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We describe a new, open flow device for presenting taste stimuli to human subjects under controlled conditions of timing. The device delivers each stimulus as a mist to the participant's tongue through one of 16 nozzles attached to a linear slide. Software controls the position of the slide, the duration of the stimulus, and the duration of the pre- and poststimulus water rinses and records the responses of the participant. Temporal characteristics of this system make it especially applicable to studies on the role of attention in taste perception.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a computer-based psychophysical test that can assess capabilities that have been shown through research to be related to both age and automobile accidents. The test operates with a standard personal computer. To facilitate its use with an elderly population, instructions are given aurally by means of a sound card as the exercises are demonstrated. Responses are registered with a joystick; the direction of the joystick’s motion corresponds to the direction or location of stimuli on the screen to obviate the learning of response codes. The sys-tem is currently being used to study the diminished capabilities of elderly drivers who have been referred to a state licensing agency because of deficient driving behavior.  相似文献   

The Automated Portable Test (APT) System is a notebook-sized, computer-based, human-performance and subjective-status assessment system. It is now being used in a wide range of environmental studies (e.g., simulator aftereffects, flight tests, drug effects, and hypoxia). Three questionnaires and 15 performance tests have been implemented, and the adaptation of 30 more tests is underway or is planned. The APT System is easily transportable, is inexpensive, and has the breadth of expansion options required for field and laboratory applications. The APT System is a powerful and expandable tool for human assessment in remote and unusual environments.  相似文献   

Social network analysis has become a prominent tool to study animal social life, and there is an increasing need to develop new systems to collect social information automatically, systematically, and reliably. Here we explore the use of a freely accessible Automated Learning Device for Monkeys (ALDM) to collect such social information on a group of 22 captive baboons (Papio papio). We compared the social network obtained from the co-presence of the baboons in ten ALDM testing booths to the social network obtained through standard behavioral observation techniques. The results show that the co-presence network accurately reflects the social organization of the group, and also indicate under which conditions the co-presence network is most informative. In particular, the best correlation between the two networks was obtained with a minimum of 40 days of computer records and for individuals with at least 500 records per day. We also show through random permutation tests that the observed correlations go beyond what would be observed by simple synchronous activity, to reflect a preferential choice of closely located testing booths. The use of automatized cognitive testing therefore presents a new way of obtaining a large and regular amount of social information that is necessary to develop social network analysis. It also opens the possibility of studying dynamic changes in network structure with time and in relation to the cognitive performance of individuals.  相似文献   

An aversion for an auditory stimulus was established in laboratory rats when a tone was spatially and temporally contiguous with a novel taste in a food conditioned stimulus compound followed by toxicosis. The procedure involved varying the location of the tone relative to a novel tasting food. During toxicosis conditioning, one group ate sweet food with a speaker located in the food, two groups ate sweet food with the speaker displaced (near or far) from the food, and a fourth group was presented with a tone without food available. It was found that the potentiation of auditory aversions required both the presence of a novel taste and spatial contiguity between the taste and the tone.  相似文献   

Synchronizing movements with an external periodic stimulus, such as tapping your foot along with a metronome, is a remarkable human skill called sensorimotor synchronization. A growing body of literature investigates this process, but experiments require collecting responses with high temporal reliability, which often requires specialized hardware. The current article presents and validates TeensyTap, an inexpensive, highly functional framework with excellent timing performance. The framework uses widely available, low-cost hardware and consists of custom-written open-source software and communication protocols. TeensyTap allows running complete experiments through a graphical user interface and can simultaneously present a pacing signal (metronome), measure movements using a force-sensitive resistor, and deliver auditory feedback, with optional experimenter-specified artificial feedback delays. Movement data is communicated to a computer and saved for offline analysis in a format that allows it to be easily imported into spreadsheet programs. The present work also reports a validation experiment showing that timing performance of TeensyTap is highly accurate, ranking it among the gold standard tools available in the field. Metronome pacing signals are presented with millisecond accuracy, feedback sounds are delivered on average 2 ms following the subjects’ taps, and the timing log files produced by the device are unbiased and accurate to within a few milliseconds. The framework allows for a range of experimental questions to be addressed and, since it is open source and transparent, researchers with some technical expertise can easily adapt and extend it to accommodate a host of possible future experiments that have yet to be imagined.  相似文献   

Can we adequately account for our reasons of mere taste without holding that our desires ground such reasons? Recently, Scanlon and Parfit have argued that we can, pointing to pleasure and pain as the grounds of such reasons. In this paper I take issue with each of their accounts. I conclude that we do not yet have a plausible rival to a desire-based understanding of the grounds of such reasons.  相似文献   

Previous work on the measurement of leaders' foreign policy orientations by Margaret G. Hermann argues that spontaneous utterances should provide more useful indications of stable personality characteristics than prepared statements. This paper reconsiders this question for Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton through an automated coding system. A large number of spontaneous utterances and prepared statements by these presidents were compared in an effort to determine the stability of their conceptual complexity across source types and over time. The findings support the ability of Hermann's conceptual complexity measurement to capture robust differences between individuals; however, scores derived from spontaneous comments varied significantly from those derived from prepared remarks. In addition, the trait appears to be stable for some subjects (Carter) but not for others (Clinton).  相似文献   

The effects of testing condition on sexual behavior were examined in female musk shrews (Suncus murinus). Females were tested in 2 conditions, a pair test and a paced test. The pair test was similar to traditional sex test conditions in which the female and male are placed into the same chamber together until mating occurs. The paced condition allowed the female to leave the male's chamber and revisit him at will, thus "pacing" the interaction. Females displayed receptivity continuously for 14 days in both conditions. In the paced condition, females were less likely to become receptive within 30 min and mate to ejaculation. However, few additional differences were found between test conditions. Because this is the 1st experiment to use a pacing test paradigm in a species with induced ovulation, the authors speculate that the absence of pacing behavior during mating may be shown by other species that have induced ovulation.  相似文献   

Operant temporal discrimination learning was investigated in goldfish. In the first experiment, there was a fixed daily change in illumination. Eight subjects were trained to operate a lever that reinforced each press with food. The period during which responses were reinforced was then progressively reduced until it was 1 hr in every 24. The final 1-hr feeding schedule was maintained over 4 weeks. The feeding period commenced at the same time each day throughout. The food dispensers were then made inactive, and a period of extinction ensued for 6 days. The pattern of responding suggested that the fish were able to exhibit temporal discrimination in anticipation of feeding time. This pattern of responding persisted for a limited number of days during the extinction procedure. The second experiment produced evidence that operant temporal discrimination could develop under continuous illumination.  相似文献   


The ability to recall the temporal order of events develops much more slowly than the ability to recall facts about events. To explore what processes facilitate memory for temporal information, we tested 3- to 6-year-old children (N?=?40) for immediate memory of the temporal order of events from a storybook, using a visual timeline task and a yes/no recognition task. In addition, children completed tasks assessing their understanding of before and after and the executive functions of inhibition using the Day/Night Stroop task and cognitive shifting using the Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS) task. Older children (Mage?=?69.25?months) outperformed younger children (Mage?=?52.35?months) on all measures; however, the only significant predictor of memory for the temporal ordering of events was cognitive shifting. The findings suggest that the difficulty in memory for temporal information is related to development of a general cognitive ability, as indexed by the DCCS, rather than specific temporal abilities.  相似文献   

不同的时态逻辑能够适应不同的推理任务。为了符合应用,关于时间的模型从离散的自然数和整数,延伸到稠密的线性实数,甚至扩展到区间代数和树代数。如果简单的时态连接词的表达力已经足够,就只需使用这些简单的时态连接词来构造的时态逻辑。在能够承担降低运算速度的风险下,我们可以为实现更强的表达力而使用更多的连接词,也可以加上度量信息或者固定点。作者近期提出了一个令人惊讶的结论:建立在实数时间上的具有足够表达力的语言和基于自然数离散时间流的传统简单算子,它们推理的计算复杂性是一样的。在这篇论文中,作者试图对建立在标准时态连接词和线性时间流的普通类上的时态逻辑中所有决策问题的计算复杂性作新的说明。尤其是,文中指出,所有标准逻辑在PSPACE中都存在决策问题。  相似文献   

An on-line reaction time program designed for psycholinguistics research implemented on a DEC PDP8/e minicomputer is described. Current applications include: phoneme monitor, click detection, lexical decision, and sentence verification experiments. This assembly language program (PAL8) displays alphanumeric texts on remoted oscilloscopes and records decision-dependent response times with 1-msec accuracy. The system allows for simultaneous testing of three subjects. It operates either according to internally generated timing or in synchrony with audio tape. Individuals with little or no computer background can develop and run experiments without difficulty.  相似文献   

This article discusses the value of the Employment Service Automated Reporting System, which assists labor market planners in employment and training agencies in developing necessary programs for reducing unemployment at the local level. It is postulated that more states should use the data from the system but be careful to avoid misleading approaches.  相似文献   

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