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Uno  Kohei  Adachi  Kohei  Trendafilov  Nickolay T. 《Psychometrika》2019,84(4):1048-1067
Psychometrika - The factor analysis (FA) model does not permit unique estimation of the common and unique factor scores. This weakness is notorious as the factor indeterminacy in FA. Luckily, some...  相似文献   

Abstract— Although sexual desire and romantic love are often experienced in concert, they are fundamentally distinct subjective experiences with distinct neurobiological substrates. The basis for these distinctions is the evolutionary origin of each type of experience. The processes underlying sexual desire evolved in the context of sexual mating, whereas the processes underlying romantic love—or pair bonding—originally evolved in the context of infant-caregiver attachment. Consequently, not only can humans experience these feelings separately, but an individual's sexual predisposition for the same sex, the other sex, or both sexes may not circumscribe his or her capacity to fall in love with partners of either gender. Also, the role of oxytocin in both love and desire may contribute to the widely observed phenomenon that women report experiencing greater interconnections between love and desire than do men. Because most research on the neurobiological substrates of sexual desire and affectional bonding has been conducted with animals, a key priority for future research is systematic investigation of the coordinated biological, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional processes that shape experiences of love and desire in humans.  相似文献   

Connections between graphical Gaussian models and classical single-factor models are obtained by parameterizing the single-factor model as a graphical Gaussian model. Models are represented by independence graphs, and associations between each manifest variable and the latent factor are measured by factor partial correlations. Power calculations for the single-factor graphical Gaussian model are facilitated by expressing the manifest partial correlations as functions of the factor partial correlations. The power of selecting a graphical Gaussian model with an association structure between manifest variables compatible with a single-factor model is investigated. The results are illustrated using 2 examples: the 1st is a hypothetical factor model with parallel measures. The 2nd uses data from the British Household Panel Survey on job satisfaction.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, the authors provide support for the validity of the claim that differences in the nature of the reinforcement that adolescent girls expect from eating contribute to the development of different forms of maladaptive eating. The learned expectancy that eating is pleasurable and rewarding predicted higher levels of social/celebratory overeating across the first year of middle school but did not predict higher levels of clinical binge eating. In contrast, the expectancy that eating helps one manage negative affect predicted higher levels of binge eating but not of social/celebratory overeating across the same time period (n = 394). The results also supported a reciprocal model in which binge eating predicted higher levels of the expectancy that eating will manage negative affect but not that eating is pleasurable and rewarding; conversely, social/celebratory overeating predicted higher levels of the expectancy that eating is pleasurable and rewarding but not that eating will manage negative affect.  相似文献   

Criticism and hostility from others are related to fluctuations in symptom severity across many disorders, including depression and anxiety. Objective coding systems typically allow for distinctions between criticism and hostility, but the primary self-report measure of perceptions of criticism (the Perceived Criticism Measure) contains no such distinction. This report presents results from two samples regarding the assessment of specific perceptions of hostile and nonhostile criticism. In addition to these specific perceptions, we assessed relationship satisfaction, perceptions of overall criticism, and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Perceptions of hostile criticism were similar to ratings of overall criticism, as indicated by a positive correlation between these two and similar correlations with related variables. In contrast, perceptions of nonhostile criticism demonstrated more complex patterns of associations, showing a positive correlation with relationship satisfaction, a negative correlation with perceptions of hostile criticism, and a positive association with general perceptions of criticism only in the context of low depressive symptoms (as depressive symptoms increased, this association became significantly weaker). These results suggest that respondents do distinguish between perceptions of hostile and nonhostile criticism, and these perceptions are not simply different points on the same continuum. Moreover, they suggest that individuals with higher levels of depression may be less likely to incorporate nonhostile criticism into their overall perceptions of criticism from others.  相似文献   

Famously, scientific theories are underdetermined by their evidence. This occurs in the factor analytic model (FA), which is often used to connect concrete data (e.g. test scores) to hypothetical notions (e.g. intelligence). After introducing FA, three general topics are addressed. (i) Underdetermination: the precise reasons why FA is underdetermined illuminates various claims about underdetermination, abduction, and theoretical terms. (ii) Uncertainties: FA helps distinguish at least four kinds of uncertainties. The prevailing practice, often encoded in statistical software, is to ignore the most difficult kinds, which are essential to FA's underdetermination. (iii) What to do: some suggestions for dealing with these hardest types of uncertainty are offered.  相似文献   

The currently developing fields of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology bring about a convergence of information technology and cognitive science. Smart environments that are able to respond intelligently to what we do and that even aim to influence our behaviour challenge the basic frameworks we commonly use for understanding the relations and role divisions between human beings and technological artifacts. After discussing the promises and threats of these technologies, this article develops alternative conceptions of agency, freedom, and responsibility that make it possible to better understand and assess the social roles of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology. The central claim of the article is that these new technologies urge us to blur the boundaries between humans and technologies also at the level of our conceptual and moral frameworks.  相似文献   

Worry and risk perception were integrated into the theory of planned behavior (TPB) within health and non-health domains (flossing and academic coursework, respectively). Models were estimated and replicated in 2 undergraduate samples ( n s = 191 and 309), with effects of worry and risk on intentions expected to occur primarily through attitudes. Past behavior was modeled through effects on all TPB constructs and through interactions with worry and risk. Worry positively predicted intentions and attitudes (and norms in the non-health domain) for those at the lowest levels of prior behavior. Risk perceptions negatively predicted intentions and self-efficacy (and attitudes in the health context) also for those at low levels of prior behavior. Implications for further theory development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of a sample of university counselors relative to social, cultural, and psychological barriers to achievement among gifted Black and gifted White students. Ninety-three counselors at institutions of higher education throughout the nation participated in the study by responding to a mailed survey questionnaire. Comparisons were made relative to counselors' demographic variables (ethnicity, gender, multicultural training, and geographic locale). The results indicate that the university counselors sampled disagreed with or were undecided about the special dilemmas confronting gifted learners. Moreover, most counselors perceived that gifted Black and gifted White students experience social, cultural, and psychological problems in the same way. The study concludes with recommendations for university counselors working with gifted students in general and gifted Black students in particular  相似文献   

This essay is intended as a companion‐piece to my article, “Reality in Common Sense: Reflections on Realism and Anti‐Realism from a ‘Common Sense Naturalist’ Perspective.” (Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 25, No. 4 (October 2002). It explores the epistemological dimension of the Common Sense Naturalism that I developed in that earlier, predominantly metaphysical essay; a position that combines the views of David Hume, Thomas Reid, and the Wittgenstein of On Certainty. My ultimate aim is to produce a comprehensive philosophy of common sense, one that with future installments, will come to include an ethical and social‐political philosophy as well. “Between Reason and Common Sense” offers a common sense naturalist reply to the skeptic. My basic argument is that the skeptic makes a Rylean category mistake, when he applies the concept of warrant to epistemologically basic beliefs, such as the belief in the external world or in the continued and distinct existence of bodies. He misidentifies these beliefs as being ordinary, when they are really a part of the framework that make the practices of believing and justifying possible. As a result, they are not themselves open to confirmation or disconfirmation. I also try to characterize the nature of the necessity carried by framework beliefs, in a way that avoids the charge that the common sense naturalist is simply a closet foundationalist.  相似文献   

探索性因素分析——最近10年的评述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的:(1)介绍国外心理统计学界对探索性因素分析中几个重大问题的基本观点;(2)系统地评述过去10年里(1991~2000年)我国心理学研究对这一技术的使用情况;(3)强调运用这一技术时值得注意的一些事项,以期这一技术对我国心理学研究发挥更大的作用。方法:作检索了《心理学报》和《心理科学》在1991~2000年间与探索性因素分析有关的章,对其中以探索性因素分析为主要研究方法的重点章(feature article)进行了编码,统计了频数及百分比分布。结果:我国心理学研究在积极使用探索性因素分析这一先进统计技术时还存在一些问题,主要表现在:(1)在确定因素个数时,倾向于机械地依靠桌个单一方法来作决定,(2)大量使用正交旋转,(3)过于依赖SPSS,(4)对因素分析过程中的重要信息/结果报告不够。结论:探索性因素分析在过去十年得到了广泛的应用,如能吸收国外同行的一些观点,探索性因素分析这一技术在我国心理学研究中必将获得更广泛有效的应用。  相似文献   

The rising use of social media, for both clinical and nonclinical purposes, obviates the need for policy to more explicitly guide physicians, and their behaviors, in this new digital environment.The current report from the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) addresses a number of these issues, specifically the nature of interaction and representation between physicians and patients. However, given the nature of the focus of this report-the nonclinical use of the internet and social media-there are a number of issues that deserve attention, in particular encouraging education and addressing how to approach relationships among medical professionals of varying levels of training.  相似文献   

Gait data are typically collected in multivariate form, so some multivariate analysis is often used to understand interrelationships between observed data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a data reduction technique for correlated multivariate data, has been widely applied by gait analysts to investigate patterns of association in gait waveform data (e.g., interrelationships between joint angle waveforms from different subjects and/or joints). Despite its widespread use in gait analysis, PCA is for two-mode data, whereas gait data are often collected in higher-mode form. In this paper, we present the benefits of analyzing gait data via Parallel Factor Analysis (Parafac), which is a component analysis model designed for three- or higher-mode data. Using three-mode joint angle waveform data (subjects×time×joints), we demonstrate Parafac's ability to (a) determine interpretable components revealing the primary interrelationships between lower-limb joints in healthy gait and (b) identify interpretable components revealing the fundamental differences between normal and perturbed subjects' gait patterns across multiple joints. Our results offer evidence of the complex interconnections that exist between lower-limb joints and limb segments in both normal and abnormal gaits, confirming the need for the simultaneous analysis of multi-joint gait waveform data (especially when studying perturbed gait patterns).  相似文献   

The Sociopolitical Control Scale (SPCS) is a widely used measure of the intrapersonal component of psychological empowerment. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were conducted with data from two samples to test the hypothesized structure of the SPCS, the potential effects of method bias on the measure’s psychometric properties, and whether a revised version of the scale (SPCS-R) yielded improved model fit. Sample 1 included 316 randomly selected community residents of the Midwestern United States. Sample 2 included 750 community residents of the Northeastern U.S. Results indicated that method bias from the use of negatively worded items had a significant effect on the factor structure of the SPCS. CFA of the SPCS-R, in which negatively worded items were rephrased so that all statements were positively worded, supported the measure’s hypothesized two-factor structure (i.e., leadership competence and policy control). Subscales of the SPCS-R were found reliable and related in expected ways with measures of community involvement. Implications of the study for empowerment-based research and practice are described, and strategies to further develop the SPCS are discussed.  相似文献   

Mindfulness is proposed as a core psychotherapy process. It is defined as a state of psychological freedom that occurs when attention remains quiet and limber, without attachment to any particular point of view. It can be shown that this process is collaborativefy employed by psychotherapist and patient within all psychotherapy orientations, and also by the integrative psychotherapist when making optimal choices among orientations. This article addresses (1) the defining attributes of mindfulness, (2) relevant conceptual approaches that lend theoretical support for a mindfulness factor, (3) two attentional forms of mindfulness that seem to have particular correspondence with either psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral therapy, (4) clinical applications, and (5) the role of mindfulness for the integrative decision-making process.  相似文献   

Four traditions in research on personality and culture are distinguished: (i) the culture-and-personality school and recent relativistic perspectives, (ii) the trait approach, (iii) interactionistic orientations, and (iv) situationist approaches. Next, the first two of these traditions are evaluated to ascertain how much variance is explained by culture. Thereafter, it is argued that the (questionable) focus on explanations with a high level of inclusiveness or generality is a major reason for the near absence of situationist interpretation of cross-cultural differences. Finally, three possible strategies are discussed to bridge the gap between relativism (emphasizing differences) and universalism (assuming basic similarities). A suggestion is made as to how both approaches can be valuable when unexplainable, as well as explainable variances, in cross-cultural personality research are taken seriously.  相似文献   

How are general relations of law and morality typically conceived in an environment of Anglo-saxon common law? This paper considers some classical common law methods and traditions as these have confronted and been overlaid with modern ideas of legal positivism. While classical common law treated a community and its morality as the cultural foundation of law, legal positivism's analytical separation of law and morals, allied with liberal approaches to legal regulation, have made the relationship of legal and moral principles more complex and contested. Using ideas from Durkheim's and Weber's sociology, I argue that the traditional common law emphasis on an inductive, empirical treatment of moral practices has continuing merit, but in contemporary conditions the vague idea of community embedded in classical common law thought must be replaced with a much more precise conceptualisation of coexisting communities, whose moral bonds are diverse and require a corresponding diversity of forms of legal recognition or protection.  相似文献   

Most academics agree that emotions and moods are related but distinct phenomena. The present study assessed emotion-mood distinctions among a non-academic population and compared these views with distinctions proposed in the literature. Content analysis of responses from 106 participants identified 16 themes, with cause (65% of respondents), duration (40%), control (25%), experience (15%), and consequences (14%) the most frequently cited distinctions. Among 65 contributions to the academic literature, eight themes were proposed, with duration (62% of authors), intentionality (41%), cause (31percnt;), consequences (31%), and function (18%) the most frequently cited. When the eight themes cited by both academics and non-academics were rank ordered, approximately 60% overlap in opinion was evident. A data-derived summary of emotion-mood distinctions is provided. These data should prove useful to investigators interested in developing a clearer scientific distinction between emotion and mood than is currently available.  相似文献   

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