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This study examined the predictive validity of two widely used measures of psychopathic traits, the Psychopathy Checklist--Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 2003) and the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI; Lilienfeld & Andrews, 1996). Records of institutional infractions were obtained for a young adult sample of prison inmates (N = 46), who were followed for approximately two years following administration of these two scales. The PPI total and two factor scores predicted the total number of infractions committed (r ranging from .28 to .36). PPI Factor I showed some evidence of stronger associations with non-aggressive infractions (r = .36), whereas PPI Factor II was the strongest correlate of aggressive misconduct (r = .24). The total and facet scores of the PCL-R were not significantly predictive of any form of institutional misconduct, with effect sizes ranging from negligible to small (median r = .14, r ranging from -.01 to .21).  相似文献   

Three approaches to the assessment of DSM-III personality disorders are compared by examining the manner in which interrelationships between disorders are portrayed by the different techniques. Although a fair degree of convergence was noted among the three techniques, several differences were also observed. These comparisons, particularly the noted contrasts, have implications for future researchers using these techniques.  相似文献   

Despite long-standing calls for the individualization of treatments for depression, modest progress has been made in this effort. The primary objective of this study was to test two competing approaches to personalizing cognitive-behavioral treatment of depression (viz., capitalization and compensation). Thirty-four adults meeting criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (59% female, 85% Caucasian) were randomized to 16-weeks of cognitive-behavioral treatment in which strategies used were selected based on either the capitalization approach (treatment matched to relative strengths) or the compensation approach (treatment matched to relative deficits). Outcome was assessed with a composite measure of both self-report (i.e., Beck Depression Inventory) and observer-rated (i.e., Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression) depressive symptoms. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed a significant treatment approach by time interaction indicating a faster rate of symptom change for the capitalization approach compared to the compensation approach (d = .69, p = .03). Personalizing treatment to patients' relative strengths led to better outcome than treatment personalized to patients' relative deficits. If replicated, these findings would suggest a significant change in thinking about how therapists might best adapt cognitive-behavioral interventions for depression for particular patients.  相似文献   

The present study investigated children's responses to a peer's childhood depression. Younger children in third and fourth grade and older children in fifth and sixth grade were exposed to one of four films. The four films portrayed a female peer who was either depressed or not depressed and who had experienced numerous recent life stresses or no recent life stress. Overall, children rated the depressed peers as less likable and attractive, as engaging in fewer positive current and future behaviors, and as needing therapy more than a nondepressed peer. There was a tendency to rate the depressed peer with high life stress more positively than the depressed peer with low life stress; this tendency decreased with age. Girls rated all of the peers and especially the stressed peers more positively than did the boys. The results are discussed in terms of the implications of children's social interaction for the initiation or maintenance of childhood depression.The authors would like to thank Kelly Merk and Susan Vanderheid for their assistance with this research.  相似文献   

This study compared the validity of 2 different self-report approaches to the assessment of psychopathy in nonforensic samples: the Psychopathy Resemblance Index (PRI), derived from a measure of normal personality functioning, and the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (SRP), developed specifically to assess the maladaptive traits associated with psychopathy. In 2 adult samples (n (1) = 260, n(2) = 250), the PRI and the SRP were positively correlated with each other and with measures of maladaptive personality traits related to Machiavellianism and narcissism. However, unlike the SRP, the PRI was independent of trait empathy and general psychopathology and was positively associated with trait emotional intelligence. These results suggest that the PRI captures a more adaptive variant of psychopathy than does the SRP.  相似文献   

The Cognitive Differentiation Grid (CDG), much used as a measure of vocational differentiation, owes its heritage to Personal Construct Theory but represents an important departure from the theory and poses serious limitations to the study of vocational cognitions. This study examined whether a more theoretically consistent version of the CDG would yield results different from the currently used CDG. As hypothesized, it was found that subjects using their own constructs evidenced greater vocational differentiation than those using the CDG. It was also found that males evidenced greater vocational complexity than females. These data were interpreted to suggest that the CDG may be problematic in the study of vocational cognitions. The discussion focuses on the extent to which these data replicate and extend earlier research in cognitive complexity and on implications for career development research and practice.  相似文献   

The negative impact of postpartum depression on the mother‐infant relationship and infant development more generally has been well documented. Compared to infants of nondepressed mothers, infants of depressed mothers have been shown to be less securely attached to their caregivers and often have cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits that persist well into childhood. Recent evidence has suggested that reduction of maternal depressive symptoms may itself not be sufficient to prevent negative effects on children. Rather, treatments that target the mother‐infant relationship may have great potential in providing a buffer against the potentially damaging effects of postpartum depression. Based on our review of several treatment‐outcome studies, we conclude that mother‐infant psychotherapies and home‐based interventions are generally efficacious in their goal of ameliorating detrimental consequences for children of depressed mothers. Nonetheless, the field must continue to investigate the extent to which treatment gains are maintained over time and the mechanisms by which protective effects occur. It is likely that the most efficacious treatment approaches will be those that address the needs of the mother, the infant, and their relationship.  相似文献   

When modeling valuation under uncertainty, economists generally prefer expected utility because it has an axiomatic foundation, meaning that the resulting choices will satisfy a number of rationality requirements. In expected utility theory, values are computed by multiplying probabilities of each possible state of nature by the payoff in that state and summing the results. The drawback of this approach is that all state probabilities need to be dealt with separately, which becomes extremely cumbersome when it comes to learning. Finance academics and professionals, however, prefer to value risky prospects in terms of a trade-off between expected reward and risk, where the latter is usually measured in terms of reward variance. This mean-variance approach is fast and simple and greatly facilitates learning, but it impedes assigning values to new gambles on the basis of those of known ones. To date, it is unclear whether the human brain computes values in accordance with expected utility theory or with mean-variance analysis. In this article, we discuss the theoretical and empirical arguments that favor one or the other theory. We also propose a new experimental paradigm that could determine whether the human brain follows the expected utility or the mean-variance approach. Behavioral results of implementation of the paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

Two approaches to teaching the biopsychosocial approach were compared. Four outcome measures from 55 patients and 11 resident physicians support a skill-based consultative approach as a more effective teaching method than a traditional didactic method. Implications of this innovative method for the practice of medicine are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We undertook this study to provide empirically derived interpretative recommendations for the MMPI-A Structural Summary through an evaluation of factor elevation patterns. We examined the frequency of single-factor, two-factor, and multifactor elevations in a clinical sample of 363 adolescents receiving inpatient, outpatient, or residential treatment. Two methods of determining factor elevation (a simple majority of scales and subscales within a specific factor with T-score elevations at critical level, versus the mean T score generated by all the scales and subscales for each factor) yielded comparable findings concerning the frequency of factor elevation, permitting reliance on the former, easier-to-use method to define elevation. The most salient two-factor co-elevations were the 3-7 (Disinhibition-Familial Alienation), 2-8 (Immaturity-Psychoticism), 1-5 (General Maladjustment-Health Concerns), and 2-7 (Immaturity-Familial Alienation) patterns. This study also examined whether factor pattern elevations varied as a function of age, gender, or diagnosis. Data analyses revealed no differences between younger (ages 13-14) and older (ages 15-18) adolescents on factor elevation as defined by the first criterion. However, significant differences were found between boys and girls on Factors 3 (Disinhibition) and 5 (Health Concerns). Results also indicated that a larger proportion of depressed adolescents obtained factor elevations on Factors 4 (Social Discomfort) and 5 (Health Concerns) compared to adolescents with conduct disorder diagnoses and other diagnoses. The findings of this study are discussed with reference to recommended procedures for using the Structural Summary in clinical assessment practice.  相似文献   

Mehl MR 《心理评价》2006,18(3):340-345
This study examined how laypersons assess subclinical depression in others on the basis of information about their daily lives. For 2 days, 96 participants were tracked with the Electronically Activated Recorder, a naturalistic observation method that samples ambient sounds from participants' momentary environments. Judges rated participants' levels of depression after listening to the sampled ambient sounds. Participants' depressive symptoms were assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory. Overall, judges showed little accuracy at determining participants' levels of depressive symptoms from the ambient sounds. Exploratory analyses, however, revealed that judges were more accurate among moderately and severely depressed participants, presumably because the cues judges used to assess depression (e.g., spending time alone, not socializing, not laughing) discriminated successfully only at high levels of subclinical depression.  相似文献   

This study of hyperactive boys evaluated the effects of three modes of treatment in relation to an untreated group. The treatments were administered over a 3-month period and included cognitive training, stimulant drug therapy (methylphenidate), and the two treatments combined. A follow-up assessment was conducted approximately 3 months after contact between the training staff and the child had ceased. Analyses of attentional deployment and cognitive style measures, tests of academic achievement, and behavioral ratings showed that only those children in the two medication treatment conditions demonstrated improvement in attentional deployment and behavioral ratings. In the cognitive therapy condition, there were changes only on measures of attentional deployment. The data did not provide evidence indicating that the combined medication and cognitive therapy condition was any more effective than that condition involving medication alone. Discussion provides future guidelines for evaluation of the relative effectiveness of stimulant drug therapy and other psychological treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Current conceptualizations of mental illness focus on assessing psychopathology. A balanced approach would assess strengths that individuals bring to coping with illness. This study measures psychological strengths in individuals with recurrent depression, their coping strategies, and their perceptions of the usefulness of strengths assessment as a component of psychological assessment. Individuals (N?=?112) with recurrent depression completed an online questionnaire measuring several psychological strengths, including gratitude, forgiveness, spirituality, and hope. Participants also described their use of coping strategies and their reaction to the utility of the two-continua model of mental health. A subset (n?=?10) completed a follow-up telephone interview. Higher levels of gratitude, self-forgiveness, hope, and spirituality and lower levels of optimism were indicative of higher life satisfaction. Self-forgiveness, spirituality, and gratitude were predictors of happiness. Higher levels of hope and self-forgiveness predicted positive affect whereas lower levels of self-forgiveness predicted negative affect. Participants reported using a range of coping resources and indicated that they valued strengths assessment, perceiving the two-continua model of mental health as empowering. The researcher discusses implications for clinical practice.  相似文献   

Research has shown that greater stress responses predict worse sleep and that the quality of one's current romantic relationship predicts one's sleep. Despite these established links, research has not examined connections between ongoing patterns of interpersonal experiences and competencies (relationship effectiveness) and stress exposure on sleep. Participants in the Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation (MLSRA) completed measures assessing relationship effectiveness and stress exposure at ages 23 and 32 years, as well as sleep quality/duration at age 37 years. Analyses demonstrate that relationship effectiveness at age 23 years positively predicts sleep quality—but not sleep duration—at age 37 years via reduced stress exposure at age 32 years. These findings highlight the effects of relationship effectiveness and stress exposure across early to middle adulthood on sleep.  相似文献   

This article features a personal evaluation of two treatment methods for stuttering, the Precision Fluency Shaping Program (PFSP) (Webster, 1990; 1986), and the Comprehensive Stuttering Program (CSP) (Boberg and Kully, 1985). The CSP program is described as promoting natural-sounding speech by focusing, from the outset, on smooth blending of syllables or within breath groups. The PFSP program is described as tending to focus on syllables or words in isolation, particularly during early stages of instruction. In addition, the Boberg/ Kully program featured individualized instruction by a series of clinicians interacting with clients in accordance with a rotating schedule. In contrast, the PFSP program emphasized solitary interaction with a voice monitor and client manual. Differences in timing of instruction and calculation of speech rates are discussed. Treatment refinements are suggested, including enhanced precision in distinguishing between soft phrase onsets on individual words.  相似文献   

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