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We provide here an overview of the current state of research in the domain of executive functioning in normal aging. Normal aging has generally been associated with executive control deficits. Although impaired performance is effectively observed for the executive functions of updating, shifting, inhibition and dual-task coordination, preserved performance is also sometimes observed. We interpreted the presence of preserved performance as reflecting the integrity of some executive sub-processes or the existence of distinct functions within an executive function previously considered as unitary. Moreover, these difficulties appear also influenced by the efficiency of attentional processes (i.e., processing speed), working memory capacity and some individual genetic characteristics. Changes in the neural networks associated to executive processes were also reported. These changes consist in increased or decreased activity in task-related networks, or the recruitment of supplementary brain areas. They are considered to reflect compensatory processes or inefficient use of brain networks, when they are respectively associated to preserved or impaired task-performance.  相似文献   

Analogical reasoning (AR) is a cornerstone of human cognition. Two main theories have historically been proposed to account for the ontogeny of AR. They propose that analogical skills are constrained by children's logical skills or limited knowledge of the relations to be considered. We adopt an alternative perspective in this review paper suggesting that AR abilities depend on the efficiency of executive control. We present convergent data collected in children and monkeys highlighting the role of three main executive functions: inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and working memory updating. The analysis of children's reasoning suggests that the contribution of relational knowledge and executive control to analogical reasoning cannot be considered independently.  相似文献   

We summarize our work on pragmatic inference-making in children, while generally focusing on scalar implicatures. Such inferences arise when a relatively weak term implies the rejection of a stronger one. For example, some is often understood to mean not all. While adults readily draw such implicatures, children tend to rely on the terms’ minimal, lexically encoded meanings (with which some is compatible with all). Given that children’s treatments coincide with logical ones, children end up appearing more logical than adults on standard reasoning tasks. We describe this effect in detail while showing that (a) even young children can be encouraged to carry out implicatures and, that; (b) evidence of non-pragmatic behavior is best explained as due to unavailable effort.  相似文献   

Implementation of executive control over thought and action can only be guided by the goals that one desires to reach. Over the last decade, research has pointed out the central role of goal representation in executive control both during childhood and adulthood. The present paper reviews these findings, emphasizing the developmental dynamics observed during childhood. More precisely, it addresses the role of active goal maintenance in working memory, as it has been stressed by developmental and neurocognitive theoretical models. Beyond goal maintenance, the question as to how goal representations are formed in working memory has attracted research efforts lately. With age, children successfully process increasingly subtle environmental cues to infer the current task goal and when task goals need to be updated, as evidenced by the effect of cue transparency on switching and inhibition performance. In addition, the paper addresses how goal representation sheds light on the interplay between executive skills and conceptual knowledge, through the presentation of research in such domains as analogical reasoning, categorical flexibility, and class inclusion quantification. Taken together, these lines of research show that executive control development does not rely exclusively on a growing ability to implement appropriate actions, but it also depends largely on increasingly efficient identification of what such actions should be.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the development of working memory's components and their relationships. Phonological loop's, visuospatial sketchpad's and central executive's efficiencies were assessed by simple and complex span tasks and executive tasks with verbal and visuospatial material. The analyses were performed on 64 second-grade and 55 fifth-grade children's data. Developmental performances improvement was examined according to tasks and material. Analyses of variance revealed performances improvement according to age and type of material (verbal > non verbal) for the slave system tasks and for a part of central executive's tasks. Correlation analysis and exploratory factorial analysis suggested that slave systems would become progressively more specific and that central executive's efficiency would be dependent on this specialization.  相似文献   

Haut potentiel intellectuel et développement social   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first part of this article presents a theoretical and empirical review on the issue of gifted children's social development. As a whole, data does not allow for straightforward conclusion as to whether gifted children may be socially at risk. Conflicting results may be due in part to heterogeneity across studies in sampling procedures and in assessing social adjustment. Next, we will examine how social skills development could be viewed as a potential domain for the expression of intellectual giftedness, in the light of theories that posit a multi-factorial view of intelligence or creativity. Accordingly, there may be a need to reconsider the notion of giftedness and thus take into account social giftedness, both for identification and education purposes.  相似文献   

The development of naive theories regarding social organizations has not received the same emphasis as other conceptual domains, such as naive biology and naive psychology. However, a number of studies have been devoted to the development of children's naive conceptions of politics, school, or economics, most of them with interviews. In the present study, we studied six-, 10-, 14-year-old children's conceptions regarding two familiar organizations, school and supermarket. Results show that, even young children have knowledge regarding these two institutions. However, even 10-year-old children might fail to integrate these institutions in more general organizational, institutional and social dimensions. In many cases, only children aged 14 consistently integrate these various dimensions.  相似文献   

The article describes the origins and development of internal clock theory. The history is traced via body temperature studies in the 1920s and 1930s, with input from 19th. century and early 20th. century psychophysics, through to the model of Treisman (1963). This model derived timed behaviour from an interaction of internal clock, memory store, and comparison processes. A successor to Treisman's model was the scalar expectancy theory (SET) of Gibbon and colleagues (1984). The origins of SET in animal Psychology are described, as is its application to human timing (in the early 1990s), in particular recent work on the operation of the internal clock itself. Finally, a discussion of some recent developmental studies of timing illustrates both how internal clock models have been applied, and how modern research may require a reconceptualization of the operation of classical internal clock models.  相似文献   

Estimating the duration of an event often requires that we reference our own knowledge about the duration of similar events stored in long-term memory. The ability to preserve these durations in long-term memory therefore seems to serve an important function in time estimation. However, relatively few studies on this topic appear in the psychology literature. In the present article, we describe how time estimation models have treated long-term memory, and discuss relevant empirical data obtained from adults. Then, we present the results of recent experiments that examine 3- to 8-year-old children’s ability to maintain durations in memory, depending on the kind of previous experience the children have had with these durations.  相似文献   

Working memory has a central role in cognitive development and its capacity is among the best predictors of high-level cognition and school achievement. Within the Time-Based Resource Sharing (TBRS) model, three main factors account for the development of working memory capacity. In this paper, we will review the main empirical evidence sustaining the impact of two of these factors on cognitive development. First, the amount of attention available for cognitive functioning might increase during childhood. Thus, for the same activities, older children would be able to process information faster than younger children. Within working memory span tasks, because the level of activation of memory traces decreases during the processing steps, any reduction of the duration of these steps directly diminishes the time during which the traces decay, and consequently increases the time available for reactivation or refreshing before the next processing step. These two effects jointly induce a stronger activation of the memory traces and a better recall of the to-be-maintained items. Second, because the main hypothesis of the TBRS model is that attention switches to refresh memory traces from processing to maintenance during the processing episodes, the efficiency of the refreshing mechanism should have a direct and strong impact on working memory functioning. An increase in the efficiency of this refreshing during childhood means that older children should take a greater advantage from the short pauses left free between each processing step. The level of activation of the memory traces would be then higher for older than for younger children, resulting in the classically observed increase in span. As a consequence, age-related changes in the efficiency of the refreshing could play a central role in working memory development.  相似文献   

Notre étude, menée auprès d'une population de 60 jeunes femmes deman-deuses d'emploi, s'applique plus particulièrement à mettre à jour d'une part, les variations des sentiments de contrôle au cours du chômage et d'autre part, les incidences de cellesci sur la réceptivité des individus aux informations relatives à l'emploi issues d'un organisme spécialisé (l'ANPE). Globalement, les résultats permettent d'observer un affaiblissement des sentiments de contrôle en fonction de la durée du chômage. Ils montrent que la réceptivité et la sensibilité des sujets à telle ou telle information est en relation avec le type de formation antérieure suivie par ces sujets. Les résultats ouvrent la voie á de nouvelles investigations qui prennent en compte les variations des attributions (norme d'internalité' et locus of control ) non plus seulement dans un domaine d'activites particulières (professionnelles) mais dans le échanges de ce domaine avec d'autres. Car, dans ces échanges se révèlent des ressources et des contraintes que les sujets traitent et utilisent pour affronter les problèmes posés par le chômage dans leurs multiples sphères d'activités.  相似文献   

Various studies report that children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) have important difficulties in using grammatical morphemes expressing gender, number or tense but none of these studies let us determine whether agreement perception is impaired. To answer this question, 18 children with SLI and 18 control children without language impairment participated in two tasks testing production and perception of French gender agreement between determiner and noun. The results showed that (i) only children with SLI produced gender errors or determiner omissions whereas (ii) both groups were sensitive to agreement violations: they were slower and made more errors to categorize disagreeing determiner phrases (*the[masc] banana[fem]).  相似文献   

Aging is characterized by a decrease of cognitive performance in most of cognitive domains. One of the most fundamental issues is then to know what are the underlying mechanisms of these age-related changes in human cognition. Recent research suggests that in addition to speed of processing and working memory capacities, age-related impairment in executive functioning plays an important role in the cognitive decline associated to aging. Above and beyond performance, current research shows that the mediating role of executive function in age-related changes in cognitive performance occurs via changes in strategies variations (i.e., repertoire, distribution, execution, and selection of the strategies used to accomplish a cognitive task). In this article, we illustrate both strategic variations and underlying executive control mechanisms in two important cognitive domains : episodic memory and problem solving.  相似文献   

The progress in prenatal medicine raises complex questions with respect to the physician–patient relationship. The physician needs to reconcile medical aspects, ethical principles as well as judicial norms. Already, during the first trimester, the physician has to put into practice the schedule combining for each individual pregnancy physical, laboratory and other appropriate exams. Physicians are under the obligation to inform in a clear and comprehensive way without creating unnecessary anxiety for their patients. Legal requirements include informed consent, the respect for the patient's right to self-determination, and compliance with the Swiss federal law on genetic testing, especially with its articles on prenatal screening and diagnosis. This article discusses the complexity of obstetrical practice when it comes to delivering adequate information within the scope of ethical and legal requirements in Switzerland.  相似文献   

For several decades, since the work of Piaget, it has been believed that correct judgements of durations require sophisticated reasoning abilities that emerge at about 8 years of age. However, some researchers have demonstrated accurate temporal knowledge in young children and have explained their poor judgements on classical piagetian tasks not by their inability to correctly judge time, but by age-related attentional difficulties. Recently, researchers have thus reassessed the temporal behaviour in children with the experimental paradigms used in animals and humans adults in the framework of the temporal information processing models that assume the existence of an internal clock. Findings suggest that this type of clock is functional at an early age. Other findings allow us to better understand the role of the development of attention, memory and metacognitive processes in the development of the abilities to judge time. The aim of this article is to synthesize these recent findings.  相似文献   

Dès les débuts de la psychologie sociale et développementale deux mécanismes ont été vus à l'oeuvre dans le développement cognitif: le conflit et l'imitation. Le premier devait rendre compte de l'innovation, le second de l'appropriation de l'héritage culturel. Les recherches actuelles sur le marquage social montrent que celui-ci peut remplir certaines fonctions réservées traditionnellement à l'imitation, mais ce rôle de reproduction peut nécessiter l'intervention du conflit. Une recherche est rapportée qui montre que, pour des enfants d'environ six ans et demi (N=160), l'intervention combinée du marquage social et du conflit socio-cognitif est un facteur important de progrès à une tâche de conservation de quantités.  相似文献   

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