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Two studies are presented that evaluate newly developed scales of sensation seeking and sexual compulsivity. Results showed that the scales were reliable and correlated with convergent and divergent measures in expected directions in samples of both gay men (N = 296) and inner city low-income men and women (N = 158). Consistent with theories of sensation seeking, the scales corresponded to an attraction toward a range of sexual practices, including increased frequencies of unprotected intercourse and a greater number of sexual partners. As expected, sexual compulsivity was not related to variety and novelty in sexual practices, but was associated with lower levels of self-esteem and resistance to adopting sexual risk-reducing strategies. However, important differences were observed between the gay men and heterosexual samples; scales correlated with substance use only among gay men, and sexual compulsivity was related to a range of sexual practices only among heterosexuals. The sensation seeking and Sexual Compulsivity Scales were therefore reliable, appeared valid, and useful in predicting sexual risk behaviors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS; Kalichman, 2011) in Spanish samples. Two independent studies were conducted. In Study 1, we examined the factor structure of the SSSS in a sample of 1,272 heterosexual undergraduate students (40.0% men, 60.0% women). Results revealed a 2-factor structure. Factor 1 was related to physical sexual sensations and risky sexual behaviors and Factor 2 was related to exploratory or novel sex. A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this factor structure in a sample of 373 community adults (33.8% men, 66.2% women). Two items were deleted, resulting in a final version composed of 8 items. This version showed good test–retest reliability and evidence of its concurrent validity. In Study 2, the factor structure was further confirmed in a sample of 1,596 university students (28.8% men, 71.2% women). More evidence of construct validity was provided, which revealed that higher levels of sexual sensation seeking were associated with more frequent sexual risk behaviors and poorer sexual health. Internal consistency reliability did not reach acceptable levels on all of the subscales. Results suggest that, although it has been used before, this scale needs a revision before its use in Spanish-speaking contexts.  相似文献   

中小学生感觉寻求量表的编制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过文献分析和实证研究,构建了中小学生感觉寻求的理论维度,并据此编制了中小学生感觉寻求的测量量表。以14,560名中小学生为有效被试,对量表进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析后表明:中小学生感觉寻求包含两个维度,即兴奋与冒险寻求、去抑制,所构建的中小学生感觉寻求理论体系比较合理,中小学生感觉寻求量表具有较好的信度和效度,可以作为中小学生感觉寻求研究的测量工具。我国中小学生感觉寻求特点同国外研究结果表现出大体相同趋势。兴奋与冒险寻求、去抑制,以及综合感觉寻求水平,男生均显著高于女生。从年级发展趋势看,中小学生感觉寻求水平总体上逐年增高。  相似文献   

Because of high levels of risk behavior, adjudicated adolescents are at high risk for negative health outcomes such as nicotine and drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases. The goal of this article is to examine relationships between future orientation and impulsive-sensation-seeking personality constructs to risk behaviors among 300 adjudicated adolescents. Significant relationships between impulsive sensation seeking and future orientation were found for several risk behaviors. Individuals with more positive future orientation were less likely to use marijuana, hard drugs, alcohol during sex, had fewer alcohol problems, had lower levels of alcohol frequency and quantity of use, and perceived greater risks associated with such behaviors. Higher impulsivity reliably predicted alcohol problems, alcohol use, condom use, and cigarette smoking.  相似文献   


A constitutional decision rule is the criterion of agreement that the collectivity designates as necessary to achieve binding decisions. Ostrom and Ostrom's (1977) individual calculus model specifies that groups consider two types of costs in choosing a constitutional decision rule: decision-making costs (time, money and effort invested in the decision-making process) and deprivation costs (the extent to which each participant is disadvantaged by an unfavorable decision). Deprivation costs and decision-making costs were manipulated, and preferences for decision rules were observed in this study of 420 American college students. The results partially supported the Ostrom and Ostrom model: Decision-making costs were related to constitutional choice; deprivation costs were not so related. A very large preference was found for majority rule and elected leader rule. In general, subjects did not respond strongly to the desires for efficiency or for individual gain that were proposed by the calculus model.  相似文献   

This research employed two theories to predict contraceptive behavior (condom use) among university men. The sexual behavior sequence (Byrne, 1977, 1983) hypothesizes that erotophobia-erotophilia (negative to positive emotional response to sexuality) will generalize and mediate avoidance or approach of contraception. The theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) hypothesizes that condom use behavior (B) is a function of behavioral intentions (BI) to perform this act; BI is hypothesized to be a function of attitudes towards the act (Aact) and relevant subjective norms (SN), and Aact and SN in turn have hypothesized basic determinants (). In addition, the theory of reasoned action holds that variables external to this model (i.e., erotophobia-erotophilia) may only affect behavior indirectly, by affecting the model's components. To test these assumptions, 145 undergraduate males completed measures of erotophobia-erotophilia and BI, Aact, SN, and and with respect to condom use in the coming month; a one month follow-up measure of B was also obtained. Results confirmed each of the hypothesized relationships and showed that for subjects who had sex during the month under study (N= 44), erotophobia-erotophilia and behavioral intentions were related to condom use (r= .33, r= .44, p < .05). Moreover, in contrast to the assumption of the theory of reasoned action, erotophobia-erotophilia and intentions independently predicted condom use; the linear combination of these factors predicted condom use significantly better (R= .57, p < .001) than either factor taken singly. Conceptual and applied implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of life-cycle models to sensation seeking research, past studies have typically focused on adolescents and adults. This is especially problematic for researchers studying the role of media use in the development of risky behaviors (e.g., violent video game consumption and aggressive behavior). To facilitate research with child populations, a brief sensation seeking scale for children (BSSS-C) is developed and validated with a sample of fourth, fifth, and sixth graders (N = 136). The BSSS-C is found to be internally reliable (α = .82) as well as a strong predictor of several risky child behaviors. Higher sensation seeking children were more likely to play video games, including violent subgenres (e.g., shooters), and to enjoy playing video games that contained specific acts of violence (e.g., weapon use). Higher sensation seekers were also more likely to engage in rule-breaking behavior, such as bringing prohibited cell phones to school. The results suggest that sensation seeking may be related to risky behavior at a very young age.  相似文献   

A socially optimized learning approach, which integrates diverse theoretical perspectives, places men who have sex with men (MSM) in an interactive virtual environment designed to simulate the emotional, interpersonal, and contextual narrative of an actual sexual encounter while challenging and changing MSM's more automatic patterns of risky responses. MSM assume a character's identity and are scaffolded in their decision‐making and relearning process by supportive, and often humorous, peer coaches who encourage situated learning of self‐regulatory and behavioral skills, and tailor and frame their responses to be responsive to the men's behavioral choices. In a longitudinal design, participants were randomly assigned to receive either an interactive video (IAV) intervention with peer counseling or to a peer‐counseling‐alone control. Compared to the counseling alone, men who also received the IAV reduced risky anal sex behaviors and increased protected anal sex behaviors.  相似文献   

在生态系统理论和社会学习理论基础上提出一个有中介的调节模型,探讨青少年感觉寻求与烟酒使用的关系,以及压力性生活事件的调节效应和结交不良同伴的中介效应。被试为660名青少年,研究工具包括青少年感觉寻求量表、压力性生活事件量表、不良同伴问卷和烟酒使用问卷。结果显示:(1)青少年感觉寻求是烟酒使用的风险因素。(2)压力性生活事件对感觉寻求与烟酒使用之间的关系具有风险增强的调节效应。(3)这种调节效应以结交不良同伴为中介变量。因此,青少年感觉寻求与烟酒使用之间既存在调节效应又存在中介效应。  相似文献   

Demet Erol Öngen 《Sex roles》2007,57(1-2):111-118
The relationships between sensation seeking and gender role orientation were examined among 325 Turkish university students. The Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (SSS-V; Zuckerman, Behavioral expressions and biosocial bases of sensation seeking. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994) and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem, Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 42:155–162, 1974) were used for data collection. The dimensions of the SSS-V were Thrill and Adventure Seeking, Disinhibition, Experience Seeking, and Boredom Susceptibility. The ANOVA and MANOVA revealed main effects for gender and gender role orientation. As predicted, men reported higher levels of overall sensation seeking and Disinhibition than women did. Androgynous and masculine groups reported higher levels of overall sensation seeking, Disinhibition and Experience Seeking than the feminine group did. The effect of gender role orientation on Thrill and Adventure Seeking and Boredom Susceptibility was insignificant.  相似文献   

Risk behavior during adolescence results in substantial morbidity and mortality. Sensation seeking consistently relates to engagement in risk behavior, but the psychological mediators of this relationship remain unclear. The current study demonstrates that adolescents’ judgments of the costs versus benefits of risk behavior were a significant mediator of this relationship. Participants were 406 racially and ethnically diverse adolescents ages 12-17 (M = 14.5, SD = 1.7; 48.3% female) who participated in a larger multi-site investigation of personality and neurocognitive predictors of risk behavior. Data were collected via self-report in a single laboratory session. Mediation of the relationship of sensation seeking to risk behavior was tested using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that higher levels of sensation seeking predicted weighing the benefits of risk behavior higher than its costs, which in turn predicted higher levels of risk behavior. Implications of these findings for understanding mechanisms underlying adolescents’ risk behavior and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Until a vaccine against AIDS is developed, the most effective strategy for preventing the spread of the disease among gay men, the largest risk group, is to persuade them to abstain from particular kinds of sexual practices implicated in the transmission of the AIDS virus. Motivation to comply with risk-reduction guidelines, however, is dependent in part on a realistic appraisal of the degree of risk associated with one's sexual practices. Data are presented from 160 asymptomatic gay men. Their subjective assessment of the riskiness of their sexual behavior is compared to an objective assessment of the riskiness of their sexual practices. Factors associated with a tendency to underestimate the riskiness of one's practices are examined. Finally, the implications of the findings for public health education efforts among gay men are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the utility of a social psychological theory, Ajzen and Fishbein's (1980) Theory of Reasoned Action, in explicating attitude-behavior relationships concerning the practice of “safer sex” in a sample of 297 gay men. As the theory predicts, results indicate that a positive attitude toward “safer sex” and a belief that important, influential referents encouraged such behavior covaried with intention to practice sexual behaviors that minimize risk of infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In turn, intention predicted levels of sexual risk-taking and employment of HIV-risk reducing strategies. Results provide support for the theory of reasoned action as a viable model of attitude-behavior relationships in AIDS-related risk reduction behaviors of gay men.  相似文献   

Sexual health risk behaviors, HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) transmission, substance use, stigma, and loneliness among older men who have sex with men are discussed. Implications for interventions are provided, including (a) assessment of health‐related risk behaviors, (b) brief interventions, (c) HIV and STI screening, and (d) relevant developmental and contextual factors.  相似文献   

Gender Roles and Sexual Behavior Among Young Women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lucke JC 《Sex roles》1998,39(3-4):273-297
This study investigates the hypothesis thatnon-traditional gender role attitudes andmasculine gender role traits or datingbehaviors are associated with unsafe sexual behaviorssuch as having a high number of sexual partners, the non-use ofcondoms and the use of alcohol or drugs before or duringintercourse. A self-report survey was completed by 400sexually active Australian women aged between 16 and 24 who attended two metropolitan FamilyPlanning clinics in Queensland, Australia. The findingsshow partial support for the hypothesis. Women with ahigher level of 'masculine' personality traits and egalitarian gender role attitudes were morelikely to have multiple partners and to use alcohol ordrugs with their most recent non-steady partner. Themultivariate relationships between gender roles and sexual behaviors are not as extensive as wouldbe proposed by gender role theory and previousresearch.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking is a trait that predicts a wide range of real-life risk behavior, such as substance abuse and gambling problems. Sensation seeking is often assessed with the Sensation Seeking Scale. Several adaptations of this questionnaire have been made, for example, to abbreviate it and to make it suitable for children. However, studies on sensation seeking in children are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate sensation seeking in children (N = 158, M age = 11.4 years). The Brief Sensation Seeking Scale for Children (BSSS–C) was translated into Dutch and psychometric properties were examined. Internal consistency was high, and the factor structure showed close resemblance with previous research. Test–retest and split-half reliabilities were acceptable, as was convergent validity with self-reported symptoms of psychopathology (attention problems and aggressive behavior). Construct validity was adequate, with more sensation seeking in boys than in girls. No effects of age were found. To sum up, sensation seeking can be measured in children in a valid and reliable way. The correlation of sensation seeking with high-risk behaviors emphasizes the importance of assessment early in development.  相似文献   

IntroductionA French version of the Briefing-Sensation Seeking Scale (B-SSS) (Hoyle et al., 2002) was developed according to a process of double reverse translation.ObjectiveTwo studies were then led to validate the psychometrics properties (validity and the reliability) of this French version of the B-SSS.MethodsIn the first study, 97 participants (14–24 years old) answered the original version (in English) and the translated version (in French). In the second study, 124 participants (14–24 years) answered the French version at two times measurement. Psychometrics analyses brings together reliability indices (Cronbach's alpha and temporal stability) and concurrent validity indices.ResultsFor both studies, Cronbach alphas were used to assess internal consistency, while intraclass coefficients (ICC) demonstrated temporal stability. In the second study, Pearson correlations between the French version and the ImpSS supported concurrent validity. Reliability is acceptable in the first study (α = .601 in, 674; ICC = .550–.895) and satisfactory in the second study (α = .734–.755; ICC = .650–.948). Pearson's correlation of the French version of the B-SSS and the ImpSS varies between .658 and .754.ConclusionPsychometrics properties of the French version of the B-SSS show that this scale can be used to measure sensation seeking with teenagers and for young adults.  相似文献   

Predicting Intentions of AIDS-Preventive Behavior Among Adolescents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim was to predict adolescents' i]ntentions of regular condom use on the basis of an extended version of Ajzen and Fishbein's (1980) theory of reasoned action. Attitude and subjective norm concerning regular condom use were measured along with their antecedent beliefs and evaluations, with fear of AIDS and knowledge about AIDS included as additional variables. A mixed-gender sample comprising both sexually active and sexually inexperienced adolescents was studied. The results strongly support the impact of attitude toward regular condom use as a determinant of a corresponding behavioral intention. Normative pressures failed to predict intentions of regular condom use, as did fear of AIDS and knowledge about AIDS. The findings are discussed with respect to intervention campaigns aimed at promoting condom use among adolescents as an AIDS-preventive measure.  相似文献   

This study examined risk factors of sexual aggression and victimization among homosexual men (N= 310). They completed the Homosexual Experiences Survey to record sexual aggression and victimization and provided information about 2 groups of potential risk factors: childhood abuse and sexual lifestyle (number of partners, age at first intercourse, age at coming out, accepting or paying of money for sex, and rape proclivity). One in 4 respondents reported severe forms of sexual victimization; 17% reported moderate victimization. Prevalence of perpetration of sexual aggression was almost 20% for severe aggression and 9% for moderate aggression. The risk of victimization increased as a function of childhood abuse as well as high number of partners and acceptance of money for sex. The risk of committing sexual aggression was positively related to childhood abuse, acceptance and payment of money for sex, high number of sexual partners, and rape proclivity. The findings are discussed in relation to evidence on heterosexual aggression.  相似文献   


Sensation seeking and lack of inhibition are often discussed as risk factors for hazardous and maladaptive behavior, particularly during the transition into adulthood. However, some degree and types of novelty-seeking and exploration may also be adaptive and conducive to psychological well-being. The current study examines associations between sensation seeking, impulsivity, and well-being in a large US adult sample (n = 1399, mean age = 36.2 years, range: 18–78). As conceptualized by the UPPS-P model (Whiteside and Lynam, Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669-689, 2001), sensation seeking (pursuit of stimulation) was distinguished from other forms of impulsivity (lack of inhibition) by having a positive association with psychological well-being, eudaimonic well-being, and mental health status. Those positive relations were stronger for younger adults compared to older adults. Negative urgency, lack of perseverance, lack of premeditation, and positive urgency all held either negative or null associations with well-being. Findings indicate that sensation seeking has positive associations with psychological and eudaimonic well-being, in contrast to other elements of impulsivity, and particularly among younger adults.


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