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消费结构升级促使顾客通过参与价值共创获得更高层次心理满足感。顾客间通过网络平台参与交流、互动、分享和互助等价值共创行为,能够获得美好的情感体验,有助于形成人际之间的友谊,也使得顾客得以寻求自我表达和自我实现,收获更高层次的满足感。本研究以社会支持理论为基础,聚焦不同属性顾客在不同类型网站中参与在线互助的心理动机、心理收益和行为方式,采用行为实验、实证调查、案例研究、神经营销学等多种研究方法,深入剖析顾客参与在线互助过程中的心理和行为反应机制。预期研究成果将丰富现有顾客参与心理和行为的理论体系,也为企业激励顾客参与在线价值共创提供理论指导。  相似文献   

近年来,群体认同与个体心理健康的关系得到了研究者的关注。本研究通过对相关文献的梳理与归纳发现:民族、国家、学校、家庭等不同种类群体的认同,群体认同数量与个体心理健康的关系显著;群体认同与个体心理健康之间的关系受群体认同动机和个体对群体评价的调节,并依赖于自尊、社会支持、控制知觉、归因方式等因素的中介;未来应利用多种方法继续研究群体认同与个体心理健康关系的调节变量与作用机制。  相似文献   

随着以用户间交互为特征的Web 2.0理念的深入发展,顾客期望借助互联网参与到价值的生产与创造过程中,以期通过自我潜能发挥和自我价值展示寻求获得一种有别于享乐型快乐感的实现型快乐感.以往顾客参与研究大多关注其经济利益、如何管理、影响因素、获得的实际利益,而对于顾客参与过程中的心理机制和参与后的心理收获研究不多.本研究以互联网为背景,从顾客视角出发,科学采用实验、实证等多种方法,并尝试采用生理仪器(如多导仪、脑电核磁共振仪等)采集顾客行为和生理的客观数据,利用自我决定理论对顾客参与过程的心理反应和参与后的心理收获进行系统探讨,构建顾客参与过程的心理动态模型.  相似文献   

当个体认为内群体为外群体受到的不道德伤害负有责任时会体验到群体内疚。该情绪常见的触发情境包括过往历史的伤害事件、当下的群际冲突、不公正的社会关系及未来的伤害事件。群体认同、内群体责任和不当性评估是影响群体内疚产生的三大心理机制。群体内疚会导致施害群体对受害群体表现出积极行动,如友善态度,冲突和解、群体补偿及群际支持。通过群体肯定、自我肯定、促进共同认同、强调内群体责任及展现已有补偿行为等干预策略可以引发施害群体的群体内疚。未来的研究应澄清群体内疚的成因机制,进一步探索群体内疚与补偿行为间的作用关系。  相似文献   

目标内容效应及其心理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以自我决定论为基础的目标内容理论认为,内部目标是指反映个体的内在成长趋向的目标,如自我接受、亲密关系、健康等;外部目标是指如何获得外部奖赏或社会赞许,通过获得外部的价值给别人留下深刻的印象等目标,如财富、权力、地位等。大量的研究表明内、外部目标有着不同的效应,而基本心理需要(关系、胜任、自主)是被证实的能解释内、外部目标内容效应的心理机制。在未来的研究中除了更深入地去探讨其心理机制之外,还要积极进行本土化的实证研究  相似文献   

象征价值是品牌赋予消费者的心理收益, 强化服务品牌的象征价值成为企业提升消费者心理满足感的重要途径。鉴于顾客间互动是现有消费心理研究中重要而尚未得到足够重视的研究视角, 研究试图在文献回顾的基础上, 尝试综合运用访谈法和关键事件法, 构建顾客间互动与服务品牌象征价值的影响关系模型; 拟基于人际关系的三维需求理论, 深入挖掘顾客角色内外互动行为与象征价值之间的作用机制。未来的实证研究中拟运用实验和调研等方法对理论模型进行验证, 以期为服务企业激发顾客的象征消费行为提供理论依据。  相似文献   

顾客为什么参与创造? ——消费者参与创造的动机研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
徐岚 《心理学报》2007,39(2):343-354
从消费者参与企业价值创造的角度研究了消费者创造动机与创造意愿之间的关系,结果说明,一般创造性理论所证实的认知需求并未对消费者创造意愿产生显著影响,而独特性产品需求、独特性体验需求以及创造激励对消费者创造意愿产生了显著的正面影响研究还发现,信任和创造激励分别调节了独特性产品需求和独特性体验需求与创造意愿之间的关系  相似文献   

刘霞 《心理科学》2013,36(1):116-121
采用整班联系、自愿参加的方式,通过匿名方式对北京市1552名流动儿童施测个体和群体歧视知觉问卷、积极/消极情感量表、生活满意度量表、内群体认同测验与群体地位感测验,探讨个体和群体歧视知觉对流动儿童主观幸福感的影响及内群体认同感和群体地位感在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)个体和群体歧视知觉与流动儿童的主观幸福感、内群体情感认同及群体地位感之间存在显著性相关,与内群体认知认同之间相关不显著。(2)个体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感存在直接显著的负向预测作用,并通过降低流动儿童的群体地位感,进而间接地负向影响流动儿童的主观幸福感;(3)群体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感也存在直接显著的消极影响,并同时借助于群体地位感的中介作用、以及内群体情感认同和群体地位感的双重中介作用间接地降低流动儿童的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

本文对几十种创造技法的思维机制,从哲学思维、信息论、思维的策略、以及相关的创造性人格特征等几个方面进行了初步分析。以利于人们更好地利用这些方法技法从事创造活动,同时也有助于从心理学理论高度上深入研究各种创造技法,从而丰富创造心理学的知识宝库。  相似文献   

A large percentage of the public believes that the news media are biased, and the majority of these individuals consider the direction of bias to be against their own viewpoints. Past research has examined how individual factors such as strength of partisanship or extent of political involvement heighten bias perceptions, but little attention has been paid to interpersonal factors such as the ideological similarity or dissimilarity of personal communication networks. Results of a national survey show that perceptions of media bias were unrelated to the overall amount of discussion but were positively related to conversations with ideologically like–minded individuals. Moreover, the impact of conversations with similar others was stronger among Republicans than among Democrats, a finding consistent with recent work on news self–coverage of media bias claims.  相似文献   

殷融  张菲菲 《心理科学进展》2015,23(9):1637-1646
在集群行为背景下, 群体认同对个体的集群行为意愿既具有直接的动员作用, 同时也可以调节群体情绪和群体效能变量与人们行为意愿间的关系。政治认同、共同认同与双重认同等特殊形式的群体认同对集群行为的发生具有不同的影响。从动态性研究的角度看, 参与集群行为会强化个体对内群体的认同感, 而强烈的群体认同则会对参与者的行动产生持续影响。今后的研究应根据集群行为的不同触发情境、不同形式及不同发展阶段对群体认同的复杂工作机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

Virtually all scientific writing on attitudes toward political unorthodoxy in the United States focuses on group-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to extend constitutional rights and freedoms to groups outside the political mainstream. Less is known about the etiology of individual-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to tolerate the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms by individuals who belong to unpopular groups. This paper examines the sources of attitudes toward individuals belonging to disliked and stereotyped political groups—in particular, the extent to which political tolerance judgments about gay and racist targets are influenced by attributes of those targets that are either consistent or inconsistent with group stereotypes. In line with expectations, an empirical analysis showed that individuals exhibiting attributes inconsistent with their group's stereotype (whether neutral with respect to stereotypic beliefs or directly challenging them) are tolerated more than those with stereotype-consistent attributes. Because members of political outgroups can control the timing of disclosing their group membership, they have the power to determine whether and to what extent stereotypic beliefs associated with their group will influence the reactions they provoke. This analysis confirms that the impact of stereotypic beliefs on tolerance varies as a function of timing of group membership revelation, although the direction of this interaction depends on the intensity of dislike for the group of which the individual target is a member.  相似文献   

Nick Kanas  Paul Cox 《Group》1998,22(1):39-44
Although the literature suggests that homogeneous therapy groups are useful for bipolar outpatients, little is known about the process in such groups. Using the GCQ-S and a content analysis of discussion topics, we evaluated group process during the first 31 sessions of an outpatient bipolar group. Compared with normative samples, our group scored significantly higher in the Engaged dimension and significantly lower in the Avoiding and Conflict dimensions and in the anxiety/tension scale. Furthermore, 81% of the discussion topics were related to the three group goals, and an additional 18% dealt with general group issues such as orienting new members and attendance. The results from this pilot study suggest that bipolar patients can discuss relevant issues in a homogeneous group environment that is cohesive, open, and safe.  相似文献   


To test predictions of social identity theory (SIT; M. A. Hogg & D. Abrams, 1988; H. Tajfel & J. C. Turner, 1979) and the 5-stage model (FSM; D. M. Taylor & D. J. McKirnan, 1984) concerning reactions to membership in a low-status group, the authors led 112 pupils to believe that another (anonymous) class outperformed their class. In an overall permeable and legitimate intergroup context, the authors manipulated the stability of the low group status and the individual ability of the group members. Contrary to SIT and FSM, the pupils generally favored collective normative action. Individual mobility was preferred only by group members, especially boys, with high individual ability who thought that the low status of their group was stable. The results support FSM assumptions (a) that individual ability is a powerful determinant of intergroup behavior but (b) that one should consider its impact in combination with perceived stability.  相似文献   

Martin S. Livingston 《Group》2001,25(1-2):15-26
This paper presents one leadership style within a self-psychological approach to working with dreams in group psychotherapy. It stresses an empathic attunement, the creation of safety, and an experience-near playful relationship. Playful is not used lightly here. It is used in the spirit of Winnicott's intermediate space where a mother suspends questions of what is real or not real and what is me and not me. Freud's analogy to a playspace forms a metaphor for the creation of a special atmosphere in a group, or for that matter in individual work as well, that encourages exploration, risk taking, and vulnerability. Working with dreams in this playspace deepens the curative process, not only for the dreamer, but for the entire group.  相似文献   

Donelson R. Forsyth 《Group》2000,24(2-3):147-155
Will fields that study groups in general, such as social psychology, and fields that use groups to achieve therapeutic goals, such as group psychotherapy, move toward unification in the future or will they drift apart? One possible future assumes that these two approaches to groups will become better integrated as (a) societal changes increase individuals' reliance on groups; (b) research and theory on group processes become more sophisticated; and (c) basic and applied researchers work together more closely in examining groups. Such unification requires, however, changes in the training, outlook, and procedures used by both practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

为探讨社交媒体自我控制失败、时间效能感和消极完美主义对硕士生主观幸福感的作用机制,采用问卷法对广东省408名硕士研究生进行施测。结果发现:(1)社交媒体自我控制失败显著负向预测主观幸福感;(2)时间效能感在社交媒体自控失败和主观幸福感间起部分中介作用;(3)消极完美主义在社交媒体自控失败和时间效能感的关系中起调节作用,具体表现为对于高消极完美主义者,社交媒体自控失败对时间效能感的负向影响更大。  相似文献   

Johnston  Deirdre D.  Swanson  Debra H. 《Sex roles》2003,49(1-2):21-33
The purpose of this study is to identify prevalent motherhood ideologies and myths in contemporary women's magazines. The results indicate that contemporary magazines promote a traditional motherhood ideology, yet perpetuate motherhood myths that undermine mothers who stay home. Traditional motherhood, which excludes Women of Color and employed mothers, is promoted. Mothers are almost exclusively presented in the domestic, rather than the public or integrated domestic–public, contexts. Myths that employed mothers are busy, tired, and guilty, and that employed mothers neglect and are unattached to their children, are not upheld. However, negative myths that at-home mothers are confused, overwhelmed, and interested only in superficial topics are upheld in the magazines analyzed. The implications of these results on the perpetuation of patriarchy are discussed.  相似文献   

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