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雷铭  李朋波 《心理科学进展》2020,28(8):1232-1245
前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)是听感觉门控的测量模型, 反映了听觉系统的早期信息选择功能。尽管PPI的主要神经环路位于脑干, 研究发现PPI可以被注意自上而下调节。然而, 已有研究并未区分不同注意(特征注意和空间注意)对PPI的特异性调节, 并且神经机制方面的研究集中于听皮层区域, 仍缺乏对皮层下机制的探讨。在以往研究的成果基础之上, 借助听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 采用行为测量、脑电和脑成像技术, 揭示特征和空间两种注意调节PPI的神经活动在听觉系统中的层次性神经表达。包括1)建立特征注意和空间注意调节PPI的统一行为模型, 考察两种注意调节PPI的时间动态性异同; 2)两种注意调节PPI的脑干分离机制, 即前脉冲刺激包络和精细结构成分加工在注意调节PPI中的作用差异; 3)两种注意调节PPI的关键脑区和脑网络差异。  相似文献   

内源性注意和外源性注意的ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内源性注意和外源性注意反映注意指向与集中的自上而下和自下而上的加工。大量事件相关电位的ERP研究考察了内源性注意和外源性注意的神经活动机制。内源性注意诱发了早期N1成分和晚期P300成分,是否诱发P1成分的研究结果不尽一致;外源性注意加强了N1成分、P1成分以及P300成分。研究还表明内源性注意和外源性注意是两种独立的注意系统,以不同的方式影响着脑内的信息加工  相似文献   

不安全依恋者的注意偏向是指依恋焦虑和回避个体对依恋信息产生或趋近或回避的注意偏好, 这一注意偏好使得个体形成了处理与依恋对象关系的特殊认知机制:依恋回避个体偏好采用防御性机制, 倾向于回避对依恋信息的注意; 依恋焦虑个体偏好采用夸大性机制, 倾向于夸大威胁性信息, 因而会积极寻求与依恋对象的亲近。不安全依恋者注意偏向的差异主要体现在情绪信息、痛觉感受和工作记忆三个方面; 加工阶段特征主要涉及P1、N1波等代表的注意自动加工和LPP波代表的注意控制加工; 脑网络上主要包括两个子网络, 即负责情绪评估的边缘系统和负责情绪调节的以前额叶为代表的神经网络。未来研究中更应该关注刺激物的生态效度, 检验依恋系统是否激活, 不安全依恋者注意偏向的自动加工和控制加工阶段的关系, 不安全依恋者注意偏向产生的分子遗传机制以及注意偏向的跨文化研究。  相似文献   

魏柳青  张学民 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):2007-2018
多目标追踪任务是研究动态场景中视觉注意加工机制常用的范式。自1998年开始对多目标追踪神经机制的影像学研究以来, 研究者采用ERP和fMRI等技术对多目标注意追踪所涉及的神经电生理活动和脑功能区激活方面开展了大量研究。ERP研究发现, 追踪过程持续的ERP脑电成分如N2pc、CDA的波幅与注意追踪负荷有关, 并且出现在目标与非目标上的探测刺激诱发的脑电成分如N1、P1波幅的差异可反映注意资源的分配, 具体为目标在追踪过程中得到了激活, 而非目标受到了抑制。fMRI研究比较一致地发现了顶叶(包括前顶内沟、后顶内沟、顶上小叶)、背外侧额叶皮层等在注意追踪中的强烈激活。其中顶内沟主要与注意负荷有关, 顶内沟的活动水平直接决定了观察者注意追踪的行为表现。而顶上小叶可能更多的负责注意转移。背外侧额叶皮层可能负责追踪时的感觉运动预测过程。  相似文献   

母亲敏感性对孩子的发育发展至关重要。尽管以往诸多研究已发现依恋风格会对母亲敏感性产生影响,但这些研究很大程度上忽视了依恋风格与母亲敏感性认知过程的关系,因此现有研究无法回答依恋风格为何会对母亲敏感性产生影响。母亲敏感性的社会信息加工模型整合了与母亲敏感性有关的关键认知结构和认知过程,并将其认知过程分为4个阶段。基于该模型,我们回顾了依恋风格在情感感知、母亲归因、动机反应和反应选择4个阶段的个体差异及作用机制。未来研究应从时间维度深化依恋风格对母亲敏感性认知过程的影响;应拓展母亲敏感性的多种认知结构对其认知过程的共同影响;应关注情境因素在依恋风格与母亲敏感性认知过程中的作用。此外,还应进一步探讨依恋风格对母亲敏感性情绪过程和认知过程的双重影响。  相似文献   

杜忆  李量 《心理科学进展》2011,19(7):944-958
对惊反射的前脉冲抑制是减少干扰影响、保护脑内信息加工的重要机制。它既是研究感觉运动门控的模型, 也是探究精神分裂症机制的模型。前脉冲抑制可被选择性注意和情绪等高级认知活动所调节。本论文工作围绕着恐惧条件化和知觉空间分离去掩蔽(空间选择性注意)对听觉前脉冲抑制多层次化的自上而下调节, 在大鼠行为模型、神经通路、神经电生理机制等几个层次上开展了系统性研究, 并引入了精神分裂症的神经发育模型, 证实早期社会隔离饲养对前脉冲抑制注意调节的破坏影响。本论文研究成果不仅对认识正常情况下脑在复杂刺激场景中的信息加工机制有重要意义, 以感觉运动门控认知调节功能缺失为基础的动物模型也将推动精神分裂症心理学和神经生物学机制的研究。  相似文献   

马原啸  陈旭 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):1967-1979
非安全依恋可塑性是借助认知启动技术(例如安全依恋启动)使非安全依恋个体长期处于敏感和支持性的环境中, 从而唤醒个体积极的依恋经历, 使其对依恋关系形成新的认知图式, 最终实现非安全依恋个体内部工作模型的重构。本项目针对非安全依恋个体的认知加工缺陷, 采用安全依恋启动的方法探索非安全依恋可塑性的发生机制及相应的神经生理基础。项目拟从单次安全依恋启动对非安全依恋个体认知加工缺陷的改善效应、多任务条件下对重复安全启动效应的检验以及重复安全依恋启动效应的追踪研究三方面开展非安全依恋可塑性研究; 研究手段采用行为-生理-脑成像的技术, 从安全依恋启动的性质、方式和时间三个维度上系统地探究非安全依恋可塑性的发生机制与神经基础。非安全依恋可塑性研究为安全依恋研究提供了新视角, 研究提出的依恋图式重构理论是对安全基地图式理论的印证与发展, 对重复安全启动效应的检验及追踪研究试图为非安全依恋可塑性研究构建一套科学有效的评估标准。研究成果对于非安全依恋人群的干预训练、提升依恋安全感、维护心理健康具有重要价值。  相似文献   

记忆作为信息加工的一个重要方面成为了近年依恋认知领域的研究热点,回顾以往研究发现,不同依恋风格者的记忆偏好有所不同,且结果并非总是连续一致的。基于依恋相关的社会信息加工的理论模型,同时结合依恋的系统功能模型,可以总结出图式化加工与策略性加工两种不同的加工方式,以解释此前研究中的分歧。未来研究可以深入探究两种加工方式的机制方面的问题,增加对焦虑型个体记忆偏好的考察,以及关注两种加工方式在改善不安全依恋状态中的应用。  相似文献   

近年来, 神经成像的研究结果显示, 在人类的腹侧视觉皮层内可能存在与特定类别刺激加工一一对应的类别信息加工区。但是, 类别信息加工区是否具有特异性仍然存在争议。文章总结了相关研究领域对这一颇具争议的问题的研究结果, 同时指出了末来研究可能深入的方向。这些方向包括:进一步探讨不同抽象水平的类别信息加工区域的特异性问题、检验类别信息加工区的拓扑分布观点、回答不同类别信息加工区之间的信息如何交流的问题、揭示类别信息加工区的学习机制。  相似文献   

双语脑的研究:不同的语言是否有不同的皮层机制?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着认知神经科学技术的发展,研究者对“不同语言是否有不同的大脑皮层机制?”这个问题的研究也进一步深入。一系列的神经心理学和脑成像研究表明,语言获得的时问、流利程度、获得方式等都可能成为影响语言的皮层机制的因素。  相似文献   

康冠兰  罗霄骁 《心理科学》2020,(5):1072-1078
多通道信息交互是指来自某个感觉通道的信息与另一感觉通道的信息相互作用、相互影响的一系列加工过程。主要包括两个方面:一是不同感觉通道的输入如何整合;二是跨通道信息的冲突控制。本文综述了视听跨通道信息整合与冲突控制的行为心理机制和神经机制,探讨了注意对视听信息整合与冲突控制的影响。未来需探究视听跨通道信息加工的脑网络机制,考察特殊群体的跨通道整合和冲突控制以帮助揭示其认知和社会功能障碍的机制。  相似文献   

躯体和面孔是个体情绪识别的敏感线索。与面部表情的早期视觉加工相似, P1成分对恐惧、愤怒等负性躯体表情更加敏感, 反映了对躯体威胁信息快速且无意识的加工。情绪躯体和面孔还有着类似的构型加工, 表现为二者都能诱发颞枕区视觉皮层相似的N170成分, 但涉及的神经基础并不完全相同。在构型编码加工中, 面部表情的N170与顶中正成分(Vertex Positive Potential, VPP)较躯体表情的N170、VPP更加明显。在面部表情和躯体表情的后期加工阶段, 早期后部负波(Early Posterior Negativity, EPN)反映了面孔和躯体视觉编码的注意指向加工, 随后出现的P3与晚期正成分(Late Positive Component, LPC)代表了顶额皮层对复杂情绪信息的高级认知加工。躯体表情还存在与外纹状皮层躯体区相关的N190成分, 其对躯体的情绪和动作信息敏感。今后的研究应进一步探讨动作对情绪知觉的影响、动态面孔−躯体情绪的加工机制等。  相似文献   

Working memory retention systems: a state of activated long-term memory   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Ruchkin DS  Grafman J  Cameron K  Berndt RS 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2003,26(6):709-28; discussion 728-77
High temporal resolution event-related brain potential and electroencephalographic coherence studies of the neural substrate of short-term storage in working memory indicate that the sustained coactivation of both prefrontal cortex and the posterior cortical systems that participate in the initial perception and comprehension of the retained information are involved in its storage. These studies further show that short-term storage mechanisms involve an increase in neural synchrony between prefrontal cortex and posterior cortex and the enhanced activation of long-term memory representations of material held in short-term memory. This activation begins during the encoding/comprehension phase and evidently is prolonged into the retention phase by attentional drive from prefrontal cortex control systems. A parsimonious interpretation of these findings is that the long-term memory systems associated with the posterior cortical processors provide the necessary representational basis for working memory, with the property of short-term memory decay being primarily due to the posterior system. In this view, there is no reason to posit specialized neural systems whose functions are limited to those of short-term storage buffers. Prefrontal cortex provides the attentional pointer system for maintaining activation in the appropriate posterior processing systems. Short-term memory capacity and phenomena such as displacement of information in short-term memory are determined by limitations on the number of pointers that can be sustained by the prefrontal control systems.  相似文献   

通过记录和分析被试的行为和眼动指标,本研究试图探讨不同工作记忆负荷下,形状干扰对聋人与听力正常人不同视野位置上刺激信息捕获注意的异同。研究结果表明:(1)形状干扰刺激虽然没有影响被试视觉加工的认知绩效,但被试的眼动模式会由于工作记忆负荷的改变而改变,高工作记忆负荷时,有形状干扰的注视次数高于无形状干扰。(2)工作记忆负荷、视野位置影响被试视觉加工任务的完成,被试在不同视野位置的加工过程表现出不一致的眼动模式。(3)聋人视觉加工在高工作记忆负荷时存在一定的劣势,但其对不同视野位置的信息加工及形状干扰所产生的注意捕获效应与听力正常人一致。  相似文献   

Several recent studies of aging and cognition have attributed decreases in the efficiency of working memory processes to possible declines in attentional control, the mechanism(s) by which the brain attempts to limit its processing to that of task-relevant information. Here we used fMRI measures of neural activity during performance of the color-word Stroop task to compare the neural substrates of attentional control in younger (ages: 21-27 years old) and older participants (ages: 60-75 years old) during conditions of both increased competition (incongruent and congruent neutral) and increased conflict (incongruent and congruent neutral). We found evidence of age-related decreases in the responsiveness of structures thought to support attentional control (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortices), suggesting possible impairments in the implementation of attentional control in older participants. Consistent with this notion, older participants exhibited more extensive activation of ventral visual processing regions (i.e., temporal cortex) and anterior inferior prefrontal cortices, reflecting a decreased ability to inhibit the processing of task-irrelevant information. Also, the anterior cingulate cortex, a region involved in evaluatory processes at the level of response (e.g., detecting potential for error), showed age-related increases in its sensitivity to the presence of competing color information. These findings are discussed in terms of newly emerging models of attentional control in the human brain.  相似文献   

Natural visual scenes are cluttered and contain many different objects that cannot all be processed simultaneously. Therefore, attentional mechanisms are needed to select relevant and to filter out irrelevant information. Evidence from functional brain imaging reveals that attention operates at various processing levels within the visual system and beyond. First, the lateral geniculate nucleus appears to be the first stage in the processing of visual information that is modulated by attention, consistent with the idea that it may play an important role as an early gatekeeper in controlling neural gain. Second, areas at intermediate cortical-processing levels, such as V4 and TEO, appear to be important sites at which attention filters out unwanted information by means of receptive field mechanisms. Third, the attention mechanisms that operate in the visual system appear to be controlled by a distributed network of higher order areas in the frontal and parietal cortex, which generate top-down signals that are transmitted via feedback connections to the visual system. And fourth, the pulvinar of the thalamus may operate by integrating and coordinating attentional functions in concert with the fronto-parietal network, although much needs to be learned about its functional properties. The overall view that emerges from the studies reviewed in this article is that neural mechanisms of selective attention operate at multiple stages in the visual system and beyond and are determined by the visual processing capabilities of each stage. In this respect, attention can be considered in terms of a multilevel selection process.  相似文献   

Lei Q  Bao Y  Wang B  Gutyrchik E 《Cognitive processing》2012,13(Z1):S223-S227
When a target appears in the same peripheral location as a previous cue, responding is typically delayed if the cue-target interval is relatively long. This phenomenon is termed inhibition of return (IOR) and has been suggested to reflect an attentional bias in favour of novel visual space. It has been demonstrated recently that IOR is much stronger in the far periphery than in the perifoveal visual field. The present study further investigated the neural mechanisms underlying this eccentricity effect of IOR with an event-related fMRI technique. The results demonstrated a stronger activation in visual cortex for perifoveal processing and a broader activation in multiple brain areas for peripheral processing. When IOR effects were compared between these two areas, a stronger activation of the fronto-parietal network was evidenced for perifoveal versus peripheral IOR, while the prefrontal cortex was more strongly involved in the peripheral IOR versus perifoveal IOR. These results suggest that different neural mechanisms are mediating the dissociable inhibitory functions between the perifoveal and peripheral visual field.  相似文献   

Theoretical accounts suggest an increased and automatic neural processing of emotional, especially threat-related, facial expressions and emotional prosody. In line with this assumption, several functional imaging studies showed activation to threat-related faces and voices in subcortical and cortical brain areas during attentional distraction or unconscious stimulus processing. Furthermore, electrophysiological studies provided evidence for automatic early brain responses to emotional facial expressions and emotional prosody. However, there is increasing evidence that available cognitive resources modulate brain responses to emotional signals from faces and voices, even though conflicting findings may occur depending on contextual factors, specific emotions, sensory modality, and neuroscientific methods used. The current review summarizes these findings and suggests that further studies should combine information from different sensory modalities and neuroscientific methods such as functional neuroimaging and electrophysiology. Furthermore, it is concluded that the variable saliency and relevance of emotional social signals on the one hand and available cognitive resources on the other hand interact in a dynamic manner, making absolute boundaries of the automatic processing of emotional information from faces and voices unlikely.  相似文献   

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