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This article argues that theology thinks differently than philosophy because it is able to think an ontological difference and differences. Theology is able to do this, I argue, because of a trinitarian understanding of creation. A trinitarian understanding of creation does not rest upon any dualism which could domesticate difference. For example, according to Aquinas, creation is not a change. Consequently, there is no dualism of before and after. This means that God does not look to some external register from which to understand what difference is (as is the case with the Neoplatonist One, who can 'create' only one effect, and must do so necessarily). God creates difference qua difference, from divine unity. Furthermore, I argue that all knowledge is related to difference. For this reason, knowledge is itself an eschatological anticipation of the beatific vision.  相似文献   

Miller and Farr's algorithm for the index of redundancy is shown to be incorrect by means of a counterexample. It is also argued that their interpretation of the proportion of the total variance in one multivariate response explained by another multivariate response with respect to a given component of the first response is misleading.  相似文献   

Some properties of three matrices which have been proposed as quantitative bases for factor interpretation are discussed. The first of these contains as elements the covariances of the tests with weighted factor scores. Interpretations of the row sums and column sums of this matrix are given and its independence of the primary factor-reference vector distinction is demonstrated. Two matrices of part correlations are shown to be proportional by columns to the primary factor pattern (and thus to the reference vector structure). One of these matrices is shown to be equal to the reference vector structure.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

G.E.摩尔作为现代西方元伦理学的开创,他在建构其理论体系时所运用的方法不是单一的。而是针对伦理学的不同问题交错运用了直觉方法、绝对孤立法、有机统一原理和分析方法。他的这些方法对于分析伦理学的发展起了很大的作用,但终因其致命缺陷而使该流派走向衰落。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in Experiment 1 on a discrete-trial concurrent variable-interval (VI) 1-min VI 3-min schedule, and in Experiment 2 on a discrete-trial concurrent VI 1.5-min VI 1.5-min schedule. In each experiment, the intertrial-interval durations (ITIs) were 0 s, 6 s, 22 s, and 120 s, and the schedules were both independent and interdependent. The purpose of the research was to determine whether lengthening the ITI would disrupt any local control that existed, measured with respect to relative response rate and changeover probability. In Experiment 1, with the independent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at short ITIs, but then decreased toward .50 with longer ITIs. With interdependent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at all ITIs. In both experiments, with both independent and interdependent schedules, changeover probabilities for each response in a sequence of up to five successive responses to a given schedule were variable for individual birds. The average changeover probabilities for all birds suggested perseveration rather than a systematic increase within a given ITI or a systematic trend toward chance responding as ITI duration increased. Finally, the changeover functions did not differ when a sequence of responses was calculated to begin anew after reinforcement rather than with the first response on a schedule. Taken together, the data were inconsistent with a theory holding that only local processes underlie choice in discrete-trial procedures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forty-one male skydivers from the southeastern United States, with a mean of 531 sport-parachute jumps (freefalls), were administered: (a) a skydiver questionnaire, designed to gather personal, sociological, and skydiving data; (b) the Shipley Vocabulary Test; and (c) the MMPI. Shipley data indicated that skydivers are of superior verbal intelligence, with a mean I.Q. of 122. Analysis of MMPI items revealed that, as compared to the MMPI Adult Male Normative Group, skydivers are significantly more free from anxiety, phobia, and depression; open and lacking in defensiveness; socially deviant and anticonventional; inclined to reject traditional religious beliefs; self-confident and positive; impulsive and oriented toward physical action; hedonistic and thrill seeking; sociable and extroverted; and free from health worries. The mean MMPI profile had high peaks on the Pd and Ma scales, with a low point on the Si scale.  相似文献   

徐晓锋  刘勇 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1175-1178
在行为科学的研究和实践中,研究者常常需要将个体层次的评价,整合到群体层次的评价,对于这种自下而上整合模式的一致性问题,国内一些学者常常错误地使用评分者内部信度作为评分者内部一致性的指标。评分者内部一致性和评分者内部信度不仅在理论基础上存在差异,而且在实践中也存在前者很高(或很低),而后者却很低(或很高)的不一致情况。文章阐述了学术界对评分一致性这一问题的提出、争论和取得一致观点的发展脉络,以期学者们对这一问题能够有深入的思索,避免在今后的研究中出现类似的错误。  相似文献   

万毅 《现代哲学》2007,51(1):118-122
该文对唐末五代时期“禅宗五家”之一云门宗创始人文偃的禅学思想进行了初步分析,指出了其宗教哲学的客观唯心主义本质,同时也揭示了其“机锋”的反理性、反逻辑、反知识的特点。  相似文献   

儿童病因认知发展的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对儿童病因认知发展的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。近20年来,西方发展心理学家在该领域的研究逐渐从皮亚杰理论框架下的研究转变为“朴素理论”框架下的研究。在理论上,研究越来越强调领域特殊性;在研究思路上,研究逐渐从“自上而下”的研究转变为“自下而上”的研究;在研究方法上,研究不断降低任务难度,提高了任务的区分度和敏感性。该领域进一步的研究将更为深入和细致的探查儿童的病因认知。  相似文献   

Genic selectionism holds that all selection can be understood as operating on particular genes. Critics (and conventional biological wisdom) insist that this misrepresents the actual causal structure of selective phenomena at higher levels of biological organization, but cannot convincingly defend this intuition. I argue that the real failing of genic selectionism is pragmatic – it prevents us from adopting the most efficient corpus of causal laws for predicting and intervening in the course of affairs – and I offer a Pragmatic account of causation itself which ultimately bears out the claim that genic selectionism misrepresents the causal structure of selective contexts.  相似文献   

西方心理学自我同一性概念的解析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
我同一性作为西方心理学中一个重要的概念,广泛地应用于发展心理学、人格心理学、社会心理学、咨询心理学、教育心理学和文化心理学。但由于自我同一性概念内涵的丰富与复杂以及研究者理论框架的不同,使自我同一性的概念缺乏明确统一的定义,从而影响了同一性概念的理论功能。本文分析了埃里克森自我同一性概念的奠基、自我同一性概念的实证研究以及自我同一性概念发展的新趋向,透视了西方心理学自我同一性概念不同层面和不同维度上的含义。最后,提出了整合自我同一性概念应关注的范畴以及自我同一性概念的理解。  相似文献   

Stolz  Michael 《Synthese》2002,133(1-2):43-57
Choosing the history of statistics and operations research as a casestudy, several ways of setting the development of 20th century appliedmathematics into a social context are discussed. It is shown that there isample common ground between these contextualizations and several recent research programs in general contemporary history. It is argued that a closer cooperation between general historians and historians ofmathematics might further the integration of the internalist andexternalist approaches within the historiography of mathematics.  相似文献   

董志勇 《现代哲学》2006,1(6):112-120
人的所有制是被用来从总体上表明一个人类共同体内部各成员之间占有关系的一种社会制度或社会关系;人的所有制是人类社会最基本的经济制度,它是区别和划分人类历史上各种不同经济形态的根本标志,是一个比生产资料所有制更为重要和更为基本的社会所有制的存在形式;人权概念是一个先后为在相关人类共同体中分别建立和维持人的公民所有制、劳动力的公民所有制、公民所有制的劳动者人身所有制、人格的公民平等、人的个人所有制、劳动力的个人所有制、个人所有制的劳动者人身所有制、婚权的个人所有制和使包括所有成年女性在内的所有社会成年成员享有人格的人类平等、劳动力的部分社会所有制等社会制度而被提出来的哲学概念、法律概念和政治概念。  相似文献   

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