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AIDS/HIV has been described as one of the most pressing medical and social problems of this century. A review of the psychosocial and counselling literature relating to it indicates that the predominant psychotherapeutic approach with clients is symptom-focused and presents psychological problems as being inevitable in the course of illness. A systems approach is considered to have a good fit' with HIV-related problems because of issues relating to unpredictability, relationships, interaction, complexity and secrecy which arise in the course of the illness and its management. Some of the counselling tasks of an AIDS counsellor are set out. Consideration of these can help the system (client, family, health care team, counsellor) both to define problems and to find solutions to them without resorting to prior assumptions about either.  相似文献   

The introduction of rehabilitation counselling to the UK in 1990-initially as a diploma and now as an MSc—is described. The worldwide development of rehabilitation counselling from its beginnings in America in the 1950s is outlined, highlighting key areas of debate. Evidence of the need for rehabilitation counselling in the UK is presented, and the current course is described with reference to its integrative counselling approach and specialist areas of enquiry. The future development of rehabilitation counselling in the UK is considered, emphasising the need for this specialism as we move towards more holistic models of care.  相似文献   

This article discusses the present guidance and counselling services within South Africa and concludes that political and economic interests have influenced these services more than psychological theory.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are two major psychological reactions to HIV infection. The recognition and treatment of these are of fundamental importance as they may alleviate the suffering for those with a potentially terminal illness, may increase coping and may improve the quality of their life. Furthermore, many of the physical symptoms associated with anxiety mirror AIDS symptoms. For prompt care it is important that those with HIV/AIDS, and those caring for them, recognize the role of anxiety to minimize unnecessary symptoms and recognize those which could respond to medical intervention. In this study a group of front line AIDS/HIV workers were given an in-depth training course on anxiety and depression. Evaluation of the course revealed a high number of patients suffering from anxiety (80.1%) and depression (31%). The evaluation revealed gains in counselling proficiency, knowledge and symptom recognition. Some of the entrenched myths, particularly surrounding suicide, were not resolved. These findings are discussed in the light of the difficulties of training non-mental health workers in the use of counselling skills.  相似文献   

The high prevalence of stress and psychological distress in university students highlights the need for adequate support services to enable students to achieve their goals. This study aimed to describe counselling services available to university students in Australia and New Zealand and to benchmark them against international services. Participants were five Australian and three New Zealand Counselling Services. Results showed that counselling services are using a variety of formats and e‐technologies to deliver services to students, but are hampered by limited resources compared with their international counterparts. These include very high counsellor student ratios, lower average number of consultations per student, and lower mental health qualifications of counsellors. This has even greater implications in the context of higher education reform in Australia that may further widen the gap between needs of students and available counselling services. Inadequate counselling support can negatively impact on students, universities, and the community through lost potential.  相似文献   

There is little published data on the prevalence of psychological distress among individuals and couples seeking counselling and mediation services from non‐government organisations (NGOs). This national cross‐sectional study establishes the prevalence of psychological distress among clients seeking family and relationship counselling and mediation services from Relationships Australia. A national sample of 1,365 clients attending services in April to May 2012 completed the 10‐item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) after their first counselling or mediation session. Individual counselling (M = 23.01, SD = 8.97, 95% CI [22.05–23.97]) and couple counselling (M = 21.63, SD = 8.10, [20.86–22.41]) clients reported a mean K10 score comparable to those reported by clinical studies of clients with anxiety or affective disorders. One quarter to one fifth of these clients reported very high psychological distress. Clients accessing mediation services had a mean score of 18.13 (SD = 7.76; [17.51–18.75]), and one tenth of clients reported very high distress. These elevated rates of very high psychological distress suggest that mental health issues may be a significant problem for a large proportion of clients accessing counselling and mediation NGO services provided under Family Support Programs (FSP) funding. Implications for screening for mental health and appropriate treatment planning are discussed.  相似文献   

Haemophilia and HIV/AIDS are life-long, life-threatening conditions for which there is treatment but no cure. Both affect not only the patient but all members of the family. This paper focusses on how the counselling of those with AIDS/HIV has been affected by dilemmas such as treatment, infectious aspects, blood donation, sex, the media and having children. The impact of haemophilia and AIDS on the family and the ripple effect on health care staff is addressed.  相似文献   

Sports can promote pro-social behaviors and confidence in physical abilities among participants. We conducted an extensive review of the literature on the ways in which youth in Southern African countries, severely affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other hardships may benefit from acquiring the pro-social skills often associated with athletics. This article reviews the current situation of sports in Botswana and offers recommendations for a culturally appropriate developmental sports counselling program in that country. The authors present arguments that support the development of psychosocial skills, self-determination, and resilience among Batswana Youth through sports counselling interventions.  相似文献   

The special issue on 'Counselling and Health' is introduced, and the context in which counsellors are concerned with both well-being and ill-health is explored.  相似文献   

The study investigated the challenges of HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools as expressed by school counsellors in Kwara state, Nigeria. The respondents comprised 132 purposively selected counsellors in Kwara state public secondary schools (Male=85; Female=47). Data were collected with the use of a survey instrument and the data were quantitatively analyzed. The study identified the challenges hindering effective implementation of HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools as ignorance, non-existence of governmental policy on HIV/AIDS counselling in schools and negative attitudes of school administrators, students and teachers to HIV/AIDS. Geographical location and job status had significant influence on the respondents' views of the challenges facing HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools. The Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON) should enlighten Nigerians on the importance of HIV/AIDS counselling in schools.  相似文献   

This article focuses on community counselling, specifically in African contexts. A community psychology approach is used as a framework for this discussion. This approach, linked to a critical perspective, highlights the importance of going beyond individualist assessments and interventions towards comprehensive approaches that locate the person in context, and that listen carefully to and engage openly with all voices in a way that highlights dynamics that oppress ourselves and others, for the purposes of building a supportive and health promoting environment for all. Perspectives and values relevant to this approach, and their implications for psychological practice, are discussed. In particular, the implications for psychological assessment and intervention are explored in some detail.  相似文献   

The symposium on counselling and computers is introduced through a general consideration of the role of computers in both the counselling process and its administrative accoutrements.  相似文献   

The relevance of the principles and practices of Buddhism to the field of counselling is discussed. Buddhist techniques have already been used by the helping professions in many settings (e.g. Japan, Sri Lanka). The extension of their use to a wider range of settings, and to a wider group of clients, is both feasible and desirable. In addition to the obvious relevance of Buddhist techniques to clients who have a Buddhist background, it is argued that they have a wider applicability. As Buddhism espouses the notion of a productive and healthy lay life, it offers ways not only of dealing with problems and difficulties, but also of improving psychological well-being in general. Examples are cited of relevant Buddhist techniques and their application. It is argued that, once systematically evaluated, many of these could profitably be incorporated into the repertoire of techniques used in present-day counselling and therapy.  相似文献   

This personal view explores a number of gender issues relating to counselling and women clients. Attention is drawn to the lack of content of many training courses in the psychology, sociology and biology of women. Links are drawn between a woman's position in society and mental health. It is argued that counsellors need to be alert and sensitive to women's special needs and to avoid an emphasis on intra-psychic aspects at the expense of acknowledgment of societal pressures.  相似文献   

This paper explores understanding and awareness among counsellors and counselling psychologists, of work with older people. The result of a piece of reasarch on this topic are presented. These tentatively confirm a relative lack of interest and insight into work with this age group and indicate that an age bias may exist among therapists. The reasons for this lack of awareness are explored and it is suggested that issue of the therapists' countertransference is crucial and that work with older persons may raise complex emotional issues for the counsellor. Possible future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

The links between counselling and organisation development are discussed, drawing from personal consulting experience. The structure and aims of the symposium are outlined.  相似文献   

囊虫病是一种由猪囊尾蚴寄生于人体组织内主要引起脑、眼等重要器官或组织损害的常见寄生虫病。目前对其诊断的实验技术研究已发展到高层水平,但被临床应用的并不多。本文从多个方面较全面地分析和回答了出现此现象的原因,并提出了拟解决临床问题的见解与探索思路。  相似文献   

囊虫病是一种由猪囊尾蚴寄生于人体组织内主要引起脑、眼等重要器官或组织损害的常见寄生虫病.目前时其诊断的实验技术研究已发展到高层水平,但被临床应用的并不多.本文从多个方面较全面地分析和回答了出现此现象的原因,并提出了拟解决临床问题的见解与探索思路.  相似文献   

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