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Gender role development was assessed in 52 father-absent and 54 father-present African American adolescents. Father-present boys, especially those from lower-income backgrounds, had higher perceptions of their masculinity than did father-absent boys. Lower income father-absent girls perceived themselves to be higher in masculinity than did all other girls. Consequently, father-present adolescents tended to have more traditional gender role orientations than did those in father-absent homes. It is argued that mothers' and fathers' different socializing strategies balance out in two-parent homes. However, in father-absent homes, mothers' tendency to rely on and pressure their daughters fosters relatively more masculine girls, whereas a lack of father socialization fosters less masculine boys. Implications for theory and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between familial and environmental factors and five dimensions of future orientation in a sample of urban, African American early adolescents from low-income families. A new multidimensional interview measure, the Future Orientation Interview, was designed for this study to expand on available measures. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to examine the unique contribution of each familial and environmental factor to each dimension of future orientation. The independent variables significantly predicted three of the five dimensions of future orientation: salience, detail, and control beliefs. The pattern of significance varied for each dimension of future orientation, with mother involvement, kinship social support, and socialization of future orientation emerging as important predictors of various dimensions of future orientation. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical issues related to future orientation and implications for intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among Black consciousness, self-esteem, and academic self-efficacy in African American men. The participants were 120 African American male college students at a predominantly African American university. The authors administered 3 instruments—the Developmental Inventory of Black Consciousness (DIB-C; J. Milliones, 1980), the M. Rosenberg (1965) Self-Esteem Scale, and R. E. Wood and E. A. Locke's (1987) Academic Self-Efficacy Scale—to test the hypotheses. They used an independent-measures t test and a Pearson r correlation to analyze the data. The results of the study supported the hypotheses under investigation. Significant positive relationships were found between Black consciousness and self-esteem and Black consciousness and academic self-efficacy. The results of the study showed that Black consciousness appears to be an important construct to use in understanding self-esteem and academic self-efficacy in African American men.  相似文献   

This study investigated how predictive the Cross Racial Identity Scale (CRIS; B. J. Vandiver, W. E. Cross, F. C. Worrell, & P. Fhagen‐Smith, 2002), a measure of Black racial identity, was of African American cultural practices, beliefs, and attitudes (i.e., enculturation) as measured by the African American Acculturation scale‐33 (H. Landrine & E. Klonoff, 1995). Findings revealed that all but 1 of the CRIS subscales significantly predicted enculturation. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Este estudio investigó hasta qué punto la Escala Cross de Identidad Racial (CRIS, por sus siglas en inglés; B. J. Vandiver, W. E. Cross, F. C. Worrell, & P. Fhagen‐Smith, 2002), una medida de la identidad racial Negra, podría predecir prácticas culturales, creencias y actitudes Afroamericanas (p. ej, la endoculturación) medidas por la Escala de Aculturación Afroamericana‐33 (H. Landrine & E. Klonoff, 1995). Los hallazgos revelaron que todas, a excepción de una, de las subescalas CRIS predijeron la endoculturación de una manera significativa. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.  相似文献   

Little research exists exploring the intersection of male gender role conflict (GRC), racial identity, and psychological distress. Accordingly, using a sample of 130 self‐identified African American male participants, this study explored which aspects of racial identity mediated the relationship between GRC and psychological distress. Results demonstrated that racial identity attitudes reflective of internalized racism (Self‐Hatred) partially mediated the relationship between GRC and psychological distress.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among racial Identity, African self-consciousness, and career decidedness in 212 African American women classified as first year or senior at an historically Black university and a predominantly White university. It was hypothesized that senior women at both institutions would have higher levels of racial identity and African self-consciousness and would be more career decided than first year women. The findings provided partial support for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

从网络环境的视角来看, 同一性实验是指青少年以互联网为媒介, 通过自我表征和自我探索来构建同一性的一系列行为。网上交际的优越性、青少年的人格特征、同一性状态和动机等因素促使青少年进行同一性实验。青少年在参与同步聊天、社交网站和网络游戏的过程中实现同一性实验, 并对其同一性发展产生重要影响。未来的研究应关注网络环境差异和社会比较对青少年同一性实验影响的同时, 还应通过追踪研究和跨文化研究等, 探索同一性实验的深层机制。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the relationship between acculturation and racial identity among African Americans. One hundred eighty‐seven African American students completed the Black Racial Identity Attitude Scale (J. F. Helms & T. A. Parham, 1990) and the African American Acculturation Scale (AAAS; H. Landrine & E. Klonoff, 1995). Acculturation was associated with 3 of the 5 AAAS subscales: Dissonance, Immersion, and Emersion; Immersion had the greatest correlation with acculturation. A simultaneous regression analysis showed that the Pre‐Encounter subscale was a significant predictor of acculturation.  相似文献   

This study explored experiences of power among 11 African American female pastoral counselors‐in‐training. Limited research exists within the field of pastoral counseling regarding the dynamics of power within the development of minority counselors‐in‐training. Experiences of power such as microaggressions and empowerment were evidenced in the art created by participants during their qualitative interviews. Use of a heuristic arts‐based research design resulted in 6 final essences (major themes): symbolic analysis of the journey of identity development, empowerment, powerlessness, ownership of power, integration, and pervasive spirituality. Practical implications for counselor educators and pastoral counseling programs are provided.  相似文献   

This study identified affective and cognitive factors predicting American 6th, 8th, and 10th graders' civic orientation, defined here as feelings of effective community service, conceptualizations of citizenship, and participation in student government. Independent variables included measures of interpersonal trust, valuation of religion, and individualistic versus collective action attributions of responsibility for solving social problems. Interpersonal trust predicted four out of the five outcome variables. Individualistic attribution of social responsibility was a predictor of running for student government office, and collective action attribution was a predictor of conceptualizations of citizenship. Religious valuation also predicted conceptualizations of citizenship as well as feelings of effective community service. For the most part, grade level did not play a significant role in predicting youth's civic orientation. Results are discussed in terms of the literature on social capital and developmental theory.  相似文献   


[Hunt, J. McV. (Ed.). Personality and the Behavior Disorders. New York: Ronald Press, 1944. Pp. 1242 (2 vols.)]. Reviewed by C. H. Patterson  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between perceived self-efficacy and burnout among teachers. Self-efficacy has been defined operationally based on a three-dimensional conceptualization: task, relations and organization. Efficacy variables were three classroom efficacy factors: instruction (task), discipline control (task), and consideration (relations), and two organizational efficacy factors: inclusion (task) and influence (relations). Burnout was measured as both a three-dimensional measure comprised of exhaustion, unaccomplishment and depersonalization, and as a single dimension (a composite score including all three dimensions). A sample of 322 Israeli teachers completed a self-report questionnaire. Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple regression analysis were used. It was found that perceived sense of self-efficacy was inversely correlated with perceived burnout: the lower the sense of self-efficacy, the higher the perceived burnout. The salience of organizational influence efficacy, and consideration efficacy (both are relations efficacies) were noted as important variables in predicting exhaustion, unaccomplishment and depersonalization. Task efficacies (e.g., instruction, discipline control, and inclusion) had no significant or meaningful weight in statistically predicting burnout beyond the relations efficacies. The importance of the organizational self-efficacy (teachers' beliefs in their ability to influence social and political forces within the organization, involvement in planning and executing important activities, as well as ability to draw upon the organization's resources to provide support and assistance) was discussed.  相似文献   

Certain racial identity attitudes may involve diminished internal emotional awareness, features of a syndrome known as “alexithymia,” which has been observed in survivors of extreme trauma. This study found that levels of alexithymia, but not eating disorders, were related to attitudes characteristic of early stages of racial identity development among African American women.  相似文献   

Parental attachment and familial communalism were examined as contributors to the racial identity of 165 African American college students. Students with secure attachments and high reports of communalism were in the later stage of their racial identity development, whereas students with insecure attachments and lacking communalism were in the earlier stages of their racial identity development. El apego parental y el comunalismo familiar se examinaron como contribuyentes a la identidad racial de 165 estudiantes universitarios afroamericanos. Los estudiantes con apegos seguros y alto índice de comunalismo se encontraban en la etapa avanzada del desarrollo de su identidad racial, mientras que los estudiantes con apegos inseguros y falta de comunalismo se encontraban en las etapas tempranas del desarrollo de su identidad racial.  相似文献   

Previous research has linked higher levels of hopelessness about one's future to violent behavior during adolescence; however, little is known about this relationship over time for adolescents. Using growth curve modeling, we tested the association between future orientation and violent behavior across the high school years of adolescence in a sample of African American youth (n = 681). Variation based on demographic characteristics (i.e., sex, SES, previous violence) was explored. At baseline, differences in violent behavior varied by demographic characteristics. Overall, violent behavior decreased with age. Higher levels of future orientation were associated with greater decreases in violent behavior over time. Demographic characteristics were not associated with change in violent behavior overtime. Our findings suggest that future orientation can act as a promotive factor for at risk African American youth. Interventions that help support the development of future goals and aspirations could play a vital role in violence prevention efforts.  相似文献   

A previous classification of life skills was used to suggest issues relating to areas of adolescents' concerns involving relationships, leisure, jobs, education, preparation for the future, work, budgeting, health, social responsibility, and personal skills such as planning and decision-making. A questionnaire relating these concerns to young people's perceptions of the facets of importance, and their own knowledge, competence, sense of improvement, problems, and striving, was administered to a sample of 1,084 adolescents in senior schools and colleges of technical and further education. The results suggested a strong general factor for each facet, with some differentiation into groups of skills. The mean ratings suggested that the skills investigated were considered to be very important by young people, who in general also seemed optimistic about their competence. However, a small proportion expressed serious problems. Responses to the various facets were further examined in terms of group differences — by age, gender, educational context, ethnicity, economic status, and educational expectations. Many small but significant group differences were isolated. Finally, implications are drawn from this related research for schools and colleges in general and for guidance and counselling in particular.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate differences in the ways in which late adolescents with different identity statuses process self-relevant information and negotiate identity issues. Late adolescents with a foreclosed identity status were found to rely on a normative approach to personal problem solving and decision making, whereas identity diffusions were most apt to avoid dealing with identity issues and conflicts. Individuals in self-exploratory identity statuses were most likely to employ an informational orientation. However, as hypothesized, Status × Processing Orientation relationships were moderated by the strength of identity commitments. Results are discussed in terms of a process view of identity development.  相似文献   

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