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亲社会行为是指以牺牲自我利益为代价帮助他人的行为,按照损失利益属性,可分为时间亲社会行为、金钱亲社会行为。以往研究认为时间定价启动会导致个体减少亲社会行为,但是较少考察时间定价启动影响亲社会行为是否受主观社会阶层作用。本研究通过三个实验考察时间定价启动与主观社会阶层对亲社会行为的影响。结果发现:(1)时间定价启动会减少亲社会行为;(2)主观社会阶层正向预测金钱亲社会行为,但无法预测时间亲社会行为;(3)时间定价启动与主观社会阶层存在交互作用:时间定价启动下,主观社会阶层正向预测金钱亲社会行为、反向预测时间亲社会行为;非时间定价启动下,主观社会阶层正向预测金钱亲社会行为,但无法预测时间亲社会行为。  相似文献   

内疚作为一种典型的道德情绪, 被认为具有亲社会作用, 但很多研究却发现内疚并不总能促进亲社会行为。为了明确内疚对亲社会行为的作用, 分析造成结论分歧的可能原因, 本研究采用元分析方法探讨了特质内疚与亲社会行为的关系以及状态内疚对亲社会行为的影响。共有46篇文献92个独立样本纳入元分析(N = 17248)。元分析结果表明:(1)特质内疚与亲社会行为之间存在中等程度的正相关, 二者之间的关系受到亲社会行为类型的调节, 相比较捐赠、助人、环保行为等, 特质内疚与补偿之间的相关更强; (2)启动内疚状态能显著提升个体的亲社会行为, 但两者之间的关联呈较小的效应量, 亲社会行为对象在其中起到调节作用, 感到内疚的个体更愿意对受害方做出亲社会行为; (3) p曲线(p-curve)分析发现, 两个元分析研究的p曲线均呈显著右偏态, 表明特质内疚与亲社会行为的关系以及状态内疚对亲社会行为的影响均存在真实的效应, 而不是出版偏倚或者p hacking导致。  相似文献   

依据青少年对亲社会行为的概念表征及其重视同伴关系的特点,从同伴关系的建立、维持和冲突解决三方面入手,结合社会技能的行为训练和认知训练,设置改善同伴关系的课程,对石家庄市某中学120名初中生开展10周(每周45分钟)的团体干预活动.结果发现,干预课程显著改善了初中生的同伴关系,并有效促进了他们的亲社会行为,特别是利他性、遵规与公益性和关系性亲社会行为.干预研究为青少年亲社会行为的培养提供了新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

时间与金钱是影响人们消费行为决策的两种不同的重要资源。消费者在进行产品购买时, 常常会受到商家广告语和购物环境中所隐含的时间或金钱概念的影响, 从而做出不同的决策。具体而言, 时间与金钱概念会对消费者的购前决策、购中决策及购后决策三个方面产生不同的影响。从双加工理论的角度来看, 产生这种不同影响背后的心理机制在于时间与金钱概念启动了个体不同的认知加工方式和思维定势, 进而影响了消费者不同的购买决策。未来的研究方向有:(1)细化时间和金钱概念启动对消费者购买决策的不同影响; (2)考虑时间与金钱的权衡对购买决策的影响; (3)进一步探究时间和金钱概念的激活对购前决策的不同影响; (4)探讨时间概念与金钱概念对购买决策不同影响的神经机制。  相似文献   

以往研究发现宗教信仰与亲社会行为之间存在显著的正相关, 据此研究者提出“信仰-亲社会假设”试图证实两者的因果关系。本文主要从研究方法、影响因素及心理机制三个方面对信仰影响亲社会行为的研究进展进行介绍和评述。在研究早期, 研究者主要考察宗教信仰的归属身份对个体亲社会行为的影响; 而近年来, 研究者则越来越关注信仰启动对亲社会行为的影响。信仰对亲社会行为的作用受到信仰程度、文化背景、信仰认知和信仰取向等多种因素的影响。未来研究需要有效控制宗教信仰身份对亲社会测量的影响, 明确宗教信仰的操作性定义并改进相关的测量指标, 关注精神性的作用机制、“信仰-亲社会假设”的跨文化效应以及信仰概念对非宗教信仰群体的影响。  相似文献   

胡发稳  丁颢 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):244-248
采用自编亲社会行为决策材料,以行为决策对象的被选频次为指标,通过对65名男女大学生的研究,结果发现:1)在阈上和阈下的"图-词"启动范式下,均存在显著的情绪启动效应,且实验性情绪变化明显。2)在正性图片启动下,自尊水平和情绪效价对亲社会行为决策均无显著影响,但二者的交互作用显著,低自尊个体在负性情绪下的亲社会行为决策存在显著性差异;行为决策对象对大学生亲社会行为决策有显著影响,与自尊水平、情绪效价之间的交互效应不显著;在负性图片启动下,自尊水平、情绪效价、行为决策对象以及三者的交互作用对亲社会行为决策均无显著影响。3)总体上,大学生亲社会行为决策受自尊水平与情绪效价的交互作用影响,也受行为决策对象及其与自尊水平、情绪效价的三次交互作用的影响。  相似文献   

以大学生为被试,采用任务分配范式,实验1考察了金钱概念启动和道德认同对个体道德伪善的影响;实验2探讨了金钱丰富程度启动和道德认同对个体道德伪善的影响。结果发现:(1)与控制组相比,金钱概念启动使得言行不一的人数显著增加;与金钱匮乏感启动组相比,金钱富足感启动使得言行不一的人数显著增加;(2)低道德认同被试中道德伪善者的比例显著高于高道德认同被试;而且金钱启动显著增加了高道德认同被试的道德伪善。该研究启示我们减少情境中的金钱等与利益有关的线索以及提高个体的道德认同水平,将有利于减少道德伪善的发生。  相似文献   

刘志军 《心理科学》2001,24(5):629-630
1 问题的提出  亲社会行为是指个体发出的 ,有助于别人、集体和社会的行为。亲社会行为是九十年代国内外发展心理学研究的一个热点 ,现在对它的研究已从单一取向转向了多元取向。在亲社会行为与同伴关系方面 :Newcomb ,Bukowski&Pat tee在跨文化研究中发现亲社会行为与同伴接受性具有一致性的联系。Boivin ,Dodge&Coin研究得出亲社会行为和同伴的地位在相互作用多的群体中的关系是显著的 ,在相互作用少的群体中没有显著性。DamelHart在 1997年也发现亲社会行为与儿童的同伴关系相关。国…  相似文献   

羞愧是一种典型的道德情绪,其对亲社会行为的作用在既往研究中并不一致。本研究首次采用三水平元分析技术整合相关实证研究,检验羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在二者关系中的作用。通过文献检索和筛选,共计纳入26篇文献, 85个效应量,总样本量为5823人。主效应检验发现,羞愧组比控制组表现出更多的亲社会行为,羞愧能够促进亲社会行为的产生。调节效应检验发现,暴露情境比掩蔽情境更能诱发羞愧对亲社会行为的促进作用,亲社会行为的产生情境(暴露情境或掩蔽情境)调节作用显著,但年龄、文化背景、羞愧诱发方法、羞愧类型及亲社会行为类型等变量的调节作用不显著。本研究使用三水平元分析方法保证了纳入文献信息的完整性,从而就羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在两者关系中的作用得出更为全面可靠的研究结论,有助于拓展人们对于羞愧与亲社会行为关系及调节机制的认识。后续研究可深入探讨认知因素和个体特征在羞愧对亲社会行为影响中的作用,考察羞愧与其他道德情绪对亲社会行为影响的差异。  相似文献   

赵建彬 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1461-1466
本研究探讨了金钱概念对消费者独特性需求的影响。通过三个实验,实验1研究表明启动金钱概念的消费者在进行产品选择时反从众需求更强烈;实验2研究表明金钱的丰富程度会调节金钱概念对消费者创新性选择的影响,金钱富有启动组选择独特性产品的比例要显著高于金钱缺乏启动组和控制组;实验3研究表明金钱概念对消费者独特性需求的影响是通过社交距离的中介作用完成的,启动金钱概念的消费者会感知到更远的社交距离,进而产生更强烈的独特性需求。  相似文献   

Can mere exposure to money corrupt? In four studies, we examined the likelihood of unethical outcomes when the construct of money was activated through the use of priming techniques. The results of Study 1 demonstrated that individuals primed with money were more likely to demonstrate unethical intentions than those in the control group. In Study 2, we showed that participants primed with money were more likely to adopt a business decision frame. In Studies 3 and 4, we found that money cues triggered a business decision frame, which led to a greater likelihood of unethical intentions and behavior. Together, the results of these studies demonstrate that mere exposure to money can trigger unethical intentions and behavior and that decision frame mediates this effect.  相似文献   

In naturalistic interpersonal settings, mimicry or “automatic imitation” generates liking, affiliation, cooperation and other positive social attitudes. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the relationship between social attitudes and mimicry is bidirectional: Do social attitudes have a direct and specific effect on mimicry? Participants were primed with pro-social, neutral or anti-social words in a scrambled sentence task. They were then tested for mimicry using a stimulus-response compatibility procedure. In this procedure, participants were required to perform a pre-specified movement (e.g. opening their hand) on presentation of a compatible (open) or incompatible (close) hand movement. Reaction time data were collected using electromyography (EMG) and the magnitude of the mimicry/automatic imitation effect was calculated by subtracting reaction times on compatible trials from those on incompatible trials. Pro-social priming produced a larger automatic imitation effect than anti-social priming, indicating that the relationship between mimicry and social attitudes is bidirectional, and that social attitudes have a direct and specific effect on the tendency to imitate behavior without intention or conscious awareness.  相似文献   

冲动购买会给个体和社会带来诸多不良影响,而探讨如何降低冲动购买的研究报道却很少。此外,仅有的少数研究都是从提升自我控制能力的角度来开展,其干预方法具有一定的局限性。本研究从提升自我控制的动机角度出发,考察利用无意识目标启动能否降低冲动购买,并考察其适用条件。研究发现,无意识目标启动可以显著降低有省钱目标个体的冲动购买行为,而对无省钱目标个体的冲动购买行为没有显著影响。本研究结果提示,无意识目标启动有希望成为一种简单、便捷的降低冲动购买行为的有效干预方式,特别是对有省钱目标的个体而言。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of religious priming on a Japanese sample in an anonymous dictator game whereas previous studies on religious priming on prosociality had mainly been conducted within Western contexts. The current study attempted to examine whether religion increases prosocial behaviour in a Japanese sample through the replication of ‘God is Watching You’ (Shariff & Norenzayan, 2007) where it was found that participants primed with religion‐related words and secular justice‐related words behaved more prosocially than participants primed with neutral words in an anonymous dictator game. The current experiment was conducted with Japanese students (n = 106) to examine whether the results of the original study could be applied to Japanese people. The results showed that among the three priming conditions (control, religion, secular justice), there was no difference in the amount of money participants allocated to anonymous strangers, although in the secular justice priming condition, theists allocated more money than atheists. The results might be due to the fact that the religious priming words used in the original study did not precisely activate the propositional network of religion that Japanese participants have. More culture‐specific studies are necessary to examine how religious priming works for non‐Westerners.  相似文献   

We show that time priming leads consumers to adopt an alternative-based evaluation strategy, whereas money priming elicits the use of an attribute-based evaluation strategy. In Experiment 1, we used process tracing in Mouselab to test this proposition, and the results suggested that the effect of time versus money priming on the choice of product-evaluation strategy was mediated by a holistic versus piecemeal information-processing. The results of Experiments 2A and 2B showed that the use of time versus money priming to trigger the choice of an alternative-based versus attribute-based evaluation strategy may result in systematic preference reversals. Specifically, when time (versus money) was primed, the participants were found to be more likely to choose a product dominating on a verbally described (versus numerically described) attribute (Experiment 2A), and one dominating on a non-alignable (versus alignable) attribute (Experiment 2B).  相似文献   

阈上或者阈下的安全依恋启动可以使个体获得暂时的依恋安全感,并对个体的社会行为产生显著的影响。这种影响主要表现在个体会表现出更多的亲社会行为、揭露行为以及更少的欺骗、歧视行为和道德脱离行为。这可能是因为启动激活的依恋安全感迁移至外显行为。脑神经活动是迁移顺利发生的生理基础。今后的研究可以设置更具生态效度的实验条件,以其它社会行为为研究对象,或者结合当前研究提出的迁移视角,进一步探索安全依恋启动对社会行为的影响。  相似文献   

The present study used the masked repetition priming paradigm in the study phase and the R/K paradigm in the test phase to investigate whether repetition priming can hinder recognition memory and which recognition process (familiarity or recollection) is hindered. Event-related potentials (ERPs) in the study and test phase were recorded to explore the temporal course of how repetition priming hinders subsequent recognition memory and which old/new effect (FN400 or LPC) is affected. Converging behavioral and ERP results indicated that masked repetition priming hindered subsequent recollection but not familiarity. The analysis of ERP priming effects in the study phase indicated that primed words were associated with less negative N400 and less positive LPC compared to unprimed words. The analysis of the priming effect as a function of subsequent memory revealed that only the LPC priming effect was predictive of priming effect on subsequent memory, which suggested that the “prediction-error” account might be a possible explanation of how repetition priming affects subsequent recognition memory.  相似文献   

Goal priming typically leads to goal‐consistent behavior. This uniform pattern is surprising given other types of priming effects, which have been found to be more variable. On the basis of previous research on judgment priming effects, we predicted that a comparative mindset to focus on similarities versus differences also affects the direction of goal priming. Two studies show that assimilation to a primed goal results if participants focus on similarities, whereas a focus on differences leads to contrast. In Study 1, participants induced to focus on similarities behaved more neatly after being primed with neatness rather than the goal to be carefree. For participants induced to focus on differences, the opposite pattern emerged. In Study 2, a similarity focus led to assimilation to an achievement prime, whereas a difference focus resulted in contrast. These findings highlight the importance of comparative processes in goal striving and demonstrate that assimilative goal‐priming effects are less invariable than existing research suggests. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three studies examined the interrelationship between primed constructs, situation construal, and person perception. Previous research on priming and person perception has generally neglected the situational context. We predicted that when rich situational information is included, primed constructs can lead to assimilation effects on situation construals, which can in turn lead to contrast effects in person perceptions. Study 1 demonstrated that when situation information is included in the experimental context, primes lead to contrast in person perceptions. Study 2, employing a subliminal methodology, demonstrated that these effects could not be accounted for via previous explanations of contrast effects, such as correction-based mechanisms, that require overt recognition of the priming stimuli by the participants. Study 3 demonstrated that the contrastive effects of the priming stimuli on person perception obtained in Studies 1 and 2 are in fact due to the intervening assimilative effects of the priming stimuli on situation construal—that is, the primed constructs led to contrast effects on perceptions of the actor via their assimilative effects on perceptions of the situation in which that actor was embedded. Additionally, moderator variables demonstrated that this effect is most pronounced when the target actor’s behavior is described as relatively unambiguous or situation focus is increased.  相似文献   

People disagree about whether “moral facts” are objective facts like mathematical truths (moral realism) or simply products of the human mind (moral antirealism). What is the impact of different meta-ethical views on actual behavior? In Experiment 1, a street canvasser, soliciting donations for a charitable organization dedicated to helping impoverished children, primed passersby with realism or antirealism. Participants primed with realism were twice as likely to be donors, compared to control participants and participants primed with antirealism. In Experiment 2, online participants primed with realism as opposed to antirealism reported being willing to donate more money to a charity of their choice. Considering the existence of non-negotiable moral facts may have raised the stakes and motivated participants to behave better. These results therefore reveal the impact of meta-ethics on everyday decision-making: priming a belief in moral realism improved moral behavior.  相似文献   

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