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BACKGROUND: The developmental course of children with conduct disorder (CD) is heterogeneous. Especially children who exhibit symptoms early in their lifetimes are characterized by a negative outcome. Neurobiological aspects of CD have been investigated in these children but little is known about structural and functional brain aberrations. METHODS: We describe the developmental taxonomy of children with CD and focus on those with the early onset subtype. Structural MRI data of these children and antisocial adults are recapitulated. The impact of investigating neurobiological underpinnings of antisocial behavior and how this might contribute to future forensic and psychiatric assessments is discussed. RESULTS/ CONCLUSION: Children display similar structural aberrations of fronto-limbic structures to adults with antisocial behavior, and amygdala dysfunction might be closely related to dysregulated emotions. Though the investigation of biological factors in antisocial subjects has made great progress in recent years, today MRI is still a rather complex, expensive and indistinct method for forensic assessment.  相似文献   

This study compared how extraversion, neuroticism, and extraversion × neuroticism are related to processing of pleasant and unpleasant emotional information as predicted by Eysenck's, Gray's, and Newman's theories. Initially, the participants' levels of extraversion (as measured by the sociability subscale) and neuroticism were assessed with Eysenck's Personality Inventory. They were then tested individually. After completing a questionnaire of current positive and negative moods, they completed three tasks measuring processing of pleasant, unpleasant, and also neutral information. The results showed that extraversion was associated positively with the processing of pleasant information, while neuroticism was associated positively with the processing of unpleasant information. These findings support predictions from Eysenck's theory. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of studies have indicated that delinquent adolescents have characteristic value systems. However, most of these studies have adopted a "known-groups" design--that is, they have compared institutionalized delinquents and non-institutionalized adolescents, assuming those adolescents to be non-delinquent. Designs of this type do not distinguish effectively between the statistical effects of delinquency and of institutionalization. In this study, the authors investigated relationships between values and self-reported antisocial behavior in three adolescent groups: 435 school-attending boys, 529 school-attending girls, and 95 delinquent boys in juvenile rehabilitation centers or prisons. The results indicate that antisocial behavior is associated with hedonistic values and a lack of interest in conventional values and social values. These relationships cannot be explained by the institutionalization effects.  相似文献   

Callous-unemotional and borderline traits, antisocial behaviors, depressive symptoms and social anxiety were assessed in 972 high-school students. Cluster analysis yielded four groups: a low traits group, a second group that was above the mean in callous-unemotional traits and below the mean in borderline traits (moderate callous-unemotional traits cluster), a third group that was well above the mean in borderline traits but low on callous-unemotional traits (borderline traits cluster), and a fourth group that was high on both traits (high traits cluster). The high traits cluster was characterized by the highest level of antisocial behaviors and shared with the borderline traits cluster a high level of depressive symptoms and social anxiety. The moderate callous-unemotional traits cluster and the borderline traits cluster had similar levels of antisocial behaviors that were higher than those of the low traits cluster. This study suggests that there is a significant minority of non-clinical adolescents characterized by the presence of both callous-unemotional and borderline traits, and higher levels of antisocial behaviors and emotional distress.  相似文献   

Recent studies have emphasized the need to consider psychosocial and motivational variables in the study of antisocial behavior in adolescents. Thus, several studies have highlighted the importance of reputation management as a possible explanatory factor. This process of reputation management enables young people to form an image of themselves that they may use in their social interactions. In this study the authors carried out an investigation with data from a sample of 493 adolescents and analyzed (a) the relationships between adolescent reputation management and antisocial behavior and (b) the role of gender in this relationship. The results revealed that a perceived social identity as nonconforming was the best predictor of adolescent antisocial behavior, especially for girls, The data support previous findings on the importance of considering the establishment and management of reputation in the analysis of adolescent antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

The present article presents an overview of the instruments that have been used to assess the Type A behavior pattern in children and adolescents. The development, usage, and psychometric properties of each assessment technique are discussed, with methodological concerns being addressed whenever appropriate. The Matthews Youth Test for Health is the assessment of choice for children, because of its brevity, ease of administration, and adequate psychometric properties. The Hunter-Wolf A-B Rating Scale is desirable only for older, highly literate children. The Adolescent Structured Interview appears to be the most promising device for the adolescent age range. The other adolescent assessment devices are relatively unpopular, difficult to administer, and not always conceptually parallel to existing research on Type A behavior. Recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Marcus RF 《Adolescence》1999,34(133):33-46
One hundred sixty-three young adolescents (72 males, 91 females) were administered a 23-item self-report inventory measuring antisocial behaviors. Results were analyzed separately for males and females. Exploratory factor analysis showed antisocial behavior to be multidimensional and to have different factor structures for males and females. The three factors accounting for more than two-thirds of the variance in antisocial behavior are discussed in terms of specialization in drug/alcohol use and violence.  相似文献   

We first confirmed adolescents diagnosed with disruptive behavior disorders (oppositional defiant, conduct disorder; n = 158) had lower constraint and higher negative emotionality, and greater psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial dysfunction, relative to adolescents without (n = 755), in a population-based sample enriched for externalizing psychopathology (mean age = 17.90 years; 52% female). We then explored whether different personality types, defined by patterns of personality identified via latent profile analysis, were differently associated with clinical features in adolescents with a disruptive behavior disorder diagnosis. Four distinct personality types (“disinhibited,” “high distress,” “low distress,” “positive”) were meaningfully different from one another. Results highlight personality heterogeneity as a means of identifying individuals at greatest risk for the most deleterious forms of externalizing psychopathology.  相似文献   

The relationship between the personality components of psychoticism, extraversion and neuroticism, and levels of conduct disorder, delinquency and therapy responsiveness in children is investigated. A series of studies reporting short- and long-term results test Eysenck's (1970) argument that extraverts, because of their lower levels of conditionability, should feature more prominently in groups showing higher levels of conduct disorder or delinquency. The extension of that argument to include the role of psychoticism (Eysenck H.J. and Eysenck S.B.G., Psychoticism as a Dimension of Personality, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1976) is also subjected to experimental test. Two alternative conceptions of the part played by neuroticism, either that it acts as an amplifying device (high N) or as a filter against pressure to change (low N), are considered. The results support the importance of including personality factors in the study of antisocial behaviour in children.  相似文献   

Information is given about a series of studies with Allsopp and Feldman's ASB scale (1976) in its Spanish version, which compliments the information collected in Silva, Martorell and Clemente (1986a). It deals with test-retest reliability with an interval of 12 months; with comparisons between anonymous and non-anonymous data, and comparison between self-evaluation and evaluation by others. The results support the metric quality of the ASB scale, inviting revision of some of the common criticisms made of these types of instruments.  相似文献   

This study examines the self-concept and perceptions of early parental behavior in a group of 277 normal adolescents with respect to differences in age (12-18 years) and gender. A group of 30 antisocial adolescents of similar age (13-19 years) were included as a comparison group. The study was a cross-sectional questionnaire study and the Swedish translation of the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) introject and mother/father questionnaires were used as measures of self- and parental concepts. Multivariate analyses of variance show that the normal adolescent self-concept and perception of early parental behavior are positive and that there are no age or gender differences. The early behavior of the mother is perceived more positively than that of the father. A positive self-concept is related to a positive perception of the parent's early behavior. The antisocial group of adolescents shows a more autonomous and negative self-concept and more negative perception of early parental behaviors. This was true especially in the group of antisocial girls. The conclusion from the study is that there is no evidence of a chaotic self-concept or tumultuous changes in the perceptions of early parental behavior during normal adolescence, but that an antisocial way of life might be reflected in a more negative and autonomous self-concept and in more negative perceptions of early parental behavior during adolescence.  相似文献   

Despite increasing knowledge of social and biological risk factors for antisocial and violent behavior, we know surprisingly little about how these two sets of risk factors interact. This paper documents 39 empirical examples of biosocial interaction effects for antisocial behavior from the areas of genetics, psychophysiology, obstetrics, brain imaging, neuropsychology, neurology, hormones, neurotransmitters, and environmental toxins. Two main themes emerge. First, when biological and social factors are grouping variables and when antisocial behavior is the outcome, then the presence of both risk factors exponentially increases the rates of antisocial and violent behavior. Second, when social and antisocial variables are grouping variables and biological functioning is the outcome, then the social variable invariably moderates the antisocial–biology relationship such that these relationships are strongest in those from benign home backgrounds. It is argued that further biosocial research is critical for establishing a new generation of more successful intervention and prevention research.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the relations between cognitive distortions (inaccurate thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs) and antisocial behavior that is either overt/confrontational (e.g., fighting) or covert/nonconfrontational (e.g., stealing). A controlled analysis of 52 male delinquents and a comparison sample of 51 high school students aged 14–18 years found the delinquents to be higher in both cognitive distortions and self-reported antisocial behavior. Furthermore, cognitive distortion related specifically to overt and covert antisocial behavior in both samples. In particular, cognitive distortion having overt antisocial behavior as its referent (e.g., “People need to be roughed up once in a while”) evidenced a significant path to overt but not covert antisocial behavior. Conversely, covert-referential cognitive distortion (e.g, “If someone is careless enough to lose a wallet, they deserve to have it stolen”) evidenced a significant path to covert but not overt antisocial behavior. The theoretical and treatment implications of the findings are discussed. Aggr. Behav. 24:335–346, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Building on the Altruism Born of Suffering (ABS) Hypothesis, the present research tests the mediator role of prosocial behavior on the link between perceived personal discrimination and several psychological well-being outcomes in a sample of Turkish-Bulgarian minority youth. We argue that perceived personal discrimination is linked to prosocial behavior, which in turn alleviates discriminations’ detrimental effects on life satisfaction, self-esteem, negative affect and loneliness. Results revealed that prosocial behavior partially mediated the link between perceived personal discrimination and life satisfaction, perceived personal discrimination and self-esteem, and perceived personal discrimination and loneliness, while no mediating effect was found for negative affect. Our research contributes to the existing literature on minority youth dealing with discrimination, and proposes prosocial behavior to be a mechanism of resilient functioning against the maladaptive effects of perceived personal discrimination.


This study used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify patterns of antisocial behavior (ASB) in a sample of 1,820 adolescents in a nonmetropolitan region of the Northeast. Self-reported ASBs including stealing, fighting, damaging property, and police contact were assessed. LCA identified four classes of ASB including a non-ASB class, a mild, a moderate, and a serious ASB class. Multinomial logistic regression indicated that parent-child relationships served as a protective factor against engaging in ASB and peer, school, and community risk and protective factors differentiated mild patterns of ASB from more intense patterns of involvment. These findings suggest utility in using the LCA to better understand predictors of adolescent ASB to inform more effective prevention and intervention efforts targeting youth who exhibit different patterns of behavior.  相似文献   

The present study examined child and family characteristics associated with overt and covert antisocial child behaviors. Child psychiatric inpatients (N=258, ages 6–13) were identified as high in overt and/or covert antisocial behaviors (e.g., aggression and stealing, respectively) based on a structured parent interview measuring antisocial behavior. Children were classified into four groups derived from the factorial combination of level of overt (high vs. low) and covert (high vs. low) antisocial behaviors. Analyses were made of the children's reactions to hostile and anger-provoking situations, deviant and prosocial child behaviors at home and at school, and family structure and organization. Children higher in overt antisocial behaviors were more negative, resentful, and irritable in their reactions to hostile situations and more aggressive at school. They came from families with significantly greater conflict and less independence among family members. Children higher in covert antisocial behavior participated in fewer social activities and were higher in anxiety; their families showed significantly lower family cohesion and organization and less of an emphasis on moral-religious values. The results suggest reliable differences in child and family functioning as a function of patterns of overt and covert antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

Empathy has been accepted as a crucial factor in the development of prosocial thought and behavior. This study attempted to clarify the role of empathy in the development of antisocial and aggressive delinquent behavior. The subjects were 331 delinquents and 64 nondelinquent controls ages 12 to 18. The delinquents were found to be significantly delayed or arrested in the development of empathy. The nondelinquent group exhibited a significant age-related increase in empathy during the adolescent period, whereas the delinquent group did not. Of three delinquent subgroups utilized, the neurotics were least empathic, the psychopathics next, and the subculturals the most empathic; the groups differed significantly from each other. Aggressive delinquents were significantly lower in empathy level than nonaggressive delinquents, though differentiation by type of aggression (person or property) was not significant.This research was based on the author's doctoral dissertation. The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Henry R. Angelino, Dr. Charles Wenar, and Dr. John Gibbs of the Ohio State University for their support and guidance.  相似文献   

Personality was studied in three groups of chronically ill and handicapped children and adolescents and compared to that of healthy control groups. Among physically handicapped children a pattern emerged indicating lack of emotional integration into environment without conflict. Hemophiliacs and diabetics did not differ from controls. However, there were important correlations between personality variables and clinical parameters for all three groups.  相似文献   

Following Gray's theory of personality, the aim of the study was to examine the role of the personality dimensions, behavioural inhibition and activation, in mediating event-related potentials (ERPs) and the level of anticipatory heart rate (HR) deceleration response during two visual-stimulus recognition tasks. In the first task ERPs and anticipatory HR changes were elicited by feedback words informing the subjects about the quality of their response (‘correct’, ‘incorrect’). In the second task ERPs and HR responses were elicited from 62 women by feedback words (‘losing’, ‘winning’) indicating losing or winning, of amounts of money. The Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the I7 questionnaire were used to measure variables which refer to the function of the activation and inhibition system. The N200, P300, N400, P650 and N800 peak amplitudes of the ERPs and the level of anticipatory HR deceleration response to the feedback signals were measured. Personality and physiological responses were first analysed by using a split-plot ANOVA design and second by examining multiple relationships with factor analysis. Separate ANOVAs were performed across Ss selected from the total group (n = 62) on the basis of extreme scores (high or low) on Approach (APPR), Passive Avoidance (PASS.AV), Extinction (EXTI), Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N) and Impulsiveness (I). In line with Gray's prediction, high APPR Ss exhibited larger P600 peak amplitudes to signals indicating winning and low APPR Ss exhibited larger P600 amplitudes to signals indicating losing. Neurotic Ss produced larger N800 peak amplitudes to stimuli indicating losing as compared with stimuli indicating winning. Stable Ss, in contrast, did not display differences between feedback stimuli. Heart-rate deceleration response to feedback signals was successful in distinguishing high and low N Ss as well as Introverts and Extraverts. Neurotic Ss, compared with Stable ones, showed a more pronounced anticipatory HR slowing for both of the feedback signals. Introverts displayed more pronounced HR decelerations for punishment compared with reward signals. Extraverts, in contrast, showed greater HR decelerations for reward compared with punishment signals. These results were all in line with predictions that can be derived from Gray's theory. However, in the opposite direction was the relationship between PASS.AV and N200 peak: High PASS.AV Ss displayed greater N200 peak amplitudes to winning signals compared with signals indicating a correct response. Results from factor analysis gave rise to a three-factor solution wherein personality dimensions sensitive to signals of reward and that sensitive to signals of punishment were loading together with different physiological factors.  相似文献   

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