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The influence of the maternal environment on the development of open-field behavior in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats was investigated using the technique of reciprocal cross-fostering. Entire litters of SHR and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) normotensive rats were either reared by their natural mothers, in-fostered to dams of the same strain, or cross-fostered to dams of the opposite strain on the day after birth. Open-field behavior was assessed in male and female rats from the six groups (2 strains x 3 rearing conditions) at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of age. Animals were observed in the open-field during a 5-min test period and the number of squares entered and hindlimb rears were recorded. At all ages tested, SHR rats were more active in the open field, entering more squares and rearing more frequently than WKYs. SHR females were more active than age-matched SHR males, while no sex differences were apparent in the WKY strain. At each age, open-field behavior was similar across WKY rearing groups. SHR control and in-fostered animals responded similarly in the open field; however, SHR cross-fostered rats (particularly females) tended to be more active than controls. Although cross-fostering has profound effects on cardiovascular development and functioning in the SHR, it appears that altering the early maternal environment experienced by SHR pups does not grossly affect the development of open-field behavior.  相似文献   

Parent-child dyadic mutuality (shared positive affect, responsiveness, and cooperation) is an important component of family socialization processes. This study sought to extend previous research on mutuality by using a quantitative genetic design to examine between- and within-family variations (e.g., sibling differences) and gene-environment processes. The first study included 125 pairs of identical and same-sex fraternal 3-year-old twins. Observations of mutuality and parents' and observers' ratings of family environment and child behavior were gathered. Greater mutuality was associated with higher socioeconomic status. Moderate sibling similarity in parent-child mutuality was accounted for by child genetic similarity, suggesting evocative gene-environment correlation and nonshared environmental processes. These findings were replicated in a 2nd study of 102 pairs of adoptive and biological siblings.  相似文献   

The open field is a common test of fear, but the apparatus varies widely. Lines painted on the floor facilitate measurement of locomotion (areas entered), but, though some animals balk at lines, this variable has received little attention. In Experiment 1, 10-day-old female chicks were tested individually in an open field with an unmarked floor or one delineated into areas by 1- or 3-mm-wide black lines. In Experiment 2, chicks were tested in pairs in the presence or absence of 3-mm-wide lines. Strong intraindividual correlations demonstrated that both paces and areas entered are effective measures of locomotion. Chicks tested individually were unaffected by the presence or width of lines. Conversely, pair-tested chicks paced and pecked more when the floor was delineated. Given the latter findings, some standardization is recommended.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of lesions of the anterodorsal or posteroventral parts of the caudate-putamen were studied in adult male and femle rats that were gonadectomized or left untreated prior to brain surgery. Anterodorsal (ADC) lesions consistently impaired acquistion of one-way avoidance behavior and tended to interfere with the development of a two-way avoidance response; comparable effects were observed in gonadectomized and intact animals of both sexes. By contrast, ADC lesions increased activity in the open field only in intact females and increased rearing only in ovariectomized females. Posteroventral caudate (PVC) lesions caused transient aphagia and adipsia in both sexes but did not consistently affect open-field activity or the acquistion of one-way avoidance responses by either sex. These lesions profoundly impaired acquistion of shuttle box avoidance responses by intact males. By contrast, castrated males and intact and ovariectomized females with PVC lesions avoided normally in the shuttle box. The present results suggest that localization of behavioral functions within the striatum differs with the sex of the subject, in part because of activational effects of gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

Behavior-analytic approaches to occupational safety are often effective for improving safety in organizations, and have been successful in a wide variety of settings. The effects of these safety processes are thought to arise primarily from the behavioral observation process and the delivery of feedback. Typically, supervisors or employee observers involved in behavioral safety implementations conduct observations. The present study was an attempt to assess the effects of conducting observations on an observer's safety performance. An ABC multiple baseline counterbalanced across two sets of behaviors was conducted in a simulated office. The target behaviors involved knee and back positions during lifts; back, shoulder, and feet positions while sitting; neck and wrist positions while typing; and neck position during phone use. Substantial improvements in safety performance occurred after participants conducted observations on a videotape of a confederate's performance. The possible behavioral functions responsible for this change, and the implications of these findings for applied settings, are discussed.  相似文献   

The relation between the development of hypertension and changes in behavior was investigated. Hypertension was induced by unilateral application of a 0.20-mm clip around the renal artery. At 4 weeks, but not at 1 week, after the operation an increase in ambulation was found. Blood pressure was significantly increased at 1 (28 mm Hg) and 4 weeks (78 mm Hg) after the operation. In a second experiment, renal hypertensive rats and controls were either regularly handled (i.e., subjected to indirect tail-cuff blood pressure measurements) or left undisturbed. At 4 weeks after clip implantation, only in the nonhandled rats with renal hypertension, an increase in open-field ambulation was found. Blood pressure was markedly increased in both handled and nonhandled renal hypertensive rats.  相似文献   

We compared the predictive validities of three prominent models of attitudes and behavioral decisions: Rosenberg's instrumentality-value model, Fishbein's belief-evaluation model, and Beach's adaptation of subjective expected utility theory. Seventy female undergraduates rated each of the models' components and reported their attitudes and behavioral plans toward using three different methods of contraception. With the traditional across-subjects prediction procedure, the Rosenberg model generally accounted for 5-25% less variance in subjects' attitudes and behavioral plans than the Fishbein an Beach models, which were not different. With a within-subject prediction procedure, the Rosenberg model was again the least accurate, and the Fishbein and Beach models had similar predictive accuracy. As hypothesized, within-subject predictions were more accurate than across-subjects predictions. The relatively poor performance of the Rosenberg model was attributable to the instrumentality component. In addition, we found that the Beach model could be simplified with no appreciable loss in predictive accuracy. Finally, a subject's personal normative beliefs emerged as a strong independent predictor of behavioral plan.  相似文献   

Continuous presentation of an olfactory stimulus causes a decrement of the chemotaxis response in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the differences between the learning process of habituation (a readily reversible decrease in behavioral response) and other types of olfactory plasticity such as adaptation (a decrement in response due to sensory fatigue, which cannot be dishabituated) have not been addressed. The volatile odorant diacetyl (DA) was used within a single paradigm to assess the distinct processes of olfactory adaptation and habituation. Preexposing and testing worms to 100% DA vapors caused a chemotaxis decrement that was not reversible despite the presentation of potentially dishabituating stimuli. This DA adaptation was abolished in worms with an odr-10 mutation (encoding a high-affinity DA receptor on the AWA neuron), even though naive chemotaxis remained unaffected. Conversely, DA adaptation remained intact in odr-1 mutants (defective in AWC neuron-mediated olfactory behavior), even though naive chemotaxis to DA decreased. Surprisingly, exposure to vapors of intermediate concentrations of DA (0.01% and 25%) did not cause worms to exhibit any response decrement. In contrast to preexposure to high DA concentrations, preexposure to low DA concentrations (0.001%) produced habituation of the chemotaxis response (a dishabituating stimulus could reverse the response decrement back to baseline levels). The distinct behavioral effects produced by DA preexposure highlight a concentration-dependent dissociation between two decremental olfactory processes: adaptation at high DA concentrations versus habituation at low DA concentrations.  相似文献   

The combined and separate effects of parent-presented models and praise on specific vocalizations of three children (15, 17, and 20 months old) were investigated. The frequency of a specific vocalization was higher when parents modeled and praised it than when they did not. In addition, modeling and praise, when used in combination, had a greater effect on the frequency of specific vocalizations than when used separately. Three additional parents were asked to attempt, by any means they wished, to increase the frequency of a specific vocalization by their children. These parents used modeling almost, exclusively, and the children did not exhibit the specific vocalizations as frequently as did the children whose parents were instructed both to model and praise specific vocalizations.  相似文献   

The joint effects of punishment and reinforcement on the pigeon's key-peck response were examined in three choice experiments conducted to compare predictions of Farley and Fantino's (1978) subtractive model with those made by Deluty's (1976) and Deluty and Church's (1978) model of punishment. In Experiment 1, the addition of equal punishment schedules to both alternatives of a concurrent reinforcement schedule enhanced the preference exhibited for the more frequent reinforcement alternative. Experiment 2 demonstrated decreases in the absolute response rate for each member of a concurrent reinforcement schedule when increasing frequencies of punishment were added to each alternative. Experiment 3 found that preference for the denser of two reinforcement schedules diminished when the absolute frequencies of reinforcement were increased by a constant factor and conditions of punishment for both alternatives were held constant. Diminished preferences were obtained regardless of whether the frequency of punishment associated with the denser reinforcement schedule was greater or less than that associated with the lean reinforcement alternative. The results from all three experiments uniquely supported Farley and Fantino's (1978) subtractive model of punishment and reinforcement.  相似文献   

The present study tested a motivational sequence in which global-level psychological need satisfaction from self-determination theory influenced intentions and behavior directly and indirectly through contextual-level motivation and situational-level decision-making constructs from the theory of planned behavior. Two samples of university students (N = 511) completed measures of global-level psychological need satisfaction, contextual-level autonomous motivation, and situational-level attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intentions, and behavior in two behavioral contexts: exercise and dieting. A structural equation model supported the proposed sequence in both samples. The indirect effect was present for exercise behavior, whereas both direct and indirect effects were found for dieting behavior. Findings independently supported the component theories and provided a comprehensive integrated explanation of volitional behavior.  相似文献   

We evaluated collateral effects of behavioral parent training (BPT) on families with children who have developmental disabilities and behavior disorders. We compared 18 BPT graduates to 18 similar families waiting for service. The BPT graduates reported significantly less (i) child behavior problems, (ii) disruption to child and family quality of life due to child problem behavior, and (iii) stress related to limits on family opportunities and child physical limitations, up to 5 years after discharge. On a self‐efficacy scale, the graduates reported being more effective child behavior change agents in not only stopping child problem behavior, but also in preventing new occurrences and teaching the child appropriate behavior. These results suggest that BPT has persistent beneficial effects on children and parents. The findings reflect the program's focus on teaching parents how to use functional assessment derived positive teaching strategies to replace child problem behavior. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It was proposed that parents of hyperactive children would observe more problems at home in some but not all home contexts. To test this hypothesis, parents of teacher-identified hyperactive and nonhyperactive children were asked to complete a context-specific behavioral rating scale (Werry, 1968). Hyperactive children were rated by their parents as changing activities, talking, interrupting, and exhibiting dependency more than nonhyperactive children. Furthermore, those differences between hyperactive and control children were observed primarily in the play and homework contexts.This research was supported by a National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH(32282).  相似文献   

The current study had three aims. The first was to examine the covariation between personality of parents and parenting behaviors. The second aim was to examine the genetic and environmental influences on parenting behaviors. The third aim was to examine the extent to which the association between personality and parenting was mediated by genetic and environmental factors. Personality (Five Factor Model, NEO-FFI) and parenting data were collected as part of a larger German study of 300 adult twin pairs (GOSAT). The current paper analyzes data on a subset of the 300 twin pairs from the GOSAT sample who were concordant for having children (n=98 pairs or 196 individuals). Results indicated modest overlap between personality and parenting. In addition, univariate behavioral genetic analyses indicated moderate genetic influence on select parenting dimensions. Results also indicated that the moderate phenotypic covariation between personality and parenting was attributed largely to nongenetic factors. Implications of the findings for research on parenting and personality are considered.  相似文献   

Subjects in Santa Barbara, California, and Groningen, The Netherlands, participated in a seven-person social dilemma game, presented in terms of a conservation of resources problem. Prior to their decision making in the social dilemma game, subject's social motive (altruistic, cooperative, individualistic, competitive) was assessed by means of two different classification procedures. On the basis of previous research findings American subjects were expected to display relatively more competitive social motives, and Dutch subjects relatively more cooperative ones. However, no indications of crosscultural differences were found neither with regard to the distribution of social motives nor with regard to the amount of resources taken for self in the social dilemma game. In both locations, competitive subjects took most resources for self, individualistic subjects took next most, cooperative subjects took less than individualists, and altruistic subjects took the least. In addition to predictive validity, indices of the convergent validity of two social motive assessment procedures were described.  相似文献   

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