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An experiment on paired-associate learning was carried out to test Hovland's prediction that spaced practice should be more advantageous than massed if the order of presenting the pairs of nonsense syllables were fixed.

In the results, spaced and massed practice showed little difference in learning efficiency. Hovland's prediction was not confirmed.

In a previous experiment of this series of studies it had been found that spaced practice was more efficient than massed in serial learning when syllables of “low-meaningfulness” value were used; but that there was little difference in efficiency between the two forms of distribution when “high-meaningfulness” syllables were used. The results of the two experiments naturally suggested that, as regards the relative efficiency of spaced and massed practice, paired-associate learning of low-meaningfulness syllables differed from serial learning of similar syllables, but matched serial learning of high-meaningfulness syllables. It seems justifiable to draw the conclusion that the relative efficiency of spaced and massed practice is different in paired-associate and serial learning, not because remote associations can be formed in the one case and not in the other, as Hovland (1939a, 1939b) assumed; but because the organization of the material and the learning processes are different in the two forms of learning.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the subject sat facing a display of two neon bulbs. When the left-hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his left hand, and when the right hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his right hand. The left-hand bulb gave brief flashes at random intervals averaging about 4 sec. The right-hand bulb gave a brief flash at regular intervals of about 4 sec.

The experiment repeats (the author believes for the first time) certain essential conditions of Vince's (1948, 1950) experiments and, following detailed scrutiny of every pair of responses, is taken as evidence for the following statements:—

(a) The response to a signal arriving during the reaction time to a former signal will be delayed by an amount approximately equal to the time elapsing between the arrival of the signal and the end of the reaction time to the former signal.

(b) An exception to this may occur when two signals arrive close together. In this case the two signals may be responded to as a single group.

(c) Delays can be occasioned by the monitoring of responses as well as by reactions to signals.

(d) “Grouping” of signal and monitoring may occur when a signal arrives close to the beginning of the movement made in response to a previous signal.

A survey is made of current theories in this field and suggestions given for further research.  相似文献   

The span of perception for letter groups depends on number of letters presented, length of presentation and structure of the groups. The experiment reported varied the temporal structure of the groups, leaving the total number of letters constant. Groups of 12 letters were presented as a whole or in two or more successive “units.” The total time of presentation was 1-5 sec. In the first experiment each unit was visible until the next appeared, in the second experiment units were visible only during 1/4 sec., although intervals between successive units were kept constant.

The following conclusions emerged:

(a) The visual presence of units did not affect the reproduction for durations over 0.25 sec., except in the 12-letter presentations.

(b) 2×6 letters gave better results than either simultaneous presentation or other divisions; temporal separation was 0.75 sec.

(c) Higher order approximations to Dutch have more influence on 3 × 4, 2 × 6 and 1 × 12 letters than on 4 × 3 and 6 × 2 letters.

(d) A serial order effect exists: central units are reproduced less well than first and last units.

It is suggested that handling a fixed amount of information within a fixed period is limited on the one hand by confusion between simultaneous elements and on the other hand by the interaction between successive units presented too rapidly to allow for proper operation of immediate memory.

The difference between span of perception and span of memory is stressed.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the finding by Michotte, that a moving object A can apparently produce movement in a projectile B without making contact with it.

The experiments confirm the existence of a causal impression of “pushing at a distance,” but they demonstrate that the greater the distance the smaller the chance that this impression will occur.

When it does, in fact, occur, it has the same characteristics, and is associated with the same experimental conditions, as the impression of “pushing with contact.”

Temporal continuity must obtain between the stopping of the moving object and the starting of the projectile; this refutes any theory positing that there is a “passage” of movement from one object to the other. The effects of differences in speed of movement, whether absolute or relative, are similar in both instances.

In general, however, it appears that distance slightly accentuates the segregation of the movements and that the temporal and kinematic conditions of integration require to be more favourable in the case of distance, if an impression of pushing is to be given which is as satisfying as that found in the case of direct contact.

The size of the Radius of Action, that is, the extent of the passive phase of the projectile, is of the same order in the two cases.

The results bring out the fundamentally temporal-kinematic nature of the perceptual pattern of pushing. They appear difficult to reconcile with an interpretation based on past experience, but tally with the theory of “Ampliation of Movement” put forward by Michotte. According to this theory the essential point lies in the phenomenal transitory belonging to A (the moving object) of the movement performed by B (the projectile).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Timing in Temporal Tracking. By J. A. Michon. Soesterberg, Netherlands: Institute for Perception RVO-TNO, Netherlands. 1967. Pp. 127.

Human Performance. By Paul M. Fitts and Michael I. Posner. Belmont, California: Brook/Cole Publishing Co. 1967. Pp. x + 162. 14s.

Human Memory. By Jack A. Adams. New York: Mcgraw Hill. I967. Pp. ix + 326. $9.50.

Biological Foundations of Language. By Eric H. Lenneberg. With Appendices by Noam Chomsky and Otto Marx. New York and London: Wiley. 1967. Pp. xvi+489. £6.

The Genesis of Language: A Psycholinguistic Approach. Edited by Frank Smith and G. A. Miller. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The M. I. T. Press. Pp. xii + 400. $4.

Acquisition du Langage at Developpement de la Pensee. By H. Sinclair-de Zwart. Paris: Dound. 1967. Pp. vi+ 168. 23F.

Principles and Methods of Social Psychology. By E. P. Hollander. London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1967. Pp. xxiii + 520. 64s.

Current Perspectives in Social Psychology. Second Edition. Edited by E. P. Hollander and R. G. Hunt. London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1967. Pp. vii + 685. 40s. (paper).

The Use of Lateral Thinking. By Edward de Bono. London: Cape. 1967. Pp. 157. 18s.

“Instinct” and “Intelligence”: The Science of Behaviour in Animals and Man. By S. A. Barnett. London: Macgibbon & Kee. 1967. Pp. xiv + 250. 45s.  相似文献   

On the rate of gain of information   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The analytical methods of information theory are applied to the data obtained in certain choice-reaction-time experiments. Two types of experiment were performed: (a) a conventional choice-reaction experiment, with various numbers of alternatives up to ten, and with a negligible proportion of errors, and (b) a ten-choice experiment in which the subjects deliberately reduced their reaction time by allowing themselves various proportions of errors.

The principal finding is that the rate of gain of information is, on the average, constant with respect to time, within the duration of one perceptual-motor act, and has a value of the order of five “bits” per second.

The distribution of reaction times among the ten stimuli in the second experiment is shown to be related to the objective uncertainty as to which response will be given to each stimulus. The distribution of reaction times among the responses is also related to the same uncertainty. This is further evidence that information is intimately concerned with reaction time.

Some possible conceptual models of the process are considered, but tests against the data are inconclusive.  相似文献   

People routinely focus on one hypothesis and avoid consideration of alternative hypotheses on problems requiring decisions between possible states of the world--for example, on the “pseudodiagnosticity” task (Doherty, Mynatt, Tweney, & Schiavo, 1979). In order to account for behaviour on such “inference” problems, it is proposed that people can hold in working memory, and operate upon, but one alternative at a time, and that they have a bias to test the hypothesis they think true. In addition to being an ex post facto explanation of data selection in inference tasks, this conceptualization predicts that there are situations in which people will consider alternatives. These are:

1. “action” problems, where the alternatives are possible courses of action;

2. “inference” problems, in which evidence favours an alternative hypothesis.

Experiment 1 tested the first prediction. Subjects were given action or inference problems, each with two alternatives and two items of data relevant to each alternative. They received probabilistic information about the relation between one datum and one alternative and picked one value from among the other three possible pairs of such relations. Two findings emerged; (1) a strong tendency to select information about only one alternative with inferences; and (2) a strong tendency, compared to inferences, to select information about both alternatives with actions.

Experiment 2 tested the second prediction. It was predicted that data suggesting that one alternative was incorrect would lead many subjects to consider, and select information about, the other alternative. For actions, it was predicted that this manipulation would have no effect. Again the data were as predicted.  相似文献   

The capacity of the rat to respond to olfactory cues has been studied in three experimental situations: (i) an elevated Y-maze, (ii) a rectangular choice apparatus in which extraneous environmental cues were present, and (iii) a circular choice apparatus from which such cues were either excluded or randomized.

No rat showed any sign of learning on the Y-maze even after extensive training and the application of electric shock as deterrent for error.

Some rats succeeded in performing an olfactory discrimination in the rectangular choice apparatus but learning was retarded, and in some cases inhibited, by the counter-influence of non-olfactory factors.

All rats readily learned an identical discrimination when shielded from such cues in the circular choice apparatus which provides a satisfactory medium both for training and for the study of olfactory acuity.

Differences in the behaviour of rats on these three types of apparatus suggest first, that the formation of learned habits based on olfaction depends on the close contiguity of stimulus and reward, and second that the sense of smell possesses weak orientating properties by comparison with those exerted by other modalities. The findings thus help to explain differences in the ease or di+culty uith which olfactory discriminations have been established by earlier workers.  相似文献   

The following three studies of single-probe recognition memory set out to show the effect on the signal-detectability measures of d' and β (Tanner and Swets, 1954) of variations in the acoustic similarity of interfering material, which may either precede or follow the item to be remembered (proactive or retroactive interference --PI or RI). The first experiment studies a situation employed by Wickelgren (1966a), who reported that acoustically similar RI substantially reduced d'. It is shown that this effect could have been due to biases in Wickelgren's original designs, and that when a bias-free design is used, the fall in d' is only of borderline significance.

To investigate this problem further, a design was evolved in which two items were presented for memorizing, which varied in acoustic similarity to each other, and (after a distracting task) a probe was presented with one of three questions: Was this the first item of the pair? Was it the second? or, Did it occur in either position? In the first case, recognition-memory with RI of varying acoustic similarity was being studied, and as in the first experiment, it was found that similarity slightly reduced d'. With the second question, PI effects were being studied, and here negligible differences were found. With the third type of question, a “location-free” test, no effects of similarity were found. The last result rules out Posner's (1967) “acid-bath” explanation of similarity effects in interference: an explanation in terms of “differentiation” (or “filtering”) was also invalidated by the results of a third experiment, in which the same effects were found even though similarity varied only between stimulus items and interference, and not between these and the probe. Wickelgren's (1966b) associative model appears to have least difficulty in accommodating these results, though even this needs certain ad hoc assumptions to be able to do so.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described which test the hypothesis that the more intense of two stimuli will, ceteris paribus, be more likely to receive attention. It is assumed that an objective behavioural manifestation of attention to a given stimulus is a preference for responding to it rather than to another which is present at the same time.

In all three experiments, successions of pairs of visual stimuli interspersed with single stimuli were presented to the subject, and he was instructed to respond to either (by pressing its corresponding morsekey), but not both, in the case of the pairs. The first two experiments reveal significant tendencies to respond to the larger and the brighter stimulus respectively. In the third experiment, there was a tendency, but a statistically insignificant one, to respond to a constant rather than to a flickering stimulus.

It is shown that the attraction of attention by a more intense stimulus follows from Hull's system with the addition of his new variable, “stimulus-intensity dynamism (V),” and it is suggested that it may thus be possible to add attention to the phenomena that can be integrated with an objective behaviour theory.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Buckley, Key W. (1989). Mechanical man: John Broadeus Watson and the beginnings of Behaviorism. New York: Guilford Press. Pp. 293. ISBN 0-89862-744-3. $32.45/£18.00.

Colgan, P. (1989), Animal Motivation. New York and London: Chapman and Hall. Pp. 168. ISBN 0412-31850. £25.00 (hardback). ISBN 0412-31860, £10.95 (paperback).

Antinucci, F (Ed.) (1989). Cognitive structure and development in nonhuman prinates. Hillsdale, Nj: Laweence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Pp. 266. ISBN 0-8058-0544. £16.50 (Hardback).

Parker, S.T. & Gibson, K.R. (Eds.) (1990). “Language” and intelligence in monkeys and apes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 590. ISBN 0-521-38028-6. £40.00 (hardback).

Ley, Ronald (1990). A whisper of espionnage: Wolfgang Koehler and the apes of Tenerife. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publoshing Corporation. Pp.264. ISBN 0-89529-432-x. $19.95.  相似文献   

Twelve male rats were left with receptive females and allowed to copulate and ejaculate until they reached a criterion of “sexual exhaustion” They were then retested after 1, 3, 6 and 15 days of sexual inactivity. Following these observations males were tested once each day or once every other day and allowed to achieve a single ejaculation.

In the course of a period of unlimited access to the receptive female males usually need approximately 10 intromissions to produce the initial ejaculation, but successive ejaculations are produced by fewer and fewer intromissions. The time to recover from the effects of an ejaculation increases progressively as exhaustion is approached.

Very few animals copulate when tested 24 hours after sexual exhaustion. Considerably more recovery is evident in tests conducted after a 3-day rest, but it is not complete and rats are not capable of achieving as many ejaculations as they tend to achieve after longer periods of inactivity. As measured by ejaculation-frequency, the curve of sexual recovery is negatively accelerated and probably reaches asymptote after 7 to 10 days of rest.

Various other measures in addition to ejaculation-frequency support this conclusion. Males allowed to ejaculate once each day or every other day are somewhat less responsive than fully rested animals, but do not show any progressive loss in sexual excitability or capacity.

A working hypothesis is proposed to explain most of the findings. It postulates the existence of an Arousal Mechanism which is distinct from a Copulatory Mechanism. The ways in which these hypothetical mechanisms are affected by sexual performance and sexual rest arc discussed.  相似文献   

Sixteen pigeons were used in an experiment designed to show the sensory preconditioning effect as originally reported by Brogden. An experimental group received 200 simultaneous presentations of a buzzer paired with a light stimulus. They were then trained to respond to one of these stimuli alone and tested for response to the other. A control group received the same treatment except in the initial stage when 200 presentations of the test stimulus only were given. The results provided no evidence that the pairing of stimuli affected behaviour during the critical test.

Both groups responded to the test stimulus to a similar degree in this experiment, whereas in Brogden's original study with dogs experimental animals responded significantly more frequently than did their controls. The discrepancy in results can be attributed to the use of different control procedures in the two experiments. Brogden's controls were not exposed to presentations of the test stimulus before training. Differences in familiarity with this stimulus may have produced the differences between the behaviour of his control and experimental animals. This interpretation is supported by the result of a preliminary experiment with pigeons in which Brogden's control procedure was used and his original results confirmed.

With human subjects there is some evidence that pairing procedures may result in enhanced generalization, alterations in sensory thresholds or hallucinations. However, these effects are little understood and difficult to predict. Although no functional relationships like those found in ordinary conditioning have yet been shown to apply, the terms “sensory conditioning” and “sensory pre-conditioning” have been widely used and the data have been quoted in support of theories of learning that require the setting up of direct sensory-sensory relationships.

Until there is unequivocal evidence of pairing effects with animals or fuller knowledge of the occurrence of such effects with human subjects, it is considered unadvisable to link them even by name with basic learning mechanisms such as conditioning.  相似文献   

The experiment was designed to throw some light on the statistical problems in the analysis of questionnaire data. Previous work (unpublished) suggested that a simple choice response was partially determined by previous responses; and also that the nature of the determination was changed with changing length of series. A “null” experiment was devised in the form of a questionnaire without any questions, and the distribution of responses was studied with respect to the problems formulated.

The observations are discussed in three sections.

In the statistical discussion an alternative meaning to overall association or dissociation is advanced. This: relates association or dissociation to human behaviour in the serial response situation, rather than to qualities of the questionnaire. It is further suggested that association between specific, questions should be tested against the association in the whole questionnaire, and an appropriate treatment is indicated.

The observations depart from statistical randomness in certain ways. Answers made up almost entirely of one form of response are given less often than would be expected. Long sequences of the same type of response are relatively infrequent, and sequences of alternation of response are also rare. As the material is “null” it implies that the human concept of randomness differs from the statistical concept.

An attempt is made to define the human concept of randomness. It appears that a series of responses which has a pattern, or for which the subject can postulate a simple “cause” will not be accepted as random by the human subject. This raises problems of a perceptual and cognitive nature. It also has a bearing on the design of questionnaires. or experiments involving serial responses.  相似文献   

In remembering, items are used in the form in which they are alleged to have been perceived at some time in the past. In thinking, however, evidence is given and the essential character of the process is to move beyond this evidence, but in line with it, to something for which so far, no exact or complete perceptual basis is claimed.

From an experimental point of view the best approach is to consider thinking as a high level skill, and to design experiments in the light of what has been discovered during recent years about the learning, practice and achievements of skill on a psycho-motor level.

When this is done, it turns out that the thinking process can usefully be considered as one in which gaps are filled up in accord with specific evidence provided. The fundamental gap-filling processes are either of interpolation or of extrapolation.

In the present paper the methodology proposed is developed and illustrated in a preliminary manner.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, Information and Control. Edited by A. R. Meetham with the assistance of R. A. Hudson. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1969. Pp. xiv + 718. 300s.

The Biological Basis of Personality. By H. J. Eysenck. Springfield: Thomas. 1968. Pp. xv + 399. $18.50.

Scientific Basis of Dvug Dependence. Biological Council Symposium. Edited by H. Steinberg. London: Churchill. 1969. Pp. 429. 100s.

Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Vol. 2. Edited by John P. Hill. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1969. Pp. viii + 172.

Memory and Attention: an introduction to human information processes. By Donald A. Norman. Chichester, Sussex: John Wiley. 1969. Pp. ix + 201. 84s. (cloth); 44s. (paper). Verbal Learning and Memory: selected readings. By Leo Postman and Geoffrey Keppel. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1969. Pp. 501. 12s.

Handbuch der Kinderheilkunde. Edited by H. Opitz and F. Schmidt. Rand VIII/I: Neurologie-Psychologic-Psychiatrie. Redigiert von F. Schmidt und H. Asperger. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Pp. 1060. Price DM385, S96.25.

Digital Computing. By R. S. Lehman and D. E. Bailey. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1969. Pp. xxiv + 303. 79s.

Real-Time Computers. By W. R. Uttal. New York: Harper & Row. 1968. Pp. xiv + 338. 93s.  相似文献   

Patterson and Morton (1985) proposed a model for the skilled reading of words and non-words that accommodates two non-lexical routines. One is the grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence system which utilizes the regularity of letter to sound correspondences for single letters and digraphs. The other is a system of “bodies”--the vowel and terminal letters of a monomorphemic, monosyllabic word. The idea of the body segment, as Patterson and Morton use it, is to capture consistency effects in reading aloud--that is, the fact that the spelling-sound pattern of words with similar written endings to the target affects the speed and accuracy of its reading.

In this study consistency and regularity are examined as separate factors in children's reading, by devising stimuli in accordance with the different types of three-letter ending that are proposed within the body sub-system.

A group of 87 children aged seven to nine (reading age range: 6;6 to 13;7) was sub-divided according to reading ability and given words and non-words to read aloud. In all the children, performance was affected by body type for both words and non-words, but the better readers were most affected. The implications of these results for a radical distributed model of reading acquisition (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) are considered.  相似文献   

An action-oriented approach to RET Windy Dryden: Rational-Emotive Counselling in Action. London: Sage, 1990. £7.95.

How to think well and transform your life Richard Nelson-Jones: Effective Thinking Skills: Preventing and Managing Personal Problems. London: Cassell, 1989. £8.95.

A male view of divorce John Abulafia: Men and Divorce: Coping, Learning, Starting Afresh. London: Fontana/Collins, 1990. £3.99.

Don't panic: it's just a false alarm David H. Barlow: Anxiety and its Disorders: the Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic. New York: Guilford, 1988, £30.

A practical primer in applied existentialism Emmy van Deurzen-Smith: Existential Counselling in Practice. London: Sage, 1988. £25 (hardback); £9.95 (paperback).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Montefiore, A. & Noble, D. (Eds.). (1989). Goals, no-goals and own goals: A debate on goal-directed and intentional behaviour. London: Unwin Hyman. Pp. ix + 304. ISBN 0-04-445341-8. £30.00 (hardback).

McNaughton, N. (1989). Biology and emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 228. ISBN 0-521-26527-4. £27.50 (hardback); ISBN 0-521-31938-2. £9.95 (paperback).

Amsel, A. (1989). Behaviorism, neobehaviorism, and cognitivism in learning theory: Historical and contemporary perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Pp. 105. ISBN 0-8058-0332-7. £15.00 (hardback).

Bolles, R. C. & Beecher, M. D. (1988). Evolution and learning. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Pp. 263 + xi. ISBN 89589-542-8. £23.95 (hardback).

Davey, Graham (1989). Ecological learning theory. London: Toutledge. Pp. 392 + xv. ISBN 0-415-01190-6. £14.95 (paperback).

Davison, M. & McCarthy, D. (1988). The matching law: A research review. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Pp. 285. ISBN 0-90959-923-7. £29.95 (hardback).  相似文献   

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