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伪忽视是健康个体存在轻微偏左的不对称空间注意。影响这个现象的因素主要包括刺激材料、年龄、认知负荷和知觉负荷等。其中, 眼动搜索习惯曾经被认为是伪忽视现象的主要因素, 甚至提出伪忽视是眼动偏好现象。但是, 最近文献研究普遍认为, 伪忽视不是眼动行为, 而是注意特质。近10年的大脑神经层面的证据发现, 右脑腹侧注意网络对左侧空间注意偏好有较大的贡献, 而且在神经传导束的证据中也发现右脑大纵束二型对左侧空间注意的激活程度高于其他两种类型的传导束。另外, 注意偏好的时间分辨率研究发现, 注意的左侧空间偏向发生在注意发生后的100~200 ms之内, 眼动搜索时间则是在1500 ms之内出现最大左偏。该现象的应用研究主要体现在交通驾驶员的注意能力和驾驶视觉搜索模式的关系研究。研究意义在于为安全交通提供两条原则, 首先, 道路交通驾驶环境设置要满足驾驶员的注意特质的需求; 其次, 通过合理干预, 可以抑制视觉搜索习惯, 培养安全的驾驶搜索模式。  相似文献   

王爱君  李毕琴  张明 《心理学报》2015,47(7):859-868
采用虚拟现实技术,将Posner经典二维平面中的线索化范式应用到三维空间,通过两个实验操纵了注意沿着不同方向进行直线转移的方式,考察了注意在三维空间深度位置上进行定向/重定向而产生的晚期抑制效应(返回抑制,Inhibition of return)。结果发现:(1)无论注意沿着何种直线转移方式转移都在深度位置上发现了基于空间的返回抑制;(2)无效提示线索条件下,目标出现在三维空间近处空间时的反应显著快于目标出现在远处空间时的反应,导致了近远空间的返回抑制量存在差异。研究说明了返回抑制效应并不是“深度盲”。  相似文献   

通过虚拟现实构建虚拟三维场景,将二维平面视觉空间返回抑制范式应用到三维空间,通过两个实验操纵了目标深度、线索有效性以及视野位置三个变量,考察注意在三维空间不同视野深度位置上进行定向/重定向产生的返回抑制效应。结果发现,(1)二次线索化位于固定的中央视野时,不论目标出现在近处空间还是出现在远处空间,外周视野条件下的返回抑制大于中央视野条件下的返回抑制;(2)二次线索化位于非固定的中央视野时,近处空间和远处空间的返回抑制存在分离,表现为当目标出现在远处空间时,外周视野条件下的返回抑制效应减小。研究表明,三维空间中外周视野深度位置上的返回抑制与中央视野深度位置上的返回抑制存在差异。  相似文献   

注意瞬脱对视觉空间关系判断的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将RSVP范式和视觉空间关系研究范式相结合,以两个实验探讨了注意瞬脱对视觉空间关系判断的影响。结果发现,类别和数量空间关系判断之间出现了实验性分离:类别空间关系判断表现出较大的注意瞬脱效应,数量空间关系判断只有轻度注意瞬脱效应。这说明,类别和数量空间关系加工子系统具有不同信息加工特性:前者依赖实时注意资源,其编码过程更多涉及控制性加工;后者较少依赖实时注意资源,其编码过程更多涉及自动加工。另外,还运用注意瞬脱理论对结果进行了解释。  相似文献   

伪忽视(pseudoneglect)是指个体存在的轻微偏左的不对称空间注意,而视觉空间伪忽视(visuo-spatial pseudoneglect)和表征伪忽视(representational pseudoneglect)是其两种主要表现形式。研究初期,研究者认为两种伪忽视基于相同的注意定向左偏机制,但近年来研究发现,它们仍存在神经机制的差异。本文主要从两种伪忽视神经机制的异同出发,梳理分析近期研究结果,以期增进对伪忽视的理解。未来研究可以从认知时间进程角度或设计更为完善的研究范式进一步探讨这两种伪忽视神经机制的异同。  相似文献   

Kosslyn认为人类的空间关系加工系统分为类别空间关系加工子系统和数量空间关系加工子系统,这两个子系统不仅存在功能上的分离,并且存在大脑神经水平的分离,这种神经水平的分离表现为两种空间关系加工的大脑半球偏向,即类别空间关系加工的左半球偏向与数量空间关系加工的右半球偏向。对两种空间关系加工的研究,涉及的领域从低水平的空间知觉,至表象、记忆、语言、行动及物体识别等,涉及的研究方法包括半视野速示法,神经网络模拟,PET, fMRI, ERP, rTMS,脑损伤病人的研究及比较动物研究。综合现有研究,虽然大多数研究中得到的脑半球偏向为两种加工子系统在神经水平的分离提供了证据,但不同研究中脑半球偏向的获得是相当不稳定的,并且受到研究方法因素的影响。尽管造成神经水平的分离似乎与大脑左右半球对具有不同感受野特征的神经元输出的偏向有一定的关系,但这仍需要进一步的研究证据  相似文献   

联合颜色−标签匹配任务和空间参照框架判断任务,考察自我优势效应对远近空间中空间参照框架表征的影响。颜色−标签匹配任务要求被试对颜色(黑色/白色叉子)与标签词(自我/他人)之间建立稳定的联结,被试随机分为自我联结组和他人联结组,两组被试均需在远近空间中完成空间参照表征任务。结果发现:(1)与他人联结组相比,自我联结组表现出显著的自我优势效应;(2)自我优势效应对空间参照表征的影响仅体现在近处空间且对自我中心表征任务的影响更大。研究表明,自我优势效应优先影响近处空间表征,表现出近处优先性。  相似文献   

忽视性阅读障碍的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍了忽视性阅读障碍(neglect dyslexia, ND)的概念,随后描述了ND病人在阅读过程中的表现,即衰减效应、词汇效应、词内区分效应、对称效应和词长效应以及保留的语义通达能力。尽管忽视症和ND可以分离,但两者之间有一定联系。文章最后对汉语ND的研究进行了分析和展望,认为其关键问题是阐明汉语ND在多大程度上与拼音文字ND具有可比性。  相似文献   

该研究探讨老年人的自我防御策略是记忆忽视还是自我免疫,并考察自尊水平在老年人自我相关信息加工中的作用.实验1发现不同自尊老年人对积极特质词和消极特质词的回忆量无显著差异.实验2发现高自尊组对消极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时显著长于对积极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时,低自尊者的反应时差异不显著.结果证明老年人自我防御策略是自我免疫而不是记忆忽视,高自尊者表现出更多的自我免疫加工.  相似文献   

外显和内隐认知功能区别的关键是有无意识觉察的出现,脑损伤神经心理障碍为探讨内隐/外显加工的“纯净”分离提供了可能。通过对典型的视知觉神经障碍中的盲视、认识不能、单侧忽视的内隐和外显加工分离的实验证据及其神经基础的探讨,证明了视知觉神经心理障碍的内隐加工完好和外显加工损伤之间的分离,说明内隐和外显加工有着不同的神经基础,但这种分离的神经基础是什么以及这种分离的本质还有待于进一步的研究。视知觉神经心理障碍的内隐/外显加工的反向损伤是没有进行研究的领域。  相似文献   

通过要求被试分别在近处空间和远处空间完成空间参照框架的判断任务, 考察了听障和听力正常人群空间主导性和空间参照框架的交互作用。结果表明:(1)相对于听力正常人群, 听障人群完成自我参照框架判断任务的反应时更长, 而在完成环境参照框架判断任务无显著差异; (2)听障人群和听力正常人群空间主导性和空间参照框架交互作用呈现出相反模式。研究表明, 听障人群在听力功能受损后, 其空间主导性和空间参照框架的交互作用也产生了变化。  相似文献   

It is well established that the near space immediately surrounding the body (also known as peripersonal space) is represented differently than the space farther away. When bisecting horizontal lines, for example, neurologically-healthy adults show a slight leftward bias (known as pseudoneglect) in near space; this attentional bias, however, transitions rightward in far space. Recent research has used the rate at which this shift occurs to quantify the extent (i.e., size) of near space, showing consistent individual differences that relate to arm length. Here we examined whether the size of near space relates to individual differences in claustrophobic fear, as measured by reported anxiety of enclosed spaces and physically restrictive situations. Trait feelings of claustrophobic fear predicted the size of near space, even after accounting for the relation to arm length. Specifically, people with larger near spaces reported higher rates of claustrophobic fear than people with smaller near spaces. These results are consistent with a defensive function of near space representation and suggest that an over-projection of near space may play an important role in the etiology of claustrophobia.  相似文献   

Much evidence suggests that common posterior parietal mechanisms underlie the orientation of attention in physical space and along the mental number line. For example, the small leftward bias (pseudoneglect) found in paper-and-pencil line bisection is also found when participants “bisect” number pairs, estimating (without calculating) the number midway between two others. For bisection of physical lines, pseudoneglect has been found to shift rightward as lines are moved from near space (immediately surrounding the body) to far space. We investigated whether the presentation of stimuli in near or far space also modulated spatial attention for the mental number line. Participants bisected physical lines or number pairs presented at four distances (60, 120, 180, 240 cm). Clear rightward shifts in bias were observed for both tasks. Furthermore, the rate at which this shift occurred in the two tasks, as measured by least-squares regression slopes, was significantly correlated across participants, suggesting that the transition from near to far distances induced a common modulation of lateral attention in physical and numerical space. These results demonstrate a tight coupling between number and physical space, and show that even such prototypically abstract concepts as number are modulated by our on-line interactions with the world.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to verify whether left and right parietal brain lesions may selectively impair egocentric and allocentric processing of spatial information in near/far spaces. Two Right-Brain-Damaged (RBD), 2 Left-Brain-Damaged (LBD) patients (not affected by neglect or language disturbances) and eight normal controls were submitted to the Ego-Allo Task requiring distance judgments computed according to egocentric or allocentric frames of reference in near/far spaces. Subjects also completed a general neuropsychological assessment and the following visuospatial tasks: reproduction of the Rey-Osterreith figure, line length judgement, point position identification, mental rotation, mental construction, line length memory, line length inference, Corsi block-tapping task. LBD patients presented difficulties in both egocentric and allocentric processing, whereas RBD patients dropped in egocentric but not in allocentric judgements, and in near but not far space. Further, RBD patients dropped in perceptually comparing linear distances, whereas LBD patients failed in memory for distances. The overall pattern of results suggests that the right hemisphere is specialized in processing metric information according to egocentric frames of reference. The data are interpreted according to a theoretical model that highlights the close link between egocentric processing and perceptual control of action.  相似文献   

以63名盲童为被试, 对17对空间词作相似性的分类。结果表明:⑴盲童的空间词概念结构有两个维度:①状态/方位;②自身参照/他物参照。⑵盲童的空间认知围绕着4个主题:①身体周围的三维方位;②空间距离;③三维边界;④空间状态。⑶视觉的缺失决定着盲童的空间词组织的特点, 语言、文化和教育对盲童的空间概念及其组织也具有重要影响。  相似文献   

The ability to learn complex environments may require the contribution of different types of working memory. Therefore, we investigated the development of different types of working memory (navigational, reaching, and verbal) in 129 typically developing children. We aimed to determine whether navigational working memory develops at the same rate as other types of working memory and whether the gender differences reported in adults are already present during development. We found that navigational working memory is less developed than both verbal and reaching working memory and that gender predicts performance only for navigational working memory. Our results are in line with reports that children made significantly more errors in far space than adults, showing that near space representation develops before far space representation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the role of motor resources in peripersonal space encoding: are they intrinsic to spatial processes or due to action potentiality of objects? To answer this question, we disentangled the effects of motor resources on object manipulability and spatial processing in peripersonal and extrapersonal spaces. Participants had to localize manipulable and non-manipulable 3-D stimuli presented within peripersonal or extrapersonal spaces of an immersive virtual reality scenario. To assess the contribution of motor resources to the spatial task a motor interference paradigm was used. In Experiment 1, localization judgments were provided with the left hand while the right dominant arm could be free or blocked. Results showed that participants were faster and more accurate in localizing both manipulable and non-manipulable stimuli in peripersonal space with their arms free. On the other hand, in extrapersonal space there was no significant effect of motor interference. Experiment 2 replicated these results by using alternatively both hands to give the response and controlling the possible effect of the orientation of object handles. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that the encoding of peripersonal space involves motor processes per se, and not because of the presence of manipulable stimuli. It is argued that this motor grounding reflects the adaptive need of anticipating what may happen near the body and preparing to react in time.  相似文献   

Distinct cognitive and neural mechanisms underlie perception and action in near (within-reach) and far (outside-reach) space. Objects in far space can be brought into the brain's near-space through tool-use. We determined whether a near object can be pushed into far space by changing the pictorial context in which it occurs. Participants (n = 372) made relative length judgements for lines presented in near space, but superimposed over photographs of near and far objects. The left segment of the line was overestimated in the baseline and near-context conditions whereas the right was overestimated in the far-context. The change from leftward to rightward overestimation is the same when lines are physically shifted from near to far space. Because participants did not have to do anything in relation to the photograph, the results suggest that simply viewing images with a near/far context can cause a shift of attention along the distal/proximal axis, which may reflect differential activation of the ventral/dorsal visual streams.  相似文献   

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