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Results are presented for suitability screening conducted by the United States Air Force during basic military training. The Lackland Behavioral Questionnaire has been used operationally since 2007, and its use has led to an increase in predictive validity. For the prediction of outcomes during the first 4 years of service, one can identify trainees with a 49% likelihood of being separated for unsuitability and a 56% likelihood of being diagnosed with a mental disorder. A formal suitability screening program allows referrals and recommendations to be made using a combination of empirical evidence and clinical judgment.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):235-240
This study evaluated the validity of a compensatory tracking task for pre- dicting success in naval flight training. Its purpose was to determine if psychomotor test scores would add unique variance to the current aviation selection model. Aviation candidates (N = 187) admitted on the basis of current selection test scores were administered a 20-min computer-based tracking task before beginning flight training. Performance on the task was compared with flight training outcomes as measured by passlfailure and cu- mulative flight grade. The results indicated that the tracking task scores differentiated candidates who completed training from those who failed. Multiple regression analyses confirmed that the tracking task scores added unique variance to the current selection model.  相似文献   

A 60-hour course to train community-health professionals in the basic skills of counselling families of children with disabilities was evaluated. Three groups of diverse professionals (25 females and 1 male in all) were trained. The overall approach followed the didactic-experiential programme of Truax and Carkhuff (1967). Teaching methods included discussion, role-play, and feedback. Hypothesised changes occurred in trainees as a result of the course in contrast with a non-training waiting period. There were significant improvements in theoretical knowledge, self-perceptions of counselling ability and counselling behaviour. Evidence from a sub-group of the sample indicated that changes were maintained for up to nine months afterwards. The validity of the results is further supported by a separate study demonstrating benefits in families with whom the trainees subsequently worked. It is concluded that such courses are cost-effective in enhancing the professional skills of health-care workers.  相似文献   

Screening for psychopathology is desirable in many settings where routine administration of full assessment batteries is not practical or cost efficient. The Personality Assessment Screener (PAS) is a 22-item self-report subset of Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) items that was designed to screen for respondents who would be likely to achieve a clinically significant PAI profile. In this study, the PAS demonstrated classification rates in a sample of veterans referred for psychological evaluations that were similar to those described in initial validation studies. In addition, the three-item Negative Affect element of the PAS demonstrated impressive reliability and sensitivity given its brevity. These results support the use of the PAS as a screening tool to indicate clinically significant PAI profiles among veterans.  相似文献   

The clinical question—“Which treatment(s) for which patients with what set of subgrouping characteristics working by what mechanism(s)?”—rests at the heart of differential therapeutics. Experimentally, this question reduces to a test of how well we can predict the outcome of treatment using the treatment conditions plus other moderating and mediating variables. Reflecting the discussions held at a recent National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) conference on psychosocial treatments, and using pediatric anxiety disorders as a case in point, we discuss the problem of prediction in treatment outcome studies from the standpoint of definition of terms, using the general linear model of prediction. We also outline types of studies that may be useful in testing potential predictors, and put forward a possible matrix of predictor variables as currently implemented in an NIMH-funded treatment outcome study of pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We conclude by making specific suggestions for implementing a broader approach to the study of predictors.  相似文献   

U.S. Air Force noncommissioned officers assigned to basic military training instructor (MTI) duty completed measures of attitudes previously linked to sexual harassment and sexual assault in the research literature: (a) attitudes of antipathy toward women (hostile sexism, Glick &; Fiske, 1996 Glick, P., &; Fiske, S. T. (1996). The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 491512. 10.1037/0022-3514.70.3.491[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and (b) attitudes favoring authoritarian use of power. Concurrent validation against trainee evaluations of MTIs on broader criteria showed that proauthoritarian attitudes were negatively associated with ratings of MTI effectiveness in mentoring and leadership; additionally, MTIs with stronger attitudes of hostile sexism were more likely reported as engaging in maltreatment of female trainees. These initial results contribute to ongoing understanding of individual differences as relevant to improve screening for a position of authority over the lowest ranking, and potentially most vulnerable military members. Directions for future research and implications for personnel selection and broader cultural changes are discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative research study, interviewing 25 cancer survivors regarding their personal constructs of coping and adjustment of having cancer in remission. Two themes emerged from the data. One was that participants spoke of desires to engage each day with a carpe diem attitude. They shared numerous accounts of how life’s brevity became an experienced reality for them, and they wished to capitalize on what life offered daily. Second, the cancer survivors related deliberate alterations of their daily habits. Health became a more paramount concern for these individuals; and eating habits, sun exposure, exercise, and other similar measures were infused into new daily routines. We relate the findings to the broader psychological literature regarding coping, handling anxiety, and integrating physical and psychological health.  相似文献   

Set within B. J. Zimmerman’s (1989 Zimmerman, B. J. (1989). A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 329339.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning, Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 81, pp. 329–339; and B. J. Zimmerman, 2000 Zimmerman, B. J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation: A social–cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, &; M. Seidner (Eds.), Self-regulation: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 1339). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], Attaining self-regulation: A social-cognitive perspective, in M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, &; M. Seidner, Eds., Self-Regulation: Theory, Research, and Applications, pp. 13–39, Orlando, Florida, Academic Press) cyclical model of self-regulation and social–cognitive theory, this study tested the hypothesis that multi-modal psychological skills training (PST) would increase self-regulation behavior, self-efficacy, and psychological skill use in military pilot-trainees experiencing course-related learning difficulties. From pre- to post-intervention, findings showed that specific self-regulation behavior increased linearly. Likewise, significant increases in self-efficacy and psychological skill use occurred, along with concomitant reductions in anxiety and worry. Changes were generally retained at 2-month follow-up. PST highlights potential in modifying pilot-trainee cognitive and behavioral strategies to underpin learning, improve individual/cohort responsiveness, and importantly, cost effectiveness in training provision.  相似文献   

Although considerable meta‐analytic research has validated the use of cognitive ability tests, structured interviews, and personality tests with training and job performance criteria, few studies have investigated the validity of these measures with transit operators. There are the only two single studies of concurrent validation research specifically with transit operators. This article presents the results of a predictive validation study conducted with transit operator applicants for a large urban transit authority in Canada. Key knowledge, skills, and abilities were determined for the role and used as a basis for the design and choice of predictors and criteria. Four predictors were used in the study: education, cognitive ability, personality assessment, and structured interview. Criteria included training performance (formative and summative), probationary performance, preventable accidents, and lost time injuries. Validation results supported cognitive ability, structured interview, and several personality factors as predictors of training performance, but less so for job performance. The use of formative training ratings greatly augmented the evidence supporting the predictors beyond typical organizational criteria.  相似文献   

Cultural Psychology: Implications for Basic Psychological Theory   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A theoretical argument for the importance of culture in psychological explanation is offered. It is maintained that the view that culture is integral to psychological theory rests on a meaning-based view of culture and on the recognition that culture is necessary in individual psychological development. Research on cognition and on the self is discussed briefly to illustrate ways in which work in cultural psychology is contributing to basic psychological theory. In future research, greater attention needs to be given to developing more sensitive understandings of culture and to incorporating these understandings in the constructs and methods of the discipline. In conclusion, cultural psychology is shown to represent a perspective to bring to bear in all types of psychological inquiry. While building on existing work in the field, cultural psychology offers an alternative vision that underscores respects in which psychological development represents an open, culturally mediated process.  相似文献   

The prevalence of problematic Internet use (PIU) is reportedly higher in South East Asian adolescent populations. The exacerbation of problematic adolescent behaviors has been found to associate significantly with PIU and is expected to worsen with age. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-integrated therapy has been shown to significantly reduce in the presence of psychological symptoms such as depression and social anxiety. The Psychological Intervention Program-Internet Use for Youth (PIP-IU-Y) is a CBT-based program designed for adolescents and comprises of a series of interpersonal skills to improve their face-to-face interaction. It focuses on taking preventative measures against Internet addiction before it develops by addressing the participant’s PIU as a negative coping style and incorporating positive psychological techniques. A total of 157 participants between the ages of 13 and 18 completed the program which consisted of eight weekly, 90 min sessions in a group format. Treatment outcomes were measured using mean change at the end of the program and 1 month post-treatment. The majority of the participants showed improvement after the eight weekly sessions of PIP-IU-Y and continued symptom maintenance at the 1 month follow-up. An overwhelming majority of participants were able to manage PIU symptoms after the intervention program, reinforcing the efficacy of the PIP-IU-Y. Not only did it addresses the PIU behaviour but also helped in reducing social anxiety and increasing social interaction. Further research could investigate treatment differences among the various subtypes of PIU (e.g., online gaming and pornography) in order to see if treatment differences exist.  相似文献   

讨论了目前国际上通常采用的军官选拔方法:个人档案、纸笔测验、评价中心、结构式评估;探讨了这些方法的发展、效用和有效性;比较了它们之间的长处和不足,以及这些技术的发展前景;最后本文探讨了各国军官心理选拔方法和特点  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(1):73-87
Job requirements for Navy electronic technicians include extensive knowledge of basic electricity and electronics (BE/E) fundamentals. Historically the BE/E material has proved difficult for trainees to learn and has resulted in high setback and attrition rates. This study evaluates alternative computer-based instructional strategies for teaching complex technical content with 4 instructional conditions: computer-based drill and practice (CBDP), enhanced computer-based instruction (ECBI), a computer-based adventure game (GAME), and the existing classroom instruction (CI). We evaluated trainees on completion of the instruction with a schoolhouse comprehensive test, a specially designed cognitive skills test, and a motivation questionnaire. In addition, we recorded and analyzed the time participants took to complete the instruction. In general, the CBDP and ECBI groups outperformed the CI and GAME groups on all measures. The GAME condition performed no better than the CI condition. When differences existed between the ECBI and CBDP groups, the ECBI group performed better.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight male undergraduates with ROTC training and 98 male undergraduates without ROTC training were compared in order to explore possible effects of education in aggressive expression and control. Utilized were inventories of aggression and guilt in addition to measures of aggressive mood, projection of aggression, and identification of aggressive percepts. Also assessed were changes following the presentation of a film intended to arouse justified anger. Several differences, not consistent in direction, were found between the groups on different measures, suggesting specificity of effects of training as well as distinctiveness of aspects of measured “aggression.”  相似文献   

As a result of the continuing Federal-State cooperative test research program in the Employment Service, aptitude test batteries for a large number of specific occupations have been developed. These test batteries are in daily use by Employment Service counselors of candidates for training programs established under the Manpower Development and Training Act (MDTA) of 1962. To what extent are these test batteries predictive of success of enrollees in MDTA courses? This article summarizes the available evidence on this question, based on data for 875 MDTA trainees in 12 courses. In 10 of the 12 samples the operational test norms showed significant cross validity.  相似文献   

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