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基于国内外家庭对幼儿心理理论影响的研究,可将家庭微系统分成三个子系统:家庭基本环境子系统(包含家庭社会经济地位和兄弟姐妹数量类型)、父母与儿童互动子系统(包含依恋类型、教养方式、情绪表达和亲子游戏)和兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统(包含合作冲突和假装游戏)。家庭微系统对幼儿心理理论的影响机制模型可假设为:家庭基本环境子系统中家庭社会经济地位影响着父母与儿童互动子系统,兄弟姐妹数量类型影响着兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统。父母与儿童互动子系统、兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统中的各变量均通过心理状态术语使用这一中介变量进而影响儿童心理理论的发展。该模型需要实证研究加以进一步验证。  相似文献   

因对儿童青少年身心发展的消极影响, 粗暴养育(harsh parenting)近年来成为养育研究领域的热点。粗暴养育的表现形式主要包括身体攻击、言语攻击、心理攻击以及强迫/控制行为等。影响因素包括个体影响因素和环境影响因素。前者主要包括父母的敌意人格、认知能力不足、消极的被养经历以及儿童的困难型气质和易损基因型等。后者主要包括家庭经济困难和社区处境不利等。粗暴养育引发儿童的内外化问题, 损害其人际功能, 造成生理/神经系统功能紊乱等。未来研究需进一步考察粗暴养育的影响因素(如特殊家庭环境)、表现形式及其负面影响, 加强本土化研究, 重视粗暴养育的预防和干预。  相似文献   

儿童肥胖现已成为我国的公共卫生隐患之一。虽然遗传和生物学因素起着重要作用,研究学者逐渐意识到对个体的干预终会受到所处环境的限制,需要从心理学角度对幼儿的生态环境进行剖析。本综述基于Bronfenbrenner的生态系统理论,对我国儿童所处四个环境层次和一个历时系统中的影响因素进行梳理和归纳,发现家庭喂养和锻炼、教师与同伴效应、共同养育看护间的协调、饮食文化、电子媒介、家庭流动等因素均会对儿童肥胖产生影响。在生态系统理论指导下对各层次中的影响因素展开相关研究,将为我国儿童肥胖的预防和干预提供系统性的理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

婚姻关系是家庭关系中最核心的关系, 家庭中父母婚姻冲突影响着儿童发展。众多研究发现, 父母婚姻冲突对儿童认知发展和情绪社会性发展均有重要影响, 而且父母婚姻冲突影响儿童发展存在复杂的作用机制(如中介机制和调节机制)。父母婚姻冲突对儿童发展的影响主要通过儿童认知-情绪过程和家庭过程来实现, 且这一影响会因多种儿童因素和环境因素的不同而不同。未来研究有必要同时考察父母婚姻冲突对儿童认知发展和情绪社会性发展的影响, 并进一步探究和整合多种作用机制, 为干预方案的制定提供有力支持。  相似文献   

家庭寄养和孤残儿童的社会适应能力发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾凡林  昝飞 《心理科学》2001,24(5):580-582
本研究运用儿童适应行为评定量表.对上海市的70名家庭寄养及31名在院的孤残儿童进行了测量。结果表明;家庭寄养有助于孤残儿童的适应能力的发展,而且传统的隔离式孤残儿童养育方式向融合式转变是成功的;孤残儿盘的寄养年龄越小.其适应能力越好,也越有利于安置的成功。  相似文献   

最佳适配理论、素质-压力模型、差别易感模型从不同视角阐述了气质、养育方式在儿童社会适应行为中的交互作用机制。最佳适配理论强调气质特质与父母养育方式的良好匹配能促进儿童的社会适应,而不良匹配则会带来适应问题。素质-压力模型强调在不利父母养育条件下,具有"风险"气质特质的儿童更容易出现适应不良,而对"弹性"气质的儿童影响不大。差别易感模型则认为儿童"易感"的气质特质在良好的抚养条件下表现得"更好",而在不利的抚养环境中表现得"更差"。围绕三种代表性理论及其实证研究结果,对当前最新研究结果进行了分析和总结,进一步细分了儿童社会化过程中的风险因素和保护性因素。从气质与积极养育方式的交互作用、养育过程中父母角色分工的差异,以及气质与养育方式动态作用机制三个方面指出了将来进一步探索的方向。  相似文献   

随着"全面二孩"政策的开放,我国将有越来越多的家庭生育第二胎。二胎家庭与独生子女家庭一个显著的区别在于出现了新的家庭成员关系,即同胞关系。现有文献在同胞关系的类型(表现形式)、影响因素及对儿童发展的作用机制等方面已经有一定的积累。同胞关系的表现形式包括温暖和谐型、敌意冲突型、温暖与敌意并存型等。影响同胞关系的因素包括同胞自身因素(同胞的结构特征、气质)和父母相关因素(亲子关系、养育的差别对待、婚姻关系等)。各种形式的同胞关系可以通过以下不同的作用机制进一步影响儿童各自心理的发展:依恋作用机制、社会学习作用机制和社会比较作用机制。此外,结合已有文献,提出了一个整合的同胞关系理论假设框架,揭示各种因素如何影响同胞关系,又通过哪些作用机制引发同胞关系对儿童心理发展的影响。最后,强调我国未来研究需要进一步完善同胞关系相关理论框架,注重文化的影响,以及重视预防与干预相关研究。  相似文献   

随着我国全面二胎政策的实施,关于二胎家庭父母养育的问题越来越受到社会的广泛关注。但是,在我国这方面的研究极度稀缺。本文就二胎家庭父母养育的表现形式、影响因素及作用机制进行论述。二胎家庭父母养育的表现形式包括父母差别对待、协调同胞关系等。二胎家庭父母养育的影响因素包括父母养育第一胎的经验、婚姻质量、协同养育、儿童特点等。二胎父母养育的作用机制包括父母差别对待造成的儿童心理发展问题,以及父母在协调同胞关系中的作用。此外,本文结合已有文献,提出了一个"二胎家庭父母养育的过程机制"模型,揭示在二胎家庭情境下,各种因素是如何影响父母的养育模式,又通过哪些作用机制对家中的两个孩子产生影响。最后,强调未来我国的研究者应该重视本土化,关注社会变迁中二胎父母养育的特点。  相似文献   

刘怡婷  范洁琼  陈斌斌 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1216-1233
共同命运模型(common fate model, CFM)是在家庭或二元层面研究中值得信赖的模型, 其更好地解释了亲密关系内在的相互依赖性。本研究基于共同命运模型探讨了家庭整体婚姻质量对父母协同养育程度的影响, 以及教养能力感在两者间的跨层中介作用。采用问卷法分层整群抽取上海市幼儿园中孩子(平均年龄5.14岁, 年龄范围4~7岁)的父亲与母亲参与调研, 分两个时间段(T1, T2; 间隔1年)收集数据, 最终得到650个家庭的父亲、母亲的婚姻满意度问卷(T1), 教养能力感问卷(T2)和协同养育感知问卷(T2)数据进行分析。结果发现: (1)基于共同命运模型, 家庭层面的婚姻质量正向预测家庭层面的支持性协同养育, 并负向预测家庭层面的破坏性协同养育; (2)家庭层面的婚姻质量正向预测父母各自的教养能力感; (3)父母各自的教养能力感正向预测家庭层面的支持性协同养育, 并负向预测家庭层面的破坏性协同养育; (4)父母个人层面的教养能力感在家庭层面的婚姻质量与家庭层面的支持性协同养育和破坏性协同养育起中介作用。总之, 本研究基于追踪数据运用共同命运模型, 并结合家庭层面(婚姻质量和协同养育)和个人层面(教养能力感)探讨了教养能力感在婚姻质量与父母协同养育间的跨层中介效应, 为营造良好的家庭环境提供一定的理论支持与指导意见, 并进一步促进了共同命运模型发展。  相似文献   

家庭因素对儿童社会化发展影响的研究综述   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
家庭是儿童社会化最早执行者和基本执行者,它对儿童社会化有着极为重要的影响。本文通过文献法,全面论述家庭诸要素如家庭结构及类型、家庭生活及心理气氛、家庭的教育方式及态度、家庭职业、父母家长的期望以及儿童在家庭中扮演的角色等对儿童社会化的作用与影响。  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(6):1175-1190
In Vietnamese culture, grandparents are significantly involved in the upbringing of grandchildren. This involvement of grandparents entails lots of ambiguities and challenges. Boundaries between parents and grandparents are often unclear, and communication can be restricted due to power differentials, leading to inconsistent discipline. This study seeks to evaluate the efficacy of the Group Triple P–Positive Parenting Program plus Building Coparenting Alliance—a compassion-focused module to promote the parent-grandparents relationship. One hundred Vietnamese parents whose parents or parent in-laws provided care for their children were randomly assigned to either an intervention condition (n = 50) or a waitlist control condition (n = 50). Both groups were assessed at three time-points (pre-intervention, post-intervention, and 6-month follow-up). The short-term intervention effects were found across domains, including co-parenting conflict, parents' self-compassion, dysfunctional parenting, parenting self-efficacy, parental adjustment, child behavioral problems and child prosocial behaviors. Intervention effects on co-parenting conflict, parenting behaviors, and the child's prosocial behaviors were maintained at a 6-month follow-up. This study demonstrates the efficacy of Triple P plus compassion in promoting co-parenting relationships between parents and grandparents, enhancing parenting practice and child outcomes in Vietnamese families.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase in women’s labor force participation in Asia, a greater understanding of the impact of maternal employment on parenting and child development in Asia is much needed. The present study examined the concurrent relations between maternal employment status and family characteristics (e.g., socioeconomic status/SES, family structure) in Taiwanese families, and the unique relations of maternal employment and family SES to maternal stress, parenting beliefs, and preschoolers’ socioemotional adjustment. In a school-based sample of 511 preschoolers (age range?=?4–6 years, 52.9% girls), their mothers, and teachers in Taipei and Taitung, mothers reported their employment status, family characteristics, perceived stress and parenting beliefs. Mothers and teachers rated preschoolers’ adjustment. Results showed that compared to unemployed mothers in Taiwan, employed mothers were more likely to come from families with higher SES and fewer children, and nuclear (vs. extended) families. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model. Mothers from lower-SES families reported higher stress and higher endorsement of coercive parenting, and lower endorsement of authoritative parenting than mothers from higher-SES families. Controlling for SES, employed mothers endorsed higher coercive parenting than unemployed mothers. Mothers’ endorsement of authoritative parenting was associated with better child adjustment by mothers’ (but not teachers’) reports, whereas maternal stress and coercive parenting were associated with poorer child adjustment (by mothers’ reports only). In sum, maternal employment was intricately associated with family SES in Taiwanese families, and the two contextual factors shape parenting and child adjustment in different processes.  相似文献   

A risk and resiliency model of children's adjustment was evaluated, with a focus on the relationship of parenting practices to risk and protective factors. Risk factors included family stress, family conflict, parent psychopathology and low socio‐economic status. Protective factors included family cohesion, family social support and family moral– religious orientation. The research hypothesis was that parenting practices would have a direct effect on child outcomes, as well as a moderating effect on the relationship between risk and protective factors and child outcomes. Three different outcomes were utilized: disruptive behaviour disorders, adaptive emotional functioning and school achievement. Participants were 80 children aged 6–12 years and their mothers. Hierarchical regression analyses suggested that the combination of family risk and protection and parenting practices was highly predictive of child functioning for both disruptive externalizing behaviours and positive emotional adaptation. It was found that negative family factors were more highly associated with negative child outcomes, whereas positive family factors were more highly associated with positive child outcomes. Family risk factors and poor parenting primarily accounted for the variance in externalizing child behaviours. Alternately, family protective factors and positive parenting primarily accounted for the variance in child adaptive behaviours. Parenting practices had a direct effect on child outcomes, but was not a strong moderator of the relationship between risk and protection factors and child outcomes.  相似文献   

Internationally-adopted children experience a range of challenges as they cope with the demands of everyday functioning and strive to develop a healthy identity. Research shows that family context such as parenting practices impact the level of adoptees' adjustment and their eventual identity development. In this study, we examined the process of how relationships are built between Ethiopia adoptees and their adoptive families within the new family setting. Using data obtained through semi-structured interviews, a brief survey, and focus group discussion from 25 North American families who adopted 35 Ethiopia children, we conducted a systematic content analysis to examine parents' way of being, way of understanding, and way of intervening. Based on results of this study, we provide a framework that explains the dynamic of Ethiopian adoptees' existence and belonging from pre- to post-adoption in the adoptive family. Implications for future research regarding the need for multiculturally competent parenting practices and family level strategies to reduce barriers to the child and parent relationship are addressed.  相似文献   

为考察祖辈协同教养与幼儿错误信念理解之间的关系以及幼儿亲子依恋的中介作用,采用方便抽样的方法,调查了某城市三所幼儿园345名小班至大班的祖辈协同教养幼儿及其家庭教养人。对幼儿使用操作任务考察错误信念理解能力,对其家庭教养人利用自陈式问卷收集家庭教养方式和亲子依恋等数据。结果显示:(1)祖辈协同教养类型显著影响幼儿的错误信念理解水平和亲子依恋,“有祖辈同住”协同教养幼儿的错误信念理解水平以及依恋的安全性均显著低于“无祖辈同住”协同教养幼儿;(2)亲子依恋在祖辈协同教养的民主信任和教养冲突两个维度与幼儿错误信念理解能力之间分别存在显著的中介作用;(3)祖辈协同教养类型在教养冲突、亲子依恋、错误信念理解能力的中介模型中起调节作用,在“有祖辈同住”条件下,协同教养冲突显著负向预测幼儿的亲子依恋安全感。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of social desirability response set on the report of marital adjustment, child adjustment, and parenting attitudes. Results from 69 married couples closely replicate previous self-report findings suggesting that the more positive the report of marital adjustment, the fewer the number of child problem behaviors endorsed by parents (r = -.19(69), p less than .05). When social desirability is controlled, however, the marital-child adjustment relationship is nonsignificant. Previous reports of a global relationship between marital and child adjustment may have been inflated by individual differences in willingness to endorse problems on self-report measures. Parenting attitudes are not associated with social desirability or marital adjustment. Warmth, but not authoritarianism, is negatively correlated with child behavior problems in the home (r = -.25(69), p less than .01). The authors propose that family interaction research use a multimethod strategy to focus on circumscribed variables that influence marital and parenting behavior.  相似文献   

Non-resident work practices, which involve prolonged separations from family, long-distance commuting between home and remote work sites and long work hours across compressed rosters, are now commonplace in Australia. This study examined the impact of these work arrangements, often termed Fly-In/Fly-Out (FIFO), on children and families, and to identify family-related and employment-related factors that influence child and family outcomes. Anonymous online surveys containing measures of family and couple relationship quality, child behavioral and emotional adjustment, parenting and personal adjustment were completed by 232 partners of FIFO workers, 46 FIFO workers, and a comparison group of community parents (N = 294 mothers, N = 36 fathers). There were no differences between FIFO partners and community parents on family or couple relationship quality, parenting competence and child behavioral or emotional difficulties. FIFO partners reported higher levels of personal emotional problems and greater usage of harsh discipline practices than community mothers, while FIFO workers reported greater work to family conflict and alcohol use than community fathers. Regression analyses on the FIFO partners sample indicated that child and family functioning were best predicted by family factors, including harsh parenting and parental emotional adjustment. Implications of the findings for the design and provision of family-based support for FIFO families are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted the impact of deployment on military families and children and the corresponding need for interventions to support them. Historically, however, little emphasis has been placed on family-based interventions in general, and parenting interventions in particular, with returning service members. This paper provides an overview of research on the associations between combat deployment, parental adjustment of service members and spouses, parenting impairments, and children's adjustment problems, and provides a social interaction learning framework for research and practice to support parenting among military families affected by a parent's deployment. We then describe the Parent Management Training-Oregon model (PMTO(?)), a family of interventions that improves parenting practices and child adjustment in highly stressed families, and briefly present work on an adaptation of PMTO for use in military families (After Deployment: Adaptive Parenting Tools, or ADAPT). The article concludes with PMTO-based recommendations for clinicians providing parenting support to military families.  相似文献   

采用问卷法,从生命史理论的角度探讨母亲教养行为的代价传递性。研究问题一显示,童年期家庭环境的艰苦性和不可预测性不能预测个体成年后的生命史策略,原生家庭母亲的专制型教养方式通过焦虑型依恋行为的中介作用可以间接地负向预测成年女儿的生命史慢策略,原生家庭母亲的民主型教养方式可以直接预测成年女儿的生命史慢策略;研究问题二显示,生命史慢策略在原生家庭母亲的民主型教养行为和成年女儿的合作型协同教养行为之间起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究基于家庭系统论的溢出假说,以376名初中生作为被试,采用父母婚姻冲突问卷、学业倦怠问卷和父母共同教养问卷,探讨父母婚姻冲突、父母共同教养对初中生学业倦怠的影响及其作用机制。研究结果发现:(1)父母婚姻冲突中的冲突频率、冲突强度因子与学业倦怠呈显著正相关,不支持型父母共同教养与学业倦怠呈显著正相关,支持型父母共同教养与学业倦怠呈显著负相关;父母婚姻冲突与不支持型父母共同教养呈显著正相关,婚姻冲突较高的父母在共同教养中表现出更多不支持的教养行为;(2)不支持型父母共同教养作为单独变量在父母婚姻冲突与学业倦怠之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

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