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社会困境是指个体理性会导致集体非理性这样的情境。大量实证研究考察社会困境中合作行为的机制,然而缺乏系统的理论框架。实验室研究中所用的社会困境可以从4个方面来分类:“给-游戏”与“拿-游戏”、两人困境与多人困境、对称与非对称困境以及重复与非重复困境。综合而言,以往实验研究主要从个体差异、任务结构以及知觉与策略等3个方面考察影响社会困境的因素,这些影响因素可以整合在一个概念框架中。未来的研究尚需要联合多个学科,澄清研究变量之间的关系,并继续丰富相关概念和理论  相似文献   

以甘肃省兰州市榆中县与安宁区两个高校区的校漂族为调查对象,采用非概率抽样中滚雪球抽样与偶遇抽样两种方法共抽取60名研究对象,运用科尔曼的理性选择理论,借助李(E.S.Lee)"推拉理论"的分析框架,探究促使毕业生选择校漂生活"推力"与"拉力"的动因,并找出现阶段毕业生选择校漂生活存在的问题与困境,在综合前人研究的基础上从国家社会、高校以及个人三个层面提出建议与对策,以促进我国高校毕业生能够朝着更加理性与合理的方向发展。  相似文献   

知识分享是一种典型的公共物品社会困境,个体在组织内部面临着分享知识或不分享知识的博弈。但是,目前从社会困境理论分析"知识分享困境"特征、应对策略及解决机理的研究仍然缺乏。针对这一问题,从社会困境理论出发,分析了知识分享社会困境的内涵和表现形式。同时,结合社会困境对策的研究,划分了应对知识分享社会困境的战略性对策、结构性对策和动机性对策。在此基础上,归纳和总结了促进知识分享的相关实践,并阐述这些实践促进知识分享的内在机理。最后,在理论分析和对策总结的基础上,为未来知识分享研究提供了研究启示。  相似文献   

我国处在社会转型期,经济社会发展与人的道德精神世界常常会出现脱节、错位的现象.在社会转型期更要重视大学生的思想道德教育,这种变化使大学生思想道德教育面临多重困境.本文从以下四方面的问题入手,即道德认知层面:什么是道德的,什么是不道德的,道德情感层面:感动还是冷漠,道德信念层面:坚守崇高还是回归生活,道德行为层面:为了提升德性还是为了提升幸福指数,深入分析大学生思想道德教育面临困境的原因.为了化解这些困境,需要强化“立德树人”的理念,进一步优化教育目标,创新教育内容,改进教育方式,优化教育生态.  相似文献   

概念转变理论及其发展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念转变是心理与教育领域的热点问题。20多年来,研究者从不同的背景和视角研究概念转变的过程与机制,提出了基于认识论、本体论和朴素理论的多个概念转变理论,成为后续概念转变研究的理论框架。随着研究的深入,这些概念转变理论得以继承和发展,表现为融入了社会、情感等因素并具整合的趋势。本文对当前国际主流的概念转变理论及其发展加以评述,并从问题、方法和视角等方面对未来的概念转变研究加以展望,提出构建更具普适性的概念转变理论框架的设想  相似文献   

西方的宗教世俗化理论认为随着社会的进步与发展,宗教在社会中的影响力逐渐减弱,近一百年来,土耳其、伊朗、中亚、法国分别实践过世俗化,试图削弱伊斯兰教在社会公共生活中的影响力,取得了一定的效果,但在现实操作的层面仍然面临一定的困境或难度,从而也引发了相应的问题,给人们留下了可供探讨的话题和思考空间。  相似文献   

民族冲突是影响社会和谐与稳定的重大现实问题, 其社会心理机制是尚未解决的重要科学问题。本项目拟以我国西部地区藏族为例, 纳入社会威胁情境因素, 并整合社会认同理论和社会类别的心理本质论框架下的群际冲突研究。其基本理论命题是:民族冲突形成并不是单一因素所致, 而是基于个体层面、群体层面和社会情境层面的多水平变量相互作用的结果。本项目拟通过既相对独立又彼此关联的三个实证研究, 旨在考察少数民族关于“民族”的心理本质论对民族冲突的预测和影响作用, 探索民族身份延伸和社会威胁情境在其中的影响作用, 从而揭示民族冲突形成的社会心理机制, 旨在为构建民族冲突的预警机制模型奠定基础, 为跨越民族界限、实现多民族和谐共处和完善民族政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

唯物史观与人的发展理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唯物史观作为开创性的社会历史观 ,不仅提出了系统的社会历史宏观解释框架 ,还确立了以人的发展为核心的价值取向。揭示唯物史观科学认识和价值取向的统一 ,确定人的发展作为唯物史观基本价值维度的地位 ,在唯物史观框架中探讨人的发展问题并以人的发展理念诠释唯物史观 ,有助于提升人的发展理论的研究层面 ,建构人的发展理论的当代形态 ,丰富唯物史观的理论内涵 ,扩展和深化对唯物史观当代性特别是当代价值的理解。一对于唯物史观的内容 ,马克思在《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》中做过精炼的概括。恩格斯在此基础上进一步指出 ,作为马克思的第…  相似文献   

哲学层面的辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义是分析社会矛盾的理论框架。社会发展层面的社会主要矛盾经历了五个阶段的演变。对社会主要矛盾的认识决定了社会发展的方向。社会现实层面的重大社会矛盾,相对社会主要矛盾是一种次要矛盾,但对经济社会发展有直接影响。当前,社会重大矛盾产生了新的特点,社会矛盾的化解方式,也有了较大的变化。  相似文献   

当代社会的发展尤其是科学技术的发展,给人类存在的各种关系都带来了深刻的变化,产生了很多具有道德歧义性的社会难题,出现了前所未有的道德困境.传统的伦理学理论和道德规范体系难以适应这种变化,也难以为解决这些道德难题,走出道德困境,提供一个合理的理论指引和现实的解决方案.由此,以研究和解决道德难题为基本使命的应用伦理学便应运而生.  相似文献   

Many environmental problems are resource dilemmas that contain two components-social and temporal-that encourage individuals not to act in the best interest of the group. Most research has focused on the social component. The authors examined the importance of the temporal component in two resource dilemma tasks. Participants (N = 112) reported their willingness to limit resource consumption in response to hypothetical dilemmas and forfeited extra credit points in response to a real dilemma. Cooperation rates were higher when the temporal dilemma was diminished, when uncertainty about environmental impacts was low, and for women. Individuals high in both proenvironmentalism and consideration of future consequences sustained high levels of cooperation even in the face of strong temporal dilemmas.  相似文献   

In an experimental study, we investigated how decisions in social dilemmas are affected by the valence of outcomes that are at stake. Prospect theory states that individuals are risk-averse when outcomes are framed as gains, and risk-seeking when outcomes are framed as losses. On the basis of this framework, previous research on social dilemmas has addressed the question of whether people are more cooperative in the negative domain than in the positive domain, but this research has led to inconsistent results. A possible explanation for this is that in many social dilemmas it is unclear whether cooperation or defection is the risky choice. In the current paper, we compare the well-studied prisoner’s dilemma with the less studied chicken game. Whereas in the prisoner’s dilemma it is unclear what constitutes the risky option, in the chicken game the risky option is quite clear. Consistent with predictions, we found in the chicken game more defection in the loss frame than in the gain frame, but no difference between the gain and loss frame in the prisoner’s dilemma. Moreover, choices were predicted by risk attitude in the chicken game, but not in the prisoner’s dilemma.  相似文献   

For a vibrant and viable psychology of social change it is necessary to examine its place and contribution to the societal processes it seeks to understand, explain, and (potentially) affect. In this article, we first consider the impact that research and theorizing on social change (should) have and related issues of how we communicate about our work (and to whom) and dilemmas around researchers being active participants in the change process. Second, we consider emerging trends in the field and comment on meta‐theoretical and “meta‐methodological” issues in going forward, including the interaction between individual and society, having theoretical models of the person that allow us to account for such an interaction, as well as rethinking our methodology and ways of “doing” psychology to better reflect people's experiences of mobilization and participation. In line with the proposed rethinking of our theories and methods, the final section introduces a new paradigm for investigating the nexus of social change and leadership dynamics. The overall aim of the article is to reflect on key questions and dilemmas facing the field and provide some starting points for debating and shaping its future.  相似文献   

While early psychological theories debated the relation between religiosity and moral decision making, more recent work approached this relation on empirical grounds using multidimensional measures of religiosity and moral dilemmas. The present study investigated the influence of individual differences in religious thoughts and feelings, social desirability and mood on emotions and decisions in moral dilemmas that pit social welfare against harming another person. In order to increase emotional salience, moral dilemmas were framed as personal choices. Results indicated that the tendency to seek religious guidance in everyday life, and social desirability positively predicted deontological choices (i.e., refusing to harm one person in order to save several people). In addition, individual differences in religious feelings positively predicted negative emotion presence in these moral dilemmas. These results highlight the motivational and emotional dimensions of religiosity that influence moral choice and emotional experience in moral dilemmas.  相似文献   

Jacobson  Marsha B. 《Sex roles》1980,6(3):481-487
This paper reports the results of a study in which male and female subjects are exposed to standard shift-to-risk dilemmas in which the central character is either male or female, rather than just male as in previous research. It was found that, while subjects shift to risk on dilemmas with male characters, they generally do not show such shifts on dilemmas with female characters. Results are discussed in terms of major theories of the shift to risk and sex bias on the part of researchers in this area.  相似文献   

Previous research on asymmetric social dilemmas has suggested that public good dilemmas evoke different choice behaviors than do resource dilemmas. The authors propose that these differences reflect a differential focus that is dependent on the way decisions are generally presented in the dilemma types. In agreement with this, the results of 2 experimental studies suggest that, in public good dilemmas, group members are less focused on the consequences of their actions for the final outcome distribution when deciding how many endowments they give to the public good than when deciding how many endowments they keep for themselves. In resource dilemmas, group members are less focused on the final outcome distribution when deciding how many endowments they leave in the collective resource than when deciding how many endowments they take.  相似文献   

Guala raises important questions about the misinterpretation of experimental studies that have found that subjects engage in costly punishment. Instead of positing that punishment is the solution for social dilemmas, earlier research posited that when individuals facing a social dilemma agreed on their own rules and used graduated sanctions, they were more likely to have robust solutions over time.  相似文献   

Background and purpose. To overview research and theories on the impact of social facilitation for persons performing motor tasks.Methods. A narrative review is adopted. The origins of the research tradition are presented and the different theoretical explanations are reviewed.Results and conclusions. It is noted that these explanations claim validity for both the cognitive and motor domains. Results of research are reported on the impact of the presence of others while working on different kinds of motor tasks such as coordination tasks, power and stamina tasks, and a mixture of these. These empirical findings are often in contradiction to the presented theoretical models. The paper discusses whether results of different kinds of motor tasks need different theoretical explanations. It is concluded that if any effects of the mere presence of others are to be found at all, they tend to be weak.  相似文献   

Cultural ethical dilemmas occur when ethical research practices, as prescribed by the research ethics codes of Western research institutions, conflict with the cultural and social norms of non-Western researchers and their participants. Thus, insider-researchers working with participants from similar cultural backgrounds may experience ethical dilemmas that result in disconcerting cultural estrangement from their communities. Using reflexive narratives, the author identifies moments of cultural ethical dilemmas that necessitate a choice between two competing sets of values. Working out of a Western university, the narratives reflect on cultural ethical dilemmas relating to non-coercion, confidentiality, and beneficence, encountered during interviews in the researcher’s community. Analyzed through the lens of Confucian social and ethical behavior, the paper asks whether there is a need for East–west polarization, or whether research ethics codes based on Western worldviews can be reconciled with Confucian worldviews. The paper suggests the “Middle Way” approach to reconciling and integrating the diverse worldviews of ethics, through the use of an ethical reflexive process that engenders trust in the research process and resolves cultural ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

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