to think about his models and practice, he paints a large picture of the evolution of the “self” (L’Évolution psychologique de la personnalité, Janet, 1929) and extends his analysis to traditional cultures where the bounds of the self is more variable, the personality being able to include spirits within itself. The inclusion in the DSM III, of “dissociative troubles” in 1980, for its first atheoretic release, is visibly drawn upon Janet's English writings ( 0175, 0215 and 0070). Following this introduction, a great body of international studies took Janet's modelization and results into consideration (except in France). In 1994, the DSM-IV also adds the dissociative transe disorder category (DTD), which includes religious possession by demons or spirits: this leads to the development of international studies on the psychology of religion within a transcultural frame. After being forgotten for years, the experimental results of Pierre Janet currently undergo an important excavation thanks to recent psychological research, and prove their relevance to contribute to contemporary debates.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the perception of peripersonal space can hardly be achieved using only scene-based visual cues and requires combining visual information with motor representations. Motor representation can be viewed as a component of a predictive system, which includes a neural process that simulates through motor imagery the dynamic behaviour of the body in relation to the environment. In this study, we analysed whether modifying the force required to reach a visual target influences the perception of what is reachable. In a visuomotor task, the experimental group (n = 10) adapted to a 1.5 kg weight attached to the right wrist while performing a series of pointing movements. The control group (n = 10) performed the motor task without inertial perturbation. A perceptual judgement task of what is reachable was performed before and after the motor task. Results showed that inertial perturbation produced initially an undershoot of the target suggesting a lack of motor force to overcome the inertial perturbation, but spatial errors receded progressively through movement rehearsal. Perceptual estimates of what is reachable slightly overestimated action capacities but were not affected by motor adaptation. Thus, modifying motor force required to compensate for inertial perturbation had no direct effect on the perception of peripersonal space. When interpreted in regard to previous experimental work, this result suggests that motor representations may provide information about the sensory or spatial consequences of action rather than the sense of effort associated with motor production.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the links between spatial attention and reaching movement's motor preparation. During a visual search task, participants prepare to manually reach a button of the numeric keypad and execute it when they find an intruder on the screen. The experimental devices allowed us to control two directions: on the one hand, the direction of the response button's manual reach (on the horizontal plane) and on the other hand, the direction of the intruder's direct attentional reach, starting from the fixation point (on the vertical plane). The results show that: (a) reaction times are shorter when there is a directional congruence between these two directions than when there is incongruence; (b) this effect is significant when attention is voluntarily shifted, whereas it is no longer significant when attention is automatically captured by an intruder. These results suggest that visual search's initial direction is determined by the prepared manual reach. These data are discussed in the premotor theory of attention's framework.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that action possibility judgements are formed through a covert simulation of the to-be-executed action. We sought to determine whether the motor system (via a common coding mechanism) influences this simulation, by investigating whether action possibility judgements are influenced by experience with the movement task (Experiments 1 and 2) and current body states (Experiment 3). The judgement task in each experiment involved judging whether it was possible for a person's hand to accurately move between two targets at presented speeds. In Experiment 1, participants completed the action judgements before and after executing the movement they were required to judge. Results were that judged movement times after execution were closer to the actual execution time than those prior to execution. The results of Experiment 2 suggest that the effects of execution on judgements were not due to motor activation or perceptual task experience—alternative explanations of the execution-mediated judgement effects. Experiment 3 examined how judged movement times were influenced by participants wearing weights. Results revealed that wearing weights increased judged movement times. These results suggest that the simulation underlying the judgement process is connected to the motor system, and that simulations are dynamically generated, taking into account recent experience and current body state.  相似文献   

Luck is perceived by some people as a quality of the person (as opposed to the situation) that can be used to maximize the outcome of chance games. This paper reviews empirical studies that examine the conditions under which perceptions of personal luck can be experienced, and how it might facilitate the increase of gambling behavior to pathological levels. Specifically, the opportunity for choice and the experience of near outcomes in games of chance are considered as ways to affect the extent to which perceptions of personal luck are experienced. The ease of facilitating these perceptions suggests that personal luck may be an overlooked factor in the emergence of gambling pathology. As such, implications for gambling behavior and treatment of problem gamblers are discussed.  相似文献   

Technical devices are part of elderly people's daily life. Meanwhile, research has not yet systematically explored how old people understand procedural instructions accompanying these devices. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate how age and memory span affect how people follow procedural instructions. To do so, the Reading Span Test of Daneman & Carpenter (1980) and an adaptation of the Kaplan & White's (1980) following directions game were administrated to young and older adults. The Reading Span Test was administrated in order to determine the participants’ memory span size. Then, participants had to follow procedural instructions with a growing complexity displayed on a computer screen. Results show that participants’ age and instructions complexity affect how the instructions are performed. Old adults encounter more difficulty performing the task than young adults. Furthermore, whatever the age, as the complexity of instructions increases, low-span participants have more difficulty performing instructions than high-span participants do.  相似文献   

In this review article, we summarize the main findings from empirical studies that used dance-related forms of rhythmical full body movement as a research tool for investigating action understanding and social cognition. This work has proven to be informative about behavioral and brain mechanisms that mediate links between perceptual and motor processes invoked during the observation and execution of spatially–temporally coordinated action and interpersonal interaction. The review focuses specifically on processes related to (a) motor experience and expertise, (b) learning and memory, (c) action, intention, and emotion understanding, and (d) audio-visual synchrony and timing. Consideration is given to the relationship between research on dance and more general embodied cognition accounts of action understanding and social cognition. Finally, open questions and issues concerning experimental design are discussed with a view to stimulating future research on social-cognitive aspects of dance.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the intensity of facial emotional prototypes influences the process of their categorization in children and young adults. Two facial prototypes, one of happiness and one of disgust, including action units of three different intensities, were shown to 30 children and 30 adults who were submitted to a categorization task. As predicted, categorization accuracy was found to increase, in general, as a function of the intensity of action units. Adults were better than children but only for the categorization of disgust when the action unit intensity was weak. The happiness prototype was better categorized than the disgust prototype, and two types of errors were clearly more frequent than the others in the categorization of the disgust prototype: disgust/anger and disgust/sadness. The results are discussed in relation to the regulative processes involved in the socialization of emotion.  相似文献   

Quatre-vingt seize sujets de 7 à 9 ans et de 13 à 15 ans ont travaillé sur un texte dans deux conditions d'implication (ego versus tâche). Après avoir été crédités de feedback de compétence ou d'incompétence, ils furent requis d'inférer leur niveau d'effort, d'évaluer leurs affects (fierté, embarras et culpabilité) et de donner leurs raisons de l'effort mis en jeu (stratégies d'auto-handicap). Les résultats confirment que les adolescents se réfèrent à une conception différenciée de la compétence et de l'effort en situation d'implication de l'Ego, et utilisent une conception moins différenciée dans des conditions d'implication dans la tâche. Les affects résultent eux-mêmes de ces conceptions. Mais les buts d'implication de l'Ego, qui accentuent les menaces pour l'estime de soi, suscitent en retour des stratégies de protection de soi que les individus appliquent effectivement à eux-mêmes.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2022,67(3):203-222
IntroductionIndividuals with psychiatric disorders have been the focus of vigilance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this retrospective study was to estimate the influence of the living conditions of these people, on the evolution of their mood during the first lockdown in spring 2020 in France.MethodA questionnaire was proposed to 86 patients with psychiatric illnesses followed in ambulatory care, in order to evaluate their living conditions, their psychological resources and their perception of the health crisis. Patients responded to scales designed to assess perceived changes in anxiety and depressive symptoms during confinement. Analyses of variance and comparison of means were performed in order to study the variables that were significantly explanatory on the evolution of the disorders.ResultsA majority of patients reported stability of anxiety and depression symptoms during confinement. Alterations in lifestyle, such as an increase in sleep disturbance and smoking, had an effect on anxiety or depression. Occupational activities such as self-care, sports or outings influenced symptomatology. The ability to build on past experiences or to project positively into the future had an effect on symptomatology.DiscussionThese data highlight the specificities of the constraints encountered in lockdown by individuals previously suffering from psychiatric illnesses. Our results point out resources to be considered in adjusting the care modalities of these patients.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the determinants of the word length effect in five-, seven-, and nine-year-old children building on Henry (Q J Exp Psychol 43A (1991a) 35-52) previous work. Henry postulated that the word length effect observed in children was caused by verbal output and not rehearsal. Children were given an immediate serial recall task where full verbal recall is required and an immediate probed recall task where only one of the items has to be recall (the item indicated by the experimenter). In the probed recall task, the spatial probe previously used by Henry and criticized by Gathercole and Hitch (Gathercole, S.E., Hitch, G.J., 1993. Developmental Changes in Short-Term Memory: a Revised Working Memory Perspective. In: Collins A. F., Gathercole S. E., Conway M. A., Morris P. E. (Eds.), Theories of Memory. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hove, pp. 189-209) was changed for a pure verbal probe. Our results indicated that 5-, 7-, and 9-year-old children were sensitive to words length when full verbal recall was required. On the contrary, word length effects were not found in five-, seven-, and nine-year-old children when recall was restricted to just one item. These results lend further support to Henry's hypothesis suggesting that the word length effect operates at recall time, through output delay.  相似文献   

Research accomplished in this field indicates clearly that of all the members of the stepfamily, it is the stepmother that encounters the most difficulties in adapting to the stepfamily situation. Furthermore, the same research also shows that the stepmother/stepdaughter relationship appears to be the most challenging of all dyads. This analysis also enables us to identify the results that appear most significant and to propose different hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

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