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Studies dealing with emotion regulation have known a fast expansion during the last twenty years. Yet, they are most often based on models centered on endogenous cognitive and behavioral processes as well as the pursuit of welfare, and do not consider the social aspect of emotions and emotion expression which elicit exogenous emotion regulation processes from social interaction partners. The goal of this article is to show that both endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes are complementary and indivisible, and to suggest working hypotheses about how they connect. In the first part of this document, after a quick reminder of the different theoretical approaches of (individual) endogenous emotion regulation, we emphasize works about social approach behaviors (social affiliation) in emotional situations. These studies report that social interactions are sometimes sought as they would allow for the endogenous implementation of interpersonal emotion regulation strategies, especially by means of emotion expression. Individual and interpersonal endogenous emotion regulation processes would then complementarily modify the emotions experienced by an individual faced with a critical situation. The second part of this article underlines that social interaction partners actually are operators of exogenous emotion regulation processes rather than passive reservoirs of resources an individual may pick up to regulate their emotions. For that purpose, we especially consider the ways relatives (directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly) constrain the social affiliation behaviors and emotion expressions of an individual who experiences emotions. Thus, we argue that those behaviors are strongly influenced not only by the nature and intensity of emotions, but also by: firstly, social learning about how to feel, what to express and how to regulate emotions in a specific situation; secondly, features of the social environment as well as social expectations and demands about sharing emotions versus inhibiting their expression; and thirdly, the exogenous emotion regulation strategies a partner may use to regulate an individual's emotions. This set of studies entices us to consider endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes as acting jointly to promote not only the adaptation to emotional situations, but also the quality of social bonds between members of a social network. Social integration is thus central in the study of emotion regulation processes.  相似文献   

The present research investigated motivational profiles of high school students following general, technological or vocational education. The French educational system is defined by an implicit hierarchy: the general education is considered as the most prestigious one, while specific education such as technological or vocational education is perceived as more appropriated for students with learning difficulties. Those representations could induce differences in academic engagements’ reasons. Nine hundred and forty-seven French students (552 following general, 222 following technological and 173 vocational education) completed the French version of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand, Blais, Brière, & Pelletier, 1989). The AMS assesses various types of motivation defined by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002). Cluster analysis revealed three distinctive motivational profiles present in all three types of education. In the first cluster, students’ scores were moderate in autonomous and controlled motivation and low in amotivation (moderate autonomous – controlled profile). The second cluster was characterized by high levels of autonomous and controlled motivation and a low amotivation (high autonomous – controlled profile). Finally, the third cluster was defined by a low autonomous motivation, a moderate controlled motivation and high level of amotivation (controlled profile). In addition, we found an impact of secondary education's type on academic motivation. Technological education was associated with the controlled profile, whereas adolescents involved in vocational education were more numerous in the high autonomous-controlled profile. Students following the general education were over-represented in moderate autonomous-controlled profile. The results presented above might be of a great interest to career counseling professionals and professors, especially if discussed in line with self-determination theory, in terms of motivational remediation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses conceptual strategies in the assessment of intra-individual personality architecture, including the assessment of those social-cognitive structures and dynamics that contribute to personality coherence. The paper also relates social-cognitive analyses of intra-individual personality architecture to trait-theoretic analyses of inter-individual differences in the population. An overarching theme is that these alternative research traditions should be understood as approaches to different scientific problems. Unlike, for example, the lexical Big Five tradition of personality research, social-cognitive theories are concerned fundamentally with mental structures and dynamics that causally contribute to personality functioning and coherence, and with understanding how these cognitive and affective systems develop and function in interaction with the social environment. As has been explained by Lamiell (2003) and others, inter-individual analyses cannot substitute for the study of intra-individual personality dynamics and dispositions.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the knowledge development process about night and day cycle during ontogeny, by comparing two diverging theoretical and methodological approaches, on 178 elementary school children (6-7 years old, 8-9 years old and 10-11 years old). We hypothesis that the dimension (2D/3D) of the representation, the question type (open versus forced choice) and the age of the student have an effect on the amount of correct answers and on the coherence between the answers. The results show that the knowledge acquisition process regarding night and day cycle follows a gradual path during ontogeny and that the method used has a significant effect on the number of correct answers given by the children. Indeed, heliocentric model is given minority when children are asked with open questions (only 31% of the children). On the contrary 76% of them choose the heliocentric perspective when asked with forced-choice questions. The support's dimension (2D/3D) has no effect.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article concerns the functioning of representational mechanisms in social thought. More specifically, its objective is to identify the role of variables covering psychosocial involvement and systems of belief within social representations. At the interface between the individual and the group, these variables are considered here because of their status as explanatory variables of social thought. By analyzing the representation of human rights, we hypothesize that the level of involvement and the type of beliefs developed toward the state (concepts of a democratic state versus a safe state) impact on the expression of this representation and the standpoints it creates. The survey was conducted by questionnaire with a student population (315 participants). The main results, which are consistent with our hypotheses, provide evidence of an influence of the variables tested on the expressiveness of the representation of human rights. On the one hand, they reveal how an involvement developed in this subject and the social beliefs attached to the role of the state come to particularize the meaning of this representation, especially concerning its principles of equality. On the other hand, the results demonstrate the activity of ideological processes – political in content – which intervene in the realization of the representation. Through these processes, the results show a stronger influence of social beliefs than of psychosocial involvement on the representation studied.  相似文献   

The aim of our research project is to study what contribution the new technologies can bring to teaching and learning. So, we have chosen a pluridiciplinary approach, combining the exploration of computer potentialities with the integration of research studies about the learning application. The application is a tutor module of AMICAL project (Architecture Multi-agent Interactive Compagnon pour l'Apprentissage de la Lecture). The issue is to determine and to explain the knowledge at work in a teaching process. To begin with, we shall explain the different decision-making processes, which characterize the teaching act. In a second part, we shall describe the processes of knowledge determination and modelling.  相似文献   

This study aims to grasp and understand the role of some personal features and some dynamical mechanisms of the personality in the determination of the pupil's academic behaviour. A general model is developed and tested, on a sample of 336 elementary school pupils, with respect to three principles: causal order, association and non-artificiality. The data analysis is then refined by developing a structural model. The results prove that the dynamical mechanisms of the personality relating to the affective entry characteristics should be considered as dependent and independent variables. They allow to identify the principal personal determinants of pupil rowdyism, reaction toward class, making friends and academic achievement.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to validate in French a series of scales assessing gender identity among eight to 16-year-old youth. These scales were originally validated by Egan and Perry (2001) with an American sample. The series of scales was administered to 214 French-speaking students from the province of Quebec. Principal components analyses showed that the factorial structure of the French version confirmed the one found in the English version. Multivariate analyses of variance of the gender identity scales as a function of sex and age showed significant sex differences on most scales, similar to those found with the English version. The Cronbach alphas were lower than the alphas in the original version. Suggestions to improve internal consistency are made.  相似文献   

The purpose was to specify the advantages and limits of the dynamical perspective proposed by Nowak et Vallacher (1998) for social psychology studies. This perspective contributes massively to new knowledge in economy, biology and motor control. Theoretical models, methods, self-assessment tools, and time series analyses are now available for addressing hypotheses that nomothetical approach has let unanswered, and to determine the impact of daily events on self-perception.  相似文献   

This study deals with the emotional inferences readers generate during the reading of narrative texts. The objective was to show that the accessibility of the representation of the emotional state of the protagonist depends on the reader's and the protagonist's knowledge of the situation. In the texts we used, the reader and the protagonist either shared the same amount of knowledge of the situation, or the protagonist was described as being ignorant of relevant situational information. The main result indicated that, in the presence of a difference between the protagonist and the reader, regarding their situational knowledge, the accessibility of the representation of the protagonist's emotion slowed down. In other words, the protagonist's emotion was more accessible when it was coherent with the situational knowledge of both the reader and the protagonist.  相似文献   

Knowledge relating to actions for children exposed to marital violence appears still limited, whereas in France many efforts are deployed to develop them. This field of intervention is recent and the actors of child welfare and those of the associative sector wishing to set up specific actions to help the child, often encounter a lack of knowledge about this type of intervention. This article proposes to make known actions carried out in this context over Atlantic by the analysis of six programs and the results of their evaluation.  相似文献   

A Twenty Questions problem solving Task was given to 30 mentally retarded adults, 30 mentally nonretarded adults matched on chronological age, and 12 mentally nonretarded children matched on cognitive efficiency. Four strategies were identified on the basis of a subject-by-subject analysis. Results showed group differences of frequency in the use of the strategies. Moreover, results indicated that the more frequent strategy used by the mentally retarded adults is the one which consists in identifying the categories without using them to efficiently reduce the problem space. The interpretation of the results as reflecting a conceptual deficit or a chronicle cognitive sub-functioning of the mentally retarded adults depicted in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

This article has two main goals: first, to review past research concerning the influence of pretrial publicity on judiciary judgements, and second, to present new empirical data concerning the impact of writing style in the media influence phenomenon. The three studies presented in this article show: 1/ that the morphosyntactical style of press articles can be distinguished as a function of the domain to which they pertain (judiciary, economic, politics, sports), 2/ that readers can readily recognize and identify the judiciary morphosyntactical style, and 3/ that the conformity of an article vs. its non-conformity to the judiciary style has some independent effect on memory about the article's content and on the elaboration of judiciary judgements by readers.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to show the impact of linguistic (the feminine inflexion was audible or not) and cognitive (the complexity of the task in which the agreement is realized) factors about the acquisition and the use of adjectival gender inflexions in written French. In this perspective, we compared the production of the mark of the agreement in three tasks not mobilizing the same levels of linguistic treatment: transcribe sentences under dictation, recall sentences presented orally, and produce two sentences ending with an adjective from a syntactical priming. The results show that the systematic application of the adjectival agreement in gender is not totally mastered at the end of primary. Besides, the use of the adjectival gender inflexions is more difficult when the written inflexion is mute. Finally, the children forgot more the gender inflexion in written production task than in a dictate or recall task. These results are interpreted within the framework of a functional approach of language production.  相似文献   

Some individuals have exceptional abilities in mathematics. They can either do fast calculations or understand problems, symbols and methods specifically used in mathematics, use them with other symbols and methods to solve other types of problems. Thus, great calculators and children gifted in mathematics are distinguished. This review of the literature presents studies about these abilities to expose the regular characteristics of these individuals, and the educational system that would be the more efficient for gifted children. Thus, this article would present the debates about the cognitive functioning and development of these individuals.  相似文献   

Most theoretical accounts of giftedness now include an emotional as well as an intellectual component. Yet the multi-dimensional nature of giftedness has often been overlooked in the field of education. According to practitioners, gifted children not only think differently but also feel in other ways. From this point of view, the intellectual complexity interacts with emotional intensity to provide a qualitatively different way of experiencing the world, which leads to the production of the gifted child’s greater potential for high achievement. This paper will focus on emotional features of gifted individuals, and how they could be used to complete current measures and to enrich the concept of giftedness.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present introduction to this special issue is to provide readers with a general theoretical framework of the cognitive structures and processes involved in writing. The first part of this introduction browses the major lines of the evolution of the writing models, since the first cognitive architecture of the writing processes proposed by Hayes and Flower (1980). In parallel with advance in theoretical conceptions of writing, methods for studying writing also evolved. The second part briefly describes the methods that are most used in writing research. The final part of the introduction presents the different articles that compose this special issue.  相似文献   

One of the major functions of academic journals is to contribute to the evaluation of research activities and scientists. Invented more than 50 years ago, the ISI impact factor (IF) became the most important indicator of the quality of journals, in spite of well-known problems and critics such as the over-representation of English-language journals. This is a specific problem for French publishers and scientists; publishing in French is not valorising. Since 2007, the new SCImago Journal Rank Indicator (SJR) offers an alternative to the IF. SJR applies the Google algorithm (PageRank) to the journals of the SCOPUS bibliographic database that indexes more journals than ISI Web of Science. The goal of our study is to compare the two indicators for French academic journals, with three questions: Which is the coverage of French journals by ISI and SCOPUS (title number, scientific disciplines)? Which are the differences of the two indicators IF and SJR for the ranking of French journals? How do they cover the French academic journal publishing market (representativity)? The results of our study of 368 French journals with IF and/or SJR are in favour of the usage of the new indicator, at least as a complement to the IF. (1) Coverage: 166 journals are indexed by ISI (45%), 345 journals are indexed by SCOPUS (94%), 143 journals are indexed by both (39%). 82% of the journals are from STM, 18% are from SS&H. In particular, SCOPUS covers much better the medical and pharmacological sciences. (2) Ranking: The correlation of IF and SJR for the 143 journals with both indicators is high (0.76). The IF better differentiates the journals than the SJR indicator (155 vs. 89 rankings). On the other side, because of the larger source database, more French titles become visible on an international level through SJR than through IF. (3) Representativity: The SJR is more interesting and representative of the French academic journal publishing market than the IF (19% vs. 9%), especially for STM titles (38% vs. 19%), much less for SS&H titles (6% vs. 2%). Nevertheless, ISI (Web of Science) and SCOPUS index journals from only a small part of the French academic publishers (10%–20%). Again, SCOPUS is more representative than the ISI dababase (17% of the publishers vs. 10%). Methodological problems and perspective of a multidimensional evaluation are discussed. Our study compares the ISI impact factor (IF) with the new SJR for 368 French academic journals with IF and/or SJR. The results: The SJR coverage is better than of the IF (94% vs. 45%), especially in medical sciences. The correlation of IF and SJR for journals with both indicators is high (0.76). The IF better differentiates the journals than the SJR indicator (155 vs. 89 rankings). The SJR coverage is more representative of the French academic journal publishing market than ISI/IF (19% vs. 9%), especially for STM titles (38% vs. 19%), less for SS&H titles (6% vs. 2%).  相似文献   

A semantic usability approach was used for the ergonomic conception of the electronic schoolbag with Methods from Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. A formal object-oriented analysis as well as the questioning and observing users provided principles as a guide for user-based conception. Similar results were found from both methods. They indicated how to build an easy-to-use interface that improves school apprenticeship.  相似文献   

We present the main features of the European French-Speaking Normative Study for the Rorschach comprehensive system (CS) in adults. After reviewing previous attempts at establishing norms and diverse methodological considerations, we justify the choices made for the present project based on a clear definition of the sample, careful control of recruitment and quality of data collection procedures. Results of phase 1 (N =146) are presented and analyzed. Main variables from the CS are described and some key variables are compared to samples currently used as references (from the US). Differences are observable, although it is too early at this point to draw any conclusions that could influence interpretation. Such conclusions will be formulated when data collection is completed (final objective N =450).  相似文献   

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