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Because consequential personnel decisions are often made by comparing an individual against a norm group, having accurate and representative norms is as important as having sound selection procedures. Existing standards provide specific guidance on selection procedures, but are less clear on norms. To fill this gap and define best practices, we (a) review existing literature and guidelines; (b) review current applied practices using 30 personality assessments offered in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada; and (c) provide recommendations for strengthening existing guidelines and helping publishers develop, present, and apply norms for personality assessments.  相似文献   

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Critical Review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cet article est une revue critique des théories et résultats empiriques favorables à l'intelligence émotionelle (I.E.) et à son prétendu rôle dans l'environnement professionnel. On s'intéresse au statut supposé de l'I.E. dans la performance au travail, la satisfaction et l'évaluation de la carrière et des compétences (surtout dans la domaine de la sélection et de l'orientation). Globalement, cette revue de questions prouve que les recherches récentes ont fait de grands pas dans la comprehénsion de l'utilité de l'I.E. au travail. Les preuves strictement scientifiques sont cependant insuffisantes, la littérature accordant une confiance excessive aux avis d'experts, aux anecdotes, aux études de cas et aux enquêtes privées non publiées. On propose, à la fin de l'article, quelques directives pratiques pour favoriser le développement et l'utilisation de mesures de l'I.E. dans les situations professionnelles.
This paper critically reviews conceptualisations and empirical evidence in support of emotional intelligence (EI) and its claimed role in the occupational environment. Consideration is given to the purported status of EI in occupational and career assessment (with particular emphasis on personnel selection and placement), job performance, and satisfaction. Overall, this review demonstrates that recent research has made important strides towards understanding the usefulness of EI in the workplace. However, the ratio of hyperbole to hard evidence is high, with over-reliance in the literature on expert opinion, anecdote, case studies, and unpublished proprietary surveys. The review concludes by providing a number of practical guidelines for the development and implementation of EI measures within occupational settings.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to provide literature signposts for the new researcher into adult bullying. A concise, but not exhaustive, overview of literature relating to workplace bullying is undertaken. It draws on the base provided by work into school bullying and progresses to the arena of adult bullying. In both fields Scandinavian countries have contributed a significant proportion of the research. Research reported in the English language into adult bullying at work is rather limited, but will have emphasis in this paper. Broadly there are two direct approaches; that of investigating the incidence of bullying, and also that of attempting to understand the bullying process. Both approaches are sometimes integrated within a study. There is a wide range of work that can be related to bullying at work, and some of these areas are highlighted. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The validity and utility of various projective and non-projective tests with handicapped populations were reviewed. Five areas of handicapping conditions were considered: Blindness, Deafness, Speech Disorders, Motor Disorders, and Intellectual Retardation. The utility of varied tests for personality diagnosis in these areas was indicated, either through evaluation of research on these tests and the handicapping condition or through noting certain unique features of specific tests which may be of help in diagnosis, though no research has yet appeared. A summary at the end of each handicapping condition indicates which tests seemed most promising for diagnosis.  相似文献   

In an increasingly dynamic business environment, the concept of resilience is fundamental to understanding how employees successfully handle adversity. Yet, the operationalisation of the concept, the factors which lead to its development, and how and why it influences outcomes of interest to organisations are issues still under debate in the literature. In this article, we address these debates by undertaking a critical review of research on resilience in the workplace at both the individual and team levels. We pinpoint different conceptualisations of resilience and highlight how resilience has been measured in extant quantitative work. Further, we provide a systematic literature review of empirical work on the antecedents and outcomes of resilience at the individual and team levels, as well as conduct a review of work that has introduced resilience as a moderator or mediator. In doing so, we highlight theoretical approaches that have been adopted to study resilience in the workplace. Based on our review of the extant empirical work on resilience, we develop a roadmap for future research. In particular, we pinpoint relevant theoretical approaches that help us understand the mechanisms underlying the development and outcomes of resilience and highlight opportunities for empirical advancement of the literature.  相似文献   

条件性推理测验关注人们如何解决表面上看上去类似于传统归纳推理测验的问题,其真实目的是根据反应者是否将基于某种内隐偏差的解决方案视为合理的,进而评估反应者的人格倾向.有证据表明该方法可以有效防止自陈问卷的有意扭曲等相关问题,获得更可靠的结果.这种测评思路在成就动机和攻击性两个领域的研究中已经获得初步成效,测验的信度和效度都较为理想.然而也需指出,这一新思路尚处在发展中,还有一些问题如施测方法、测验构建和思路拓展等需作进一步探讨.  相似文献   

范为桥  张妙清  张建新  张树辉 《心理学报》2011,43(12):1418-1429
本文在回顾华人社会人格研究与评估发展以及“跨文化(中国人)个性测量表(CPAI)”的研究与应用历程基础上, 比较了CPAI-2 (Form B)不同语言版本(包括中文版、英文版、韩文版、日文版)的跨文化应用结果。多种文化中的研究结果支持了CPAI的跨文化信度和效度。同时, CPAI在本土和跨文化应用研究中, 还从理论与实践的双重视角, 强调与支持了“兼顾文化共通性与特殊性的(etic-emic)人格研究方法”在人格评估领域的重要性。这也促使国内外相关领域研究者开始思考, 如何使用兼顾文化共通性与特殊性的人格研究方法以进一步推动人格心理学的研究。  相似文献   

Personality Correlates of Workplace Anti-Social Behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
La relation entre le comportement antisocial au travail (ASB) et des traits de personnalité généraux a étéétudiée sur un échantillon composé de 267 salariés coréens. L'ASB au travail a été conceptualiséà partir de deux dimensions, l'ASB dirigée contre les individues (ASBI) et l'ASB dirigée contre l'organisation (ASBO). La personnalité a étéévaluée grâce au Big Five et à un sixième facteur ≪honnêteté-humilité≫ ( Ashton & Lee, 2001 ). Les analyses de régression multiple indiquèrent que l'honnêteté-humilité et l'extraversion jouaient un rôle essentiel dans la prédiction de l'ASBI et de l'ASBO. De plus, Agreeableness était reliée à l'ASBI tandis que Conscientiousness l'était à l'ASBO. On parle aussi de la nécessité d'adopter un modèle optimal des traits de personnalité.
The relationship between workplace Anti-Social Behavior (ASB) and higher-order personality traits was investigated using a sample of 267 Korean employees. Workplace ASB was conceptualized as having two dimensions: ASB directed against individuals (ASBI) and ASB directed against the organization (ASBO). Personality was assessed using adjective measures of the Big Five factors and of a sixth factor, Honesty-Humility ( Ashton & Lee, 2001 ). Multiple regression analyses indicated that Honesty-Humility and Extraversion played prominent roles in predicting both ASBI and ASBO. Also, Agreeableness was related to ASBI, whereas Conscientiousness was related to ASBO. The importance of adopting an optimal framework of personality traits was discussed.  相似文献   

工作场所负面人格特质是指与工作绩效相关的负面人格特质, 研究者大多把它定义为多维度的结构。在国外相关研究中, 工作场所负面人格特质结构与管理者脱轨的影响因素、正常人格特质结构及人格障碍存在着紧密的联系。目前工作场所负面人格特质相关研究主要集中在工作场所负面人格特质维度结构研究及各维度与工作产出的关系上。实证研究表明, 负面人格特质对领导力、绩效等工作产出均存在显著影响。未来的研究应关注负面人格特质影响绩效和管理者脱轨的机制, 以及工作场所负面人格特质的本土化研究。  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become an increasingly used methodological strategy in psychology. Nevertheless, many psychologists continue to be unclear about how to apply this analytic tool in their research. This article reviews SEM from a conceptual perspective, particularly focusing on confirmatory factor analysis. Additionally, the relation between SEM and other analytic techniques (e.g., exploratory factor analysis) are addressed. A confirmatory factor analytic example is presented and reviewed in detail. Finally, limitations of SEM and other considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations concerning adult personality development have increasingly focused on factors that are associated with apparent personality trait changes. The current study contributes to this literature by replicating and extending previous research concerning personality trait development in young adulthood and perceptions of workplace conditions. Analyses were based on up to 442 individuals who participated in the ongoing Family Transitions Project (e.g., Conger & Conger, 2002). The current analyses included personality trait data from 1994 and 2003, high school grades and socioeconomic status indicators from 1994, and reports about work conditions in 2001, 2003, and 2005. Personality attributes were prospectively associated with work conditions and income. Findings also support the corresponsive principle of personality development (e.g., Roberts, Caspi, & Moffitt, 2003): Traits that were prospectively associated with particular workplace conditions often seemed to be accentuated by those conditions. Personality traits are prospectively associated with perceptions of the workplace. Workplace conditions are also associated with trait development.  相似文献   

作场所精神性是指个体在工作背景下的一种超越性体验,它是通过工作过程提升工作的意义与目的、培养与他人之间的联系感来丰富个体的内心生活体验,从而提升个体的心灵层次,实现个体的成长与进步。从工作场所精神性的概念形成、研究方法和研究热点等三个方面,对工作场所精神性的研究现状进行了介绍和评述。工作场所精神性在未来研究中主要包括:提出明确统一的定义和结构,运用新的研究范式注重对精神性作用机制的探讨等,并指出了在中国文化背景下开展工作场所精神性研究可能的方向  相似文献   

主动性人格的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,越来越多的研究者与管理者开始关注员工的主动行为,主动行为能够改善组织的效率和提高竞争力。主动行为受到许多因素的影响,其中一个因素即主动性人格。主动性人格是一种稳定的主动行为倾向。许多研究表明:主动性人格与许多行为结果都有密切联系,包括工作绩效、职业生涯成功、领导能力、团队绩效、创业等。今后的研究需要探讨一些问题,如主动性人格与关系绩效、职业生涯成功新标准的关系  相似文献   

This article seeks to review the growing body of research in the field of workplace spirituality, extending the earlier and broader literature review work of Danna and Griffin; Miller and Gorsuch; Hill and Hood; the Fetzer Institute; Moberg, Mohamed, Hassan, and Wisnieski; Day; and Lund Dean and Fornaciari. This article also seeks to advance future psychometric scale development in the burgeoning field of workplace spirituality; by suggesting a rubric for understanding the literature (manifestation, development, and adherence), and analyzing the scale validity and reliability, the authors hope to expand conceptual imagination for new scale research.

This article argues that the previous research which has begun to address important aspects of research scale development, though it has been limited in its applicability to workplace contexts, does not address diverse religious traditions and fails to understand how and the degree to which individual or collective spirituality integrates and manifests itself in the workplace. To this end, this article will codify and extend the aforementioned work by identifying the drivers for the field, exploring the connections between spirituality/religion and organizations, reviewing existing scales and instruments, discussing the literature review findings, and identifying gaps within the research, and it will resolve by suggesting specific areas for further research.  相似文献   

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