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An awareness and commitment rating was assessed for a freshman engineering class to determine whether this type of non-intellective measure could help improve the predictability of academic success. The total sample was broken into subsamples based on the interview condition of the student: staff interview; alumni interview; or no interview. The existence of a factor defined as awareness/commitment was supported. For the total sample a significant correlation was found, but at a very low level. For the subsample interviewed by staff, a correlation of .31 was determined. This relationship suggests the possibility of real usefulness for the admissions interview in identifying the factor of awareness and commitment, and thereby improving the prediction of academic success in a professional curriculum such as engineering.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)and class performance of eleventh- and twelfth-grade high school students enrolled in the Current River Area Vocational School, Doniphan, Missouri. Teachers' grades were used as the dependent variable, and the nine independent variables were scores taken from the aptitude factors of the GATB. The stepwise multiple regression technique was used to determine the optimal set of predictors to be used in establishing a regression equation. The results of the project should help in counseling prospective trainees toward trade or shop areas and tentative vocational planning. If not used out of perspective, the G variable in the GATB was the best single predictor of success; the best combination of variables was the G, N, P, F, and M aptitude factors.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to assess WIN clients with the USES General Aptitude Test Battery, the Basic Occupational Literacy Test, and the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey. The available data are analyzed for indications of success in training and eventual employment.  相似文献   

As a result of the continuing Federal-State cooperative test research program in the Employment Service, aptitude test batteries for a large number of specific occupations have been developed. These test batteries are in daily use by Employment Service counselors of candidates for training programs established under the Manpower Development and Training Act (MDTA) of 1962. To what extent are these test batteries predictive of success of enrollees in MDTA courses? This article summarizes the available evidence on this question, based on data for 875 MDTA trainees in 12 courses. In 10 of the 12 samples the operational test norms showed significant cross validity.  相似文献   

The human tendency to form impressions of others is ubiquitous and consequential. Consensus, or agreement among individuals, regarding their first impressions based on the facial appearance of others can lead to the treatment of other individuals in particular ways that shape their outcomes and behaviors. For an impression to be considered accurate it must not only be consensual but must also show correspondence to an external criterion, such as whether impressions of individuals’ leadership ability are related to the performance of their group or organization. Many of our first impressions may not have valid external criteria to enable an assessment of the accuracy of the impression. Yet, whether our impressions are accurate or merely consensual, they can still often predict important outcomes. A limited but growing literature has shown that our impressions can be both consensual and predictive despite important social and perceptual distinctions, such as differences in culture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the value of selected demographic and personality variables in the prediction of rehabilitation success of handicapped individuals. Demographic data and MMPI scores of 79 clients who had been served by a state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) were used as predictor variables in a multiple-regression analysis. An attempt was made to predict three criteria: occupational level, upward mobility, and closure status. The multiple correlations for each of the three regression equations approached significance at the .05 level. Correlations significant at the .05 level, were found between age at onset, age at time of application, type of disability, and education, for one or more of the criteria. Significant beta weights were obtained for age at time of application, IQ, and the Mf, K, and Pd scales from the MMPI.  相似文献   

Behavior problems are prevalent in young children and those living in poverty are at increased risk for stable, high-intensity behavioral problems. Research has demonstrated that participation in child and parent therapy (CPT) programs significantly reduces problematic child behaviors while increasing positive behaviors. However, CPT programs, particularly those implemented with low-income populations, frequently report high rates of attrition (over 50%). Parental attributional style has shown some promise as a contributing factor to treatment attendance and termination in previous research. The authors examined if parental attributional style could predict treatment success in a CPT program, specifically targeting low-income urban children with behavior problems. A hierarchical logistic regression was used with a sample of 425 families to assess if parent- and child-referent attributions variables predicted treatment success over and above demographic variables and symptom severity. Parent-referent attributions, child-referent attributions, and child symptom severity were found to be significant predictors of treatment success. Results indicated that caregivers who viewed themselves as a contributing factor for their child's behavior problems were significantly more likely to demonstrate treatment success. Alternatively, caregivers who viewed their child as more responsible for their own behavior problems were less likely to demonstrate treatment success. Additionally, more severe behavior problems were also predictive of treatment success. Clinical and research implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):235-240
This study evaluated the validity of a compensatory tracking task for pre- dicting success in naval flight training. Its purpose was to determine if psychomotor test scores would add unique variance to the current aviation selection model. Aviation candidates (N = 187) admitted on the basis of current selection test scores were administered a 20-min computer-based tracking task before beginning flight training. Performance on the task was compared with flight training outcomes as measured by passlfailure and cu- mulative flight grade. The results indicated that the tracking task scores differentiated candidates who completed training from those who failed. Multiple regression analyses confirmed that the tracking task scores added unique variance to the current selection model.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effects of classroom guidance on children's classroom behavior, attitudes toward school, and achievement in language arts and mathematics. Pretreatment and posttreatment data were collected on each variable for the treatment and control groups. The study involved 896 children (grades 4 and 5) from 18 different schools in North Carolina. The children came from virtually every geographic region of North Carolina and represented varying economic, social, and cultural environments. Eighteen school counselors volunteered to lead the guidance sessions for children in the treatment group. Results showed the treatment group (n = 453) improving and the control group (n = 443) declining on two measures of classroom behavior and on a single measure of attitude toward school. The differences in score changes between the groups on all these measures were statistically significant (p<.001). The results showed no significant differences in language and math grade changes between the groups. The differences in language grade changes between the groups approached significance (p<.10, however, with the treatment group's language grades improving and the control group's language grades not changing.  相似文献   

Noncognitive variables were better predictors of grades for athletes than were Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. If is suggested that athletes be considered nontraditional students rather than student-athletes.  相似文献   


(Sheldon, W. H. The Varieties of Temperament. New York: Harper, 1942. Pp. 520.) Reviewed by Nathan Israeli.

(Goldstein, K., &; Scheerer, M. Abstract and Concrete Behavior. Psychol. Monog., 1941, 53, No. 2. Pp. 151.) Reviewed by W. Eliasberg.

(Sanders, J. H. Chains of Shadows. New York: Rwell, 1943. Pp. 318.) Reviewed by Anne Anastasi and John P. Foley, Jr.  相似文献   

中学生学习成功感量表的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在访谈、开放式问卷等的基础上,自编了中学生学习成功感量表,并对上海市随机抽取的642名中学生进行了测量。结果表明:该量表的49个项目均有较好的区分度;四个分量表之间的相关表明该量表的建构是正确的;因素分析表明成功感分量表可以分为:与学习本身有关的积极情感、与他人有关的积极情感、满意感和学业自我效能感四个因子;该量表有较高的信度和效度,可以作为评鉴中学生学习成功感的有效工具。  相似文献   

Neither general education nor special education now offers appropriate and therapeutic treatment to all children and youth with emotional or behavioral disorders. Substantial improvements are needed in both general and special education, but the needed changes may not be those suggested by many proponents of school reform. Some suggested reforms are tenuously connected to reality in ways that suggest comedic intent or thought disorder, yet audiences typically respond as if these suggestions were both serious and rational. The disorder of school reform may be as much a problem of inappropriate audience response as it is a matter of nonsensical suggestions. One possible response to serious but highly questionable suggestions for reform is articulation of postulates on which a comprehensive educational service delivery system might be based. I present eight such postulates and correlates.This article is based on a keynote presentation at the First Annual Conference on Multiple Perspectives on Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbance, Virginia Beach, VA, October 8, 1991. Portions of the paper are based on Kauffman and Hallahan (in press).  相似文献   

In an effort to make better use of suspension procedures to modify student behavior, increase academic success of students experiencing suspension, and bring family and school together in behalf of any child whose behavior evidences social needs, a junior high school counselor-administrator-teacher team developed an Alternative to Suspension program that seems to work. Viable components of the program are thought to be in-school suspension time, no distracting activities, regular teacher academic involvement, counseling, and a high degree of parent involvement. The program is felt to be of great benefit in the solution of many negative aspects of a regular suspension procedure.  相似文献   

In this article we are concerned with the situation where one is estimating the outcome of a variable Y, with nominal measurement, on the basis of the outcomes of several predictor variables, X 1, X 2, ..., X r, each with nominal measurement. We assume that we have a random sample from the population. Here we are interested in estimating p, the probability of successfully predicting a new Y from the population, given the X measurements for this new observation. We begin by proposing an estimator, pa, which is the success rate in predicting Y from the current sample. We show that this estimator is always biased upwards. We then propose a second estimator, pb, which divides the original sample into two groups, a holdout group and a training group, in order to estimate p. We show that procedures such as these are always biased downwards, no matter how we divide the original sample into the two groups. Because one of these estimators tends to overestimate p while the other tends to underestimate p, we propose as a heuristic solution to use the mean of these two estimators, pc, as an estimator for p. We then perform several simulation studies to compare the three estimators with respect to both bias and MSE. These simulations seem to confirm that $ p c is a better estimator than either of the other two.  相似文献   

Drawing on an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) framework, we employed a cross‐sectional design study to investigate psychologists' intentions to integrate complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) into their practice via recommending CAT to clients or referring clients to CAT practitioners. Participants were registered practicing psychologists from a range of therapeutic orientations (e.g., narrative, cognitive behavioural, psychodynamic). The psychologists were either recruited by phone, following a search of the Internet, or were contacted through their place of employment (hospitals, university counselling service). Those who agreed to participate (N = 122; n = 88 females, n = 34 males) completed a questionnaire that included standard TPB items of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control, along with items measuring perceived risk, past behaviour, CAT knowledge, and gender. The outcome variables of interest were (a) intention to recommend CAT to clients and (b) intention to refer clients to CAT practitioners. Structural equation modelling revealed that the extended model was a good fit, explaining 69% (recommending CAT) and 51% (referring to CAT practitioners) of the variance in intentions. For both behaviours, direct paths from attitude and subjective norm to intentions were observed, with perceived risk and past behaviour influencing the TPB predictors of attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control. The findings illustrate the role that cognitive and risk factors have on psychologists' decisions to integrate CAT into their practice. Understanding psychologists' cognitions and decisions about CAT integration forms an important basis on which to consider future changes in policy or practice.  相似文献   

The study reported here investigated the use of the High School Placement Test as a predictor of 9th grade academic achievement as measured by school grades. The sample was composed of 3,194 boys who were enrolled in an academic curriculum at 1 of the 10 randomly selected Diocesan high schools in Philadelphia. A multiple regression analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were performed using the subtest scores of the High School Placement Test as independent variables, and final 9th grade average, grades in English, social studies, Latin, general science, and algebra as the dependent variables. It was found that the Composite score of the High School Placement Test individually would have been as useful a predictor of final grades as either of the empirically determined predictor composites computed in performing the multiple regression analysis and the canonical correlation analysis.  相似文献   

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