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采用问卷法调查了358名企业员工,探讨家庭支持型主管行为(FSSB)对工作满意感和离职意愿等工作态度的作用机制。结果表明:(1)FSSB对工作满意感有显著正向影响,对离职意愿有显著负向影响。(2)工作-家庭增益在FSSB与工作满意感之间起着中介作用,而工作-家庭冲突的中介作用不显著;工作-家庭增益与冲突在FSSB与离职意愿之间的中介作用均不显著。(3)边界控制感调节了FSSB—工作-家庭增益—工作满意感这一中介过程。本研究提示可通过干预FSSB来提升员工的工作态度。  相似文献   

已有工作家庭界面研究主要立足于冲突视角,近年来部分研究开始从积极视角揭示工作家庭关系的本质。工作家庭增益强调角色资源的跨界渗溢有助提升个体另一角色表现和生活品质的程度。工作家庭资源会增强个体心理资源,进而影响体验工作家庭间的跨界增益,资源的累积循环与工作家庭增益互为持续保障,跨界增益的程度受到工作家庭边界特征的调节影响。论证和提出了"角色资源累积-个体心理因素改变-跨界增益-角色评价与投入"的逻辑主线,以此构建工作家庭间角色资源跨界增益模型。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了主动性人格与小学教师工作满意度的关系,并提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察个人-工作匹配的中介效应和工作-家庭冲突对该效应的调节效应。研究采用主动性人格量表、个人-工作匹配量表、工作-家庭冲突量表和工作满意度量表对8所小学420名教师进行测查,结果表明:(1)主动性人格对个人-工作匹配和工作满意度均有显著的正向预测作用;(2)个人-工作匹配在主动性人格与工作满意度之间起着中介作用;(3)个人-工作匹配与工作满意度的关系(中介效应的后半段路径)受到工作-家庭冲突的调节,即工作-家庭冲突可以降低个人-工作匹配对工作满意度的正向影响。因此,主动性人格和工作满意度之间存在有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

高中教师工作家庭冲突与工作生活质量的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解高中教师的工作家庭冲突状况,探讨高中教师工作家庭冲突与工作生活质量的关系。本研究运用工作家庭冲突量表和工作生活质量量表对湖南146名高中教师进行调查,采用相关分析、逐步回归的方法分析工作家庭冲突对生活质量的影响。结果表明工作家庭冲突和家庭卷入对工作质量有负向影响,工作家庭冲突对生活质量有负向影响,而工作卷入对工作质量、生活质量有正向影响。  相似文献   

本文基于工作-家庭资源模型,采用问卷调查法,收集208份双职工夫妻配对数据,探讨配偶的善意性别偏见对职业女性工作繁荣的中介机制与边界效应。研究结果表明:配偶的善意性别偏见负向预测职业女性的工作繁荣,家庭-工作冲突中介了配偶的善意性别偏见与工作繁荣的关系;同时,职业女性的工作中心性调节了家庭-工作冲突在二者间的中介作用。研究结果对降低职业女性的家庭-工作冲突,减少善意性别偏见,促进工作繁荣有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

交叉影响还是直接影响?工作-家庭冲突的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张勉  李海  魏钧  杨百寅 《心理学报》2011,43(5):573-588
考察了带有方向性的两个工作-家庭冲突变量(工作对家庭的冲突、家庭对工作的冲突)对一些常见的结果变量的影响, 检验了交叉影响模型和直接影响模型在中国样本中的适用性。以工作优先行为规范为基础, 在来自中国企业的管理人员的两个样本中发现:家庭对工作的冲突对工作相关结果(工作满意感、留职意向、组织承诺)具有显著的负向影响, 而工作对家庭的冲突则没有显著影响; 工作对家庭的冲突对生活满意感具有显著的负向影响。本文的发现表明交叉影响模型可以作为解释中国管理人员工作-家庭冲突影响机制的理论, 而直接影响模型不能推广到中国样本中。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高等教育的普及和经济环境变化,组织中员工感知的资质过剩现象愈发普遍,引发了越来越多企业管理者和学者的关注和讨论。然而以往有关员工资质过剩感知的研究主要聚焦于对组织内成员工作态度或行为的影响,而对于其是否以及如何产生工作外溢出效应,特别是如何对工作家庭关系产生影响,尚缺乏系统研究。为了更深入地探讨员工资质过剩感知的影响,本研究从员工个体的工作-家庭关系和其配偶的家庭-工作关系两方面,探讨了员工资质过剩感知的工作场所外溢出效应和交叉影响。具体而言,第一,基于认知评价理论,构建了员工资质过剩感知对其自身工作-家庭冲突的“悖论”中介模型,从而揭示其潜在的双刃剑效应;第二,基于工作-家庭增益模型,探讨员工资质过剩感知对其工作-家庭增益的双路径机制和边界条件;第三,结合交叉效应和性别角色导向理论,探索员工资质过剩感知对其配偶家庭-工作冲突和家庭-工作增益的交叉效应模型,明确员工性别与性别角色导向的双重调节作用,从而深化并拓展员工资质过剩感知的工作外影响研究。相关发现不但有助于从不同理论视角揭示员工资质过剩感知对工作家庭关系的影响,丰富现有理论基础,同时也将为企业的管理实践提供建议。  相似文献   

工作家庭冲突对电讯人员工作倦怠和心理健康的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢义忠  曾垂凯  时勘 《心理科学》2007,30(4):940-943
采用工作家庭冲突问卷、工作倦怠问卷(MBI-Gs)和一般健康状况问卷(GHQ-12)调查了某国营电讯公司526名员工。中介回归分析(Mediating Regressin Analysis)的结果显示,工作家庭冲突及其两个子成分(工作浸扰家庭和家庭浸扰工作)都对心理健康具有显著的负向影响;工作倦怠对工作家庭冲突影响心理健康具有完全中介作用;具体而言,工作浸扰家庭对心理健康的影响受情绪衰竭和玩世不恭的完全中介;家庭浸扰工作对心理健康的影响受工作倦怠所有三个子成分的完全中介。  相似文献   

邓昕才  何山  吕萍  周星  叶一娇  孟洪林  孔雨柔 《心理学报》2021,53(10):1146-1160
以往研究证实了职场排斥会对员工组织内诸多方面产生危害, 然而关于职场排斥向组织外部特别是家庭领域的溢出效应还知之甚少。本研究基于资源保存理论构建了一个有调节的中介效应模型, 探讨职场排斥对员工家庭贬损和家庭满意度的溢出效应和具体机制, 研究结果表明:(1)职场排斥对员工家庭贬损有显著正向作用, 对家庭满意度有显著负向作用; (2)工作压力中介了职场排斥与家庭贬损和家庭满意度的关系; (3)员工归属需求调节了职场排斥对工作压力的影响, 同时调节了工作压力在职场排斥与家庭贬损、家庭满意度之间的中介效应; (4)员工工作家庭区隔偏好调节了工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的作用, 并且调节了职场排斥通过工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的中介效应。  相似文献   

在国内外研究的基础上,以207名企业员工为被试,运用问卷调查法和分层回归分析统计方法,考察了工作投入与工作家庭冲突的关系,并考察了组织支持感在工作投入与工作家庭冲突之间的调节作用。结果表明:工作投入对时间冲突和行为冲突都具有显著的负向预测作用。组织支持感在工作投入与行为冲突的关系中起调节作用。  相似文献   

The literature on the impact of telecommuting on work-family conflict has been equivocal, asserting that telecommuting enhances work-life balance and reduces conflict, or countering that it increases conflict as more time and emotional energy are allocated to family. Surveying 454 professional-level employees who split their work time between an office and home, the authors examined how extensively working in this mode impacts work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict, as well as the contextual impact of job autonomy, scheduling flexibility, and household size. As hypothesized, the findings suggest that telecommuting has a differential impact on work-family conflict, such that the more extensively individuals work in this mode, the lower their work-to-family conflict, but the higher their family-to-work conflict. Additionally, job autonomy and scheduling flexibility were found to positively moderate telecommuting's impact on work-to-family conflict, but household size was found to negatively moderate telecommuting's impact on family-to-work conflict, suggesting that contextual factors may be domain specific.  相似文献   

This survey study explored the effects of work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict on withdrawal behaviors at work (family interruptions at work, lateness to work, and absenteeism) among both members of 359 dual-earner couples. Using a systems theory framework, regression analyses revealed significant individual-level and crossover effects for both types of work-family conflict on withdrawal behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications of the study of work-family conflict crossover effects on withdrawal behaviors at work are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship between four sources of social support (i.e., spouse, relatives and friends, supervisor, and colleagues) and time and strain-based work-to-family and family-to-work conflict among 444 dual-earners. Gender differences with respect to the relationship between social support and work-family conflict were examined as well. The relationship between the sources of support and work-family conflict was tested using multiple regression analyses. Results showed that women reported more strain-based work-to-family conflict than men. Social support from spouse and from colleagues were related to family-to-work conflict, while none of the sources of social support were related to work-to-family conflict. Social support from supervisor and from colleagues were related differently to work-to-family conflict (time-based) and family-to-work conflict (strain-based) for men than for women. We conclude that social support is especially important in reducing family-to-work conflict.  相似文献   

This study adopted a person-environment fit approach to examine whether greater congruence between employees’ preferences for segmenting their work domain from their family domain (i.e., keeping work matters at work) and what their employers’ work environment allowed would be associated with lower work-to-family conflict and higher work-to-family positive spillover. Different facets of work-to-family conflict (time-based and strain-based) and positive spillover (affective and instrumental) were examined. According to latent congruence modeling of survey data from 528 management employees, congruence was negatively related to both time-based and strain-based work-to-family conflict and positively related to work-to-family instrumental positive spillover as expected. However, contrary to expectations, congruence was negatively related to work-to-family affective positive spillover. Implications for how boundary management processes may affect both positive and negative experiences of the work-family interface are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionA number of linking mechanisms between work and family domains have been studied, but one key mechanism has received little attention: the cross-domain influence of positive affect on performance.ObjectiveThis study examines the work-family spillover of positive affect at work onto performance in the family and, inversely, of positive affect in the family onto performance at work. Drawing upon the work-family enrichment theory (Greenhaus & Powell, 2006), we hypothesized that work and family identity salience moderate the work-to-family and family-to-work relationships between originating domain positive affect and receiving domain performance.MethodA sample of 124 Canadian workers completed a pre-diary survey and daily surveys during 10 consecutive days.ResultsMultilevel analyses showed an effect of daily positive affect in the family on daily performance at work, but no significant effect of daily positive affect at work on daily performance in the family. Furthermore, family identity salience facilitated the work-to-family and family-to-work spillover, whereas work identity salience had no significant moderating effect.ConclusionThe results extend the happy-productive worker thesis to the work-family interface by highlighting that positive affect contextualized in the family is related to performance at work.  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法对630名中小学教师进行调查,考察教师情绪智力与工作绩效之间的关系,以及工作家庭促进和主动行为在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)教师情绪智力、工作促进家庭、家庭促进工作和主动行为与工作绩效呈显著正相关;(2)教师情绪智力对工作绩效具有直接的正向预测作用,同时还通过家庭促进工作和主动行为的多重中介作用对工作绩效产生影响;(3)高低情绪智力对工作绩效的影响机制不同,低情绪智力通过家庭促进工作的部分中介作用影响教师工作绩效,高情绪智力通过家庭促进工作和主动行为的完全多重中介作用影响教师工作绩效;(4)工作家庭促进中工作促进家庭维度在教师情绪智力影响工作绩效中没有显著中介作用。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the structure of the work-family interface measure, which was intended to take into account both the positive and negative spillover between work and family demands in both directions. In addition, the links among the types of work-family spillover and the subjects' general and domain-specific well-being were examined. The sample (n = 202) consisted of Finnish employees, aged 42, who had a spouse/partner. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a four-factor model, including negative work-to-family spillover, negative family-to-work spillover, positive work-to-family spillover, and positive family-to-work spillover, was superior compared to the other factor models examined. Path analysis showed, as hypothesized, that the negative work-to-family spillover was most strongly related to low well-being at work (job exhaustion) and next strongly to low general well-being (psychological distress), whereas the negative family-to-work spillover was associated with low well-being in the domain of family (marital dissatisfaction). Positive work-to-family spillover was positively related both to well-being at work and general well-being. Inconsistent with our expectations, positive family-to-work spillover was not directly related to any of the well-being indicators examined.  相似文献   

以往研究发现工作场所中他人感知的员工工作-家庭冲突对员工工作结果具有重要影响, 但相关研究处于起步阶段。在文献回顾的基础上, 从刻板印象理论出发, 提出可能影响他人感知员工工作-家庭冲突的工作、家庭相关因素; 采用能力-热情维度框架探讨他人感知员工工作-家庭冲突的作用机制及其结果。今后研究可在整合工作-家庭冲突研究和刻板印象理论的基础上, 对他人感知员工工作-家庭冲突的形成及人际效用机制等方面进行拓展。  相似文献   

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