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Evaluative categories include items that share the same value- laden assessment. Given that these categories have not been examined extensively within the child concepts literature, the present research explored evaluative categorization and induction within the domain of food as a test case. Specifically, two studies examined the categories of healthy and junky foods in children aged 4 and 7 years. Study 1 showed that by aged 4 years, children appropriately apply the evaluative categories of healthy and junky foods to a variety of different foods. Study 2 showed that by age 4 years, children also selectively use the evaluative categories of healthy and junky foods for inductive inferences about the human body, but not for arbitrary or unrelated inferences. Taken together, these results highlight the importance of evaluative processing in young children's categorization and induction.  相似文献   

3个实验探讨了儿童在归纳推理中是否具有多样性效应的争议。实验1采用寻找证据法,使用图片材料,得出5岁儿童在归纳推理中没有多样性效应,表现为典型性效应。实验2改用归属法发现:5岁儿童在归纳推理中表现出多样性效应。实验3采用寻找证据法,但使用实物材料,并且加大了多样性前提的差异程度,结果发现:3岁儿童在归纳推理中也表现出多样性效应。本研究结果表明,在适合的条件下,儿童在归纳推理中能表现出多样性效应。  相似文献   

传统的归纳推理观主要包括特征相似性观和概念观。在基于这两种传统观点的研究过程中,研究者逐渐发现类别知识,特别是标签起到的独特作用,但目前关于不同类型标签作用的分析还缺乏系统性。该文从分析目前两大主要标签研究现状——语言标签和类别标签入手,试图明确标签作用和关系、解释混淆和误解;同时,作者就以标签为载体的研究同儿童语言发展间存在的密切联系提出了儿童归纳推理发展的语言认知模式。文章最后认为未来的研究方向应集中在对机制、技术和深层次内部关系三方面问题的探讨上。  相似文献   

Second-grade children's inference of causal events was studied. Each of the 24 children heard 2 stories containing 6 event episodes. Each story was followed by either a sentence recognition or a cued-recall test. Event episodes explicitly stated an event followed by its outcome. Enablement episodes explicitly stated an action that was causally antecedent to the event, followed by the outcome of the event. Filler (control) episodes explicitly stated an action causally unrelated to the event, followed by the outcome of the event. The results indicate that the children more frequently inferred events from enablements than they inferred enablements from events, and that the children did not make the inferences at the time of reading, but instead made them when queried at the time of the test. This conclusion is suggested because there was false recognition of events but no false recall.  相似文献   

Three studies (N = 171) examined preschool children's tendency to use category information to make inferences about ambiguous behavior. Children heard stories in which category information about story characters was manipulated and behavioral information was held constant. Participants were asked to evaluate, explain, and determine the significance of the behavior in question. Children tended to be harsher judges of the same ambiguous behaviors when performed by (a) humans as compared to animals, (b) boys compared to girls, and (c) older children compared to younger children. Results suggest that young children hold differentiated notions of the mental states and dispositions that underlie behavior and that these notions vary as a function of category membership. These findings support the conclusion that even young children can hold and use multiple folk psychologies.  相似文献   

对93名幼儿进行了五种因果变化模式的因果推理题目的测试。结果表明:(1)在不同的因果变化模式下,被试进行因果推理的成绩存在差异,且在对于这五类题目的掌握上具有一定的顺序。(2)被试在同样因果变化模式题目的表现之间具有较高的相似性,而在因果联结强度相同的题目之间则具有显著的差异。(3)被试对于各题目回答的正确率并不随原因与结果联结次数的增多而提高。(4)即使是在观察到的刺激完全一致的情况下,被试的回答仍会因因果变化模式的差异及主试对于题目解释的不同而存在差别。  相似文献   

在儿童早期归纳推理机制的探索过程中,一直存在着两种观点.一种认为儿童归纳推理是以类别或概念为基础的;另一种则认为儿童归纳推理是以相似性为基础的.这两种观点可能各自反应了儿童归纳推理的一个方面:前者可能说明的是儿童在知识丰富领域的归纳推理;而后者则可能说明的是儿童在知识贫乏领域的归纳推理.  相似文献   

Generic statements express generalizations about categories and present a unique semantic profile that is distinct from quantified statements. This paper reports two studies examining the development of children's intuitions about the semantics of generics and how they differ from statements quantified by all, most, and some. Results reveal that, like adults, preschoolers (a) recognize that generics have flexible truth conditions and are capable of representing a wide range of prevalence levels; and (b) interpret novel generics as having near‐universal prevalence implications. Results further show that by age 4, children are beginning to differentiate the meaning of generics and quantified statements; however, even 7‐ to 11‐year‐olds are not adultlike in their intuitions about the meaning of most‐quantified statements. Overall, these studies suggest that by preschool, children interpret generics in much the same way that adults do; however, mastery of the semantics of quantified statements follows a more protracted course.  相似文献   

This article examines how language affects children's inferences about novel social categories. We hypothesized that lexicalization (using a noun label to refer to someone who possesses a certain property) would influence children's inferences about other people. Specifically, we hypothesized that when a property is lexicalized, it is thought to be more stable over time and over contexts. One hundred fifteen children (5- and 7-year-olds) learned about a characteristic of a hypothetical person (e.g., "Rose eats a lot of carrots"). Half the children were told a noun label for each character (e.g., "She is a carrot-eater"), whereas half heard a verbal predicate (e.g., "She eats carrots whenever she can"). The children judged characteristics as significantly more stable over time and over contexts when the characteristics were referred to by a noun than when they were referred to by a verbal predicate. Lexicalization (in the form of a noun) provides important information to children regarding the stability of personal characteristics.  相似文献   

In domains with multiple competing goals, people face a basic challenge: How to make their strategy use flexible enough to deal with shifting circumstances without losing track of their overall objectives. This article examines how young children meet this challenge in one such domain, tic-tac-toe. Experiment 1 provides an overviews of development in the area; it indicates that children's tic-tac-toe strategies are rule based and that new rules are added one at a time. Experiment 2 demonstrates that even young children flexibly tailor their strategy use to meet shifting circumstances. Experiment 3 indicates that these adaptations are accomplished through a process of goal-based resource allocation, whereby children focus their cognitive resources on applying rules most consistent with their current primary goal. A computer simulation specifies how this process works and demonstrates its sufficiency for producing behavior much like that of the children. The findings are discussed as part of a broader framework of mechanisms for generating problem-solving approaches.  相似文献   

为探讨主题关系在儿童归纳推理中的作用,采用经典的三角归纳范式,设计了主题关系和知觉相似冲突、主题关系和分类学关系冲突两种情形,来考察4~5岁儿童在内在属性和情境性属性任务中的归纳推理。结果显示:当主题关系和知觉相似冲突时,从4.5岁开始儿童主要基于主题关系对情境性属性进行归纳推理,而对于内在属性的推论,4~5岁儿童在基于主题关系和基于知觉相似上没有显著差异。当主题关系和分类学关系冲突时,从4.5岁开始儿童主要基于主题关系对情境性属性进行归纳推理,从5岁开始儿童主要基于分类学关系对内在属性进行归纳推理。两个实验结果均发现5岁和5.5岁儿童能够依据不同的属性使用不同的关系推理,表现出归纳灵活性  相似文献   

We review factors that influence children's use of primary health care services. Predictors of pediatric health care use include child health status, child mental health, parent and family functioning, demographic characteristics, and access to health care services. Health services research is marked by inconsistencies due to varying approaches to measurement, population sampling, and analysis, and models that do not incorporate situational factors. We present recommendations for practicing clinicians and discuss suggestions for future research to help identify additional factors that may influence a parent's decision to seek help from pediatric physicians. Health care use is determined by multiple factors, and complex models will lead to improved strategies for maximizing health status and establishing optimal pediatric care.  相似文献   

设计了两个实验任务,探讨了颜色、大小和形状对68名8~10岁儿童归纳推理的影响。结果发现,在相似性任务中,当测试图片分别与两组前提图片在大小和形状(颜色)上一致时,儿童认为测试图形与大小一致图形具有相同属性;当测试图片分别与前提图片在形状和颜色上一致时,儿童倾向于选择形状一致图形具有的属性。在变化性任务中,当两组前提图片分别在大小和形状上变化,而测试图形与前提组图形不同时,儿童认为测试图形与大小变化图形具有相同属性;当两组前提图片分别在颜色和大小(形状)上变化时,儿童的选择没有显著差异;这一结果与同时变化每组前提图片的两个特征差异不显著,表明单独变化颜色、大小和形状来构成推理任务是比较合理的。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Using a cohort-longitudinal design, children's use of the defeneses of denial. projection, and identification was assessed at four points over a 2-year time span, covering the age period from 6 years, 6 months to 9 years, 5 months. The results showed a clear decrease in the use of denial from early to middle childhood, a sharp increase in the use of projection, and an increase in the use of identification. These findings, predicted by a theory of defense mechanism development, are consistent with cross-sectional results reported previously.  相似文献   

The influences of different action-outcome scenarios on children's evaluative judgments and inferences of outcome intentionality were assessed. One hundred forty-five kindergartners, 2nd graders, and 4th graders heard 4 stories about child actors who engaged in 1 action or 3 equifinal actions and caused a positive or negative outcome. The stories made no mention of the actors' anticipated outcome so that we could assess the children's inferences of whether the actors wanted and had tried to cause the outcome. Children also rated their liking for the actors and the actors' morality. Children's moral and liking judgments were not significantly differentiated by action condition. However, actors who caused positive outcomes received favorable liking and moral judgments, and actors who caused negative outcomes received neutral liking and moral judgments. Children's intentionality inferences varied by the actors' actions and were moderated by outcome valence. The authors discuss children's apparent use of the valence rule when inferring intentionality and their reluctance to judge harshly actors who cause negative outcomes when not privy to the actors' intentions.  相似文献   

In a series of two experiments, we examined 5-year-old children's motivations for learning new conventional actions. Children watched two teachers open a novel container; the teachers differed in the nonfunctional, conventional actions they used in the process. In Experiment 1, one teacher spoke with a native accent and the other spoke with a nonnative accent. Children showed a preference for following the native-accented teacher, and this preference was interpreted as a motivation to match an in-group member. In Experiment 2, the speech accent of the teacher was crossed with explicit expressions of (un)certainty by the teachers. In this case, children preferred the more certain teacher, even when the certain teacher spoke with a nonnative speech accent. This preference was taken as demonstrating a utilitarian motivation that led to choosing the teacher most likely to have useful information. Taken together, these results suggest that by 5 years of age, children are motivated by both utilitarian and in-group considerations when selecting between sources of information; however, when forced to select between the two motivations, utilitarian concerns take precedent.  相似文献   

特质研究是心理理论框架中一个重要方面。儿童进行特质推理时对特质信息的利用,是考察其是否拥有完整特质概念的一个重要指标。综述以往研究可以看到在获得完整的特质概念之前,儿童倾向于运用到特质以外的其他信息做出跨特质范畴的推论,尤其是这些信息比特质信息更加具体明显时。文章概述了六个可能影响到儿童特质推理的信息:情境信息、行为频率、示例频率、效价信息、随意性信息、规则信息。在此基础上,对该领域的研究趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

In many ways, evaluating informants based on their features is a problem of induction: Children rely on the assumption that observable informant characteristics (e.g., traits, behaviors, social categories) will predict unobservable characteristics (e.g., future behavior, knowledge states, intentions). Yet to make sensible inferences, children must recognize what informant features are relevant for what types of inferences. The current research investigated whether preschoolers use social features (e.g., niceness) for making epistemic inferences and, conversely, whether they use intellectual features (e.g., expertise) for making social inferences. In the study, 96 preschoolers (Mage = 4.96 years) were asked to attribute knowledge and behaviors to a mean informant, a nice informant, and a neutral informant. Between subjects, we varied which informant had expertise. We found that when attributing knowledge, children used both features: attributing more knowledge to nicer informants, but also attributing more knowledge to an informant when he had expertise. In contrast, when making social inferences, children relied primarily on social features.  相似文献   

Two studies evaluated preschool children's use of counting to solve different kinds of quantitative problems. Three uses of counting were considered: (a) counting to quantify a single set, (b) counting to compare two sets, and (c) counting to generate a set of a specified numerosity. In Experiment 1, 3- and 3 1/2 year-olds tended not to count spontaneously when asked to compare two sets, even when they were able to count fairly well. In Experiment 2, 3 1/2 year-olds again tended not to count spontaneously on compare-sets and generate-set problems, although they did count readily on quantify-set problems; and the use of counting on the compare-sets and generate-set problems increased markedly between 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 years. These early developments may be important educationally because counting plays a major role in arithmetic learning.  相似文献   

Six- and 7-year-old children computed moves on a board game from dice over 3 sessions (game context) and also solved simple, aurally presented addition problems (academic context), corresponding to the dice rolls made in the game. Children displayed multiple and variable use of addition strategies in both the game and academic contexts, although there were significant differences in the strategies used and patterns of performance between the 2 contexts. Children used more sophisticated strategies and made more errors during the academic than the game context. The relation between strategy use, variability, and errors also varied between the 2 conditions, as did the selection of strategies children used for solving identical addition problems. These findings support selectionist models of cognitive development and illustrate the potent role of context in young children's strategy use.  相似文献   

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