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采用三个典型的随机性认知任务(点分布认知,一维分布认知,二维分布认知)系统考察了7~14岁儿童随机性认知的发展特点。结果发现,随机性认知的发展随年龄增长而动态变化,7~10岁表现出上升趋势,而11~14岁表现出下降趋势。点分布认知的发展在7~11岁为缓慢上升,至12~14岁保持稳定。一维分布认知的发展在7~10岁为缓慢上升,在11岁开始迅速下降,至13~14岁趋于稳定。二维分布认知的发展在7~14岁始终处于较低水平。10~11岁是随机性认知发展的重要时期。  相似文献   

卿素兰 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1055-1062
采用结构式访谈法,通过计算机模拟真实情景的动画方式,系统探查4~7岁儿童在目的指向性维度上的本体区分、因果认知发展模式以及在此维度上的朴素生物学“理论”的形成。结果表明:(1)4~7岁儿童在目的指向性维度上进行本体区分的认知发展模式,经历了从低到高的4个发展水平,即目的论模式——基于动物模式——基于生物模式——基于本体区分模式;(2)4~7岁儿童对目的指向性的因果认知与本体区分表现出一致性发展模式,表明学前儿童在目的指向性维度上逐渐形成了朴素生物学“理论”;(3)5~6岁是儿童对目的指向性认知的快速发展期,领域知识对儿童的认知发展具有明显的促进作用,但是受年龄和领域任务的影响  相似文献   

3—6岁超常与常态儿童感知观察力的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张连云 《心理学报》1987,20(2):98-104
本实验是全国超常儿童研究协作组为鉴别超常儿童认知能力设计的一套实验之一。目的是探讨3—6岁常态儿童感知观察力在数量和质量两方面的水平与特点,为鉴别超常儿童的感知观察力取得参照指标。 实验是根据观察过程的特点进行设计的。实验的结果,经检验效度与信度较高,因此本实验对3—6岁儿童感知观察力的测量是有鉴别力的。 通过实验发现在3—6岁常态儿童之间观察能力的发展是不平衡的,3岁与4岁之间发展得快,在数量与质量两方面都比其它年龄阶段之间发展得幅度大。 通过超常儿童与常态儿童的比较研究,发现4岁超常儿童与常态儿童之间,在质量方面的差异比数量方面的差异更为显著。这一结果,对今后超常儿童研究工作的重点具有参考的价值。  相似文献   

儿童掌握能力概念的特   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王美芳 《心理学报》2003,35(1):69-75
选取4岁组、5岁组、7岁组、10岁组和12岁组儿童共160名(各年龄组32名,男女各半)为被试,采用个别测验法,从能力的跨情境稳定性、能力的效力和能力的不可控性3个维度探讨学前和小学儿童的能力概念的发展。结果表明,(1)儿童对能力的跨情境稳定性、对能力的效力和对能力的不可控性的认识代表着儿童不同的能力概念。(2)儿童对能力的跨情境稳定性的认识和对能力的效力的认识均存在显著的年龄差异,它们都反映了儿童能力概念的发展性差异,两者在4~12岁期间都随年龄而不断发展,但发展的时间与速度不同,前者的发展早且快。(3)儿童对能力不可控性的认识不存在显著的年龄差异,它反映了儿童能力概念的个体差异  相似文献   

6 15岁儿童对友谊特性的认知发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究目的:(1)考察我国儿童、青少年的友谊特性的认知发展规律和特点;(2)探讨儿童友谊特性的认知结构。研究采用结构访谈法,被试为来自北京市普通幼儿园、小学和中学的6岁、8岁、10岁、12岁和15岁儿童共100名(每个年龄组20名,男女各半)。结果发现:(1)6—15岁儿童对友谊特性的认知结构由5个维度组成,即:个人交流和冲突解决,榜样和竞争,互相欣赏,共同活动和互相帮助,亲密交往。(2)对6—15岁儿童,友谊特性中的5个维度的重要性次序为:共同活动和互相帮助,个人交流和冲突解决,榜样和竞争,互相欣赏,亲密交往。(3)从发展上来看,对友谊特性不同维度的认知发展趋势有很大年龄差异。6—8岁儿童只能认识到友谊特性中一些外在的、行为的特征;以后才能逐渐认识到那些内在的、情感性的特征。但是,原来那些外在的特征并没有随着儿童年龄的增长而被取代,而是与内在的、情感性的特性结合在一起,在认识中逐渐深化。(4)小学六年级儿童在共同活动和游戏上表现出性别差异(男生高于女生);而在冲突解决上,女生的认知水平高于男生。此外,初中三年级学生在互相欣赏方面,男生的认识水平高于女生  相似文献   

个体的情绪伪装能力是其情绪社会化发展极为重要的方面,选取某幼儿园123名3~6岁儿童为被试,通过“区分外表-真实情绪”任务和“错误信念”任务考察3~6岁儿童情绪伪装认知能力的发展特点,进而探讨情绪伪装认知与错误信念理解的关系.结果表明:(1)儿童情绪伪装认知能力随年龄增长而提高,3~5岁为儿童情绪伪装认知能力的快速发展期;(2)儿童在消极情境下区分内外情绪的能力显著高于在积极情境中的表现;同时,对两种情绪伪装动机(社会适应、自我保护)的认知能力无显著差异;(3)儿童情绪伪装认知和错误信念理解能力显著相关,两种错误信念(意外内容、意外地点)理解都能很好地预测情绪伪装认知能力.  相似文献   

2~3.5岁是婴儿成长到幼儿的重要发展转折期,也是儿童执行功能及言语能力的发展萌芽期。研究通过测查北京市81名2~3.5岁儿童在固定盒子任务、搭积木任务、A非B任务和皮博迪图片词汇测验上的表现,探究了该年龄段儿童执行功能的发展特点、各成分间的内部关系、以及言语能力对执行功能的影响。结果发现:(1)在2~3.5岁期间,除认知灵活性外,儿童的工作记忆与抑制控制均快速发展,其中,2.5岁前后是工作记忆与抑制控制的重要发展时期;(2)在2~3岁期间,认知灵活性与工作记忆之间相关密切,在3~3.5岁期间,认知灵活性与抑制控制的相关密切,3岁是儿童执行功能内部成分关系的重要发展转折期;(3)在2~3.5岁期间,儿童言语能力呈现快速发展,并且言语能力对该年龄段执行功能各成分间关系产生一定的影响,但不同言语能力的儿童在执行功能各成分的表现并没有显著差异。  相似文献   

李秀妍  伍珍 《心理科学》2021,(2):433-439
认知风格是个体获取和加工信息的一贯模式,影响诸多认知活动。本研究测量了98名4-8岁儿童的认知风格和积木拼图中的问题解决行为,主要发现:(1)4-8岁儿童总体上表现为整体型认知风格,但分析型认知风格随着年龄增长在逐渐发展;(2)认知风格影响问题解决策略:越偏整体型认知风格的儿童越多使用主体参照策略(即先拼主体图形再补充其他部分),并且越少使用线索推断策略(按照行/列的线索顺序依次拼图)和局部定位策略(根据某一局部图案的具体位置摆放积木)。本实验首次探索了低龄儿童认知风格的年龄差异,发现认知风格在发展早期就已影响问题解决行为。研究结果有助于理解儿童认知风格的发展及其作用,为儿童问题解决能力的培养实践提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

以长春市某幼儿园的122名3~6岁幼儿为被试,采用2(测试任务:无嵌套规则白天黑夜任务,有嵌套规则的白天黑夜任务)×2(测试时间:间隔9个月的第一次测试和第二次测试)×4(年龄分组:3.00~3.75岁组,3.76~4.50岁组,4.51~5.25岁组,5.26~6.00岁组)的三因素混合设计,来分析不同复杂程度的抑制控制在学前阶段的发展趋势,并在控制幼儿年龄和工作记忆水平后,分析不同复杂程度抑制控制对言语理解和数学认知的独立预测作用。结果发现:(1)对3~6岁儿童来说,有嵌套规则的白天黑夜任务的难度水平要显著高于无嵌套规则的白天黑夜任务;(2)较简单的抑制控制(无嵌套规则的白天黑夜任务)在学前阶段的发展速度先快后慢,但较复杂的抑制控制(有嵌套规则的白天黑夜任务)在3~6岁期间持续快速发展;(3)独立于年龄和工作记忆,较复杂的抑制控制能够显著预测幼儿的数学认知和言语理解,但较简单的抑制控制对言语理解和数学认知的预测作用不显著。根据上述结果,在描述学前儿童抑制控制发展趋势时要注意任务难度的设定,而且难度适当的抑制控制任务成绩更能预测幼儿的言语理解和数学认知。  相似文献   

儿童二级错误信念认知与二级情绪理解的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以来自两所幼儿园的133名儿童为被试,探讨了3~6岁儿童二级错误信念认知和二级情绪理解的发展分化与联系。结果发现,6岁左右是儿童的二级错误信念认知和二级情绪理解发展的关键期;4岁左右的儿童能够掌握二级未知知识,获得情绪解码能力;儿童的二级未知与二级错误信念认知之间,儿童的情绪解码与二级情绪理解之间,在发展上存在1~2年的差距;二级推理能力是儿童进行二级心理状态认知的关键。  相似文献   

Very bright (mean IQ = 152) third graders were compared with both average IQ third graders and average IQ sixth graders on perceptual, cognitive, and affective perspective-taking tasks. The role-taking skills of the intellectually-gifted children were more similar to those of their mental age mates than to those of their chronological age mates on both the cognitive and affective tasks. On the perceptual task, the bright children's performance fell between that of the two comparison groups. The results provide evidence that gifted children are advanced in thinking about both the social and physical worlds, and have implications for educational issues such as curriculum development and acceleration vs. enrichment.  相似文献   

The present study examined the interplay among negative emotionality, responsive parenting and socio‐cognitive developmental outcomes (i.e., communication, personal‐social and problem‐solving outcomes) in about 1620 Korean children using three waves of longitudinal data spanning the first 2 years of their life. Results from the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) demonstrated that there were moderate to low degrees of stability in negative emotionality, responsive parenting and socio‐cognitive developmental outcomes from infancy to toddlerhood. Evidence for reciprocity in the parent–child relationship was found; responsive parenting predicted higher levels of subsequent child communication (in infancy and toddlerhood), and infants' higher problem‐solving ability predicted higher responsive parenting in toddlerhood. Overall, the cross‐age associations among the variables were similar between boys and girls, but some different patterns were observed: when controlling for family contextual factors and the within‐time correlations, negative emotionality at an earlier point significantly predicted lower responsive parenting at a later point and vice versa only in girls during infancy, but neither in boys nor in toddlerhood. The implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the development of coping have shown rather inconsistent findings regarding the developmental trajectories for different coping dimensions. The aim of this study is to search for possible influences that might explain these inconsistencies. The analysis focuses on methodological influences (longitudinal vs. cross-sectional assessments) and situational influences. Two samples of children were traced longitudinally with yearly assessments from grade 2 to 5 (sample 1, N =432) and from grade 4 to 7 (sample 2, N =366). A third sample (N =849) was added with cross-sectional assessments from grade 2 to 7. The assessed coping dimensions were related to (a) problem solving, (b) seeking social support, (c) palliative coping, (d) externalizing emotional coping, and (e) avoidant coping. The use of the coping strategies had to be assessed for six stress-evoking situations. The results show only small differences between the longitudinal and the cross-sectional coping assessments. There are, however, clear situational influences on the choice of the coping strategies and also on the resulting developmental trajectories.  相似文献   


Previous studies on the development of coping have shown rather inconsistent findings regarding the developmental trajectories for different coping dimensions. The aim of this study is to search for possible influences that might explain these inconsistencies. The analysis focuses on methodological influences (longitudinal vs. cross-sectional assessments) and situational influences. Two samples of children were traced longitudinally with yearly assessments from grade 2 to 5 (sample 1, N =432) and from grade 4 to 7 (sample 2, N =366). A third sample (N =849) was added with cross-sectional assessments from grade 2 to 7. The assessed coping dimensions were related to (a) problem solving, (b) seeking social support, (c) palliative coping, (d) externalizing emotional coping, and (e) avoidant coping. The use of the coping strategies had to be assessed for six stress-evoking situations. The results show only small differences between the longitudinal and the cross-sectional coping assessments. There are, however, clear situational influences on the choice of the coping strategies and also on the resulting developmental trajectories.  相似文献   

Nomination and rating scale measures of preschool sociometric status were compared with respect to their patterns of concurrent and longitudinal developmental correlates. The study was undertaken to help fill a void in the empirical literature on young children's peer adjustment. Subjects were 79 4–5 year-old children, currently enrolled in preschool classes. In addition to the sociometric interviews, diverse measures of children's social and cognitive competence were administered concurrently, and longitudinally one year later. These measures included teacher ratings of peer acceptance and behavior problems, and performance measures of social problem-solving ability, impulse control, and vocabulary competence. As expected, the reliability of the rating scale technique was superior to that of the nomination measures. Furthermore, all three sociometric measures had modest but meaningful patterns of concurrent and longitudinal correlates. However, the negative nomination measure was distinguished from the others by its consistent association with measures of impulsivity, and its predictive link with aggressive social problem solving. Therefore, negative peer nomination measures supply unique information about children's social functioning that should be represented in studies of children at risk for social maladjustment.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between flexible strategic thinking and problem solving performance. In the first experiment, gifted, average, and poor problem solvers performed a number of tasks which were designed to provoke rigidity. The results indicated that the average and poor performance groups did not differ in the number of answers indicating response and perceptual set. On the other hand, creative and intelligent students showed fewer rigid answers than the other two groups. In the second experiment, gifted and average students were asked to think aloud while solving different problems with open and closed solution situations. The thinking aloud protocols were analyzed by classifying the statements into different strategy types. Gifted students used a variety of strategies when solving problems, as well as different strategies for different problem types. No such differences were observed with the average problem solvers. The results of both experiments demonstrated consistent evidence for the role of flexible strategic thinking in gifted problem solving, as well as less direct evidence of the importance of metacognitive knowledge.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional and longitudinal age effects on cognitive function were examined in 302 older adults followed longitudinally. Processing speed was related to cognitive performance at cross-section, and change in speed predicted within-person longitudinal cognitive decline. Statistical control of processing speed greatly reduced cross-sectional age effects but did not attenuate longitudinal aging effects. This difference in processing speed's ability to account for cross-sectional and longitudinal age effects is discussed in the context of theories of cognitive aging and methodological and statistical issues pertaining to the cross-sectional and longitudinal study of cognitive aging.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects were presented an array of compound stimuli consisting of values from four, salience-assessed dimensions. Solution to an initial problem required recall of the array locations of values from only the most salient dimension. In addition to perceptual salience, instructions designed to establish cognitive sets for remembering value locations of certain dimensions were varied to explore the roles of these perceptual and cognitive variables in determining recall. In Experiment I, which involved subjects from grades kindergarten, third, and sixth, older subjects recalled more incidental as well as relevant information than younger subjects, and although instructions to remember values of a less salient incidental dimension facilitated their recall, the same instructions also facilitated the recall of values of a more salient incidental dimension even though no reference was made to those values. In Experiment II, adult recall of both relevant and incidental information was affected by instructions about differing numbers and types of dimensions. Adults and the oldest children did not differ in total information recalled, and there was no evidence for an increase with age in the cognitive ability to select only that information that was relevant to solving the initial problem. The results were discussed in terms of developmental changes in memory capacity and the absolute salience of the task information.  相似文献   

分析韦氏儿童智力量表的全国常模以探讨中国儿童认知能力的性别差异。研究中使用多元变量(multivariate)分析和单元变量(univariate)分析两种手段。在多元交量分析中,首先使用线性结构关系(LISREL)多样本分析检验各年龄组中男女协方差矩阵、平均数向量和因子平均数的一致性;随后用区分分析确定造成差异的变项。与西方研究相比,中国儿童具有类似的性别差异类型与发展倾向,区别在于中国儿童的数学能力不存在明显的性别差异,这可能与中国的男女接受同等教育有关。  相似文献   

Estimates of intelligence in young children with neurodevelopmental disorders are critical for making diagnoses, in characterizing symptoms of disorders, and in predicting future outcomes. The limitations of standardized testing for children with developmental delay or cognitive impairment are well known: Tests do not exist that provide developmentally appropriate material along with norms that extend to the lower reaches of ability. Two commonly used and interchanged instruments are the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL), a test of developmental level, and the Differential Ability Scales, second edition (DAS-II), a more traditional cognitive test. We evaluated the correspondence of contemporaneous MSEL and the DAS-II scores in a mixed sample of children aged 2–10 years with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), non-ASD developmental delays, and typically developing children across the full spectrum of cognitive ability. Consistent with published data on the original DAS and the MSEL, scores on the DAS-II and MSEL were highly correlated. However, curve estimation revealed large mean differences that varied as a function of the child’s cognitive ability level. We conclude that interchanging MSEL and DAS-II scores without regard to the discrepancy in scores may produce misleading results in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of children with and without ASD, and, thus, this practice should be implemented with caution.  相似文献   

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