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Abstract Inquiry into religious experience is informed by conceptualizations of emotion. Although a long history of theoretical and empirical work has provided considerable insight into the philosophical, psychological, and (more recently) neurobiological structure of emotion, the role of cognition and feeling in religious emotional states remains poorly conceived, and, hence, so does the concept of religious experience. The lack of a clear understanding of the role of emotion in religious experience is a consequence of a lack of an adequate interdisciplinary account of emotions. Our primary aim here is to examine the consequences of a properly interdisciplinary understanding of emotions for the analysis of religious experience. To this end, we note points of convergence between psychological, philosophical, and neuroscientific accounts of emotion and between such accounts and reports on the neurobiology of religious experience, in particular two recent human brain imaging studies. We conclude that emotions are richer phenomena than either pure feeling or pure thought and that, rightly understood, emotion affords religious experience its distinctive content and quality. Accordingly, we argue that religious experience cannot be reduced to pure feeling or pure thought. Rather, on our analysis, religious experience emerges as “thinking that feels like something.”  相似文献   

组织文化、组织文化吻合度与员工的组织公民行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国普通员工为被试,考察了组织文化、组织文化吻合度与员工组织公民行为(OCB)之间的关系.结果发现: (1)不同年龄、不同类型企业员工的OCB存在显著差异,但在性别、教育水平方面没有差异; (2)不同取向的组织文化对员工不同层面的OCB具有不同的预测作用.具体而言.组织文化对社会层面OCB的预测作用较强;就单一取向的组织文化来看,人本与创新取向的组织文化对OCB的预测作用最强; (3)在组织文化影响员工组织公民行为时,组织文化吻合度具有一定的调节作用,这种调节作用在人本与创新取向以及规范与安定取向的组织文化影响OCB时表现更加明显.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of whether positive employee attitudes and behaviors influence business outcomes or whether positive business outcomes influence positive employee attitudes and behaviors. We hypothesize that employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and employee turnover influence profitability and customer satisfaction. Data were gathered from the units of a regional restaurant chain via employee surveys, manager surveys, customer surveys, and organizational records. Cross-lagged regression analyses show that employee attitudes and behaviors at Time 1 are related to organizational effectiveness at Time 2. Additional cross-lagged regression analyses show no significant relationship between organizational effectiveness at Time 1 and the employee attitudes and behaviors at Time 2. These results add to the evidence that HR outcomes influence business outcomes, rather than the other way around.  相似文献   

This paper offers theoretical development clarifying the structure and function of collective job satisfaction and uses meta-analytic methods ( k  = 73) to examine the satisfaction–performance relationship when both constructs are construed at the work unit level. Overall, our results suggest that the relationship between unit-level job satisfaction and unit-level performance is significant (ρ= .34). Specifically, significant relationships were found between unit-level job satisfaction and unit-level criteria, including productivity, customer satisfaction, withdrawal, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Furthermore, the satisfaction-performance relationship was moderated by the strength of unit consensus, performance criteria, industry type, and whether the sample was U.S. based. Although these moderators were identified, collective satisfaction positively predicted performance across all levels of moderators. In addition, results indicate that unit-level OCB has a moderately strong relationship with unit-level performance. Only limited support was found for the notion that OCB is a route through which satisfaction has an impact on performance. We elaborate on these findings and attempt to provide a more clear direction for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Based on multilevel data collected at 2 points in time, we examine the role of employees’ affective experiences in shaping their commitment and behavioral responses to both the initial (Time 1) and later (Time 2) phases of organizational change (12 months later). We also test the cross‐level effect of workgroup managers’ transformational leadership on their employees’ responses to change. We find strong support for predicted longitudinal relationships between employees’ affective experiences and their commitment and behavioral responses to change. In particular, employees’ positive and negative affect (NA) at Time 1 significantly predict both their commitment to change and the 3 dimensions (supportive, resistant, and creative) of behavioral responses at Time 2. Further, the effects of NA directly influence employee change commitment and behaviors at Time 2, whereas the long‐term effects of positive affect occur both directly and indirectly through commitment to change at Time 1. Finally, our results support the hypothesized role of workgroup managers’ transformational leadership in shaping employees’ affective reactions and commitment to change at the initial phase of change and thereby, their subsequent behavioral responses in the later phase. We discuss the implications for theory and practice in organizational change.  相似文献   

Self-assessments combined with other evidences such as achievements and test scores lead to increased accuracy and fairness in examining. The use of self-ratings to evaluate an applicant requires adjustment for degree of understanding of the element to be rated and for applicant's subjective base for rating. However, raw ratings may be used for psychometric analysis. Since minorities are usually represented in significant numbers among applicants but not in employed groups, this kind of analysis appears promising for studies designed to reduce adverse impact of tests and other measuring devices. An initial exploratory example of such analysis is described in detail.  相似文献   

This study investigated newcomers'information acquisition about organizational contextual domains from different sources, the relationship between information acquisition and knowledge of domains, relationships between information acquisition from sources, knowledge of domains and socialization outcomes, and shifts in these processes over time. Questionnaires assessing information acquisition strategies, knowledge and socialization outcomes were completed by 151 new organizational members across a variety of organizations, after an average of 17 weeks on the job and again several months later. Results of the study indicated that newcomers differentially relied on sources to gather information, that different sources were of varying importance for gaining knowledge, and that supervisors, coworkers, task and role mastery were related to the assimilation process of new employees. Research and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using data from China, Kenya, and Thailand, we investigated the moderating effect of transformational leadership in the relationships between family-friendly programs (childcare and work flexibility benefits), organizational commitment, and work withdrawal. Results supported the moderating effect of transformational leadership in the relationships between work flexibility benefits and both organizational commitment and work withdrawal, and between childcare benefits and work withdrawal. Theoretical contributions as well as practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Rebecca Sachs Norris 《Zygon》2005,40(1):181-200
Abstract. Certain properties of the body and emotions facilitate the transmission of religious knowledge and the development of religious states through particular qualities of perception and memory. The body, which is the ground of religious experience, can be understood as transformative: the characteristic that recalled emotion is “refelt” in the present enables emotion to be cultivated or developed. Emotions and the stimuli that evoke them are necessarily culturally specific, but the automatic nature of this process is universal. Religious traditions have made use of these processes to educate the feeling toward certain qualities and to develop religious experience, through the use of sacred images, ritual posture and gesture, and repetition of ritual acts. Neuroscience contributes to our understanding of the emotional processes that take place when emotions are evoked, refelt, and developed; the neurobiological processing of emotion parallels experience. Keeping experience central makes it possible to bring religion and neuroscience together in a nonreductive examination of spiritual experience.  相似文献   

组织职业生涯管理与员工心理与行为的关系   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
通过广泛的开放式问卷调查和访谈,结合国外职业生涯管理的做法,编制了适合我国国情的组织职业生涯管理问卷(简称OCMQ),将问卷在13个国有企业、民营企业、股份制企业的管理者、技术人员中进行了调查,对所获得的449份有效问卷探索性因素分析结果表明:我国组织职业生涯管理的结构主要体现在四个维度:即晋升公平、注重培训、职业自我认识、提供职业信息。后来,利用研制的OCMQ,以及相关问卷职业承诺、组织承诺、工作卷入度、职业满意度、工作绩效等又在11家国有和中外合资企业中进行了调查,399份有效问卷结果进一步验证了OCMQ问卷的结构效度、实证效度和信度;并发现组织职业生涯管理对企业员工的职业承诺、组织承诺、工作绩效、职业满意度、工作卷入度等产生积极的影响,证实了职业生涯管理的价值。  相似文献   

Stanley Hauerwas and Gavin D'Costa develop theological arguments for inclusion of constructive theology in Universities' curricula; Andrew Shanks offers an equivalent. They share the conviction that the practice of theology cannot be separated from religious practices. Beyond that, however, their arguments scarcely intersect, in part because of differing analyses of the "secularity" that underwrites the academy's skepticism of theology as a "discipline." Hauerwas analyses secularity theologically; Shanks urges that even secular societies exhibit "will to Honesty" (think, perhaps, "ultimate concern") that is inherently religious and theological; D'Costa argues that central to secular liberalism is a commitment to genuine pluralism that ought to foster theologies in their particularities.  相似文献   

In a replication of a quasi-experiment by Skarlicki and Latham (1996), we investigated the effect of training union leaders ( N = 25) in the administration of organizational justice principles on union members' ( N = 177) perceptions of their leaders' fairness and the members' subsequent citizenship behavior toward their union. Despite the fact that the union members were also shareholders of the company, the results were replicated. Union leader training increased members' perceptions of their leaders' fairness as well as union members' citizenship behavior directed both toward the union as an organization (OCBO) and fellow union members (OCBI). Organizational justice was found to partially mediate the effect of the training on OCBO, but not OCBI.  相似文献   

In this article, the advantages and drawbacks of using Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), especially signal-contingent ESM, to study psychological variables in the workplace are described. It is argued that ESM can be a valuable tool in the field study of work, with the potential to answer different research questions than can be answered by traditional cross-sectional research. To illustrate ESM, an application of signal-contingent ESM to the examination of mood and concurrent task perceptions at work is presented. Study results indicate that both perceived goal progress and skill on task influence task enjoyment and mood. Also described and illustrated is an adaptation of pooled time-series hierarchical regression for analyzing immediate, short-term retrospective (end-of-day), and individual difference variables in a single framework. In conjunction, ESM data collection and hierarchical regression analysis provide a useful approach for studies that examine immediate work experiences.  相似文献   

This essay classifies, reviews, and critiques the current literature on the role of communication in the bargaining process. As such, it provides an up-to-date review of the research findings within four areas: communication opportunity, information exchange, message strategies, and categories of interaction. These areas illustrate three different perspectives of communication: the mechanistic, the psychological, and the pragmatic views. Integration of this literature reveals that bargaining interaction differs from group problem solving in the types of messages used and in the evolution of bargaining stages, and that communication patterns distinguish between the initial and the latter stages of bargaining.  相似文献   

Senior management and the union executive committee of a forest products company set an organizational goal to reduce theft from approximately a million dollars a year to zero. Salaried and hourly employees, selected at random, were interviewed regarding their outcome expectancies for honest and dishonest behavior. The responses were categorized within a 2 × 2 empathy box (honest/dishonest behavior vs. positive/negative outcome expectancies) to allow the organization's leadership to understand from the employee's perspective why there was so much theft. This information was subsequently used to alter employee outcome expectancies which, in turn, changed behavior. Theft dropped to near zero.  相似文献   

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