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Evidence suggests that cancer risk assessment may be associated with increased psychological distress. This exploratory study assessed the necessity and acceptability of incorporating psychological counseling into routine clinic procedures at a cancer risk program. Following a visit to a university-based cancer risk clinic, patients (N = 102) completed an anonymous self-report instrument. Participants reported experiencing current stress and anxiety (41%), depression (29%), and suicidal ideation (2%). Patients with a history of cancer were more likely to be experiencing current emotional difficulties. Sixty-nine percent of the participants found the visit with the psychological counselor to be helpful, while 41% of the participants reported interest in follow-up psychological services. Interest in receiving future psychological services was positively correlated with levels of anxiety, depression, and cancer worry. This pilot study demonstrates the acceptability and potential role for psychological counselors in increasing adjustment in high-risk patients undergoing genetic counseling for inherited cancers.  相似文献   

Detailed family history is a critical element of cancer risk assessment. The relative importance of pancreatic cancer (PC) in a close family member, particularly in hereditary breast-ovarian syndrome (HBOS), is not clearly defined. We use a case-control design to investigate the importance of a family history of PC to cancer risk assessment. Case and control families were identified from the University of Chicago Cancer Risk database (1994–2005). Pedigrees were analyzed for personal and familial clinical cancer data. Cases included all new subjects (probands) reporting a close relative (first or second degree) with PC. Controls included the probands enrolled in the database immediately prior to and subsequent to each case (i.e. two controls for each case). From 1,231 pedigrees, 103 PC were reported by the proband in 87 unique families. Many probands reported multiple or early-onset PCs: one third (28/87) of case families met criteria for a familial PC syndrome [≥2 first-degree relatives with PC (n = 10) or PC diagnosed ≤50 (n = 18)]. Of these families, the majority (75%) concurrently met criteria suggestive of hereditary breast-ovarian syndrome (HBOS). Because of a family history consistent with HBOS, at least one individual from each of 29 case and 55 control families underwent genetic testing for BRCA1/2. Among case families, 19 of 29 (66%) had a BRCA1/2 mutation compared with 16 of 55 (29%) controls. A significant association between family history of PC and a BRCA1/2 mutation was seen (OR 3.78, 1.32–10.9). This point estimate was strengthened but less precise in the non-Ashkenazi Jewish subset of tested families (OR 6.03, 1.68–22.14). In a high-risk population, a family history of PC, though infrequently reported, is nonetheless clinically meaningful. In risk assessment for HBOS, identifying a family history of PC should strongly raise the suspicion of an unrecognized BRCA1/2 mutation.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of providing personalized familial cancer risk assessments with the Jameslink Cancer Risk Assessment Tool. Users of the Jameslink (N = 166) at eight community health fairs completed a survey including demographic, psychosocial and behavioral variables to better understand responses to the Jameslink. No differences were found between whites and those of other races for variables of interest, indicating suitability of the Jameslink for diverse populations. Those with higher Jameslink-assessed risk had higher perceived risk of cancer. Approximately half (53.8%) reported that they would speak to their physician about their Jameslink-assessed risk. A regression found Jameslink-assessed risk, cancer worry, and perceived risk of cancer predicted intentions to speak to a physician about their risk. In addition, open-ended data provided suggestions to improve the Jameslink. Changes in content and format were suggested; however most were happy with the program and encouraged its promotion. The lack of findings for differences as a function of race bolsters the use of computerized Cancer Risk Assessment Tools in diverse communities. The positive feedback of users and the close association between cancer risk assessment, perceived risk, and intention to speak to a physician are supportive of continued use and development of Cancer Risk Assessment Tools in the community to promote awareness of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Background: Cancer genetic counseling and testing is a standard of care option for appropriate families and can identify individuals at increased risk prior to diagnosis, when prevention or detection strategies are most effective. Despite documented efficacy of cancer risk reduction in high-risk individuals, underserved and minority individuals have a disproportionate cancer burden and limited access to genetic counseling. Methods: A needs assessment survey documented gaps in knowledge and interest in prevention. Satellite clinics were established at two indigent healthcare systems. Cancer genetics CME lectures were conducted and referral guidelines disseminated to clinicians who referred patients for counseling. Results: An increase in clinician knowledge was demonstrated post-CME and reflected by quality referrals. Eighty-eight percent of patients kept their appointments. In the predominantly Latina6 (n=77) clinic population, 71.4% were affected with cancer, and 17 mutation positive families were identified. Preliminary data shows a positive impact on patients' motivation and behavior. The majority has expressed satisfaction and reduction in anxiety. Conclusions: This study demonstrates feasibility and acceptability of cancer genetics services in this population, suggesting the potential to reduce cancer morbidity in underserved, high-risk families.“Latino” is the most common census term for individuals of Spanish, Mexican, Central and South American, Cuban, or Puerto Rican descent, referring to ethnicity, and is generally considered a more ethnically/culturally based term for individuals of the aforementioned groups. As this cohort is female the feminine noun “Latina” is used  相似文献   

Breast Cancer Risk Analysis, a service for women with breast cancer and their families, makes use of information drawn from fields such as genetics, epidemiology, and counseling. Its aim is to provide individuals with background information and information regarding the etiology and risks of breast cancer. Based on this information, individuals are helped to make appropriate decisions pertaining to treatment and follow-up. While making use of some of the information and processes used in genetic counseling, Breast Cancer Risk Analysis differs from most types of genetic counseling for reproductive decisions. Some of these differences are discussed here.  相似文献   

Advances in genetics are changing cancer care and requiring institutions to maximize the unique skills of genetics professionals. The identification of genetic syndromes is vital for prevention and management of families with high cancer risks. Despite this, high risk individuals who qualify are often not referred. Genetic counselors could review oncology charts to improve identification. A genetics assessment tool developed by NCI Community Cancer Centers Program was used to perform self-assessment of the genetics program. A weekly report of all new oncology patients was provided to a genetic counselor for chart review. In 2010, 58 % of all eligible patients (n?=?152) were offered a genetics evaluation. In 2011 this improved to 70 % (n?=?167), which was a statistically significant difference, X 2(1)?=?5.13, p?=?0.02. By cancer site, ovarian cancer referrals also showed statistically significant improvement, X 2(1)?=?6.36, p?=?0.01. Breast and colon referrals were improved but not significant. Over 10 months, 129 patients were identified through the chart review program. Three were confirmed to have a genetic mutation for a hereditary cancer syndrome. An average week included review of 73 charts for 10 medical oncologists, 4 radiation oncologists, and 4 pediatric oncologists which generated 60–80 min of work for the genetic counselor. This program improved patient identification and quality, and allowed physicians to become more aware of opportunities for genetic counseling and more patients to receive genetic counseling and testing.  相似文献   

The goals of this research were to describe the process of identifying and recruiting individuals registered with a cancer center's cancer registry who were eligible to participate in cancer genetic research. This study specifically focused on younger women with personal and family cancer histories strongly suggestive of hereditary breast cancer syndromes, as determined by genetic counselor review. Of special interest was to determine the proportion of women from minority backgrounds who were (a) identifiable in this manner and (b) interested in genetic testing for hereditary breast cancer through a family cancer clinical research program. An initial query of the 292 cases of women newly affected with breast cancer and contained within the registry indicated that 124 met demographic eligibility criteria. The personal and family cancer histories of each of these women were then reviewed by a genetic counselor and the remaining, eligible patients (n = 31) were subsequently contacted by mail and telephone: approximately three-fifths (18/31) of these patients were White and two-fifths (13/31) were Black or of another racial background. Of the women who were sent one or more study-related mailings, 10% (3/31) were unreachable by telephone due to incorrect contact information, 32% (10/31) were reachable by telephone but unresponsive to messages left, 26% (8/31) had already participated in the family cancer program (i.e., were positive controls), 6% (2/31) were interested in participating in the program, 23% (7/31) were uninterested in participating in the program, and 3% (1/31) were later determined to be ineligible. Comparing the racial backgrounds of women who were either positive controls or interested in participating (i.e., “tester” category) to women who were either unreachable, nonresponsive, uninterested, or ineligible (i.e., “nontester” category), there was a nonsignificant trend for more non-White women to fall into the nontester than tester category, Fisher's Exact Test = .09. This work underscores practical steps in planning and carrying-out cancer genetic testing research among women newly affected with breast cancer and members of special populations. It also underscores the role that genetic counseling professionals play in this process.  相似文献   

In 1995, we formally established a multifaceted cancer genetics program of clinical services, research, and education at a general academic medical center. In the first year, 58 families, mostly physician referred, received cancer risk assessment and genetic counseling for a family and/or medical history of cancer. The primary reasons for seeking consultation were to determine their risk or their offspring's risk for developing certain cancers and to inquire about the availability of DNA testing for predisposition to breast, ovarian, or colon cancers. To assess the level of satisfaction with program services, 51 consultands (22% with a personal history of cancer) were interviewed independently by telephone 3–12 months after the session. One goal of the survey was to improve program service. Ninety percent of respondents reported that the consultation was worth their time and money. Forty-two percent stated that their anxiety related to their cancer risk had decreased following counseling and 56% indicated no change. Recall of exact numerical risk was poor and one-third could not remember hearing any risk estimate. More respondents would recommend the service to friends (90%) than to family members (75%). Overall, the service was positively received by the majority of patients.  相似文献   

Latinas in the United States experience high incidences of breast cancer diagnosis (American Cancer Society, 2012 ). Researchers (e.g., Abraído‐Lanza, Chao, & Gammon, 2004 ; Ashing‐Giwa, Padilla, Bohorquez, Tejero, & Garcia, 2006 ) indicated that Latinas report heightened levels of psychological distress (i.e., depression, anxiety, existential concerns) when compared with other cancer survivors. The purpose of this article is to (a) provide an overview of the mental health concerns of Latina breast cancer survivors and their families, (b) discuss the use of existential counseling to decrease psychological distress, and (c) integrate cultural variables to support cancer recovery from a culturally sensitive perspective.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of attrition from a pediatric weight-control program in a low-income minority community and the potential usefulness of an orientation session to increase length of treatment. Participants were 342 children and adolescents (M age=13.0 years old; 54% female; 89% African American; M BMI=44.2, M BMI z-score=6.0) and their caregivers who attended FitMatters, a multidisciplinary cognitive-behavioral program focused on long-term participation. Those who attended an orientation session stayed in treatment significantly longer, but attrition was not affected by demographic factors, weight status, or psychological functioning. These results indicate that an orientation session that clearly delineates the structure of a program and expected attitudinal and behavioral requirements for the families may help align expectations, as well as more effectively identify families who are ready to make concerted efforts to change the family lifestyle in support of their obese children's efforts.  相似文献   

Complexities abound in the identification and management of families at increased risk for inherited forms of cancer. One of the ways to learn as a profession how best to provide cancer risk counseling (CRC) is to share counseling experiences. Such cases can provide insight into the issues raised by families and ways in which genetic counselors have handled complex situations. Here we describe three CRC cases initially presented at the 1995 American College of Medical Genetics meeting. The first case involves balancing the importance of informing a family of the presence of an inherited cancer syndrome with the family's right not to know. The second case illustrates the difficulties in assisting an individual to make medical management decisions in the face of uncertain risk information. The third case describes the complex interactions with a woman before and after her decision to have prophylactic surgery. (affiliated with Long Beach Memorial Breast Center at the time of counseling)  相似文献   

In 1994, a clinic for cancer risk counseling was opened at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem. Most of the counselees have been women who had breast cancer and/or a relative with breast cancer. In order to evaluate the effect of this counseling on women's knowledge and perceptions regarding the risks for breast cancer, a questionnaire was given before and after the counseling session to 60 healthy women who came to the clinic because they have relatives with breast cancer. According to the genetic counselors' estimations, most of these women had a significantly increased risk (compared to the general population) of developing cancer. Before counseling, the women overestimated the population risk for breast cancer, the contribution of heredity to morbidity of cancer, and their own risks to get cancer. After counseling session, they gave reduced estimates, closer to the real ones. The subjective perceptions regarding these risks were reduced after counseling, except for the perceptions regarding their relativerisks which have not changed after the counseling. About 90% of the women who came to the clinic wanted to be tested for genetic predisposition to cancer. For most of these women, the expectations that the test can rule out a genetic predisposition to cancer became more realistic after the counseling. The option to first test an affected relative was offered to all families, and a test was actually conducted in 75% of the families.  相似文献   



It was our aim to determine baseline levels of testicular cancer and genetics knowledge among members of families with Familial Testicular Cancer (FTC).  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤严重威胁人类健康,肿瘤本身以及针对肿瘤的治疗不仅会对患者的生理和心理产生重要影响,同时也会对照顾患者的家人产生各种心理影响。现有医疗条件下短时间内难以提高治愈率,就应更加注重将姑息治疗贯穿于肿瘤治疗的始终,不仅要及早介入,甚至延伸至居丧期。在肿瘤治疗过程中不断对肿瘤患者进行评估和适时调整姑息治疗策略,可有效地提高患者生活质量同时降低医疗成本,最终患者能够在不同阶段和各种治疗手段中获得最大受益。  相似文献   

During the transition to adulthood, effective and culturally relevant supports are critical for families of youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is a dearth of documented program development and research on supports for Spanish-speaking Latino families during this life stage. The present work describes the cultural adaptation process of an evidence-based transition program for Latino families of youth with ASD. A model of the actions necessary to meaningfully conduct a cultural adaptation in this context is described. After implementing the culturally adapted program titled Juntos en la Transición with five Spanish-speaking families, parents reported high social validity of the program through surveys and interviews. The cultural adaptation process followed in this work is important for the further development of programs that address the transition needs of Latino youth with ASD and their families. Our impressions may also be useful to those who aim to develop culturally sensitive and ecologically valid multifamily group intervention programs for families from cultural and linguistic minority groups.  相似文献   

Reduction of cancer‐related disparities requires strategies that link medically underserved communities to preventive care. In this community‐based participatory research project, a public library system brought together stakeholders to plan and undertake programs to address cancer screening and risk behavior. This study was implemented over 48 months in 20 large urban neighborhoods, selected to reach diverse communities disconnected from care. In each neighborhood, Cancer Action Councils were organized to conduct a comprehensive dynamic trial, an iterative process of program planning, implementation and evaluation. This process was phased into neighborhoods in random, stepped‐wedge sequence. Population‐level outcomes included self‐reported screening adherence and smoking cessation, based on street intercept interviews. Event‐history regressions (n = 9374) demonstrated that adherence outcomes were associated with program implementation, as were mediators such as awareness of screening programs and cancer information seeking. Findings varied by ethnicity, and were strongest among respondents born outside the U.S. or least engaged in care. This intervention impacted health behavior in diverse, underserved and vulnerable neighborhoods. It has been sustained as a routine library system program for several years after conclusion of grant support. In sum, participatory research with the public library system offers a flexible, scalable approach to reduce cancer health disparities.  相似文献   

Background. As familial cancer genetic services moves into community practice increased numbers of trained health professionals are needed to counsel individuals seeking cancer risk information. Nurses have been targeted to provide cancer risk assessment and counseling. To help prepare nurses for this role, a 5-day training in familial cancer risk assessment and counseling followed by a long-distance mentorship to support continued skill development in the work environment was conducted by Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Methods. Four cohorts (N = 41) have completed the training and were randomized to either an immediate or delayed mentorship. A formative evaluation assessed the nurse’s ability to consult with other genetic health professionals and build self-efficacy in counseling skills via responses to questionnaire. A post-mentorship interview evaluated the usefulness, timing and length of the mentorship. Results. For both groups, there was a statistically significant improvement in self-efficacy for all skills from baseline to 6 months and an increased number of nurses consulting with genetic health professionals. All the nurses reported the value of the mentorship and those with less cancer risk counseling experience prior to the training needed support and resources for further skill and program development. Lessons learned from this formative evaluation are provided.  相似文献   

Women with a limited family history of breast cancer may be interested in cancer genetics information although their objective risk of breast cancer may not indicate routine referral to cancer genetics services. This study examined factors related to interest and use of cancer genetics services in a community sample of women with a limited family history of breast cancer (N = 187) who had no previous contact with cancer genetics services. Participants provided demographic information and ratings of perceived risk, cancer distress, attitudes, and intentions to initiate cancer genetics services. Participants were given information about a cancer genetics clinic that served women having concerns about their breast cancer risk. Women were contacted within 6 weeks and 8 months following their study appointment. Six weeks following their study appointment, 25% of women had initiated cancer genetics services. Eight months following their study appointment, 18% of women reported having completed a cancer genetics service appointment. Baseline intentions independently predicted both initiation at 6 weeks and appointment at 8 months. Cancer distress was positively associated with cancer genetics service initiation and appointment. Results suggest that some women with a limited family history of breast cancer are interested in seeking out cancer genetics information. Women with a limited family history of breast cancer may benefit from the availability of cancer genetics information provided through primary healthcare settings.  相似文献   

Childhood conduct problems are predictive of a number of serious long-term difficulties (e.g., school failure, delinquent behavior, and mental health problems), making the design of effective prevention programs a priority. The Fast Track Program is a demonstration project currently underway in four demographically diverse areas of the United States, testing the feasibility and effectiveness of a comprehensive, multicomponent prevention program targeting children at risk for conduct disorders. This paper describes some lessons learned about the implementation of this program in a rural area. Although there are many areas of commonality in terms of program needs, program design, and implementation issues in rural and urban sites, rural areas differ from urban areas along the dimensions of geographical dispersion and regionalism, and community stability and insularity. Rural programs must cover a broad geographical area and must be sensitive to the multiple, small and regional communities that constitute their service area. Small schools, homogeneous populations, traditional values, limited recreational, educational and mental health services, and politically conservative climates are all more likely to emerge as characteristics of rural rather than urban sites (Sherman, 1992). These characteristics may both pose particular challenges to the implementation of prevention programs in rural areas, as well as offer particular benefits. Three aspects of program implementation are described in detail: (a) community entry and program initiation in rural areas, (b) the adaptation of program components and service delivery to meet the needs of rural families and schools, and (c) issues in administrative organization of a broadly dispersed tricounty rural prevention program.  相似文献   

Rarely has utilization of genetic counseling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) been studied separately from utilization of testing. At Kaiser Permanente Colorado, consistently only 30% of all members referred for HBOC attend genetic counseling. To increase the volume of genetic counseling appointments, a patient navigator approach was pilot tested in a randomized-controlled trial over 3 months. A total of 125 members were referred for HBOC genetic counseling (55 randomized to PN, 70 randomized to usual care). Utilization of referrals for Navigator-assisted members was 44%, compared to 31% in the usual care arm (p=0.16). The patient navigator significantly decreased time to appointment, with over 80% of Navigator-assisted members seen for genetic counseling less than three months from referral date, compared to 32% in usual care (p=0.002). patient navigator assistance shortens time from referral to appointment for HBOC genetic counseling, and may increase utilization of such services.  相似文献   

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